PLR was born on a car ride….on March 3, 1941, Thomas H. Desmond P.G.M wrote to the M.W.G.M. Walter H. Pickett enclosing the outline for the organization of a proposed research lodge in Hartford County. He stated that the plan was. the result of a ‘Brain-Storm’ developed during conversations with M.W. ‘Bill’ Hanmer and R.W. ‘Charlie’ Curtis. The letter inquired if M.W. Bro. Pickett would be disposed to grant a dispensation for such a lodge, which the three brothers felt had such great possibilities. It was pointed out that Massachusetts had one or more of such Lodges and that if the plan worked out satisfactorily in Hartford County, it might become an inspiration for similar Lodges in other parts of the state.
The suggested outline for organization provided a limit of 35 members, dues of $1.00 and the Hotel Bond was suggested as a meeting place and a recommended list of Charter Members which would include some Past Grand Officers who were not presently in the Grand Line.
There was an exchange of correspondence until May 23, 1941, when the organizing group prepared their set of by-law s and a Petition for Dispensation. The Purpose of the Lodge was to “uphold the tenants of Freemasonry and to conduct Masonic Research”. The Petition for Dispensation was presented by M.W. Pickett and granted at a special communication of Grand Lodge, held at the Bond Hotel in Hartford on October 24, 1941. The name “Philosophic Lodge UD” was assigned to the “new Lodge” and thus the unborn Lodge had a name.
A Petition for Charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut at their annual communication in February 5, 1942. The Charter was signed by M.W.G.M. Anson F. Keeler and was presented to Philosophic Lodge of Research at a communication which was held on February 27, 1942.
Thus the Lodge was born.
The first meeting of the new Lodge was held on March 20, 1942, with M.W.P.G.M. Thomas H. Desmond as Worshipful Master, WM Roger Cole is holding the 75th Anniversary party and re-dedication March 24th, 2017 with the Grand Line Officers of Connecticut rededicating PLR to its mission.