A word from Worshipful Master Manny Tirado:


Brothers All,

Wow, half of this year is under our belts and now we look forward to and prepare for the next 6 months!
A quick review of the past 6 months: We had the George Washington Dinner and the Benjamin Franklin dinner, both with an outstanding attendance and participation. I want to thank the brothers that worked hard to put the events together and everyone else that assisted them.
There were 2 Grand Lodge Recognitions for two of our Brothers, Bro. Shane Dufresne – Grand Senior Warden, PDD, PM and Br. Thomas Maxwell, PGM. These also had excellent attendance.
What is to happen this coming quarter? Besides our regular scheduled meetings, we will enjoy several events for the brothers and families to enjoy some fellowship and relaxation. We have the fireworks night, an ice cream evening for the brothers and families, a setback tournament night, an EA degree, the Help Keep Them Warm collection day and the handing out of candies and cider on Halloween night.
Yes, it sounds like a lot, and it is. However, all this is made possible because of all the brothers that assist in running the events, as well as those who show up to support the events.  Thank you everyone!
We need brothers to assist in meeting prospects who inquire about masonry on the Grand Lodge site. They pass them on to us to talk to them, show them who we are, and what we do. Those that qualify, we will cultivate them into well-informed Masons!  Please contact me if you are willing to be part of the path for a new brother.
I leave you with this though…

Let’s Re-Ignite the Masonic Fire!!!

~ W.M. Manny Tirado

Master, Harmony Lodge #42, A.F. & A. M.