It is truly an honor to be elected as the 45th Worshipful Master of Wolcott Lodge No.146. I first and foremost must thank the Grand Architect of the Universe. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the lodge.

As in the early years of Masonry, when Brothers met in the back rooms of taverns for fellowship and light. Wolcott 146 continues as a Tavern Lodge at East Street Eatery on the Farmingbury Hills Golf Course. Opened in 1920, the location is considered a “diamond hidden in the Hills” according to Trip Advisor. Delicious select menu meals professionally prepared so we can focus on the craft instead of worrying about overhead, licenses, prep and clean up… Privacy to practice our craft, and a place for fellowship afterwards in a tavern setting overlooking the course and the valley beyond…

Our lodge Continues to Support and be present in our community. We meet the 2nd Thursday monthly which allows us to stay mobile as a goal for Increased CT Masonic Fellowship and statewide lodge outreach for 2024.

I ask again for the sleeping brethren to wake. Join us in our journey. Pull out your COMPASS and find your way back to your Brothers. There are so many opportunities to Serve our Wolcott Community, Fellowship with great men on the Level, and continue to grow as Masons.

Join Us in making Wolcott 146 a stronger lodge of freemasonry.


Worshipful Master Craig P. Dumont