The Masonic Fraternity believes that its members have an obligation to give back to their communities, and to benefit others. It is an important point to emphasize that Masons are taught to go about these tasks in a quiet, unassuming fashion. This is meant to impress upon our members that it is the work, and not the individual, that is of importance. It is also to preserve the dignity of those for whom the work is performed.
Would it surprise you to learn that Globally, the Masonic fraternity contributes over $1 Billion each year to its philanthropic pursuits, with over $750 Million of that just in the United States.
Supported Masonic Bodies:
Connecticut Grand Lodge, The Masonic Charity Foundation, Connecticut Freemasons Foundation, Masonic Museum and Library, International Order of Rainbow Girls, DeMolay, Scottish Rite, Knights Templar, Shrines of North America, Eastern Star, and Amaranth.
Supported Charities:
Schizophrenia Research, Children’s Learning Centers and Scholarships, Eye Foundation and Research, Muscular Dystrophy, Crippled and Burned Children’s Hospitals, Dental Care for Children with Special Needs Program and an annual grant to United Cerebral Research, Cancer Research, Religious Scholarships, Diabetes Research, RICRA and Arterial Sclerosis.
Additionally, charitable contributions are made locally to: Old Saybrook Ambulance Association, Old Saybrook Fire Company No. 1, Acton Public Library, Children’s Dyslexia Center–CT. (These local annual charitable contributions are budgeted items of our lodge.)
Solicitation of Funds:
While most of the funds we donate to charity come directly from Estuary Lodge Members, we do solicit the general public for funds, to help subsidize the costs of our charitable contributions, in the form of fundraiser events. The Deep River Muster Hot Dog Stand, YAC Pasta Dinner, and OSHS PTO Annual Event are just three examples of annual fundraising events hosted by our lodge. (Note: We have never received funds in excess of the total amounts paid to charities.)
And yes, we are also a charity.