Greetings My Brothers,

I am sincerely honored that you have elected me as your Worshipful Master for 2018. It has truly been a long road to the East spanning 40 years, but finally my journey is complete.

My Brothers it is a new year, a time to reflect on what we have accomplished in the past and plan for what we aspire to achieve in our future endeavors.

New rules, regulations, policies, and procedures enacted by the Grand Lodge will have a profound effect on our Masonic social life this year. More work will be required to put on events such as Mardi Gras and a table lodge, than in past years. I believe we have the talent and resources to meet these challenges, thus enjoying successful events as we have here to fore done at Village 29.

Reflecting back on my year in the West, I am mindful of the fact that “harmony being the strength and support of all societies, more especially of ours,” and I pledge as Worshipful Master, to promote harmony in all we do, not only in our lodge but in the community as well.

Fraternally and with Brotherly love,
Brother Steve Doughty Sr., Worshipful Master