Welcome to Columbia No. 25!

As Connecticut Freemasons we embrace the tenets of Friendship, Morality and Brotherly Love. We do this by using the teachings of Freemasonry to better ourselves, our community and each other. At our lodge we make Masons and here at our website we show you our history, activities and schedule of future events.
The Masonic Fraternity does not invite anyone to become a member, instead we wait patiently for the special man to knock on our door and seek admittance. Perhaps your visit here is that “knock” on our outer door.

Feel free to browse our site; investigate us and Freemasonry! See for yourself what we are doing here. We hope this site interests you into becoming a better man and joining the greatest and largest Fraternity in the world.

Columbia Lodge #25 is on Facebook.

Connecticut Freemasons: making a difference, here and around the world.

Almoner of Columbia Lodge No. 25, A.F. & A.M.
The duties of Almoner encompass the well-being of lodge members and their families. He is to be a discreet presence in the lives of brothers and widows of past brothers so that the lodge may readily assist them should they find themselves in any particular need. He is the go-to brother for assistance when in sickness or distress.

RW Jeff Flynn serves as the Almoner of Columbia Lodge No. 25. If you are in need of help, contact Tony by phone at (860) 304-6348 (c) or by email at jedge60@yahoo.com.

In the obligations of each degree we are admonished to “Answer all due signs and summons from the lodge if within the length of my cable tow.” The Trestleboard is a summons to our meetings and events. When you receive your next Trestleboard, please drop our Secretary a note in answer to this summons. Your brothers would like to hear from you. Period correspondence from brothers we don’t see regularly, can be useful to helping our Almoner determine where need is required.

Give Life
In the state of Connecticut, nearly 1,000 patients are always on waiting lists for lifesaving organ and tissue transplants. Unfortunately, 65 died last year, still waiting for that organ which could have saved or significantly improved their lives. Nationwide, that waiting list for organs exceeds 100,000. The mission of the Masonic Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Program is to increase the number of available donors by increasing the number of Connecticut residents signed up with the donor registry. Click here to change your status. Currently, 35% of icensed drivers are registered with the program. Approximately 60% of transplants each year are deceased organs, which come from the organ registry.

Upcoming Events
  • MAY
    Kentucky Derby Day
    1:15 PM - 10:15 PM
    895 Main Street, South Glastonbury, CT
  • MAY
    Columbia Lodge #25 Awards Night
    6:15 PM - 9:45 PM
    895 Main Street, South Glastonbury, CT
  • MAY
    Memorial Day Parade
    8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    Welles Street Green, Glastonbury, CT
  • JUN
    Feast of St. John (Table Lodge)
    6:15 PM - 10:15 PM
    895 Main Street, South Glastonbury, CT
  • JUN
    Annual Summer Picnic
    5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    895 Main Street, South Glastonbury, CT
  • OCT
    Wine Tasting
    6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    895 Main Street, South Glastonbury, CT