For the latest news, events and photos from our lodge, please visit our Facebook group page!

State Wide Master Mason Degree - March 22nd, 2025  on 02/13/2025
Harmony Lodge No. 42 - Table Lodge on March 6th at 6PM  on 02/03/2025
Garibaldi Club E.A. Degree March 1st at Morning Star Lodge No. 47  on 01/13/2025

Harmony Lodge No. 42 - Winter Trestle Board  on 01/13/2025
Harmony Lodge No. 42 - Annual George Washington Dinner February 22nd  on 01/13/2025
GW Dinner.pdf
Harmony Lodge No. 42 "Installation of Officers" January 11th   on 01/07/2025
WB Hal Elwell Named AGM  on 01/04/2025
Harmony Lodge No. 42 Annual Meeting - Dec. 5th  on 11/26/2024
In Memoriam of RWB Andrew G. Weimann, II - Seneca Lodge No. 55  on 10/25/2024
Halloween Night Lodge Treating Our Neighborhood - RE: Candy Drive  on 10/17/2024
Brother Richard Theodore "Dick" Mattson - Formerly of Euclid Lodge No. 135  on 10/16/2024
Harmony Lodge No. 42 - Worshipful Brother Mike DiMaria   on 10/12/2024
Harmony Lodge No. 42 - Fall Trestle Boards  on 09/17/2024

Trestle Board Fall 2024.pdf

GLCT - Oklahoma Indian Master Mason Degree Saturday November 2, 2024  on 09/16/2024
Sharing a Message from New District 3 AGA, WM Rob Mamias  on 05/08/2024

Brothers All, 

Our new District 3 AGA, WB Rob Mamias of Seneca Lodge No. 55), posted an introductory email over a week ago that I wanted to share with you. 

Fraternally Yours,

Gary A. Byram

Dear Masters, Wardens, and Brethren of District 3

      I would like to introduce myself as your new Associate Grand Almoner and
thank WB Ken Tarwood for his years of service as AGA before me. I am deeply
honored to be appointed as AGA and looking forward to working closely with
the Lodges of the third district.

     My eagerness to contribute to our collective efforts and serve our district’s
brethren, wives, widows and orphans is driven by a deep sense of our shared
masonic values. It is a true passion of mine to help aid and assist in any
way possible and I am privileged to have this opportunity to serve our community.

     In the coming weeks, I plan to tour our district and introduce myself in
person to learn how best I can serve your Lodge. In the meantime, feel free
to contact me via email at or by phone at (401)999-1725.

WB Rob Namias


Rob Namias Worshipful Master Seneca Lodge No.55 Torrington, CT
Harmony Lodge No. 42, May 16th, Stated Communication Announcement   on 05/08/2024

Brothers All,

R.W. Shane has asked me to convey a private message to the craft that during next week's Stated Communication MW Thomas Maxwell will be receiving an award form the Past District Deputy Association, and unbeknownst to him, his 50 year pin. Since MW Tom no longer drives at night, PGM Joseph Porco has graciously offered to bring him to the lodge and join us for the evening. A special honor indeed and I can only assume that the attendance may be greater than our normal Stated Communications meetings. Wardens and Stewarts may I suggest that dinner be planned accordingly and supplies be plentiful.

Fraternally Yours,


Gary A. Byram


Harmony Lodge No. 42

531 Highland Avenue

Waterbury, CT  06708


C:   (860) 463-2699

W:  Harmony Lodge No. 42

FB: Harmony Lodge No. 42

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"
  Brother Benjamin Franklin
District Deputy Reception, May 9th, at Seneca Lodge No. 55  on 05/08/2024
Just a reminder that this Thursday, May 9th, there will be the DD Reception for Dan Reeve Being hosted by Seneca Lodge No. 55. AGMs Neal White and Ken Tarwood will also be presented. Dinner is at 6:00 and the program begins at 7:00. This is open to all mason, families and friends.

R.W. Shane Dufresne
Grand Senior Warden
Grand Lodge of Connecticut A.F.A.M. 

Seneca Lodge No. 55

26 Water Street

Torrington, CT 06790

Harmony Lodge No. 42 - Spring Trestle Board  on 04/15/2024

Brothers All,

Spring Trestle Board have been printed and placed in the Lodge for your convenience, and a PDF copy attached here. Email me directly if you would like a copy mailed to you.




April 1st                         7:30 PM

Stated Communication, Dinner at 6:30


April 6th                         9:00 am

Grand Lodge Annual Communication

April 27th                        2:00 pm

Third District Table Lodge - Mattatuck


April 18th                       7:30 PM

Stated Communication, Dinner at 6:30


May 2nd                          7:30 PM

Stated Communication – Table Lodge

May 16th                         7:30 PM

Stated Communication, Dinner at 6:30


June 6th                           7:30 PM

Stated Communication, Dinner at 6:30

June 8th                            12:00 pm

Benjamin Franklin Dinner                           


June 18th                                      7:30 PM

Stated Communication. Dinner at 6:30


July and August No Meetings

Trestle Board Spring 2024.pdf

Fraternally Yours,

Gary A. Byram


Harmony Lodge No. 42

531 Highland Avenue

Waterbury, CT  06708


C:   (860) 463-2699

W:  Harmony Lodge No. 42

FB: Harmony Lodge No. 42

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"
Brother Benjamin Franklin

IN MEMORIAM Right Worshipful Brother Charles "Chip" Louis Schofield, III  on 04/13/2024


It is with sadness that we announce the death of

Right Worshipful Brother Charles "Chip" Louis Schofield, III

Right Worshipful Brother Charles Louis Schofield, III served the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of the State of Connecticut as District Deputy for Masonic District 3 in 2016, 2017 and 2018. He also served as Worshipful Master of Shepard Salem No. 78 in 2014. Brother Schofield passed away on Thursday, April 11, 2024.

Family and friends are invited to pay their respects on Sunday, April 14, 2024, from 4pm to 7pm at the Alderson-Ford Funeral Home of Naugatuck, 201 Meadow Street.

A Masonic Service will be held at 7pm. Brothers are asked to arrive by 6:15pm.

A mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10am on Monday morning at St. Francis of Assisi Church.  Interment will follow at Grove Cemetery.

Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. 


James M. Anderson

R.W. Grand Secretary

IN MEMORIAM - RWB Charles Louis Schofield, III.pdf

Harmony Lodge No. 42: Annual Ben Franklin BBQ - Saturday Afternoon June 8th  on 04/11/2024

Ben Franklin 2024 add HERE YE.pdf


The Brothers of Harmony Lodge #42 will be hosting, The 3nd Annual


Scheduled for Saturday June 08, 2024

Noon till….

Masons and their guests that are Men over the Age of 21 are welcome to attend. Harmony Lodge #42 Bottle Club BYOB rules will be in effect! Roast Pig, appetizers, misc. salads, and desserts. Soft drinks and water. 

Awesome Raffles and prizes will be awarded.



All Tickets will be sold in advance! 



The Commissioners Cigar Lounge will be on site for your favorite cigar!

Please contact Brother Gerry Matthews for TICKETS!

                                                                                                                                                                         TEXT or CALL  203-509-9512    or email me @ 

Lodge Work Day - April 27th  on 04/08/2024

Brothers All,

The Waterbury Masonic Temple Corporation will be holding a work day on April 27th from 8a to 2p with breakfast served at 7a. Please respond to the event on the Facebook page or reach out to Bro. Gerry Matthews to RSVP. We require a headcount for breakfast and task planning. 

We are planning on digging a dry well, repointing some brick in the front of the building, adding a couple segments to our back yard fence, cleaning radiators and a few other odds and ends. Come on down and help to keep your lodge looking beautiful for our upcoming events!

Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary

Harmony Lodge No. 42 Stated Communication - Chip Schofield Benefit Notice  on 04/04/2024

Chip Schofield Benefit April 4th (1).pdf

Reposting with event flyer attached!

Brothers All,

This is to serve as a reminder that tonight, April 4th, we will have a quick business meeting and we will NOT dinner prior to Stated Communication.

In lieu of dinner I ask the Harmony members to please take their $10 we usually spend on dinner and head over to the ELKS LODGE in Naugatuck. 

There is the location of a pasta benefit dinner for Chip Schofield as per the attached flyer. Our normal meeting will start at 7:30 sharp and we will head to the Elks Lodge from there after we close.
Dress shall be business casual.
S.W. Jason R. Gadue
Harmony Lodge No. 42 - April 4th Stated Communication Notice  on 04/04/2024

Brothers All,

This is to serve as a reminder that tonight, April 4th, we will have a quick business meeting and we will NOT dinner prior to Stated Communication.

In lieu of dinner I ask the Harmony members to please take their $10 we usually spend on dinner and head over to the ELKS LODGE in Naugatuck. 

There is the location of a pasta benefit dinner for Chip Schofield as per the attached flyer. Our normal meeting will start at 7:30 sharp and we will head to the Elks Lodge from there after we close.
Dress shall be business casual.
S.W. Jason R. Gadue


Harmony Lodge No. 42 April 4th Stated Communication - Chip Scofield Benefit Dinner (Copy)  on 04/04/2024

Hello Brothers of Harmony 42,

On Thursday, April 4th we will have a quick business meeting and we will NOT dinner prior to Stated Communication.
In lieu of dinner I ask the Harmony members to please take their $10 we usually spend on dinner and head over to the ELKS LODGE in Naugatuck. 
There is the location of a pasta benefit dinner for Chip Schofield as per the attached flyer. Our normal meeting will start at 7:30 sharp and we will head to the Elks Lodge from there after we close.
Dress shall be business casual.
S.W. Jason R. Gadue


Harmony Lodge No. 42 April 4th Stated Communication - Chip Scofield Benefit Dinner  on 03/29/2024

Hello Brothers of Harmony 42,

On Thursday, April 4th we will have a quick business meeting and we will NOT dinner prior to Stated Communication.
In lieu of dinner I ask the Harmony members to please take their $10 we usually spend on dinner and head over to the ELKS LODGE in Naugatuck. 
There is the location of a pasta benefit dinner for Chip Schofield as per the attached flyer. Our normal meeting will start at 7:30 sharp and we will head to the Elks Lodge from there after we close.
Dress shall be business casual.
S.W. Jason R. Gadue


Grand Master's Gala Event Location   on 03/28/2024
Brothers All,
I am sharing R.W. Shane Dufresne below massage in order that we have time to review and express our thoughts at the will and pleasure of WM Manny.
Fraternally Yours,
Gary Byram
Brothers of Harmony,
   Over the years brothers from throughout the state have inquired as to why the Grand Master's gala was always held down in Branford. A lot of brothers thought it was out of the way, and time-consuming to get to, depending on where you are coming from in the state I too didn't know why this particular place was chosen.
   I recently found out that a brother Mason owns the business and he gives any Masonic function held there, a huge discount. Apparently, he just covers his costs.
    Previous to being given this information, I had been asked by a few brothers of Harmony to try to have the event more centrally located when it's my year. I had talked to RW Fred Mariotti, who is the chair of the Grand Master's gala committee. He explained the prices and the discount given. I asked him to get a couple of quotes from other banquet halls, closer to Waterbury. He provided me with an estimate from the Aqua Turf in Southington and from Aria in Prospect. Their prices were similar to one another and substantially higher than Woodwinds.
   That being said, to keep the price we pay now at Woodwinds, about $55, the lodge would have to cover the difference, otherwise the cost would be closer to $90 per person. A rough estimate would be about $10,000 to cover the difference. That all being said, in no way shape, or form am I asking for the lodge to do this so that we may have the event at either of those places. This is just information that I am sharing because I was asked to see if it could be more centrally located. If the lodge wants to discuss that option, so be it. But I am not asking to lodge to burden that expense. If the lodge decides to do so, Brother Fred needs to know ASAP so that he can reserve the venue. When talking with those places, Fred was advised that dates were already being scheduled for April of 2026.
R.W. Shane Dufresne
Grand Junior Warden
Grand Lodge of Connecticut A.F.A.M. 
Valley of New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade Sunday, March 10, 2024  on 03/07/2024

Brothers All,

In years past Harmony Lodge No. 42 has been well represnted in the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and should be again this year. See attached flyer to register for breakfast, lunch, and marching in the parade. The Valley of New Haven provides bus transportation direclty to our position in the parade.  If their parking lot is full space is available directly across the street.  WB Patrick Donnelly has offered to take the lead keeping a head count and coordinate car pooling fron the lodge to New Haven, therefore contact him direclty with your intentions. 

  • Text: (203) 560-9098
  • E:


Fraternally Yours,

Gary A. Byram


Harmony Lodge No. 42

531 Highland Avenue

Waterbury, CT  06708


C:   (860) 463-2699


The Valley of New Haven Scottish Rite

Invite you to join us for

The New Haven

St. Patrick’s Day Parade!!!

Sunday, March 10, 2024

March with Us and represent Connecticut Masonry and our extended family!!!

Meet at the New Haven Masonic Lodge 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven .

Hot breakfast served from 9 to 11 A.M. BBQ picnic lunch to follow parade!

***see attached flyer***

Bus transportation is provided for marchers from the lodge to the staging area beginning at NOON.

The parade steps off at 1:30pm. You can walk the parade route or sign up to ride the 45’ float. (limited seating)

Lodge officers wear formal attire, tuxes/dark suits, jewels, aprons, and top hat. Lodge members wear dark suits and aprons.

Your family is very welcome to march with us and enjoy the fun. The more, the merrier! After the parade its back to the lodge for a barbecue lunch and fellowship.

Please contact WB Fred Marotti with questions at: or 203-­641­-3932 or to let us know you're coming before March 5, 2024.

Master Mason Degree Rehearsal - Thursday, February 29th, 6:30PM   on 02/27/2024

Brothers All,

This is to serve as a reminder that Harmonry Lodge No. 42 has a Master Mason Degree reheasral this Thursday night at 6:30PM. For those participating in the degree please be prompt and note that dinner will not be served.  A reminder to the Stewards to coordinate next week's MM Degree ordering of dinner and needed supplies, and when using the lodge debit card place all receipts in the hands of the Treasurer. 


Franternally Yours, 

Bro. Gary A. Byram 






Annual George Washington Dinner  on 01/28/2024

Brothers All,


Our annual George Washington Dinner will be held on Saturday, February 17th beginning with cocktails at 5p and a delicious dinner to follow.

Please RSVP to our Junior Warden, Kevin Kazlauskas at Dress is jacket & tie.

We hope to see you there!


Yours in Brotherhood,


WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

RWB Marty Macary Memorial Gathering  on 01/22/2024

Brothers All,


This Thursday, January 25th is the one year anniversary of the passing of our dear Brother Marty Macary.

RWB Shane Dufresne has organized a memorial gathering on that day at Kinsemen Brewing ( in Southington at 7pm. There will be a reserved area in Shane's name. Terry Macary will be in attendance and significant others are most welcome to join.

Shane is hopeful that we will have a great turn out. We hope to see you there!


Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

Reminder Regarding Scheduling of Events  on 01/20/2024

Brothers All,


Temple Corp has asked me to remind all brothers that if anyone is scheduling an event (including Masonic) during a different day than the body's normal meeting day, that they reach out to one of their Temple Corp representatives in advance so we can ensure there is no overlap on the Temple calendar. 



Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

Test email to Larry  on 01/05/2024


3rd District Newsletter  on 12/04/2023

District 3 Pin Gold.png

Please send me the date of your installations.
Thank you all for continuing to forward the newsletter to your Lodges.
Br. Matt Kuhr
District 3 Events
All events must be submitted by google form or by email to by Wednesday to make the issue the following Sunday.
Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, December 9, 9am @ St. Paul's Lodge No. 11
Breakfast, Santa, Presents. RSVP to John Papp or Neil White
Actual Past Master's Degree
Thursday, December 14, 6:30pm @ Federal Lodge No. 17
Ice on the Rock
Saturday, December 16, 6:30pm @ King Solomon's Lodge No. 7
Seneca Lodge Installation Night
Tuesday, December 19, 7:30pm @ Seneca Lodge No. 55
King Solomon's Lodge Installation Night
Wednesday, December 20, 7:30pm @ King Solomon's Lodge No. 7
Holiday Party & SC
Thursday, December 21, 6:30pm @ Harmony Lodge No. 42
Cocktail hour at 6:30, meeting to follow at 7:30.
Jacket & tie. Holiday party & potluck dinner after meeting.
Seneca Lodge Holiday Party & Raffle Drawing
Saturday, December 23, 12pm @ Seneca Lodge No. 55
Harmony Lodge Installation Night
Saturday, January 6, 6:30pm @ Harmony Lodge No. 42
Third District Table Lodge
Saturday, April 27, Time TBA @ the Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury
Recurring Programs
Esoteric Club @ Harmony Lodge
1st Sunday of the month, 6:30-9:30pm, Casual Dress
Naugatuck Shrine Club
2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm
Open to Shriners, Masons, Families, and Prospects
Contact WB Steve Saxton (203)725-2914
Seneca Lodge No. 55 Raffle
Raffle Flyer XBow.png
Next Blue Lodge Council Meeting
Thursday, January 25 @ Morning Star Lodge No. 47
419 Coram Ave. Shelton, CT
Dinner @ 6:30pm, Meeting @ 7:30pm
The Lodge with the most members in attendance will walk away with the 3rd District Traveling Gavel. It is currently held by Seneca Lodge No. 55 who earned the honor with 11 members at September's BLC. 
Where's the Trowel?
Morning Star Lodge No. 47
Visit with five or more Brothers to claim the trowel for your Lodge.
District Information
Grand Lodge Officers
RW Shane Dufresne, Grand Junior Warden, District 3 Prospect Manager
RW Peter Keefe, District Deputy 3A
RW Jack Baril, District Deputy 3B
WB Stephen Saxton, Associate Grand Marshall 3A
WB John Papp, Associate Grand Marshall 3B
WB Ken Tarwood, Associate Grand Almoner
RW John Stack, District Secretary
Lodge Information
14 Park Rd. Woodbury, CT
Meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday @ 7:30pm
17 Meadow St. Litchfield, CT
Meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday @ 7:30pm
419 Coram Ave. Shelton, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 7:30pm
173 Main St. Watertown, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Monday @ 7:30pm
531 Highland Ave. Waterbury, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Thursday @ 7:30pm
135 Main St. Suite 1, Seymour, CT
Meets on 1st Saturday & 3rd Thursday @ 7:30pm
26 Water St. Torrington, CT
Meets on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
27 Wheeler St. Winsted, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
130 Church St. Naugatuck, CT
Meets on 2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
Other Links
The Freemasons Podcast
Br. Matthew Kuhr
Third District Communication Coordinator
(860) 201-6558
If you'd like to be added to the 3rd District Blue Lodge mailing list, please contact
3rd District Blue Lodge Council Tonight @ Harmony  on 11/30/2023

Brothers All,


This is just a quick reminder that the 3rd District Blue Lodge Council meeting is tonight and is being hosted by Harmony Lodge. Dinner begins at 6:30 with the meeting to follow at 7:30.

Blue Lodge Council meetings are a great opportunity for Brothers (especially officers and new Brothers!) to network with lodges throughout our district and share ideas on the issues which affect our lodges. Tonight is the BLC annual meeting, and as such, voting will take place on council officers and a hat will be passed to collect for a local charity to support during the holiday season. I encourage you to come and support your lodge - let's make it a great turn-out!

I hope to see you there!


Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

3rd District Newsletter  on 11/27/2023

District 3 Pin Gold.png

Please forward me the date of your installations.
Thank you all for continuing to send the newsletter to your Lodges.
Br. Matt Kuhr
District 3 Events
All events must be submitted by google form or by email to by Wednesday to make the issue the following Sunday.
Entered Apprentice Degree
Tuesday, November 28, 7:30pm @ Shepherd-Salem No. 78
Dinner at 6:30, Degree at 7:30
Fellowcraft Degree
Wednesday, November 29, 7:30pm @ Seneca Lodge No. 55
*TIME CHANGE* Dinner at 6:00, Degree at 7:00
Blue Lodge Council
Thursday, November 30, 7:30pm @ Harmony Lodge No. 42
Dinner at 6:30, Meeting at 7:30
Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, December 9, 9am @ St. Paul's Lodge No. 11
Breakfast, Santa, Presents. RSVP to John Papp or Neil White
Actual Past Master's Degree
Thursday, December 14, 6:30pm @ Federal Lodge No. 17
Ice on the Rock
Saturday, December 16, 6:30pm @ King Solomon's Lodge No. 7
Seneca Lodge Installation Night
Tuesday, December 19, 7:30pm @ Seneca Lodge No. 55
King Solomon's Lodge Installation Night
Wednesday, December 20, 7:30pm @ King Solomon's Lodge No. 7
Holiday Party & SC
Thursday, December 21, 6:30pm @ Harmony Lodge No. 42
Cocktail hour at 6:30, meeting to follow at 7:30.
Jacket & tie. Holiday party & potluck dinner after meeting.
Seneca Lodge Holiday Party & Raffle Drawing
Saturday, December 23, 12pm @ Seneca Lodge No. 55
Harmony Lodge Installation Night
Saturday, January 6, 6:30pm @ Harmony Lodge No. 42
Recurring Programs
Esoteric Club @ Harmony Lodge
1st Sunday of the month, 6:30-9:30pm, Casual Dress
Naugatuck Shrine Club
2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm
Open to Shriners, Masons, Families, and Prospects
Contact WB Steve Saxton (203)725-2914
Seneca Lodge No. 55 Raffle
Raffle Flyer XBow.png
Next Blue Lodge Council Meeting
Thursday, November 30, 2023 at Harmony Lodge No. 42
Dinner @ 6:30pm, Meeting @ 7:30pm
The Lodge with the most members in attendance will walk away with the 3rd District Traveling Gavel. It is currently held by Seneca Lodge No. 55 who earned the honor with 11 members at September's BLC. 
Where's the Trowel?
Morning Star Lodge No. 47
Visit with five or more Brothers to claim the trowel for your Lodge.
District Information
Grand Lodge Officers
RW Shane Dufresne, Grand Junior Warden, District 3 Prospect Manager
RW Peter Keefe, District Deputy 3A
RW Jack Baril, District Deputy 3B
WB Stephen Saxton, Associate Grand Marshall 3A
WB John Papp, Associate Grand Marshall 3B
WB Ken Tarwood, Associate Grand Almoner
Bro. John Stack, District Secretary
Lodge Information
14 Park Rd. Woodbury, CT
Meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday @ 7:30pm
17 Meadow St. Litchfield, CT
Meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday @ 7:30pm
419 Coram Ave. Shelton, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 7:30pm
173 Main St. Watertown, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Monday @ 7:30pm
531 Highland Ave. Waterbury, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Thursday @ 7:30pm
135 Main St. Suite 1, Seymour, CT
Meets on 1st Saturday & 3rd Thursday @ 7:30pm
26 Water St. Torrington, CT
Meets on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
27 Wheeler St. Winsted, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
130 Church St. Naugatuck, CT
Meets on 2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
Other Links
The Freemasons Podcast
Br. Matthew Kuhr
Third District Communication Coordinator
(860) 201-6558
If you'd like to be added to the 3rd District Blue Lodge mailing list, please contact


Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

King Solomon's MM Request  on 11/16/2023
On Saturday, December 2, starting at 9:30 am, King Solomon's will be doing an MM degree in their lodge for three FCs. They need help with completing the degree team. They need a Junior Deacon and two Stewards for the first half. They also need the 12 craftsmen, with the 3 speaking parts, the three Ruffians, Captain, and Sea Faring Man for the tragedy. If you can fill any part, please contact WB Lorenzo Gaudioso. There is also room for two more MMs, if your lodge would like to have them participate, contact WB Lorenzo. They expect to be over around noon where a catered lunch will be served.
3rd District Newsletter  on 11/14/2023


District 3 Pin Gold.png
District 3 Events
All events must be submitted by google form or by email to by Wednesday to make the issue the following Sunday.
Necrology & Awards Night
Thursday, November 16, 6:30pm @ Harmony Lodge No. 42
Entered Apprentice Degree
Tuesday, November 28, 7:30pm @ Shepherd-Salem No. 78
Dinner at 6:30, Degree at 7:30
Fellowcraft Degree
Wednesday, November 29, 7:30pm @ Seneca Lodge No. 55
Dinner at 6:30, Degree at 7:30
Blue Lodge Council
Thursday, November 30, 7:30pm @ Harmony Lodge No. 42
Dinner at 6:30, Meeting at 7:30
Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, December 9, 9am @ St. Paul's Lodge No. 11
Breakfast, Santa, Presents. RSVP to John Papp or Neil White
Actual Past Master's Degree
Thursday, December 14, 6:30pm @ Federal Lodge No. 17
Ice on the Rock
Saturday, December 16, 6:30pm @ King Solomon's Lodge No. 7
Seneca Lodge Installation Night
Tuesday, December 19, 7:30pm @ Seneca Lodge No. 55
Holiday Party & SC
Thursday, December 21, 6:30pm @ Harmony Lodge No. 42
Cocktail hour at 6:30, meeting to follow at 7:30.
Jacket & tie. Holiday party & potluck dinner after meeting.
Seneca Lodge Holiday Party & Raffle Drawing
Saturday, December 23, 12pm @ Seneca Lodge No. 55
Harmony Lodge Installation Night
Saturday, January 6, 6:30pm @ Harmony Lodge No. 42
Recurring Programs
Esoteric Club @ Harmony Lodge
1st Sunday of the month, 6:30-9:30pm, Casual Dress
Naugatuck Shrine Club
2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm
Open to Shriners, Masons, Families, and Prospects
Contact WB Steve Saxton (203)725-2914
Seneca Lodge No. 55 Raffle
Raffle Flyer XBow.png
Next Blue Lodge Council Meeting
Thursday, November 30, 2023 at Harmony Lodge No. 42
Dinner @ 6:30pm, Meeting @ 7:30pm
The Lodge with the most members in attendance will walk away with the 3rd District Traveling Gavel. It is currently held by Seneca Lodge No. 55 who earned the honor with 11 members at September's BLC. 
Where's the Trowel?
Morning Star Lodge No. 47
Visit with five or more Brothers to claim the trowel for your Lodge.
District Information
Grand Lodge Officers
RW Shane Dufresne, Grand Junior Warden, District 3 Prospect Manager
RW Peter Keefe, District Deputy 3A
RW Jack Baril, District Deputy 3B
WB Stephen Saxton, Associate Grand Marshall 3A
WB John Papp, Associate Grand Marshall 3B
WB Ken Tarwood, Associate Grand Almoner
Bro. John Stack, District Secretary
Lodge Information
14 Park Rd. Woodbury, CT
Meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday @ 7:30pm
17 Meadow St. Litchfield, CT
Meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday @ 7:30pm
419 Coram Ave. Shelton, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 7:30pm
173 Main St. Watertown, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Monday @ 7:30pm
531 Highland Ave. Waterbury, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Thursday @ 7:30pm
135 Main St. Suite 1, Seymour, CT
Meets on 1st Saturday & 3rd Thursday @ 7:30pm
26 Water St. Torrington, CT
Meets on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
27 Wheeler St. Winsted, CT
Meets on 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
130 Church St. Naugatuck, CT
Meets on 2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
Other Links
The Freemasons Podcast
Br. Matthew Kuhr
Third District Communication Coordinator
(860) 201-6558
If you'd like to be added to the 3rd District Blue Lodge mailing list, please contact

Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

District Lecturer Position  on 11/09/2023
Brothers All,
Please see the below message from RWB Shane Dufresne:
   DGM Edward Page mentioned at the Semi-Annual a couple of items that he will be implementing after he is installed as our next Grand Master in April. One of them is the return of the position of District Lecturer. This is something I support as I was going to implement it myself if I ever got to the position of being elected as Grand Master. The current Senior Grand Warden, Ron Magliano is also in support of this. The details of the position will be forthcoming from RW Edward.
   In the meantime, I am looking for 2-3 brothers, who are interested in the position. You must be a Past Master, be above average in ritual work, willing to travel the district, and work closely with the officers of a lodge to help and mentor in regard to ritual work. As we meet with Edward, more details will emerge of the specifics of the position. Please contact me if you are interested.
R.W. Shane Dufresne
Grand Junior Warden
Grand Lodge of Connecticut A.F.A.M. 
Halloween Candy Donation  on 10/27/2023

Brothers All,


Harmony Lodge No. 42 will be handing out candy to trick-or-treaters on Halloween night. We are asking for brothers to donate a bag of candy and drop it off at the lodge between now and the 31st if they are able. This has become an annual event and the neighborhood kids and their parents really appreciate it. It's also a great way to keep up our reputation in the local community. Of course, if you'd like to volunteer to help out on the 31st as well, we'd love your support!


Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

Masonic Service for Bro. Richard Johnson, Friday, 6pm  on 10/23/2023
Brothers, a Masonic Funeral Service has been requested for recently deceased brother Mr. Richard Johnson. Russ Griswold and Manny Tirado are coordinating the ceremony, which will be held this Friday at 6 pm at Prospect Memorial Funeral home. If you are able to participate or join the ceremony, please contact the Senior Warden (Manny). We are in need of a few roles for the ceremony (SW, Marshal). Thank you brothers. Your volunteerism will make certain that this can occur. Let us keep Brother Richard and his family in our hearts, minds and prayers.
INDOORS - Civil War EA, Oct. 21st   on 10/19/2023


After much consideration and consultation with the Harmony 42 Principal Officers and Grand Lodge of CT, Harmony #42 will move this Saturday's Civil War EA Degree indoors to Harmony Lodge, 531 Highland Avenue, due to impending weather and expected field conditions thereafter. Brothers will still wear period appropriate garb, with some creative lighting to set the proper mood. The Degree will still take place at 6:30pm, with dinner preceeding at 5:30pm.

We hope to see you there for an excellent evening of Fellowship.


Patrick J. Donnelly, WM

Temple Corp Bylaws for Review/Vote  on 10/18/2023


The Waterbury Masonic Temple Corp. has met to revise their existing bylaws. Attached is a copy of that revision. We must vote as a Body whether or not to approve these Bylaws. The vote will be held at our Stated Communication on November 16th, which is slightly less than 30 days for you to review this revision and develop/provide any discussion or talking points you wish to share the evening of the vote.

Thank you,

WM Patrick Donnelly

Reminder - Civil War EA, Oct. 21st  on 10/17/2023


The 2023 Civil War EA Degree will occur this Saturday at the Wolcott Landowners' Club. However, it does appear now that some rain may be developing. Should the degree be cancelled due to the rain, notice will be sent to the Craft by 12:00pm the day of the degree. Please check your emails. There will not be a rain-date, and instead candidates will undergo the EA Degree on November 2nd.

Should we proceed, (let us hoppe) please know Dinner will be served at 5:30pm and the degree will begin at 6:30pm. BE SURE TO BRING A LAWN CHAIR TO WATCH THE DEGREE. CHAIRS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED. If you plan to attend please RSVP to me at or via text at 203-560-9098.


Thank you.

EA Practice this Thurs  on 10/10/2023
Gentlemen there will be a practice this Thursday evening for our degree next Saturday. Please refer to your Trestle boards for the time. See you there Brothers.
TONIGHT - Table Lodge @ Harmony #42  on 10/05/2023


Our Table Lodge will be held this evening, cocktail hour at 6:30pm and Lodge at 7:30pm. Suits and Tie. Tuxedos not required for Officers. The cost is $20.00 per person.

Harmony Lodge functions as a bottle club. Please be sure to respect these rules, and sign-in and out any spirits you may wish to enjoy this evening.

Most importantly, prepare to enjoy a great evening of Brotherhood.

-WM Patrick

CT Freemasons Newspaper Print Edition Changes  on 10/02/2023
Brothers All,
Please see the below message regarding changes to the print edition of the CT Freemasons newspaper:
The Connecticut Freemasons newspaper will no longer be sent to people under 70 years old. You can get it online from the Grand Lodge website. Just go to the main page and scroll down a little way. The current one is available, as are all archived previous editions. If you would still like a hard copy sent to you, you have to become a booster. Click on the link below the newspapers on the main web page to be brought to the area. Here is the link to the Grand Lodge website...

Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

EA Civil War Degree - Oct 21st. & Roles to be Filled  on 09/26/2023


The much ancticipated return of Harmony #42's Civil War Entered Apprentice degree is slated for the evening of October 21st, 2023. This is a Saturday. Please refer to your Trestle Board for information regarding dinner and start times. The degree will be held at the Wolcott Landowners Club as is tradition.

We are in need of 4 brothers to volunteer for the following positions: Junior Steward, Tiler #3, Tiler #4, Candidate Guide #3. If you are interested in performing one of these roles, please reach out to me at or 203-560-9098. All other roles are currently filled by the cast listed below.

If you see any errors in the cast below, reach out to me. Thank you.


Worshipful Master Patrick Donnelly
Chaplain Gary Rosengrant
Senior Warden Manny Tirado
Junior Warden Jason Gadue
Senior Deacon Kevin Kazlauskus
Junior Deacon Matt Elwell
Senior Steward Matt Renaudo
Junior Steward TBD
Treasurer Joseph Pisani
Secretary Ken Tarwood
Marshall Tom Maxwell
Historian Gerry Matthews
Tiler (1) Eric Bogart
Tiler (2) Frank Bombardier
Tiler (3) TBD
Tiler (4) TBD
PM with Candidates TBD
Apron Gary Rosengrant
Working Tools Kevin Kazlauskus
1st Section Lecture Matt Elwell
Kevin Kazlauskus
2nd Section Lecture Ken Tarwood
3rd Section Lecture N/A
Charge Steve Chappelone
Guide 1 Matt Renaudo
Guide 2 TBD
Guide 3 TBD
October 5th - Table Lodge  on 09/26/2023


As many of you know, Harmony #42 will hold a Table Lodge on October 5th. Cocktail hour begins at 6:30pm, Lodge begins at 7:30pm. The cost is $20.00 per person, with a cap of 40 attendees. There are only a few spots remaining. If you wish to attend, please email me at or call me at 203-560-9098. Act quickly, lest the final spots slip from your grasp.

Revised 2023 Bylaws for Member Input  on 09/19/2023

Brothers All,

 I very much appreciate your patience as we've worked to provide this drafted red-line'd version of the Harmony #42 Bylaws to our membership for comment. Thank you to Mark Orsini for assisting with some Grand-View operations behind the scenes to successfully combine the Harmony #42 and former Liberty-Continental #76 email adresses into one cohesive list.

Over the summer, the designated "Bylaws Revision Committee" met and agreed upon the revisions you will see within the attached red-line document. Please note 3 files are attached: #1. Redline 2023 Bylaw Revsions, #2 Current 2015 Bylaws, #3 Grand Lodge Bylaw-model.

Please review and return your comments to me via individual email at Please submit your suggestions or comments by Friday, October 6th. The Bylaws Committee will meet to review these comments prior to the meeting of October 19th and will determine whether any additional content should be incoporated to the final revised draft. All comments will be provided to the Committee anonynmously so as to preserve the privacy of your comments. Subsequently, the "final" version will be provided to the Lodge and we will vote as a Lodge to send this final revised version to the Grand Lodge Bylaws review committee for further action. The entire process will likely take a few months once our revised draft is submitted, reviewed, returned, and voted.

Please reach me with any questions or concerns. Your attention to this process is very much appreciated.

Search for Secretary  on 09/15/2023

Brothers All,


Harmony #42 is searching for a new Secretary and Assitant Secretary for 2024 and beyond. Candidates for the positions should be affable, detail-oriented, have basic fiscal accumen and be willing to dedicate 1-4 hours on average per week to the requirements of the position.

WB Joe Pisani and I will be available to train, shadow and answer questions such that we have a smooth transition.

If you are interested, please reach out to WM Pat Donnelly ((203) 560-9098, and Senior Warden Manny Tirado ((203) 206-3667, If you have any questions about the positions, please reach out to WB Ken Tarwood ((203 980-6548, or WB Joe Pisani ((203) 592-3840,


Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

Casual Dress 09/07/23  on 09/07/2023

Brothers All,

This evening's Stated Communication (09-07-23) will be casual dress. It is simply too hot in the Lodge for formal dress. Appreciate your understanding. Looking forward to seeing you all as we return to business.


Yours in Brotherhood,

WM Patrick Donnelly

"Help Keep Them Warm" Donation Kick-Off  on 08/16/2023

Brothers All,


This is a quick reminder about our inaugural "Help Keep Them Warm" winter clothing drive on Saturday, August 19th from 10a to 4p at the Waterbury Masonic Temple. Please consider stopping down to assist Brothers working the event, or donate any new or lightly used coats, hats, scarves, blankets or other winter items. Please see attached flyer for details.


Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

This Thursday's Stated Communication (6/15)  on 06/13/2023
Brothers All, This Thursday's stated communication will be casual dress. Burgers and dogs will be the fare of the night. Yours in Brotherhood, WB Ken Tarwood Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42
Seeking Lodge Prospect Manager!  on 04/25/2023

Brothers All,


The Worshipful Master is seeking a lodge Prospect Manager to assist in the day-to-day contact and follow-up with electronic membership requests received from the Grand Lodge website, and other membership requests and referrals to the lodge. The recent merger of Waterbury lodges and the introduction of the new membership and retention programs by Grand Lodge has resulted in an influx of new requests, and it is important that a Brother be dedicated to immediate follow-up and documentation of the status of each prospect.

The position entails checking the Grand View system for new prospects on a routine basis, reaching out to the individuals personally, coordinating meetings and attendance at our events and making introductions to the brethren. The Brother in this position will also need to make notes on each prospect record in the system, detailing when and how contact was made, and update the record's status accordingly should a petition be received or contact lost. The Brother in this position should have good interpersonal skills, enjoy introducing new people to the Craft, and have a good, well-rounded knowledge of the fraternity.

If you are interested in this position, please reach out to WM Patrick Donnelly ( prior to May 4th.


Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

MWB Benjamin Franklin BBQ Reminder  on 04/18/2023

Brothers All,


Just a quick reminder that our Ben Franklin BBQ is quickly approaching! If you haven't yet RSVP'd and would like to attend, please see the contact info below:

The Brothers of Harmony Lodge #42 will be hosting, The 2nd Annual
Scheduled for Saturday June 10, 2023
Noon till….
Masons and their guests that are Men over the Age of 21 are welcome to attend. Harmony Lodge #42 Bottle Club BYOB rules will be in effect! Roast Pig, appetizers, misc. salads, and desserts. Soft drinks and water. Awesome Raffles and prizes will be awarded.
Please contact Brother Gerry Matthews for TICKETS!
TEXT or CALL 203-509-9512 or email


Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

Harmony-Branded Clothing Options  on 04/10/2023

Brothers All,


Please see the following note from RWB Shane Dufresne on options for Harmony Lodge wearables:


Brothers, as brought up at our last meeting regarding clothing items, here is the current price list. Most colors are available. We have used this business in the past and have been happy with his prices and quality of the items. Also attached are the two polo shirts and 3 season jacket I previously purchased. If interested, please let me know.
Shane Dufresne
Grand Senior Deacon
Grand Lodge of Connecticut 

Yours in Brotherhood,

WB Ken Tarwood

Assistant Secretary, Harmony Lodge #42

Upcoming Events