The History of St. Peter's Lodge No. 21
-W.B. Matthew Fitzgibbons
1791 - 1838
St. Peter’s Lodge is shown as represented in the official proceedings of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Connecticut Annual Meeting of May, 1791. This suggests that St. Peter’s Lodge was likely operating under dispensation until the official Charter was granted the following year.
On February 28th, 1792, the second Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother William Judd, convened a meeting of King Solomon’s Lodge No. 7 by special order at the house of the Widow D Gilchrist. The minutes that evening state:
"Resolved by this Lodge that the Petition of Angus Nielson & others for the organization of a new Lodge be recommended to the convention of the Grand Lodge at Hartford in May next"
"Feb’y 28th 1792 Resolved that this Lodge approve of a petition preferred to the Grand Lodge by Noble Hine and others of New Milford for a Charter for a Lodge in New Milford & think it xpedient that the same be granted."
St. Peter’s Lodge appears to have been granted its charter and the number 21 at the Grand Lodge Annual session in May of 1792.
Early known members of St. Peter’s include Noble Hine, Thomas Wells and Colonel Eli Mygatt, a veteran of the Revolutionary War. To give some historical perspective, brother George Washington was in his first term as President of the United States and conducted his “Southern Tour” between March and June. He was also closely monitoring the establishment of the First Bank of the United States and planning for the ratification of the Bill of Rights in December of that year.
St. Peter’s Lodge No. 21 met at several locations in New Milford throughout our early history and was represented at the Grand Lodge sessions until 1828.
In 1826, the Morgan Affair began a period of anti-Masonic sentiment across our young Republic, leading to the surrender of many Lodge charters. Grand Lodge formally revoked St. Peter’s Charter in May 9th of 1838.
1863 - 1963
The first recorded meeting of Masons in New Milford after the Morgan Affair appears in the Lodge minutes dated November 23,1863 with the first regular meeting being held on January 4th, 1864 and constituted on July 25, 1864. St. Peter’s was very active for the next few months, frequently meeting on consecutive nights. The Lodge continued to grow, though slowly after the first year.
1963 - Present
In 1963, a corporation known as St Peter’s Temple Association, Inc. was formed to purchase a new building when the All Saints Episcopal Church on Aspetuck Ave became available.
On October 24,1964, the building was dedicated by MW Grand Master Irving E. Partridge and his staff of Grand Officers. The program started at 10A.M. with public inspection of the building and unveiling of the corner stone which was provided by Brother John Allen and his wife, Marion, and ended with a dinner at the Odd Fellow’s Hall on Route 7. It also marked the 100th anniversary of the reorganization of the Lodge in 1863.
Built in 1885, this beautiful building of gothic design features high ceilings, stained-glass windows and a high tower. The “Temple Association” had remodeled the church to create both the ideal Lodge Room and our “Fellowship Hall” in the basement for events. The Temple Association continues to manage all building operations.
Though Rising Sun Lodge No. 27’s original minutes have been lost, it is believed to have been chartered in 1793 or 1794, consolidating with St. Peter’s Lodge No. 21 on January 20th, 1998.
St. Peter’s Lodge No. 21 meets on the first and third Tuesdays each month with the exception of July and August.