Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - End of the Year Message  on 12/31/2023

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Hello Widow's Son Lodge Family,

As 2023 and my year as Worshipful Master of Widow's Son Lodge # 66 draw to a close, I want to thank you for everything that you have done to promote the ideals of masonry.  2023 has been a positive year for the Lodge and as we go into 2024, we have all of the officer chairs filled for the first time in recent years and overall, the Brothers joining Lodge were about equal to those we lost to death or were dropped.

On behalf of myself, my officers, and all of the Brothers of Widow's Son Lodge # 66, I want to wish each Brother a Safe and Healthy start to 2024 and for the year of 2024 to bring you much joy and prosperity.  Also, I hope that you have a moment to join with your masonic brothers in fellowship either at our Lodge in Branford or if that is beyond the length of your cabletow at a lodge close to you.

Thank you again and may the Grand Architect of the Universe forever have you in his protective care.

Rich Memmott, Jr,
Worshipful Master
Widow's Son Lodge #66 A.F. & A.M.

Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - Upcoming Events  on 12/15/2023


There are three upcoming events to take notes of: 

  1. Saturday December 16th, the Brothers will be helping with the Harbor Lights in Branford.  Specifically, we will be gathering at the Branford Town Green around 3:15 PM and then following the truck putting out the Luminaries on the Green. Then at 4:30 PM, we will assist with lighting them.  Check out this link for more information: Harbor Lights, Branford Point | Facebook 


  1. Tuesday December 19th at 7 PM, for those Brothers able to attend, Widow's Son Lodge # 66 will be assisting Madison Lodge # 87 with a Masonic Funeral Service for the late Worshipful Brother Mario Calabro. The service will be held at the chapel at Masonicare in Wallingford. 


  1. Wednesday December 20th is the last meeting of 2023 for Widow's Son Lodge # 66.  There will be a dinner at 6:30, lodge will open at 7:30, and holiday activities will happen after lodge closes.  Look for more information to follow. 

Rich Memmott 
Worshipful Master 
(c) 203 - 215 - 3260 



Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - Events 12/06 & 12/09  on 12/05/2023


This Wednesday December 6th will draw to a close Widow's Son Lodge # 66 Annual Toys for Tots collection.  From 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the final collection will occur, so please stop by with your donations.  After that event will be our dinner prior to the annual meeting.  Dinner will begin around 6:30 PM, the Annual Meeting of the Past Masters Association will begin starting at 7:00 PM, and Lodge will open at 7:00 PM.  The main agenda item is the election of the officers for 2024, but there will also be discussions around financials and 2024 plans.  If it is within the length of your cabletow, I would encourage you to join us.

Then on Saturday December 9th, Branford Assembly # 19 IORG will be hosting the Wacky Dinner starting at 5:30 PM at 285 Whitney Ave, New Haven.  As Widow's Son Lodge is one of the sponsors of the Assembly, we should support the young ladies in their Fund-Raising efforts.  The sale of tickets for the dinner close on Wednesday December 6th, so please contact me ASAP for tickets.  If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation or donate a raffle prize, please also reach out to me.

I look forward to seeing many of my Brothers at these events.

Rich Memmott
Worshipful Master
(c) 203 - 215 - 3260


Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - Happy Thanksgiving  on 11/22/2023

Image result for Masonic Happy Thanksgiving. Size: 175 x 185. Source: www.pinterest.com



As Worshipful Master and on behalf of the Officers of Widow's Son Lodge # 66, I would like to extend to you and your family a wish for a very Happy Thanksgiving.


Rich Memmott

Worshipful Master

Widow's Son Lodge # 66

Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - MM Degree  on 11/19/2023



Yesterday (Saturday November 18th), Brothers gathered very early in the morning at Widow’s Son Lodge # 66 to raise 4 Fellowcrafts to the sublime degree of Master Mason.  


This occasion is particularly of note as it is the largest class of Brothers raised in recent member and except for 4 Brothers was portrayed entirely by Brothers of Widow’s Son Lodge. 


Things are happening at Widow’s Son Lodge and I encourage you take some time to attend the forthcoming events (See the Lodge website - Widows Son Lodge No. 66 | Grand Lodge of Connecticut A. F. & A. M. | Home (lodgelocator.com)).  Also look for more details in upcoming E-mails and Phone calls. 


Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. 



Rich Memmott 

Worshipful Master 

Widow’s Son Lodge #66 

Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - MM Degree - Morning of Sat 11/18/2023  on 11/17/2023


On this Saturday Morning 11/18/2023, Widow's Son Lodge #66 will be having a special communication for the purposes of conferring a Master Mason Degree.  We are expecting 3-4 Fellowcrafts to be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason.  There will be no business.

Please meet at the lodge at 8:00 am.  The degree should start by 8:30 am.  We hope to finish before noon.  There will be a light lunch following.

WB David Cole

A note of Thanks  on 11/03/2023
Hello All,
Thank you to all who supported the Widow's Son Lodge #66 Corn Hole tournament on Sunday October 22nd.  On behalf of our Senior Warden, Brother Charlie Miller who chaired the event, and myself, I would like to express our gratitude to everyone who donated time, food, and prizes or came down to cook, play, or watch the event.  While final numbers are not in, we did raise enough funds to continue our support of youth sports programs in Branford as well as seed our first fundraiser to support our 200th Anniversary activities coming in 2025.  Here is a link to our website https://lodgelocator.com/widow-s-son-66/page/200th-anniversary with the details of the Challenge Coin and Belt Buckle that will be on sale until Dec 13th.  Thank you again to everyone to contributed to this successful event and photos from the event are on our Facebook page.
Rich Memmott
     Worshipful Master
Charles Miller
     Senior Warden
Ladies of the Table - Wednesday September 20th  on 09/16/2023

Wednesday, September 20th, is our second meeting of the month.  The program will be a Ladies at the Table, so please bring your lady with you.  The program will start at 7pm.  We will be reaching out to any of the widows of our late brothers to invite them to join us that evening.  If you know of any, please let me know, so that we can be sure to invite them.  It will be a Potluck event with the Lodge providing Lasagna as the main course.  We are asking attendees to bring either an appetizer, side, or dessert and to contact our Junior Warden to coordinate dishes (we do not need 100 loaves of bread).  Brother Randy can be reached via a text message at 203 - 871 - 7766.

Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - Welcome Back Fall 2023  on 09/04/2023

Hello Brothers,

It is tough to believe that summer is coming to a close and fall will soon be upon us.  Personally, the summer break was a mixed blessing, with the passing on my father in July and the opportunity in August to gather the family for a celebration of milestones (HS Graduation, 18th, 16th, and 13th Birthdays), there was not much time for anything else.  I do hope everyone else had some time to appreciate the quieter schedule.

Wednesday, September 6th, is our first meeting back.  There will be a dinner beforehand.  The program of the evening will be a discussion of the events for the remainder of the year and a look into 2024.  Some of the items to be discussed are Off Night Meet and Great, Ladies at Table, Corn Hole Tournament, and our pending Master Mason Degree.  
Branford Assembly #19 is collecting new school supplies for their month of service.  Please bring some to the first meeting so we can help our young ladies out.  

Wednesday, September 20th, is our second meeting of the month.  The program will be a Ladies at the Table, so please bring your lady with you.  We will be reaching out to any of the widows of our late brothers to invite them to join us that evening.  If you know of any, please let me know, so that we can be sure to invite them.  It will be a Potluck event with the Lodge providing Lasagna as the main course.  We are asking attendees to bring either an appetizer, side, or dessert and to contact our Junior Warden to coordinate dishes (we do not need 100 loaves of bread).  Brother Randy can be reached via a text message at 203 - 871 - 7766.

We are planning on doing a clean-up in the fall and if anyone has a tree saw, please let me know.  Also, the refrigerator at the Lodge will need to be replaced soon.  If anyone knows of anyone that might have a solid replacement, let any of the top 3 officers know.

Finally, my Brothers, there is an active effort in place to get more of the Brothers living in the area to attend lodge.  Brother Miller started with the letter, but there are also plans to reach out to the Brothers via phone.  If you haven't been to lodge recently, you are always welcome to join us and if you know another Brother who has not been in a while bring him along.  

It has been a real honor to serve Widow's Son Lodge # 66 and I look forward to seeing many Brothers on the sidelines enjoying the "Friendly Lodge".

Richard Memmott, Jr.
Worshipful Master
Widow's Son Lodge # 66 A.F. & A.M.

Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - Branford Assembly Installation  on 08/16/2023



This coming Saturday August 19th at 4PM Branford Assembly #19 IROG will be installing their officers for the ensuing term (see attached invitation). 


As the one of the sponsors of the Assembly, Widow’s Son Lodge # 66 should support these young ladies.


If it is within the length of your cabletow, please attend the installation.  I do ask that if you are attending that you let me know.


Hope your summer is going well.



Richard Memmott, Jr.

Worshipful Master


Widow's Son Lodge - Call to Action  on 08/09/2023

Hello Brothers,

Brother Charlie Miller, our Senior Warden, approached me about sending out the attached letter.  It is the time of the year when we finalize the plans for the remainer of the year.  It is also when we start to look to the future and plan for the next year.  His thoughts and call to action are timely.

If there are any questions about this being sent out under my hand please let me know.  If you wish to speak to Brother Miller directly, his contact information is included in the letter.

Brother Rich Memmott, Jr.
Worshipful Master 2023
Widow's Son Lodge # 66

Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - Fellowcraft Degree  on 06/24/2023

My Brothers,

This Wednesday June 28th Widow's Son Lodge is holding a special communication for the sole purpose portraying the Fellowcraft Degree.  There will be no business conducted this evening.  We hope that you can attend, and ask that you RSVP your attendance so that we can plan accordingly.  

Wednesday June 28th - Special Meeting
Dinner 6:30 - Penne alla Vodka - $10 Donation - RSVP to Senior Warden
Program - Fellowcraft Degree - 4 potential candidates
Attire - Polo (Collared) Shirts and Slacks
Lodge will be open on the FC Degree at 7:00 PM - please note earlier time
If there are any questions, please reach out to me or our Senior Warden
Rich Memmott, Jr.
Worshipful Master
Cell - (203) 215 - 3260
WIdow's Son Lodge # 66 - Sunday April 23rd Events  on 04/22/2023

Hello Brothers,


Tomorrow Sunday April 23rd, there are two events that Widow’s Son Lodge # 66 will be supporting.  Both of these events start at 2:00 PM.  Please note the contacts for each.


  1. A Celebration of Branford Assembly #19.  The Assembly will be celebrating all of the achievements that the girls have earned.  They also will be honoring their sponsors and those who have supported the assembly.  The Worshipful Master will be in attendance, so reach to him if you will be able to attend.


  • Just prior to this event starting at 1:30, the Assembly will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Branford Food PantryBrothers if you can’t make the event, please stop by and donate.


  1. Presentation of RWB Kostantinous Antoniou at Compass Lodge No. 92 (55 N. Main Street Wallingford).  Right Worshipful Brother Kostas is the District Deputy for District 4B which includes Widow’s Son Lodge #66.  The Senior Warden will be attending representing Widow’s Son Lodge.  Please reach out to him if you wish to attend.


Brothers, please try to attend one of these events if within the length of your cabletow.



Brother Rich Memmott

Worshipful Master

Widow's Son Lodge # 66 - April 19th Meeting & EA Degree  on 04/19/2023


Tonight, Wednesday April 19th, Widow's Son Lodge will be performing an Entered Apprentice Degree for a new class of candidates starting at 7:30 PM. 

The degree will be preceded by a dinner at 6:30pm, typical requested donation is $10.  Attire is standard suit and tie for non officers,


The Lodge will also be supporting Branford Assembly # 19 IORG's Food Drive for the Branford Food Pantry.  Please bring a Non-Perishable Food Item or monetary donation that the Lodge can present to the Assemby as part of their Food Drive on Thursday April 20th.  The Assembly will be collecting at the Lodge from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.

I look forward to seeing many Brothers on the sidelines to greet our new Brothers.


Richard Memmott, Jr,

Worshipful Master

2023 St Patrick's Day Parade  on 01/17/2023

Brothers it's that time again! The 2023 St. Patrick's Day Parade in New Haven on March 12, 2023. This year we will be having a hot breakfast from 9 A.M to 11 A.M. (285 Whitney Ave New Haven) we will then board the busses for the parade beginning and after the parade....fellowship, ladyship and a GREAT fun time. Oh , lets not forget lunch! And it is all FREE! Please join us! Last year there were 170 of us marching. I would like to see 200 this year. If you can't walk there is limited space on our 50' float. See the flyer below for details. See you soon!

Installation of Officers   on 01/08/2023

In celebration of the 198th Year since the issuing of the original charter for Widow’s Son Lodge 66 the Installation of the 142nd Worshipful Master and his officers will that place on Sunday January 15, 2023. 


Installation will start at 2:30 PM (with lodge opening at 2:00 PM).  Light refreshments will follow. 


So that food can be properly planned for, please reach out to Charles Miller (Senior Warden-elect) @ 203 - 915 – 7371, if you and your family will be able to join us. 


Stated Communication September 21  on 09/20/2022

Brothers on September 21, 2022 at our stated communication there will be a masonic presentation on the pillars found on the protico of the first temple.  This will be presented by our Junior Warden Charlie Miller.  The Middle Chamber Lecture touches on the 2 great pillars found in King Solomen's Temple.  The Old Testament goes into larger detail.  See how the two compare in this question and answer presentation.

The meeting will be proceeded by a dinner at 6:30pm.  Hope to see you there.

9-11 Ceremony Sunday at the Lodge  on 09/09/2022


This Sunday, with the assistance of representatives from Grand Lodge, we will be presenting a plaque of appreciation to the Branford Fire and Police Departments for the service that they provide to the community.  We are asking for all available members to come on down to the lodge and help us make the honorees feel really appreciated.  
Sunday 09/11 at 11am suit and tie 
JW Charlie Miller
9-11 Ceremony Sunday at the Lodge  on 09/09/2022


This Sunday, with the assistance of representatives from Grand Lodge, we will be presenting a plaque of appreciation to the Branford Fire and Police Departments for the service that they provide to the community.  We are asking for all available members to come on down to the lodge and help us make the honorees feel really appreciated.  
Sunday 09/11 at 11am suit and tie 
JW Charlie Miller
06/15 meeting and Branford Fest   on 06/13/2022

Good Day Brothers, 

A message from the south. This Wednesday night June 15 we will be havineg an EA degree for our newley elected brother.  Dinner is at 630 and degree will start at 730 promptly.  Dinner for the evening is hotdogs with chili and cheese or sauerkraut, potato chips, corn on the cob and ice cream sandwiches.  A donation of $10 is greatly appreciated.  Please RSVP by Wednesday at noon to 203-915-7371 a text or voice message will work. 

Also please remember that this Friday, June 17, at 430 we are meeting at the lodge to march in the Branford Fest Parade.  If you can not meet us at the lodge you can meet us on the green at 445.  Business suit and apron is dress code for the parade.  



31st Annual Robert Burns Night Supper   on 01/28/2022

Widow’s Son Lodge No. 66 Presents the 31st Annual Robert Burns Night Supper Saturday March 5, 2022, 6:30 PM

Location: Widow’s Son Lodge #66 at 8 Eades St Branford Ct

Join us for a night of fun. Hear the story of the Wild Haggis and Haggis Bashers who hunt them. We will celebrate Robert Burns, the National Bard of Scotland, with poetry, song and bagpipes.

Robert Burns was initiated into St. David Tarbolton Lodge No. 174 in Tarbolton, Scotland on July 4th, 1781, at the age of 22. He was also Passed and Raised in the Lodge of St. David on October 1st, 1781. 

Menu: Haggis followed by Cock a Leekie Soup, Pork (chicken can be requested with prior notice), Neeps and Potatoes, Desert

Tickets $25.00 each, $45 a couple 

Make checks payable to: Widow’s Son Lodge #66 Send checks to WM Jonathan Collingwood 67 Hemingway Ave East Haven CT 06512. 

For information: WM Jonathan Collingwood can be reached at (203) 215-3765, or joanthanc@gmail.com

Open To: Freemasons, their Family and Friends Dress: Kilt or Smart Casual

Stated Communication on January 19, 2020  on 01/17/2022


Our meeting on January 19 will be kept short, and will be followed by a practice for our upcoming Entered Apprentice Degree on February 2. After opening under the Entered Apprentice Degree, we will be installing those officers present who have not already been installed, and balloting on a brother for Affiliation. After that, we will close and move to a degree practice. 

I look forward to seeing you there.


Jonathan Collingwood

Worshipful Master

Widow's Son Lodge #66

2022 Calendar and Christmas Wishes  on 12/25/2021


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

We are quickly approaching a new year, and, as the incoming Worshipful Master, I wanted to let everyone know about some of my plans for the coming year. To that end, I am including a list of events for the coming year along with their current or rough dates.

We will be holding a semi-public installation of officers on January 8 at 7:00 P.M. There will be light refreshments afterwards.  All of the Brothers of Widow’s Son Lodge are invited, along with your families. These installations are among the only events we have involving Ritual where our friends and family are able to see what we do, so it is a great way to show our families some of what we do. If you are planning on coming, please let me know so that we can ensure enough seating for everyone.

We are planning to have an Entered Apprentice Degree on February 2. This would be a great time to meet our newest Brother as he begins his journey in Masonry.

We will be having our Robert Burns Night on March 5. This has traditionally been one of our largest fundraisers. We were not able to hold it last year, beyond a small gathering at one of our Brother’s houses. If you are interested in selling tickets, let me know and I will provide some for you. If you are interested in purchasing tickets, please let either myself or Brother Lenny Bucher know so we can get you your tickets.

We are currently planning on having our Fellowcraft Degree, our Inspection, and a brownie bake off on April 20. For anyone interested in participating in the bake off, all I ask is that the brownies be properly labeled. Some of our brothers may have allergies, dietary restrictions, or wish to not partake in certain brownies. We are all Brothers and should be able to have fun responsibly and safely.

We will be having our Thimble Island Cruise on the weekend of May 13. This is a great fellowship event and is open to Masons, family, and friends.

We are also working on planning a joint table lodge with Cosmopolitan Lodge in New Haven. They are another lodge that meets on the first and third Wednesday, so we rarely have time to visit each others’ meetings. It is still being worked on, but the tentative plan is to get all four of the Wednesday lodges involved.

The other meeting in May will be a Service Pin Night. It has been several years since we’ve had an opportunity to celebrate our years of service to the Craft, and this will provide a good opportunity to acknowledge our Brothers’ years of service.

Over the summer, we would like to have a family picnic. We will also be pairing with Annawon Lodge for a joint Ladies of the Table Lodge with proceeds going to charity. Both events are a lot of fun and are great opportunities for fellowship. More details will be forthcoming as planning progresses.

We will be having a Master Mason Degree at some point in the fall.

We will be having our annual Toys for Tots toy drive on December 7 before our annual meeting. This is a great charity and primarily benefits the local area.

We will be closing out the year on December 21 with a holiday table lodge, with a main course and potluck sides and desserts.

Another focus of this year will be doing cleaning and basic maintenance for the Lodge Building. There are a number of simple jobs we can do to make it more presentable, and it would be best to take care of as many of them as we can while we prepare for our 200th anniversary.

Once again, I wish you all and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday. I look forward to seeing you in lodge this year.



Jonathan Collingwood

Worshipful Master Elect

Widow’s Son Lodge #66



Upcoming Events
  • FEB
    Robert Burns Night
    6:30 PM - 10:30 PM
    8 Eades Street, Branford, CT
  • MAY
    Widow's Son Lodge 200th Anniversary Celebration
    6:00 PM
    834 E. Main St, Branford, Connecticut