The Blue Lodge

Lecture by WM Deidric S. Cave, DBA


We have always heard of the term “Blue Lodge”. What does the term Blue" mean, and why are we using the “Blue Lodge” in present conversation? Some non-masonic authorities relate the color blue to truth and justice. For example, the color of Law Enforcement is said to be blue (as in terms like ‘Back the Blue’ or ‘The Blue Line’). In ancient Biblical times, the color blue has been associated with Diety, wisdom, and hope.


Bro. Harry E. Heinkel from Henry L. Palmer Lodge #301, F&AM (MWGLWI) has explored this topic and asked the same question: “Why do we say Blue Lodge?” He questioned and criticized the propriety of the term ‘Blue Lodge’ when Freemasons speak of the Masonic Lodge of symbolic degrees. The term is almost exclusively American, being rarely found or discussed nowhere else in the Masonic world. Evidence does not support the conclusion that Blue relates to the three symbolic degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry, whether Operative or Speculative, in ancient or present time. The notion that "Blue" is a significant or characteristic symbol of Freemasonry is not supported by the ritual. No pointed reference is made to it in the three symbolic degrees.


Albert Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry teaches that the word Tekhelet התכלת mentioned in the Old Testament is a Hebrew translation which is derived from a root meaning "perfection", and Blue came into Masonry as its color by natural association. Others masonic scholars believe that as our ancient Brethren met on hills and in valleys, over which the blue vault of heaven is a ceiling, that the covering of a lodge is the clouded canopy or starry decked heaven. These allusions seem to imply that blue, the color of the sky, is that of all celestial attributes for which Freemasons strive. Hence, Blue represents the “canopy of heaven,” which was ritualistically mentioned in the obligation of an Entered Apprentice.


It is well known that among the ancients, initiation into the mysteries and “perfection” are synonymous terms and this is why blue is the appropriate color for the greatest of all the systems of initiation the world has ever known, The Ancient Blue Lodge Craft.”


Although we as PHA masons think of Blue as the color of Ancient Craft Freemasonry, it’s significant to note the symbolic colors of Freemasonry around the globe…


  • United Grand Lodge of England is Oxford Blue
    • Subordinate lodges is Cambridge Blue
  • Grand Steward's Lodges in London (Red Apron Lodges) use Crimson
  • Grand Lodge of Ireland is Sky Blue
  • Grand Lodge of Scotland is Thistle Green
    • Subordinate lodges adopt a color of their choice
  • Grand Lodge of India adopted three colors, the Oxford Blue of England, the Sky Blue of Ireland, and the Thistle Green of Scotland
    • This is in honor of the three Grand Lodges by whom it was instituted