Frederick Dan Beeman was born on January 1, 1821 in Warren, Connecticut. He was a graduate of Yale in 1842. He studied law with G. H. Hollister, Esq., in Litchfield and was admitted to the bar in 1846. Thenceforward he resided in Litchfield, in the practice of his profession. In 1852 he was appointed Clerk of the Courts in Litchfield County, having been assistant Clerk of the same for seven years previous.

Frederick married Miss Maria Hall Brisbaine of Charleston, SC on July 15, 1851. He died on August 4, 1860.

Story source:
Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale College (1861) p. 39

Image source:
Kilbourn, Dwight C. “The Bench and Bar of Litchfield County, Connecticut 1709-1909” (Litchfield, Conn.: Dwight C. Kilbourn, 1909) p. 138 b