Welcome to Morning Star No. 47!


We are a lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, chartered on November 23, 1804. Servicing seymour, Connecticut and surrounding towns. Our lodge meets regularly on the first Saturday and third Thursday of each month, except for the months of July and August.

we meet at 419 corum ave, Shelton, ct.


For 220 years making good men better. 

If you are a man, 18 years or older, and seek futher information on becoming a Freemason, follow this link: ctfreemasons.net/how-to-join


Upcoming Events
  • MAR
    Special – St Patrick’s Table Lodge
    6:15 AM - 10:30 PM
    419 Coram Ave , Shelton, CT
  • MAR
    Morning Star 47 Stated Meeting
    7:15 PM
    419 Coram Ave , Shelton, CT