W.B. Gary M. Sandler
Bro Brad Agar: Hello W.B. Gary, thank you for taking time to meet with me today to learn more about you.
W.B. Gary: Hello Brad. Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me to allow me to tell my fellow brothers a little bit about me!
Bro Brad Agar: My pleasure W.M.! For starters, what attracted you to Freemasonry and why did you join the fraternity?
W.B. Gary: Well, to be honest, I didn’t really know what Masonry was for most of my life. Even as an adult, I was unfamiliar with Freemasons altogether. I have on the other hand always been into music, more specifically rock or metal. I was a fan of a band from New Haven whose logo was very similar to the G logo of the Freemasons, unbeknownst to me at the time. I was such a fan of this band and what they stood for that I emblazoned their logo, albeit somewhat modified, onto my right palm. As time passed, I began to learn more about Freemasonry in watching YouTube, and hearing about many a great men who were members. It was very intriguing to me, perhaps in a conspiratorial way at first, though I was always skeptical about what I heard or saw on YouTube. To make a long and rather strange story short, years later I was at a local pub with a friend and W.B. Gary Escedi came in with his tuxedo after a degree and a masonic pin on the lapel. He was instantly drawn to conversation with me and in so doing, I asked him about his pin and some questions about the fraternity, to which he graciously invited me to a meeting. I knew right then and there that this was more than just a coincidence and that I should not pass up what could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. So, I followed up and started attending meetings. I felt an instant connection with many of the brothers and felt inside that there was just something special there. And so here I am today! I hope that answers your question.
Bro Brad Agar: That’s pretty cool W.M. Thank you. What are some things that you like about Masonry since you’ve joined the order?
W.B. Gary: Well, I like the brotherhood mostly. I lost my father at the fairly young age of 15. I have 2 sisters and my mother who all survived him with me and are very close, but I lost that father figure and have no biological brothers. Sure, I have friends, who I consider brothers, but they have their families and it’s hard to have steady interaction and relations with them, though we do try. I love knowing that I can count on my Masonic brothers should the need arise. Conversely, I feel good knowing that they know that they can count on me. That is by far my favorite aspect of Masonry. I also like that there is a certain dignity to Masonry that I haven’t experienced elsewhere. Yes, it is hard work, but it is also very rewarding. I am a part of something special… This was something that was missing in my life and a large part of what attracted me to Freemasonry.
In addition to the brotherhood that is such as strong component of Freemasonry, I also love being part of a network that actively and regularly gives back to the community. I think that we all should participate in some kind of service to our fellow man during our lives as things could always be worse and one never knows when they too might be in need of service. Quite simply, it feels good to do charitable work whenever possible and it really helps people in need.
Bro Brad Agar: That being said, what, if anything, would you want to change?
W.B. Gary: Wow these are some tough questions you are firing at me brother Agar. And what’s with this spotlight overhead? In all seriousness, although I am Master at this time, I still do not feel qualified to issue proper judgement on suggestions for change to an order which as persisted for hundreds of years so successfully. But if you mean on sort of a micro level, I suppose I would like to see a more efficient means by which brothers who violate the trust of the brotherhood could be removed so that harmony could be restored with minimal damage. But again, there are reasons for everything, many of which are beyond my scope of experience.
Bro Brad Agar: Understandable Worshipful. So, what do you like to do for fun, or when you’re not working or at a Masonic event?
W.B. Gary: Ah, thanks for the levity. I really enjoy music. I am currently playing bass guitar for two local rock bands. I am new to the bass, so I still have so much to learn, but I enjoy making music, probably more than anything else. I love to socialize and meet people. I love to laugh and make people laugh. I like to work hard, but also play hard. The truth is I am an introvert by nature… not sure if that has anything to do with it.
Bro Brad Agar: What are some of your other favorite things to do, such as what are your favorite foods?
W.B. Gary: I enjoy being creative in any way possible, such as writing music, video editing, watching movies. My favorite show is The Office. I also enjoyed Breaking Bad and Lost. (Remember LOST?) I love most foods! I’m surprised I’m not as fat as a house. Knock on wood. I love Chinese, Japanese, Seafood, Italian, American, you name it. One of my favorite meals is sushi accompanied by sake. I am also a bit of a sucker for buffalo wings. But I try to minimize unhealthy eating when possible.
Bro Brad Agar: Do you have any advice for someone who has recently joined the Masons, or who is considering joining?
W.B. Gary: Yes, actually I do. There is a lot of mystery surrounding Masonry. Don’t let that deter you. Rather find out for yourself. You can come to meet the brothers for a good amount of time before committing, so you can take your time and get comfortable, as we all want to get to know you equally as well. Ask questions. Express concerns. Communicate. That is truly the secret behind the success of all relationships.
Bro Brad Agar: That you very much W.M. I really appreciate your time.
W.B. Gary: My pleasure Brad. I look forward to when the roles are reversed, and I get to ask the questions.