LEWIS Jewel Background and History

A LEWIS is a simple, but ingenious device employed by operative Masons to raise heavy blocks of stone into place. It consists of three metal parts: two wedge-shaped sidepieces, and a straight centerpiece, that fit together (tenon).

A dovetailed recess is cut into the top of the stone block (mortise). The two outer pieces are inserted first and then spread by the insertion of the centerpiece. The three parts are then bolted together, a metal ring or shackle is attached and the block is hoisted by hook, rope and pulley. By this means, the block is gripped securely.

Once set in its place in the structure, the lewis is removed leaving the upper surface smooth with no clamp or chains on the outside to interfere with the laying of the next course of stones.

Our ancient operative brethren used this tool as early as the Roman era. Stones with the mortised cavity for the insertion of a lewis have been found in England in Hadrian’s Wall built c. 121-127 CE. Archaeologists have found further evidence of its use by the Saxons in England in buildings constructed in the 7th century. The origin of the term ‘lewis’ for this device is uncertain. Some authorities trace its etymology to the French levis from lever – to lift, hoist, raise; and louve – a sling, grip or claw for lifting stones.

Masonic historians conclude that the term came into use in the 18th century. The Lecture in the Second Degree published by William Preston in the 1780s contains a lengthy discourse on the Lewis.

WM: Brother J.W., How were the sons of craftsmen named? JW: To the son on whom these honors were bequeathed, the appellation of Lewis was given, that from henceforth he might be entitled to all the privileges which that honor conferred, W. Sir.

There are many references to the Lewis in early Masonic Catechisms. The Wilkinson MS Catechism (c 1730 / 1740) states the following:

Q. What’s a Mason’s Sons Name? A. Lewis

A paragraph in a version of the Junior Warden’s Lecture used in the United Grand Lodge of England dating from 1801 gives this instructive explanation: “The word Lewis denotes strength, and is here depicted by certain pieces of metal dovetailed into a stone, which forms a cramp, and enables the operative Mason to raise great weights to certain heights with little encumbrance, and to fix them in their proper places. Lewis, likewise denotes the son of a Mason; his duty is to bear the heat and burden of the day, from which his parents, by reason of their age, ought to be exempt; to help them in time of need, and thereby render the close of their days happy and comfortable; his privilege for so doing is to be made a Mason before any other person however dignified.”

Meeting Minutes EA Degree, 02/18/2025  on 02/28/2025

EA Degree, 02182025.docx

Meeting Minutes 02/04/2025  on 02/18/2025

lodge meeting 2-4-2025.docx

test  on 01/27/2025
2025 Trestle Board  on 01/27/2025
ANNUAL LODGE DUES  on 12/21/2024


FELLOW CRAFT DEGREE - 9/17/2024  on 09/13/2024
Union Lodge#40 - Duckpin Bowling   on 02/25/2024

Good Evening Brothers!


March 5th, 2024, Union Lodge #40 will be hosting Duckpin bowling.

Location: Danbury Duckpin Lanes: 7 E Hayestown Road, Danbury, CT

Time: 6:30pm - 9:45 pm

Dress: your best bowling suit

Food: Pizza will be provided!


On be half of Worshipful Master John Ziegler and all the officers of Union Lodge #40, We hope to see you there!!



Worshipful Brother Rodrigo Martins


Union Lodge #40


**MASONIC FUNERAL** - 2/24/24 - 11:00 AM  on 02/19/2024

Greetings Brothers,

This Saturday 2/24/24 at 11 AM, WB Chris Gould will be conducting a Masonic funeral service for 
Brother R. Barry Deickler, who is the Father of RWB William Deickler of Jerusalem #49 in Ridgefield.
The service will be held at Jerusalem Lodge #49, 396 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT. 
Attire is a dark suit and all Masons are asked to please arrive at 1030 for preparation.
As we as Masons are taught, a masonic funeral service is the culmination of our Masonic lives.
It allows those Masons who have been left behind an opportunity to catch faint gleams of the strange beyond, 
and to celebrate a masonic life well lived.
Please make every effort to attend.
Worshipful Brother Rodrigo Martins 
Union Lodge #40 
AF & AM 
(203) 917-7411

Union Lodge #40

Fourth Annual March Madness

Charity Shuffleboard tournament and Chili Cook-off Contest

Saturday March 23, 12 Noon Until it Ends


Our goal this year is to build on the past years; with some real competitive gaming, great food, our basketball tournament pool, and an extreme of brotherly love and friendship.


We invite each lodge to enter their 4-man Shuffleboard Teams. 

Individual Chili cook off winner will receive the coveted Chili trophy. 

Food: grilled burgers and dogs with all the fixings


Captains: When your team has been identified, please contact Christopher Gould at 203-746-0862


Cost per player is $35. 

General admission is $25.00. 

Children 12 and under are free (if they are not playing in the game)

Cash or checks at the door. 100% of the money raised goes to charity. 

Please bring family and friends, stop down to say hi and make a donation, have a bite. Catch up with some old friends

First game begins at noon. More details to follow.


Christopher Gould at 203-746-0862, Email: ctgolden1@aol.com

Master Mason Degree January 23rd, 2024  on 01/22/2024

Greetings Brothers,

This message is to remind you of the Master Mason Degree, tomorrow January 23rd, 2024. Dinner will begin promptly at 6:30 PM, followed by the Degree at 7:30 PM. Dress will be Formal for all officers and Business for all other brothers. Your attendance is appreciated. On behalf of the Worshipful Master and all the officers of Union Lodge #40, we look forward to see you there.




John Ziegler

Worshipful Master

MM Degree 1/16/23 (Assistance Needed)  on 01/07/2024

Urgent Need to fill a role for the 1/16 Master Mason degree Greetings Brothers, we are in need of a brother to fill the role of Jubelo for the 1/16 MM degree as a brother needed to step down last minute from that role. Please contact Brother Robert MacDonald 917-915-6481

*Canceled* Holiday Cocktail Party 12/19  on 12/18/2023


It is with regret that we must inform you of the cancellation of our Holiday Cocktail Party scheduled for tomorrow due to a low turnout of RSVPs. However, fear not, as we are rescheduling this festive gathering for a later date in January to properly celebrate the new year!

Instead of the Holiday Cocktail Party, we invite you to join us for a Stated Communications tomorrow. The evening will commence with dinner at 6:00 pm, followed by our Stated Communications at 7:00 pm.

Your presence at tomorrow's Stated Communications is highly valued, and we look forward to coming together as a brotherhood. Let us continue to foster the bonds that make Union Lodge #40 a strong and united force.


Worshipful Master Rodrigo Martins and the Officers of Union Lodge #40

*Urgent RSVP* Holiday Cocktail Party 12/19  on 12/16/2023

Greetings Brothers,

This upcoming Tuesday, the 19th, Union Lodge #40 will be hosting a Holiday Cocktail Party that requires a RSVP. The Cocktail Party will run from 7:00 pm - 9:00pm. Please RSVP asap so that we may plan for food and libations accordingly. To RSVP please email our Worshipful Master elect John Ziegler at retrorockman@gmail.com before Sunday evening. It's important that all Brothers do their best to attend so we may end this year in high spirits and full of Brotherly Love! 


Worshipful Master Elect John Ziegler and the Officers of Union Lodge #40

Annual Christmas Party 12/19  on 12/13/2023

Greetings Brothers,

On December 19, 2023, Union Lodge # 40 will be holding our annual Christmas party. This year will be a family friendly cocktail party from 7 to 9 PM with hors d'oeuvres provided by the lodge. Wives, girlfriends and children are welcome. We will be sure to have some things for the kids to do as well. Please RSVP with worshipful master elect , John Ziegler at retrorockman@gmail.com. We hope to see you there!



Rodrigo Martins

Worshipful Master Union Lodge #40

Union Lodge #40 Annual Communications 2023  on 12/03/2023

Dear Brothers,

I trust this message finds you well and in good spirits. I am writing to inform you about our upcoming Annual Communications and the election of Officers for the year 2024, scheduled for this Tuesday, December 5.

Details for the evening are as follows:

Dinner: 6:30 PM
Meeting Commencement: 7:30 PM
Dress Code: Business attire

Please make every effort to attend, as there will be significant discussions regarding the plans and initiatives for the upcoming year. Your valuable input and participation are crucial in shaping the path ahead for our Lodge. Your attendance at this meeting is of utmost importance.

In addition to the Annual Communications, I would like to draw attention to the matter of dues for the year 2023. Several brothers have not yet paid their dues, and it is essential that we address this promptly. To avoid any inconvenience, please make every effort to settle your dues before the upcoming meeting. We will hold a vote to Non-Payment of Dues (NPD) for those brothers who have not fulfilled this obligation.

For your convenience, you can reach out to our Secretary, Brother Gil Ramos, who can provide a PayPal link for online payments. Alternatively, you may bring a check to the meeting.

Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated, as it ensures the smooth functioning of our Lodge and allows us to focus on the meaningful work ahead.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Lodge this upcoming Tuesday!


WM Rodrigo Martins and the Officers of Union Lodge #40


*Attention Required* Avoid Phising Email Scam  on 11/12/2023


Please be aware of a phising email pretending to be the Worshipful Master, Rodrigo Martins. Please do not respond to the email or give them any of your information! All official communication coming from the Worshipful Master will come from the Grandview emails. If you have recieved this email or have any questions or concerns please reach out to any of the Union Lodge Officers.


Union Lodge #40 Officers

Awards Ceremony November 7th, 2023  on 11/05/2023


I hope this email finds you well. We are excited to announce that this upcoming Tuesday Union Lodge #40 will be hosting our Awards Ceremony! This is a highly anticipated event that celebrates the dedication, commitment, and achievements of all our esteemed Brothers. Your presence and support is greatly appreciated, and we would be honored to have you join us for this special occasion. Dress for the night will be Formal for all Officers and Buisness attire for all other Brothers. Dinner will commence at 6:30 pm and the Awards Ceremony will begin at 7:30. 

Thank you for your continued support and Brotherly Love. We eagerly anticipate your presence at the Awards Ceremony as we come together to honor and recognize the outstanding contributions of our members.


Officers of Union Lodge #40

Notice of Boiler Service  on 09/23/2023


We hope this email finds you well. Attached below you will find a notice in regards to a major repair and upgrade that the Lodge's boiler system will be recieving. In accordance with temple board we are providing this notice as part of our commitment to transparency and responsibility. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require further information.


Union Lodge 40

Entered Apprentice Degree and Inspection Tonight  on 08/15/2023


We hope this email finds you well. We wanted to send a friendly reminder about the Entered Apprentice Degree that will be held tonight at Union Lodge #40. Union Lodge #40 will also be undergoing an Inspection tonight.

Dinner will be 6:30 and we will be serving chicken francese with pasta and veggies followed by desert.

The EA Degree will begin promptly at 7:30.

Dress for tonight is formal.

Please join us in support as we welcome our new brethren into our Masonic family. Your fraternal presence will help make this evening a meaningful and memorable experience for our candidate.

On behalf of WM Rodrigo Martins and the officers of Union Lodge #40, we look forward to seeing you there!

Entered Apprentice Degree 8/15  on 08/10/2023

Good Afternoon Brothers, 

I hope this message finds you well. Join us next Tuesday, August 15th, at Union Lodge #40 where we will be conferring the Entered Aprentice Degree. Dinner will be at 6:30pm with the degree to follow at 7:30pm. Dress will be formal. With your brotherly love and support, please help welcome our new Brothers as they join us on this Masonic journey .


Officers of Union Lodge #40

EA Rehearsal & Canidates  on 07/18/2023


Join us tonight at Union Lodge #40 for a Stated Communications followed by an EA degree Rehearsal. Dinner will commence at 6:30 and we will be serving fried chicken, coleslaw, potato salad, green salad and desert. Our meeting will begin at 7:30. Dress for tonight is business casual.

Tonight we are hosting interested canidates from the Blue Wave program to join us all for dinner. It is important that we have a solid representation of the Brotherhood at this meeting so we can give a good impression and have Brothers meet these new prospects.

On behalf of WM Rodrigo Martins and the officers of Union Lodge #40, we look forward to seeing you there!

Presentation and Mentorship Night Including Updated Calendar  on 06/20/2023
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you about tonight's schedule, which includes an exciting presentation on the Cambodian Temple by WB Rob Norman, followed by our mentorship night. The tonight's attire will be Business Casual. Dinner will be 6:30 and we will be catering Hero Sandwiches with sides. Following dinner, Lodge will open at 7:30.
Please ensure that you arrive promptly to make the most of this enlightening evening. WB Rob Norman's presentation promises to be captivating, providing us with valuable insights into the Cambodian Temple. Following the presentation, we will transition into our mentorship night, where we can engage in meaningful discussions and share experiences with our fellow brothers.
Below I have also posted the updated calendar with newly added dates. In support of Project Blue Wave, Union Lodge #40 will not be going Dark this Summer. 

I urge all members to mark these dates on their calendars and make every effort to attend. These events are a great opportunity for us to come together as brothers and strengthen our bonds of fraternal love and brotherhood

Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to reach out to me or any member of the lodge. Let us come together in the spirit of brotherhood and make this evening a memorable one.
Brother Gilberto Ramos Jr
Union Lodge#40 Secretary 
Union Lodge #40 Calendar   on 06/09/2023


I hope this email finds you well. As we approach the end of the first half of this year, I would like to remind you of the schedule for for the rest of the year.

Firstly, our next meeting will be held on June 20th. We will be will be hosting a Mentorship Night.

Secondly, we have several events planned for when we return to Lodge after this summer. These include:

- MM Degree Rehersal & Presentation on 9/5
- MM Degree on 9/19
- Axe Throwing Knight on 10/3

I urge all members to mark these dates on their calendars and make every effort to attend. These events are a great opportunity for us to come together as brothers and strengthen our bonds of fraternal love and brotherhood.

Lastly, I would like to remind all brothers to pay their dues for the year if they have not already done so. Dues are an important source of funding for the Lodge, and they help us to continue our charitable work and support our community.

Below is attached the Union Lodge Calendar of 2023

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Bro. Gilberto Ramos Jr
Union Lodge #40 Secretary


Fellowcraft Degree Tonight  on 05/02/2023


Tonight at Union Lodge #40 we will be hosting the Fellowcraft degree. Join us in full support for our new brothers as they take the next step in their Masonic Journey.

Dinner will be at 6:30 which will consist of chicken francese and broccoli with the degree to follow at 7:30.

Dress is formal for officers; jacket and tie for brothers. 

On behalf of WM Rodrigo Martins and the officers of Union Lodge #40, we look forward to seeing you there!

FC Degree and Updated Calendar  on 04/25/2023

Good Afternoon Brothers, 

I hope this message finds you well. Join us next Tuesday May 2nd at Union Lodge #40 where we will be conferring the Fellowcraft Degree. Dinner will be at 6:30 with the degree to follow at 7:30. With your brotherly love and support, please help our eager entered apprentice as they continue their journey in Masonry.

Below attached is the updated calendar for the rest of this year!


Officers of Union Lodge #40

District Deputy Reception  on 04/18/2023


 Please join us tonight at Union Lodge #40 where we will be hosting of the District Deputy Reception for our one and only, Rite Worshipful Brother David McClain. Dinner will begin at 6:30 pm with the reception to follow at 7:30 pm. All Masons are welcome as well as friends and family. We have the honor of having Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons of Conneticut will be presiding. On behalf of Worshipful Master Rodrigo Martins and all the officers of Union Lodge #40, we look forward to seeing you tonight!



Bro. Gilberto Ramos Jr

Union Lodge #40 Secretary

Masonic Education Night  on 03/20/2023


Please join us tomorrow, March 21st at Union Lodge #40 for our regular Stated Communication. We will be hosting a Masonic Education Night. There will be four presentations, Dave McClain with COCA, Commitee on Community Action, program, Carl Anderson with the Almoner Program, Geraldo Martins on Expansive Knowledge in the EA Degree, and WM Rodrigo Martins on the Basic use of Grand View Application. It will be an eventful night filled with Brotherly Love and Knowledge.

Hope to see you all there!

3/25 fundraiser  on 03/13/2023




BETTER CALL GOULD 203-746-0862


My very worthy Brothers all,

On March 24th Union Lodge will be hosting our 3rd Annual Charity Fundraiser beginning with the first shuffleboard quarterfinal at NOON.

We will have 8 teams of 4 persons each and spots are filling in quickly so please contact Chris Gould at 203-746-0862 if you want to secure a spot.

There are more details in the attachment. Check it out.

To anyone who cannot attend but would like to support our fundraising effort please mail a check to Union Lodge 40 at 

37 Main St.  Danbury, CT. 06810 and THANKS. 

*UPDATE* Bowling Night Tuesday March 7th  on 03/06/2023


There is a change in location for our Bowling Night, Tomorrow, March 7th! Instead of Strikers in Brookfield, we are now meeting at Duckpin Lanes in Danbury. This event is open to all, so Brothers please invite your friends and family members. Can't wait to see you all there!

Event: Bowling Night

Location: Duckpin Lanes Danbury, CT

Time: 7:30pm


*UPDATE* Bowling Night Tuesday March 7th  on 03/06/2023


There is a change in location for our Bowling Night, Tomorrow, March 7th! Instead of Strikers in Brookfield, we are now meeting at Duckpin Lanes in Danbury. This event is open to all, so Brothers please invite your friends and family members. Can't wait to see you all there!

Event: Bowling Night

Location: Duckpin Lanes Danbury, CT

Time: 7:30pm


*UPDATE* Bowling Night Tuesday March 7th  on 03/06/2023


There is a change in location for our Bowling Night, Tomorrow, March 7th! Instead of Strikers in Brookfield, we are now meeting at Duckpin Lanes in Danbury. This event is open to all, so Brothers please invite your friends and family members. Can't wait to see you all there!

Event: Bowling Night

Location: Duckpin Lanes Danbury, CT

Time: 7:30pm


*UPDATE* Bowling Night Tuesday March 7th  on 03/06/2023


There is a change in location for our Bowling Night, Tomorrow, March 7th! Instead of Strikers in Brookfield, we are now meeting at Duckpin Lanes in Danbury. This event is open to all, so Brothers please invite your friends and family members. Can't wait to see you all there!

Event: Bowling Night

Location: Duckpin Lanes Danbury, CT

Time: 7:30pm


Bowling Night Tuesday March 7th  on 03/05/2023


This upcoming Tuesday, March 7th, Union Lodge #40 will be hosting a Bowling Night! This event will be hosted at Strikers' in Brookfield. Families and friends are encouraged to come. We will have pizza for dinner which will be catered by Sohos pizza. Start time will be at 7:30.

This will be an exciting night! I hope to see you all there!

Bowling Night Tuesday March 7th  on 03/05/2023


This upcoming Tuesday, March 7th, Union Lodge #40 will be hosting a Bowling Night! This event will be hosted at Strikers' in Brookfield. Families and friends are encouraged to come. We will have pizza for dinner which will be catered by Sohos pizza. Start time will be at 7:30.

This will be an exciting night! I hope to see you all there!

March Madness, Annual Shuffleboard Tournament and Chili Cook Off 3/25  on 03/05/2023

Dear Brothers,

On March 25th, Union Lodge #40 will once again be hosting its Annual Shuffleboard Tournament and Chili Cook off while we watch March Madness Basketball. Please join your brothers at Union Lodge #40 for a day of fellowship, charity, and some fun.

For more information please see flyer below!

Please contact Chris Gould 203-746-0862 if you have any questions. This event is completely open to masons and non masons alike. Bring a new friend!

Entered Apprentice Degree Tomorrow !!!  on 02/20/2023


Please join us tomorrow, Tuesday, February 21st at Union Lodge #40 for the Entered Apprentice Degree!

Dinner will commence at 6:30 PM and will be catered by Gisella's!

The Entered Apprentice Degree will begin at 7:30 PM

Dress: Formal

 With your Brotherly Love and support, join us in welcoming our two new canidates coming through!

Hope to see you in Lodge my Brothers!


Union Lodge #40 Officers



Brother Clarence Joyce  on 02/09/2023

My Brothers,

It has come to my attention that Brother Clarence Joyce has laid down the working tools of our craft after 77 years as a mason.

He was born on 3/18/1919, Raised a MM on 12/5/1944, Passed away 8/18/2022 at the age of 103. Rest in Peace my Brother and thank you

for your inspiration.

With Brotherly love,


Installation of Officers 2023  on 01/02/2023
Good Evening Brothers,

Happy New Year and I hope you all enjoyed your holidays!

Please join us this upcoming Tomorrow, January 3rd, at Union Lodge #40 for the Intstallation of Officers. The event is open to all brothers, families, and friends!

Dinner will commence at 6:30pm and the Installation will begin at 7:30pm.

Looking forward to a nice evening, surrounded by Brothers and loved ones!

BBQ Beef Brisket 
Baby Back Ribs
Mac and Cheese
Mashed Potatoes
BBQ Baked Beans
Sautéed Vegetables
Green Salad
Coffee and desert
Dress: Formal
See you all tomorrow!
Incoming Officers of Union Lodge #40
Holiday Dinner  on 12/13/2022

Good Afternoon My Brothers,

This evening we will be having a special Holiday Dinner down at the lodge.  We will be gathering at 6:30 with dinner being served at 7:30.  Put a nice holiday sweater on the wife and kids and bring them along as well.  Hope you can make it!

John Arizzi, WM

Minutes from EA Degree and Inspection: 11/15/2022  on 12/06/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Entered Apprentice Degree and Inspection from 11/15/2022 for your review.

As a reminder, our next meeting on December 6th will be our Annual Meeting, Roll Call, and Election of Officers. Currently we have about 27 Brothers who still owe Dues for the year 2022, if you are one of these Brothers, please pay your dues as soon as possible as we will hold a vote to NPD those Brothers who have not paid their dues. Please reach out to our secretary Bro. Gilberto Ramos Jr or our SW Bro. Rodrigo Martins to get a paypal link or bring a check in to the Annual Meeting.  

As always, thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Annual Meeting and Election of Officers  on 12/05/2022

Brothers All,

Tomorrow evening, Tuesday December 6 will be our annual meeting, roll call, and election of officers for 2023.  Dinner will be at 6:30 and the meeting will commence at 7:30.  Please make every effort to attend as there will be much discussion on the year to come.

Also, we have several brothers who have not yet paid their dues for 2022.  Please make every effort to do so prior to tomorrows meeting as we will hold a vote to NPD those brothers who have not paid dues.  Please reach out to our secretary Bro. Gil Ramos or our SW Bro. Rodrigo Martins to get a paypal link or bring a check to the meeting tomorrow.  

I look forward to seeing you all in lodge tomorrow!


John J. Arizzi, WM

Annual Meeting and Election of Officers  on 12/05/2022

Brothers All,

Tomorrow evening, Tuesday December 6 will be our annual meeting, roll call, and election of officers for 2023.  Dinner will be at 6:30 and the meeting will commence at 7:30.  Please make every effort to attend as there will be much discussion on the year to come.

Also, we have several brothers who have not yet paid their dues for 2022.  Please make every effort to do so prior to tomorrows meeting as we will hold a vote to NPD those brothers who have not paid dues.  Please reach out to our secretary Bro. Gil Ramos or our SW Bro. Rodrigo Martins to get a paypal link or bring a check to the meeting tomorrow.  

I look forward to seeing you all in lodge tomorrow!


John J. Arizzi, WM

Annual Meeting and Election of Officers  on 12/05/2022

Brothers All,

Tomorrow evening, Tuesday December 6 will be our annual meeting, roll call, and election of officers for 2023.  Dinner will be at 6:30 and the meeting will commence at 7:30.  Please make every effort to attend as there will be much discussion on the year to come.

Also, we have several brothers who have not yet paid their dues for 2022.  Please make every effort to do so prior to tomorrows meeting as we will hold a vote to NPD those brothers who have not paid dues.  Please reach out to our secretary Bro. Gil Ramos or our SW Bro. Rodrigo Martins to get a paypal link or bring a check to the meeting tomorrow.  

I look forward to seeing you all in lodge tomorrow!


John J. Arizzi, WM

Minutes from Stated Communications: 11/01/22  on 11/15/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the the Stated Comunications on 11/01/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Minutes from Stated Communications: 11/01/22  on 11/15/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the the Stated Comunications on 11/01/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Minutes from MM Degree: 10/04/22  on 11/15/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the MM Degree on 10/04/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Minutes from Awards Night: 9/20/2022  on 10/04/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Awards Night on 9/20/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Minutes from Stated Communications: 9/06/22  on 09/20/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 9/6/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Union 40 Awards Night  on 09/20/2022

Good Morning Brothers,

This evening, September 20, 2022 we will be haveing our annual awards night.  We have several brothers receiving their service pins with quite a few recieving 20 years plus!  We will begin the program downstairs with dinner beginning at 6:30pm catered by Ghisellas restaurant and will retire to the lodge room for the presentation of awards.  Dress is Jacket and Tie.  I hope you can join us!

Also, please remember that this Friday is the pasta dinner fundraiser for the George Washington National Museum and monument.  This is a family friendly event in an effort to raise funds for a truly worthy cause.

Hope all is well my brothers.,

John Arizzi, WM

Minutes from Stated Communications: 6/7/2022  on 06/21/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 6/7/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Minutes from Stated Communications: 6/7/2022  on 06/21/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 6/7/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Minutes from Stated Communications: 6/7/2022  on 06/21/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 6/7/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Brother Ted Selken Memorial  on 06/06/2022

Call to action Through the Worshipful Master to the Craft.

Dear Brothers of Union Lodge #40

On Tuesday, June 21, we will be holding a memorial for our late Brother Ted Selken. Please join us at 6:30 in honor of our fallen Brother.


Minutes from Fellow Craft Degree 5/17/2022  on 05/23/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Fellow Craft Degree on 5/17/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Memorial Day Parade  on 05/20/2022

Brothers All,

Just a message regarding the upcoming Memorial Day Parade.  The Brothers of Ark lodge have filed the necessary paperwork for the two lodges to once again March in the Memorial Day parade.  RWB Jim Saraceni will be hostin a breakfast before we head over to line up for the parade.  Breakfast will begin around 7:30-8:00am and we will head over to line up at 8:50am.  

In the past Union 40 has hosted a light BBQ with some burgers and hotdogs on the grill.  I would need a volunteer to arrange that, as well as a headcount to give to Brother Saraceni in order to prepare food.

this event is open to brothers and families!  Please let me know via email at jjarizzi@yahoo.com.

Thank you!

John Arizzi, WM

Minutes from Stated Meeting: 5/3/2022  on 05/17/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 5/3/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Minutes from Stated Meeting: 5/3/2022  on 05/17/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 5/3/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Fellow Craft Degree Tuesday May 17  on 05/16/2022

Call to action Through the Worshipful Master to the Craft.

Dear Brothers of Union Lodge #40

This Tuesday, May 17, we will be holding a degree jointly with St. Peters Lodge, passing 4 Entered Apprentice Brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft. I would like you all to remember when you were raised to the Fellow Craft degree on your path to Master Mason. Perhaps at the moment you received more light in masonry you were able to look around the to see a room with chairs mostly filled. Maybe you saw instead mostly empty chairs. In either case what you saw had an impact on you as a Mason. We only hold a few degrees each year typically, and I know we are all busy with life and work. I am writing this to ask “all” of my Brothers of Union Lodge 40 who are in town and able to attend this degree to come join us for a steak dinner and degree. Help us to let our newly minted Fellow Craft know that you are there to support them on their Masonic journey.

Fraternally and in Gratitude Brother Robert MacDonald Senior Deacon Union Lodge 40

Fellow Craft Degree Tuesday May 17  on 05/16/2022

Call to action Through the Worshipful Master to the Craft.

Dear Brothers of Union Lodge #40

This Tuesday, May 17, we will be holding a degree jointly with St. Peters Lodge, passing 4 Entered Apprentice Brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft. I would like you all to remember when you were raised to the Fellow Craft degree on your path to Master Mason. Perhaps at the moment you received more light in masonry you were able to look around the to see a room with chairs mostly filled. Maybe you saw instead mostly empty chairs. In either case what you saw had an impact on you as a Mason. We only hold a few degrees each year typically, and I know we are all busy with life and work. I am writing this to ask “all” of my Brothers of Union Lodge 40 who are in town and able to attend this degree to come join us for a steak dinner and degree. Help us to let our newly minted Fellow Craft know that you are there to support them on their Masonic journey.

Fraternally and in Gratitude Brother Robert MacDonald Senior Deacon Union Lodge 40

Fellow Craft Degree Tuesday May 17  on 05/16/2022

Call to action Through the Worshipful Master to the Craft.

Dear Brothers of Union Lodge #40

This Tuesday, May 17, we will be holding a degree jointly with St. Peters Lodge, passing 4 Entered Apprentice Brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft. I would like you all to remember when you were raised to the Fellow Craft degree on your path to Master Mason. Perhaps at the moment you received more light in masonry you were able to look around the to see a room with chairs mostly filled. Maybe you saw instead mostly empty chairs. In either case what you saw had an impact on you as a Mason. We only hold a few degrees each year typically, and I know we are all busy with life and work. I am writing this to ask “all” of my Brothers of Union Lodge 40 who are in town and able to attend this degree to come join us for a steak dinner and degree. Help us to let our newly minted Fellow Craft know that you are there to support them on their Masonic journey.

Fraternally and in Gratitude Brother Robert MacDonald Senior Deacon Union Lodge 40

Fellow Craft Degree Tuesday May 17  on 05/16/2022

Call to action Through the Worshipful Master to the Craft.

Dear Brothers of Union Lodge #40

This Tuesday, May 17, we will be holding a degree jointly with St. Peters Lodge, passing 4 Entered Apprentice Brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft. I would like you all to remember when you were raised to the Fellow Craft degree on your path to Master Mason. Perhaps at the moment you received more light in masonry you were able to look around the to see a room with chairs mostly filled. Maybe you saw instead mostly empty chairs. In either case what you saw had an impact on you as a Mason. We only hold a few degrees each year typically, and I know we are all busy with life and work. I am writing this to ask “all” of my Brothers of Union Lodge 40 who are in town and able to attend this degree to come join us for a steak dinner and degree. Help us to let our newly minted Fellow Craft know that you are there to support them on their Masonic journey.

Fraternally and in Gratitude Brother Robert MacDonald Senior Deacon Union Lodge 40

Fellow Craft Degree Tuesday May 17  on 05/16/2022

Call to action Through the Worshipful Master to the Craft.

Dear Brothers of Union Lodge #40

This Tuesday, May 17, we will be holding a degree jointly with St. Peters Lodge, passing 4 Entered Apprentice Brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft. I would like you all to remember when you were raised to the Fellow Craft degree on your path to Master Mason. Perhaps at the moment you received more light in masonry you were able to look around the to see a room with chairs mostly filled. Maybe you saw instead mostly empty chairs. In either case what you saw had an impact on you as a Mason. We only hold a few degrees each year typically, and I know we are all busy with life and work. I am writing this to ask “all” of my Brothers of Union Lodge 40 who are in town and able to attend this degree to come join us for a steak dinner and degree. Help us to let our newly minted Fellow Craft know that you are there to support them on their Masonic journey.

Fraternally and in Gratitude Brother Robert MacDonald Senior Deacon Union Lodge 40

Fellow Craft Degree Tuesday May 17  on 05/16/2022

Call to action Through the Worshipful Master to the Craft.

Dear Brothers of Union Lodge #40

This Tuesday, May 17, we will be holding a degree jointly with St. Peters Lodge, passing 4 Entered Apprentice Brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft. I would like you all to remember when you were raised to the Fellow Craft degree on your path to Master Mason. Perhaps at the moment you received more light in masonry you were able to look around the to see a room with chairs mostly filled. Maybe you saw instead mostly empty chairs. In either case what you saw had an impact on you as a Mason. We only hold a few degrees each year typically, and I know we are all busy with life and work. I am writing this to ask “all” of my Brothers of Union Lodge 40 who are in town and able to attend this degree to come join us for a steak dinner and degree. Help us to let our newly minted Fellow Craft know that you are there to support them on their Masonic journey.

Fraternally and in Gratitude Brother Robert MacDonald Senior Deacon Union Lodge 40

Fellow Craft Degree Tuesday May 17  on 05/16/2022

Call to action Through the Worshipful Master to the Craft.

Dear Brothers of Union Lodge #40

This Tuesday, May 17, we will be holding a degree jointly with St. Peters Lodge, passing 4 Entered Apprentice Brothers to the degree of Fellow Craft. I would like you all to remember when you were raised to the Fellow Craft degree on your path to Master Mason. Perhaps at the moment you received more light in masonry you were able to look around the to see a room with chairs mostly filled. Maybe you saw instead mostly empty chairs. In either case what you saw had an impact on you as a Mason. We only hold a few degrees each year typically, and I know we are all busy with life and work. I am writing this to ask “all” of my Brothers of Union Lodge 40 who are in town and able to attend this degree to come join us for a steak dinner and degree. Help us to let our newly minted Fellow Craft know that you are there to support them on their Masonic journey.

Fraternally and in Gratitude Brother Robert MacDonald Senior Deacon Union Lodge 40

Brother Ted Selken  on 05/15/2022

The role of the workmen has been called and one Master Mason has not answered to his name.

Brother Ted Selken was born on 2/1/1940 in Manhatten, Kansas

He was initiated on 3/19/2008 at Union Lodge #40, Danbury, Ct.

Passed to the degree of FC 5/6/2008 at Union 40

Raised to the sublime degree of MM on 11/18/2008.

He served, with distinction, as Secretary of Union Lodge from 1/1/2010 until 12/31/2015.

He passed to the great beyond 5/10/22.

My Brothers, let us take a moment to imagine this pathway that Ted's soul has taken. Let us pray.


.... I looked, and behold, a door was opened unto heaven: and the first voice that I heard was as ... a trumpet talking with me;

which said, Come up hither and I will show you things which you must know hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and,

behold, a throne was set in heaven... and there was a rainbow round about the throne,  in sight like unto an emerald. And round

about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment....

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away......


We will continue to do our work, and in faith pray, for the priviledge to see you on the other side brother Ted, in that world of light, life and love,

where almighty God reigns forever. Amen. 


Minutes from Stated Communications: 4/5/2022  on 04/19/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 4/5/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Minutes from Stated Communications: 3/15/2022  on 04/19/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 3/15/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Family Fun Night at Danbury Ice Arena 4/19/2022  on 04/18/2022

Good Evening Brothers, Tomorrow Tuesday April19, 2022, we will be having a family fun night at the Danbury Ice Arena for game 2 of the FPHL Playoffs. The officers will be opening and closing lodge at 6pm and meeting at the ice arena (1 Independance Way, Danbury CT 06810, shortly after. Game time is 7pm and we will be reserving seats together. Tickets are $15 for the game and there is Axe throwing and pool in the Hat Tricks Lounge. This will be a fin evening of brother hood and family fun right here in Danbury! Hope to see you there.

March Madness Shuffleboard Tournament this Saturday 4/2  on 03/31/2022

Dear Brothers,

The time is 12 Noon until the last man stands on 4/2. The place is 337 Main St . Danbury CT.

Please join your brothers at Union Lodge 40 for a day of fellowship, charity, and some fun. We are in the process of filling the last few openings in the 4 quarterfinal shuffleboard matches to be held in the afternoon beginning at 1230. We will have a chili cookoff competition and then at 6 we can watch Kansas beat Villanova so Gould can win the bracket pool. We will have a barbeque of burgers and dogs with salad and all the chili you can eat sometime right around 4. Stop in anytime to make your donation or feel free to mail us a check for the charity.

Please contact Chris Gould 203-746-0862 if you have any questions. This event is completely open to masons and non masons alike. Bring us a new friend.


JW John Zeigler  on 03/22/2022

Please keep our very worthy Brother and JW john Zeigler and his wife Chris in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery following surgery.

He is doing better but has a long road ahead. In addition, you can't imagine how boring things can get during these recoveries so if you have a free moment 

please give John a call at 203-948-0722 and see how he is feeling. Thanks

Dues Notice 2022  on 03/15/2022


Attached you'll find the Due's Notice for 2022.

I apologize for the delay! 

I'm still learning the ins and outs of this new postion, yet I am honored to be the secretary of Union Lodge 40.


Minutes from Stated Communications: 3/1/2022  on 03/15/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 3/1/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Please support and participate in our journey.

Many hands make light work.


My Brothers,

I hope you are all doing well and trying to return to normal. Find attached the info for DocRog NCAA Tournament pool.

Remember our Shuffleboard Tournament coming up on  Sat 4/2. Contact Gould 203-746-0862 if you are looking for a team to join.


Minutes from Stated Communications: 2/15/2022  on 03/01/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Stated Communications on 2/15/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Please support and participate in our journey.

Many hands make light work.

Important Announcements  on 02/27/2022

Good Afternoon Brothers,


I hope this message finds you well.  There has been much going on in the lodge to be excited about!  First, WE ARE OPEN! And we are meeting every 1st and 3rd Tuesday with dinner at 6:30 and our meetings beginning at 7:30.  We have recently performed an entered apprentice degree for 3 eager new brothers and have begun holding mentoring breakout sessions in our lodge meetings.  This brings our candidate count for our next Fellow craft degree to be held in May to 4, And I am excited to add that WB John Novak will be coming down from King Solomons lodge in Woodbury to perform the Middle Chamber Lecture, it is truly something worth seeing! Be on the lookout for the date announcement!


This coming Tuesday we will be mixing things up a bit with a special Dinner Lodge Meeting including a special presentation on the Holy Saints John.  We will have a special home cooked roast pork dinner and a night of discussion, learning and fellowship.  If you have not come out to lodge in a while, this will be a great evening to get back with your brothers and reconnect. 


Also, we are pleased to announce that we will be once again hosting our March Madness charity shuffleboard tournament and chili cookoff on Saturday April 2 at noon.  Please keep an eye out in the next issue of CT Freemasons or  contact WB Chris Gould at CTGolden1@aol.com for more information.


Again there is much going on in our lodge this year.  I encourage all of you to be a part of it and I look forward to seeing you there!




John J Arizzi, WM

Shuffleboard Tournament  on 02/09/2022



Join us on Saturday April 2,2022 for a charity shuffleboard tournament and chilli cookoff! Attached is is the flyer containing the details. I look forward to a day full of brotherhood and friendly competition! 

*UPDATE* Norman Getchell 50-year pin Ceremony *Zoom Code Included*  on 01/20/2022


MWB Norman Getchell past Grand Master and Past Master of our sister lodge Eureka Lodge #83 (now a part of Union 40), will be receiving his 50-year pin this evening at 7:30 at Marion Dunn Lodge #19 in Florida. MWB Charles W. Yohe will preside. 
We had initially planned to host an event at the lodge, however given todays snow and the expected cold temps tonight we have decided to share the link to the zoom meeting in the hopes that more brothers will attend from the comfort of their living rooms. 
You may join the event on zoom by opening zoom and putting in the following meeting ID, 386 303 6210. I hope you will log in and give support to MWB Norm, and
I hope to see you all in Lodge!
John J Arizzi, WM
Union Lodge #40
Minutes from Installment of Officers on 1/04/2022  on 01/17/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the Installment of Officers on 1/04/2022 for your review.

Thank you to everyone that joined and we hope to continue to see more Brothers throughout this year!

Please support and participate in our journey.

Many hands make light work. 


Pantry Volunteers Needed!  on 01/10/2022

My Brothers,

Daily Bread Food Pantry urgently need volunteers to help with off-loading their food bank truck! If you, or someone you know, are willing to help our fellow good samaritans, please feel welcomed to contact Debbie Landzberg at dlandzberg@gmail.com or 914-548-4700. Due to Covid, team members are needed more than ever! 

Volunteer Hours:

Mondays and/or Wednesdays at 9:00am – 10:30am

*This volunteer position does require heavy lifting*

Thank you all!

Minutes from the meeting on 12/21/2021  on 01/04/2022

My Brothers, 

Please find attached the minutes from the meeting held on 12/21/2021 for your review.

Please support and participate in our journey.

Many hands make light work. 


Installment of Officers Tues. 1/04/2022  on 01/02/2022

My Brothers,

Happy New Year and I hope you all enjoyed your holidays!

Please join us this upcoming Tuesday, January 4th, at the Union Lodge for the Installment of Officers. The party is open to all brothers, families, and friends.

Dinner will commence at 6:30pm and the Installment will begin at 7:30pm.

Looking forward to a nice evening, surrounded by Brothers and loved ones!

Installment of Officers Tues. 1/04/2022  on 01/02/2022

My Brothers,

Happy New Year and I hope you all enjoyed your holidays!

Please join us this upcoming Tuesday, January 4th, at the Union Lodge for the Installment of Officers. The party is open to all brothers, families, and friends.

Dinner will commence at 6:30pm and the Installment will begin at 7:30pm.

Looking forward to a nice evening, surrounded by Brothers and loved ones!

Installment of Officers Tues. 1/04/2022  on 01/02/2022

My Brothers,

Happy New Year and I hope you all enjoyed your holidays!

Please join us this upcoming Tuesday, January 4th, at the Union Lodge for the Installment of Officers. The party is open to all brothers, families, and friends.

Dinner will commence at 6:30pm and the Installment will begin at 7:30pm.

Looking forward to a nice evening, surrounded by Brothers and loved ones!

Upcoming Events