Mason on Sight
By Mike Dodge November 15, 2008One of the prerogatives of the Most Worshipful Grand Master is to make a man a "Mason on Sight", where, through abbreviated ceremonies, a man can be Raised to the degree of Master Mason without the usual ritual. Robert W. Randall, at the tender age of 93, petitioned the Lodge for membership, but being unable to travel to the Lodge, MWGM Robert J. Stika agreed to use his powers as Grand Master to make Mr. Randall a Mason on Sight, with the members of Putnam Lodge #46 providing the ritual.
RW Michael B. Dodge, Grand Junior Steward of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut and Secretary of Putnam Lodge #46, obligated Bro. Randall (seated) as an EA, while RW Frank W. McNally (PDDGM, far left) and RW Wayne E. Anderson (right, present DDGM of Massachusetts) look on. |
Left to Right: Putnam Lodge Officers Cary W. Bentley (JS), Kenneth A. Salo (SW), RW Kenneth W. Marvin (Chaplain), and Christopher D. Mayhew, SR. (SD) |
Left to Right: Putnam Lodge members MW Stanley S. Sheldon, Jr. (MWPGM), Thomas J. Butler, WB Barry L. Kromer (PAGM), and RW John S. Rhoads (WM and DDGM), along with Bro. Robert J, Stika (far right), Most Worshipful Grand Master of Connecticut. |
MWGM Stika greeted Bro. Randall and congratulated him on becoming a Mason. |
MWGM Stika presented Bro. Randall with his first Masonic pin. |
Bro. Randall signed the bylaws under the watchful eye of the Secretary... |
Wor. Master RW Rhoads presented Bro. Randall with his dues card. |
RW McNall, a long-time friend of Bro. Randall, also presented him with a Masonic Pin. |
RW Anderson welcomed Bro. Randall not only to Masonry, and not only to Connecticut Masonry, but also to membership in the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. |
But it was MWGM Stika who provided the final instructions to Bro. Randall. |
Brother Robert W. Randall with his new Masonic family. |