Family of Freemasonry

Masonry is composed of several layers of membership. At its base are the three degrees of Craft or “Blue Lodge” Freemasonry. The fraternity looks to these three degrees as being the highest attainable, as all the lessons of the fraternity can be found within them. But that has not precluded the development of the larger body, often referred to as the “family” of Freemasonry.

This illustration depicts the entry and progression of the fraternity. The extended family of Freemasonry and its appendant bodies To the young mason, and to the non-mason, the various degrees and bodies may seem many and confusing, but upon careful examination and exploration, their roles and function will become clear.

A Brief Compendium of the Family of Freemasonry

Like stepping-stones to the fraternity at the foundational level of Freemasonry, there are several Masonic youth groups. These groups also provide a means to enhance the family experience in Freemasonry, as parents are often participants and supporters along with their younger children. The purpose of these groups is to nurture adolescents and their sense of community and involvement.

These youth groups are: