The news from our lodge…


 January 2023 Trestle Board
Corinthian Lodge No. 63 A.F. & A.M.
30 Church Street, P.O. Box 63, North Haven, CT 06473
Secretary, Robert P. Lewis 203-376-2866
Stated Communications
1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 7:30pm 3rd Wednesday in June, July, and August at 7:30pm
Master’s Trestle Board
January 2023
04 Stated Communication - 7:30pm – Business Dress, 6:30pm dinner
11 BOM/Fellowcraft Club Meeting 7:00pm
14 Installation of Officers 2:00pm – Business Dress,
Installation – Officers in Tuxedos, open to public 
                                                                                                                                                     18 Stated Communication 6:00 – Business Dress, 6:30pm dinner
20 Corinthian Card Night, 7pm to 12am
February 2023
01 Stated Communication 7:30pm – MM Degree, Officers in tuxedos, Business Dress, 6:30pm dinner
08 BOM/Fellowcraft Club Meeting 7:00pm
15 Stated Communication 7:30pm – Business Dress, 6:30pm dinner
17 Corinthian Card Night, 7pm to 12am
Congratulations to SW James Cavanaugh on being elected Worshipful Master for 2023, and all the other brothers elected as officers.