Volume 95 Number 6 JUNE 2018
Annawon Lodge #115 A.F.& A.M.
Post Office Box 168
West Haven CT 06516-0168
Greetings Brethren,
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you that attended and participated in last month’s Ladies Night Dinner at the Lodge. It was good seeing all of the wives, girlfriends and daughters joining us for a lovely meal. Thank you also to Junior Warden Kyle Podpolucha for arranging the dinner. Several brothers and families participated in Lodge clean-up day last month. THANK YOU!!!
Our June 11th and 25th Stated Communication will be business meetings with programs to be determined. We have received a special dispensation from District Deputy Jason Morse to have our Master Mason Degree on the evening of Friday, June 22nd. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm with the degree beginning at 7:30. Suggested donation for dinner is $10.00.
On Sunday, June 24th, we will be celebrating St. John’s Day at the 9:00 mass at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit, 28 Church Street in West Haven. Brothers are asked to wear black suits or tuxedos with appropriate black ties. Officers, white gloves. We will meet in front of the Church at 8:40am to properly prepare to march in. I am inviting our Eastern Star Sisters and the New Haven Knight Templar to participate with us. Annawon Lodge will host a reception following the liturgy.
Pending the approval of the District Deputy, we will have an Entered Apprentice Degree during a special Stated Communication on Monday, July 9th. Dinner will be at 6:30 and the degree at 7:30. Suggested donation for dinner is $10.00. Other summer activities will be communicated to you through the “Call-Them-All” telephone system and email.
Steven R. Mullins
Golden Rod Chapter #34, O.E.S.
Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
June will be a busy month for our Chapter. At our Stated Meeting on June 7th we will be finalizing our plans for our Annual Supper to be held on June 24th at 4:00PM. There will be a sign-up sheet for what dishes you will be bringing. Also, Sister Mary Jane will be running the raffle for the dinner. Please bring your donations to the meeting or the supper. Dinner reservations may be made with our Secretary, Sister Carol, Associate Patron Brother Stu, or me. The deadline for reservations is June 19th.
Our first meeting of the fall on September 7th will be the visitation of our Worthy Grand Matron and her suite of officers for our official Inspection. Remember – white gowns and tuxedos for the officers.
May you have a wonderful summer!
Worthy Matron – Jane Thomson, PM
Worthy Patron – William K. Barr, PGP
“Kindness when given always keeps coming back!”
Our officers were installed at our April meeting. I want to thank Companion Earl Korngiebel of Pulaski Chapter #26 for being the Installing Officer. Several of our companions attended Pulaski Chapter’s Mark Master degree on April 25 and their Past Master’s degree on May 23. Please join us at our next meeting on June 14.
The annual Communication of The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons will be Saturday June 2 beginning at 8:30am. At the Four Points Sheraton in Meriden. The banquet is the night before at 6pm. All companions are welcome to join me in attending.
John Ryan
Thank you to all that attended our Beef & Beer Fest Friday May 4th. We had a good turn out of 45 for our slow-cooked fundraiser. Since there was alcohol and it was a public event we had to get a liquor permit and liquor liability insurance which added $200 to the start-up cost of the event. Despite the added cost of holding our event by-the-book we made a good profit which will go in the coffers of the Fellow Craft Club for our charitable work in the City of West Haven.
Sunday June 3 is our Souper Duckpin Bowling Tournament from 1-4pm at Woodlawn Duckpin Lanes to benefit Project Hope, our own West Haven Soup Kitchen. Join us as we “Spare” some time for charity and have FUN!!! Team up with your friends and family to bowl. 5 bowlers per team. 12 total teams will round out the tournament. Bowlers can get sponsors to donate based on their score. Bowl a game, have Pizza and Soda and play another game. All for $20. If you want to participate but do not bowl you can sponsor a bowler! Contact Dennis or myself to enter. This is one of those events that seems like too much fun to be charitable!!
This year’s Bike Night is Monday July 16 from 6-9pm. There will be music, raffle prizes, 50/50 and more. We ask the bikers for a suggested donation of $10. We will have a table set up with information on our charitable work and the CHIP trailer. As always we are looking for volunteers to help and also provide an Annawon presence. Volunteers will get a food discount.
Our summer picnic will be Sunday August 12 from noon until 5:00pm at Painter Park. Details forthcoming. Please mark these dates in your calendar. As always, your participation is the key that unlocks the fun!!!
Frank Mangiero, P.M.
Fellowcraft Club President
Greetings all,
Thank you to the following brothers and their families for showing up at the lodge clean up day: Mark Homburg and his family, Rich Biela, Kyle, Frank Mangiero, Frank Andruilli, Jim Jennette, Jonathan Belmont , Anthony King and Bill Barr. Everyone worked hard and got the parking lot cleaned up and the trees trimmed. Afterward, we enjoyed left over beef and beer from Friday’s beef and beer. And, a special thanks to Jonathan Belmont who came down Monday before the clean up to start the clean up. Jim Jennette our 2018 Mason of the Year got rid of the old fridge and I got 2 wire shelves to place our supplies in the kitchen on. We are looking into wall cabinets for the kitchen and new chairs for dining hall
Thanks to all those who came out to our Annual Meeting. Those who were there know that we are faced with a major problem with our building. The roof is leaking again and there are no more band-aids to be placed on it. As there are three roofs at present on our roof, it must be stripped down to the deck before a new one is installed. We presently have quotes from 75K up to 95 K that we have from last year. I have appointed a committee of Brothers to go out and seek new quotes and bring back a recommendation to the TBA. The major issue will be funding this expense. We will most likely have to look into some sort of loan from one of the local banks.
We will begin visitations to other Chapters, especially local ones, so that we can join in on their fun activities. Milford Chapter meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. New Haven Chapter meets on the 1st & 3rd Mondays. Our friends in Sleeping Giant Chapter meet on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays. Call Dad Ryan if you would like to go on any of these visitations.
A major Prospect Party is in the planning stage. More information will follow when the plans are finalized. We will need EVERYONE’S help when the time comes. In the meantime, we would appreciate a list of names of possible prospects. Go beyond your circle of friends: Cousins, neighbors, church members, brothers of co-workers, sons and nephews and neighbors of your parents’ co-workers. Anyone who is in the 12-16 year old range.
There are two big State events this summer: Conclave is July 13-15. Lake Compounce Day is Sunday, July 22.
Dad Ryan