March 5th, Minutes of Lodge  on 03/10/2025
Minutes of February 19th, Stated Communication and MM Degree  on 02/25/2025
TOMORROW!!! Pancake Breakfast Sat. 2/22 9:00-Noon  on 02/21/2025

Union5 Pancake Breakfast Inv 2025-02-22.pdf

Stated Communication February 5th, 2024  on 02/07/2025
Sickness & Distress: RWB Jim Peters  on 01/23/2025
January 15th, SC and Installation of Officers  on 01/19/2025
Scotch & Cigar Night - TONIGHT! Friday Jan. 10  on 01/10/2025
Happy New Year from Union Lodge No. 5!  on 12/31/2024
No Meeting on New Year's Day Jan. 1, 2025  on 12/29/2024
Warm Hanukkah Greetings  on 12/25/2024
Christmas Greetings from Union Lodge No. 5   on 12/24/2024
December 18th, Meeting Minutes  on 12/22/2024
December 4th Annual Stated Communication Meeting  on 12/06/2024
Reminder to RSVP for Saturday's Anniversary Party!  on 11/14/2024
November 6th, Minutes of Lodge  on 11/10/2024
Stated Communication October 16, 2024  on 10/17/2024
Minutes of October 2, 2024  on 10/07/2024
Minutes of September 18th, Stated Communication  on 09/22/2024
Minutes of September 4th, Stated Communication  on 09/08/2024
Minutes of August 21st, Stated Communication  on 08/23/2024
Minutes of May 1st, Stated Communication  on 05/05/2024

May 1, 2024

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master     - MW Stephen Petri

Senior Warden     - WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden    - WB David Cooper

Treasurer        - Sam Maurer

Secretary        - WB Adam Ellyson

Senior Deacon    - WB Felix Lugo

Junior Deacon    - WB James Freebairn

Senior Steward    -

Junior Deacon    

Tiler            - Evan Delman


Brothers:     Ayaj Payak, Charles Jenny, Andre Aflalo, Michael Duncan, Luis Ramos-Cruz

Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the Entered Apprentice Degree

WM Petri checked in with the lodge about any sickness or distress to report. None reported. Also, any happiness or glad tiding from the lodge?  A round of applause for Brother Delman’s delicious dinner. 

There is an EA Degree this Wednesday, May 8th, at Ivanhoe Lodge. WM invited new EAs to attend if they wished. 

Minutes of the April 17th meeting were read. WB Sala made a motion to accept them and WB Cooper seconded it. Unanimously approved by the brothers

Secretary’s Desk: report on monies in: 90 from the goose, 250 in dues for a total of 340. Monies out: dinner 116. 

Treasure’s Desk and account balances: Checking account 130,138.80, Savings 40,768.66, Union 5 Checking 3,914.15

There was a discussion on participating in the Stamford Memorial Day Parade and having a breakfast beforehand. It was decided that since we didn’t have large enough numbers we would wait on our participation. 

WM spoke of the roles in the upcoming EA degree. As RW Peters helped fill the seats and had things covered. 

MW Edward Paige wants to come down and see our lodge and we are working on a date. 

WB Ellyson spoke about the funeral service for RW Mark Hawkin’s father in Trumbull on April 20. Both He and WB Sala participated. 

Upcoming dates to consider:

May 15th Evaluation and EA Degree

June 5th FC Degree with Harmony No. 67

June 14th Scotch and Cigar night at Stamford Cigar Lounge

June 19th USC Hawaiian Shirt Night Table Lodge

June 22 Picnic (12-4)

June 24th St. John the Baptist Day

July 3 Stated Communication and the beginning of Business Casual dress for the warmer months. 

Brother Maurer made a suggestion that the evening after the picnic, maybe the brothers could go out and listen to music at the Norwalk Beer Garden.

WB Lugo presented the education for the night which was Freemasonry and the Knights Templar.

WB Sala read the poem Sam’s Prayer by Sam Briggs. The poem was read at the recent funeral service in Trumbull. 

WM closes the lodge in due form at 9:02 PM.

Minutes of April 17th, Stated Communication  on 04/21/2024

April 17, 2024

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master     - WB Ron Sals

Senior Warden     - WB David Cooper

Junior Warden    - WB Felix Lugo

Treasurer        - Bro Sam Maurer

Secretary        - WB Adam Ellyson

Senior Deacon    - WB Harvey Hartmin

Junior Deacon    - WB James Freebairn

Senior Steward    -

Junior Deacon    

Tiler            -    


Brother        - Ayaj Payak

Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the Entered Apprentice Degree

Past masters recognized  WB Ellyson, WB Lugo, WB Cooper, WB Freebairn,  and WB Harvey Hartmin.  

WM Sala checked in with the lodge about any sickness or distress to report. None reported. Also, any happiness or glad tiding from the lodge?  None reported.

Secretaries Desk: report on monies in: 70 from the goose for dinner for a total of 70. Monies out: badges for members: 148.95. 

The committee to investigate candidate William Tracey reported nothing but good things. The lodge voted unanimously for him to become a member of Union Lodge. 

The IRS name change has gone through. 

There was discussion of marching in the Stamford Memorial Day parade on May 19th. Bro Ellyson was inquiring with Bro Gross to see if any Shriners might be in the same parade and possibly work together. Maybe have a breakfast get together on the parade morning as well. 

It was requested that the goose be put out at the seder dinner for a brother in need of some financial assistance.

Upcoming events:

May 1st SC

May 15th SC

June 5th FC Degree

June 14th Scotch and Cigar night at Stamford Cigar Lounge

June 19th USC Hawaiian Shirt Night

June 22 Picnic

June 24th St. John the Baptist Day

WM closes the lodge in due form at 8:20PM. The education of the night was the seder dinner. Thank you Bro Maurer for leading this wonderful event. 

Stated Communication April 3, 2024  on 04/08/2024

April 3, 2024

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master     - MW Stephen Petri

Senior Warden     - WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden    - WB David Cooper

Treasurer        - Bro Sam Maurer

Secretary        - WB Adam Ellyson

Senior Deacon    - WB Felix Lugo

Junior Deacon    - WB James Freebairn

Senior Steward    -

Junior Deacon    

Tiler            -    


Brother        - Jason Royle

Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the Entered Apprentice Degree

Past masters recognized  WB Ellyson, WB Cooper, WB Freebairn, WB Sala, WB Lugo, Then recognized brothers Maurer. 

WM Petri checked in with the lodge about any sickness or distress to report. None reported. Also, any happiness or glad tiding from the lodge?  None reported.

Secretaries Desk: report on monies in: 100 in fee, 200 in dues, 144 from BLC dinner, and 75 and 50 from the goose for dinner for a total of 619. Monies out: dinner cost of 374.80 and BLC dinner of 264.23 for a total of 639.03 

Treasures desk and account balances: 133,821.31 in Fellowcraft checking, 27,179.11 in Fellowcraft saving and 2,980.19 in lodge checking. 

WM would like to see the closing of the Fellowcraft Club, but in a timely manner to make sure everything is done right. He put the lodge at ease so that there could be a discussion of The IRS name change. Brother treasurer spoke of tax forms and working with our attorney on matters with accounts. Unfortunately, Brother Andre who was planning on coming to lodge to speak on finances couldn’t make it because a tree fell on his neighbors car and he couldn’t get out. 

Grand Honors were given to WB Jim Freebairn in recognition of his 90th birthday. 

WM informed the brethren about the attendance of Blue Lodge Council the previous Wednesday and how our Lodge even had an inquiring candidate in attendance. Brother Royle spoke of his experiences of the meeting, as it was his first one. 

Next SC will be run by WB Sala as MW Petri will be celebrating his 25th wedding anniversary with his wife that night. Lodge will be open and closed on the MM degree and then the night will be given over to Brother Maure hosting a seder dinner for brothers and guests. Please come out for this wonderful experience. 

Badges for brothers are still in the works and should arrive by the next SC.

Committee for William Tracey reported back favorably and we are just waiting on a background check and reference checks.

Brother Sala gave the education for the night with modes of recognition with newly admitted brother Royle and then presented the second lecture on the EA Degree. On June 6th he will be presenting The BeeHive Lecture at Trumbull Lodge in New Haven. 

Grand Lodge session is April 7th and all principal officers will be attending

April 13th is District 1A Bowling Challenge with other lodges at Bolero in Norwalk at 2PM. Brother Maurer made a motion for lodge participants to pay 20 dollars and the lodge would pick up the rest. WB Ellyson seconded. It passed.

A proposed date for the summer picnic is June 22.

We are looking to have an EA degree in May

June 14 is a Scotch and Cigar night at Stamford Cigar Lounge.

June 19th is our Saint John the Baptist Table Lodge 


Lodge closes in due form on the EA degree at 9:03 PM

WM closes the lodge in due form at 8:25PM before the brothers stayed to rehearse presenting a masonic funeral for practice.

Stated Communication, April 3rd, 2024  on 04/05/2024

April 3, 2024

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master

MW Stephen Petri

S. Deacon

WB Felix Lugo


Senior Warden

WB Ron Sala

J. Deacon

WB James Freebairn


Jason Royle

Junior Warden

WB David Cooper

S. Steward



Sam Maurer

J. Steward



WB Adam Ellyson



Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the Entered Apprentice Degree

Past masters recognized  WB Ellyson, WB Cooper, WB Freebairn, WB Sala, WB Lugo, Then recognized brothers Maurer. 

WM Petri checked in with the lodge about any sickness or distress to report. None reported. Also, any happiness or glad tiding from the lodge?  None reported.

Secretaries Desk: report on monies in: 100 in fee, 200 in dues, 144 from BLC dinner, and 75 and 50 from the goose for dinner for a total of 619. Monies out: dinner cost of 374.80 and BLC dinner of 264.23 for a total of 639.03 

Treasures desk and account balances: 133,821.31 in Fellowcraft checking, 27,179.11 in Fellowcraft saving and 2,980.19 in lodge checking. 

WM would like to see the closing of the Fellowcraft Club, but in a timely manner to make sure everything is done right. He put the lodge at ease so that there could be a discussion of The IRS name change. Brother treasurer spoke of tax forms and working with our attorney on matters with accounts. Unfortunately, Brother Andre who was planning on coming to lodge to speak on finances couldn’t make it because a tree fell on his neighbors car and he couldn’t get out. 

Grand Honors were given to WB Jim Freebairn in recognition of his 90th birthday. 

WM informed the brethren about the attendance of Blue Lodge Council the previous Wednesday and how our Lodge even had an inquiring candidate in attendance. Brother Royle spoke of his experiences of the meeting, as it was his first one. 

Next SC will be run by WB Sala as MW Petri will be celebrating his 25th wedding anniversary with his wife that night. Lodge will be open and closed on the MM degree and then the night will be given over to Brother Maure hosting a seder dinner for brothers and guests. Please come out for this wonderful experience. 

Badges for brothers are still in the works and should arrive by the next SC.

Committee for William Tracey reported back favorably and we are just waiting on a background check and reference checks.

Brother Sala gave the education for the night with modes of recognition with newly admitted brother Royle and then presented the second lecture on the EA Degree. On June 6th he will be presenting The BeeHive Lecture at Trumbull Lodge in New Haven. 

Grand Lodge session is April 7th and all principal officers will be attending

April 13th is District 1A Bowling Challenge with other lodges at Bolero in Norwalk at 2PM. Brother Maurer made a motion for lodge participants to pay 20 dollars and the lodge would pick up the rest. WB Ellyson seconded. It passed.

A proposed date for the summer picnic is June 22.

We are looking to have an EA degree in May

June 14 is a Scotch and Cigar night at Stamford Cigar Lounge.

June 19th is our Saint John the Baptist Table Lodge 


Lodge closes in due form on the EA degree at 9:03 PM

WM closes the lodge in due form at 8:25PM before the brothers stayed to rehearse presenting a masonic funeral for practice.

Minutes of March 6th, Stated Communication  on 03/09/2024

March 6, 2024

Minutes of Lodge




Worshipful Master

MW Stephen Petri

S. Deacon

WB Felix Lugo


RW James Peters

Senior Warden

WB Ron Sala

J. Deacon

WB James Freebairn


WB Harvey Hartmen

Junior Warden

WB David Cooper

S. Steward



WB Mike Jachimczyk


Sam Maurer

J. Steward



Luis Ramos-Cruz


WB Adam Ellyson


Evan Delman






Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the EA Degree


Past masters recognized  WB Ellyson, WB Cooper, WB Freebairn, WB Sala, WB Lugo, WB Mike jachimczyk, WB Hartmen. Then recognized brothers Delmen, Ramos Cruz and Maurer. Lastly, RW James Peters was recognized with grand honors.


WM informed the brethren about WB Ariel Sirrocco and how he is currently going through some hardships with family and  health, but that he has moved into a more spacious apartment in New York. The Master encouraged bothers to reach out and check in on him. 


WM Petri checked in with the lodge about any sickness or distress to report. None reported. Also, any happiness or glad tiding from the lodge?  WB Sala reported that he has started a new position with Silver Hill Hospital and so far it has been a good move. Also brother Newton “Bud” Buckner III sent good tiding to Union Lodge No. 5. 


Brother’s voted on February 21st SC minutes and they passed unanimously after a correction to the Blue Lodge Council Date. Not the 4th Wednesday in February, but March. 


The 4th Wednesday of March(the 27th), Union Lodge is hosting Blue Lodge Council at Ivanhoe lodge. There was a motion by brother Maurer to allocate 500 dollars the the dinner, seconded by Sala and passed. 


WM Petri informed us of the Bottle Clubs document in the Officer’s Manual and passed around the paperwork for brothers to sign. All present sign the document. 


Secretaries Desk: report on monies in: 125 in fee, and 70 from the goose for dinner for a total of 195. Monies out: dinner cost of 152.07. 


Spoke of a new EA that might be interested in affiliating with the lodge. Brother Ellyson reached out. 


Treasures desk and account balances: 133,969.97 in checking, 27,178.90 in saving and 5,182.40 in lodge checking. Bro Maurer stated that we need brother Aflalo to move monies to these accounts. JW will take care of it. A brief talk about staying on top of brothers who aren’t paying their dues and not waiting till the end of the year to remind them. 


WM would like to see brothers Cooper and Sala receive awards for their remarkable labors. 


Scholarship committee formed with brothers Ellyosn, Cooper and Maurer. WM would like to get an earlier deadline that the lodge can present the winner with a check at their school. 


WM would like to hold an officer’s meeting for the principal officers. Also mentioned getting badges made for all regular attending lodge members. Brother Ellyson will do this. 


JW Cooper is working on scheduling an interview time for  William Tracey with brothers Sala, and Freebairn.


March 20, our next SC, we will be holding an EA degree for Jason Royel. 


WM talked about printing a quarterly trestleboard and WB Lugo is more that eager to help with the layout and printing. 


There was discussion on changing our official name on IRS documents to make it more simple. WB Jachimczyk spoke of the simple website way in which to do this. 

WM recognized WB Hartmen for his kind gift of an old Master’s Book that once belonged to a member of Union 5. 


RW Peters worked with brother Ramos Cruz on the grip and work of an EA.


For education, WM spoke of a podcast and book that came to his attention, Supercommunicators by Chalres Dhigg. He read a selection and then the lodge has a brief discussion on their thoughts. Check out the podcast People I(mostly) Admire by the authors for Freakonomics, Episode #126 How to have Great Conversations.


Past Masters Brunch is scheduled for March 16th at Brennen’s Golf Course in Stamford(formerly Zodies`s 19th Hole) at 11AM. Cost is 25 dollars a head with the lodge picking up the remainder. 


Grand Lodge session is April 7th. 


April 13th if Distric 1A Bowling Challenge with other lodges at Bolero in Norwalk at 2PM. Brother Ellyosn will send info and invitation out to other lodges. 


RW Peters spoke of voting at Grand Lodge and the newly appointed position of a Distric Grand Lecturer. 




Lodge closes in due form on the EA degree at 9:20PM




Minutes of February 21st, Stated Communication  on 02/24/2024

February 21, 2024

Minutes of Lodge




Worshipful Master

MW Stephen Petri

S. Deacon

WB Felix Lugo



Senior Warden

WB Ron Sala

J. Deacon

WB James Freebairn


WB Adam Plotnick

Junior Warden

WB David Cooper

S. Steward






J. Steward



Charles Jenny


WB Adam Ellyson








Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the Master Mason Degree


Past masters recognized  WB Ellyson, WB Cooper,, WB Lugo, WB Freebairn, WB Sala, WB Adam Plotnick


WM Petri checked in with the lodge about any sickness or distress to report. None reported. Also, any happiness or glad tiding from the lodge?  None, officially reported. 


Brother’s voted on February 7th SC minutes and they passed unanimously. 


WM Petri informed us of the Bottle Clubs document in the Officer’s Manual and passed around the paperwork for brothers to view before the lodge fills it out at the next SC.


Past Masters Brunch is scheduled for March 16th at Brennen’s Golf Course in Stamford(formerly Zodies`s 19th Hole) at 11AM. Cost is 25 dollars a head with the lodge picking up the remainder. 


JW Cooper is looking into a variety of fun events in the next few months. On the horizon is a possible March Madness breakfast and game viewing.


The lodge voted on the petition of Jason Royle and the reports were sunny.


A petition for William Tracey was received and read before lodge. A committee of Cooper, Sala, and Freebairn was formed. 


Secretaries Desk: report on monies in: 900 in dues, 100 in donation, and goose for 70 for a total of 1,070. Monies out: 50 for Blue Lodge dues and 2,795 in GL Assessment for a total of 2,845


The 4th Wednesday of February(the 28th), Union Lodge is hosting Blue Lodge Council at Ivanhoe lodge. 


WM closes the lodge in due form at 8:25PM before the brothers stayed to rehearse presenting a masonic funeral for practice.


Minutes of February 7th, Stated Communication  on 02/13/2024

February 7, 2024

Minutes of Lodge




Worshipful Master

MW Stephen Petri

S. Deacon

WB Harvey Hartmen



Senior Warden

WB Ron Sala

J. Deacon

WB James Freebairn


WB Medi Abadi

Junior Warden

WB David Cooper

S. Steward



WB Felix Lugo


Sam Maurer

J. Steward



Charles Jenny


WB Adam Ellyson


Evan Delman






Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the Master Mason Degree


Past masters recognized  WB Ellyson, WB Cooper,, WB Lugo,, WB Freebairn, WB Sala, WB Medi Abadi, and WB Hartmen


WM Petri checked in with the wardens about sickness/ distress and any happy tidings from  the lodge? Brother Luis Ramos-Cruz was under the weather and thus not at lodge. 


Brother’s made corrections to the last sc minutes of 1/17/24 and then approved them with a vote. Corrections: brother Delman was present as Tiler and Jason Royle’s name was spelled correctly.


Secretaries Desk: report on monies in. 1,711 in dues, goose for 50 for a total of 1,761. WB Ellyson read a dimit from brother Chirstian Mele with his desire to dimit as he is now currently living on Long Island and wants to join a lodge there. The dimit was passed. 


Brother Maurer reported on the balances of the accounts: BA Union 5 - 4,293.72, TD Fellowcraft 134,257.29, and Savings 13,589.51.


WM requested the secretary to look into officer badges for the current year. Badges with a hook to hang a past master’s jewel, especially. 


WM asked the secretary to reach out to Grand Lodge for them to reach out to the Grand Lodge of Maine to help brother Chacon transition to masonry in Maine. 


WM informed that the upcoming Saturday at Ivanhoe Lodge, the Grand Master of Connecticut would be in attendance from 3-5PM to welcome any prospects to masonry. Brothers were encouraged to attend as well and bring friends.


The sc on the 21st of February is an official visitation from District Deputies RW Jimmy Peters and Ted Thomas.


The 4th Wednesday of February(the 28th), Union Lodge is hosting Blue Lodge Council at Ivanhoe lodge. 


Past Masters Brunch is scheduled for March 16th at Brennen’s Golf Course in Stamford(formerly Zodies`s 19th Hole) at 11AM. Cost is 25 dollars a head with the lodge picking up the remainder. 


Grand Lodge Session is April 6th with a social party the night before. Officers, please put this on your calendar. 


A bowling challenge with other lodges is scheduled for April 13th at 2PM at Bowlero in Norwalk.


WM brought the lodge to ease for education:


Brother Delman gave us education on his experiences of attending an Egyptian Lodge in Ecuador led by a Chilean Master. WB Abali spoke of his experiences of attending an Irish Lodge years ago. 


WM brought us back to labor at 8:44PM. 


WB Hartmen spoke of Fidelity Saint John’s Lodge #3 having a table lodge in the future and all were welcome to attend.


WM closes lodge in due form at 8:55PM


January 17, 2024 Stated Communication/MM Degree  on 01/18/2024

January 17, 2024

Minutes of Lodge




Worshipful Master

WM David Cooper

S. Deacon

Ashante McPherson


WB Adam Plotnick

Senior Warden

WB Ron Sala

J. Deacon

WB James Freebairn



Junior Warden

WB Tony Agostino

S. Steward

WB Silas Mante





J. Steward





WB Adam Ellyson







WB Felix Lugo

Charles Jenny

WM Jim Mitchell - Harmony Lodge No. 67

RW Leon Weinstein - Pelham and Sectin

WB Barry Bellardinelli

Steven Cohan - Wyoming 342

Vaugh Halloway - Wyoming 342

WB Medi Abadi

WB Mike Sabia

RW James Peters

WB Mike Jachimczyk

Guillermo Chacon


Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the Master Mason Degree


Past masters recognized WB Adam Plotnick, WB Ellyson, RW Peters, WB Lugo,, WB Freebairn, WB Sala,  and WB Jamhimczyk, WB Mike Sabia, WM Jim Mitchell, RW Leon Weinstein, WB Silas Mante, WB Tony Agostino, WB Barry Bellardinelli, WB Medi Abadi, and RW Jimmy Peters


Visiting brothers Steven Cohan, Ashante McPherson and Vaughn Halloway were also recognized.


Secretaries Desk: report on monies in. 400 in dues, goose for 60 for a total of 460. Dinner cost was: 119.20. Thank you brother Delman for delicious tuna steaks. 


Union Lodge’s installation has been moved to Wednesday January 31st at 6:30 for dinner and 7:30 installation. Please invite friends and family to this public event. 


Reading the petition for Jason Royal has been tabled till the next SC because of a busy night with a Master Mason Degree for Fellowcraft, Guillermo Chacon.


Master Mason Degree Team:


First half:

WM: Dave Cooper

SW: Ron Sala

JW: Tony Agostino

SD: Ashante McPherson

JD: Jim Freebairn

SS: Silas Mante

Chap: Adam Plotnick

Working tools: Mike Jachimczyk


Called to refreshment at 8:30 PM


King Soloman: Mike Sabia

GSW: Barry Bellardinelli

SD: Jim Peters

1st ruffian: Ashante McPherson

2nd ruffian: Silas Mante

3rd ruffian: Tony Agostino

1st craftsman: Adam Ellyson

2nd craftsman: Ron Sala

3rd craftsman: David Cooper

Sea captain/wayfairing: Jim Freebairn

Charge: Adam Plotnick 

steward lecture: Ron Sala/David Cooper 


Degree over at 9:38 PM


WB Lugo spoke of his willingness to travel to any lodge in the area to give education on masonry if any brothers in attendance were interested. 


Lodge closed at 9:54 in due form. 

Minutes of January 3rd Stated Communication  on 01/06/2024

January 3, 2024

Minutes of Lodge




Worshipful Master

WM David Cooper

S. Deacon

WB Michael Jachimczyk



Senior Warden

WB Ron Sala

J. Deacon

WB James Freebairn


WB Felix Lugo

Junior Warden

RW Jimmy Peters

S. Steward



Luis Ramos-Cruz


Bro Sam Maurer

J. Steward





WB Adam Ellyson


Harvey Harten




Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the EA Degree


Past masters recognized WB Ellyson, RW Peters, WB Lugo, WB Hartem, WB Freebairn, WB Sala,  and WB Jamhimczyk


Secretaries Desk: report on monies in. 400 in dues, goose for 55 for a total of 455. 


Treasurer’s Report: TD Bank 6,239.50, Fellowcraft Account 134,257.29 and account with mortgage payments going in  13,589.39.


Union Lodge’s installation has been moved to Saturday January 13th at 6PM because of MW Petri being in contact with someone with Covid couldn’t come. WM Cooper and RW Peter’s spoke of all their communications back and forth.


Brother Jamhimczyk spoke of a Scotch and Cigar Night coming up January 12th @ 7 - 10 PM at the Stamford Cigar Lounge. Cost is 15 and includes cigars and drinks.


We have a MM degree on our next SC on January 17th, dinner at 6:30 and gavel down and degree work at 7:30. 


WB Lugo gave a wonderful education on  the working tools and inner space of a mason: where you come from, what you should do and who you are. 


WB Sala called up the lodge and all the brothers prayed for WB Medi Abadi and his well being after his recent episode. 


WB Harten spoke of his desire to affiliate with Union Lodge and we will be working on this in the near future. 


Lodge closed at 8:25 in due form.

Union Lodge No. 5, Installation of 2024 Officers  on 12/30/2023

Brothers, the installation of Union lodge 5 officers for 2024 is being held this Wednesday, January 6th, at the Darien Masonic Club, 354 Post Road, Darein, CT. The reception will start at 6:30 PM, the installation ceremony starting at 7:30, with cake and toasts afterwards.

This event is semi-public, family, friends and interested people are all invited to attend and see the secrets of Freemasonry. 

BROTHERS PLEASE!  Make an effort to invite your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers etc. to this event.  It is how we can grow our Lodge and the fraternity.

The dress is suits for masons and black tie for lodge officers.

Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday!

Warm Wishes for a Merry Christmas from Union Lodge No. 5!  on 12/24/2023

Dear Brothers of Union Lodge No. 5,

As the holiday season unfolds, we find ourselves reflecting on the cherished moments we've shared throughout the year. It is with great joy and gratitude that we extend our warmest wishes to each and every one of you.

May this Christmas be filled with the warmth of love, the joy of fellowship, and the spirit of unity that defines our remarkable Union Lodge No. 5. May the festive lights illuminate your hearts, and may the laughter of friends and family echo in your halls.

In the spirit of the season, let us come together to celebrate the bonds that make our lodge a home, a place where tradition, friendship, and fraternity thrive. May the goodwill and camaraderie we share continue to strengthen in the coming year, enriching our lives and the lives of those around us.

May this Christmas bring you moments of peace and reflection, surrounded by the love of family and friends. As we close the chapter on another year, let us look forward to the new opportunities and adventures that await us in the future.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas filled with happiness, health, and harmony. May the festive spirit of the season inspire us to spread kindness and compassion, not only during this joyous time but throughout the year.

With heartfelt wishes,

MWB Stephen Petri
Master Elect
Union Lodge No. 5, A.F. & A.M., Stamford, CT

Minutes of December 20th Stated Communication  on 12/21/2023

December 20th, 2023

Minutes of Lodge




Worshipful Master

WM David Cooper

S. Deacon

Guillermo Chacon



Senior Warden

WB Ron Sala

J. Deacon

WB James Freebairn


WM Steven Shapiro

Junior Warden

MW Stephen Petri

S. Steward



Luis Ramos-Cruz


RW David Menegon

J. Steward



WB Harvey Harten


Adam Ellyson




RW Adam Plotnick


Bro Alex Milan

Bro Charles Jenny

WB Medi Abadi


Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the EA Degree


Past masters recognized 


Secretaries Desk: report on monies in. 400 in dues, 75 in fee, goose for table 325 for a total of 800. Monies out: desert for tablelodge 39.50


WM Cooper spoke of this being his last night in the East for 2023. Installation scheduled for the first Stated Communication in January, Wednesday the 3rd. Please invite friends and family, brothers. MW Stephen Petri made a motion for a 600 dollar budget for the evening, WB Ellyson seconded it and it passed unanimously. The lodge will open before the event and guests are invited to show up at 6:30 PM. 


WM thanked brother Petri for all he had done in setting up the dish racks in the closet. .


MM Degree scheduled for 2nd SC in January. (the 17th)


Roles are as followed:


King Soloman: Mike Sabia

GSW: Barry Bellardinelli

SD: Jim Peters

1st ruffian: Ashante McPherson

2nd ruffian: Silas Mante

3rd ruffian: Tony Agostino

1st craftsman: Adam Ellyson

2nd craftsman: Ron Sala

3rd craftsman: David Cooper

Sea captain/wayfairing: Jim Freebairn

Charge: Adam Plotnick 

Working Tools: Mike Jahimchyk

steward lecture: Ron Sala/David Cooper 


Ivanhoe is holding its installation of officers on January 10th.


January 12th is a Cigar and Scotch night at Stamford Cigar Lounge


Lodge called to refreshment at 8:00PM to partake in the End of Year Table Lodge.


Lodge called back from refreshment at 10:30PM


Lodge closed in due form at 10:45. 


Minutes December 6th, 2023  on 12/10/2023

December 6th, 2023

Minutes of Lodge




Worshipful Master

WM David Cooper

S. Deacon

Guillermo Chacon



Senior Warden

WB Ron Sala

J. Deacon

WB James Freebairn



Junior Warden

MW Stephen Petri

S. Steward



Luis Ramos-Cruz


Sam Maurer

J. Steward



WB Harvey Harten


Adam Ellyson


Evan Delman




Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the EA Degree


Past masters recognized WB Adam Ellyson, WB Harvey Harten, MWB Stephen Petri, WB Ron Sala, WB James Freebairn


Investigation committee reports on their findings on interviewing Brother David Menegon of Independent Royal Arch No. 2 in New York. They reported favorably. The lodge elected to have him rejoin Union Lodge with a ballot.  


Treasures Desk: Brother Maurer presents his annual report. .


WM Cooper had the altar draped because of the sad news of the passing of Brother Robert Harris on November 30th. WB Sala read a short bio and said a prayer. 


WB Ellyson read his annual report from the secretaries desk


MW Petri presented his annual report from the south. 


WB Sala read his annual report from the west. 


WM Cooper read his annual report from the east. 


WB Harvey Harten spoke kind words to all of Union Lodge for all they have done over the years to make him feel welcomed. 

WB Ellyson presented a budget for the next year. There was discussion about the total amount that should be spent on dinners and the topic was tabled for a further date. 


Lodge Secretary presented Non Payment of Dues, Brian Miacheal Sabia. A vote of hands unanimously voted in favor.


WM Cooper brought up the topic of dues for the next year. The lodge was set at ease.


Brother Petri made a motion that all 50+ year masons of the lodge should only have to pay 5 dollars a year, dues to lodge instead of full amount. Unanimously passed. 


WB Ellyson made a motion to lower the current dues to $200 dollars a year(135 to lodge and 65 GL assessment). The vote was 4 in favor and 3 opposed, Motion passed. 


The lodge voted on the officers and trustee for the next year. 


Congratulations MW Stephen Petri for being voted in as Worshipful Master for the year 2024! Line of his officers:


SW Ron Sala

JW David Cooper

Sec Adam Ellyson

Tres Sam Maurer


Trustee for three year term WM David Cooper


End of Year Table Lodge is set for our next stated communication, December 20th. Please RSVP WB Ron Sala @ 203-559-9620.  $25 suggested donation. 


Secretaries desk. Monies in: 90 Goose, dues 1350, fee 100 for a total of 1540. Monies out: dinner 103.97 , 40.43 , 28 for a total of 172.40.


Lodge Closed at 9.40PM in due form.


See attached officer reports. 


Thanksgiving  on 11/22/2023


Per Brother Washington's Thanksgiving proclamation, tomorrow is a day of thanks for all we have.  I hope you all enjoy your time with family and friends during this Holiday season.  

Be well, be safe, and most of all be happy.

Love and affection,

WM David Cooper

Lodge Minutes November 15th, 2023  on 11/16/2023

November 15, 2023

Minutes of Lodge




Worshipful Master

WB Ron Sala

S. Deacon

Guillermo Chacon


WB Medi Abadi

Senior Warden

MW Stephen Petri 

J. Deacon

WB James Freebairn


WM David Cooper

Junior Warden

WB Michael Jachimczyk

S. Steward



Luis Ramos-Cruz


Sam Maurer

J. Steward



RW Mark Hawkins


Adam Ellyson


Evan Delman




Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the EA Degree


Past masters recognized MWB Stephen Petri, WM David Cooper, WB Mike Jaymchich, WB James Freebairn, WB Adam Ellyson, and WB Medi Abadi


Secretary’s desk: Monies in: dinner duck donations 80, Affiliation fee 100, dues 100 for a total of 280. Monies out: dinner 187.80.


An investigation committee was set up to meet with Brother David Menegon of Independent Royal Arch No. 2 in New York. He is interested in Affiliating. The Committee consists of  Brothers Petri, Delman and Maurer. Brother Jachimczyk spoke of Brother Melegon’s background in the armed forces and his long standing knowledge of him as a Freemason.


Discussion on former member rejoining lodge, Joseph Alexander Rain. Brother Maurer has been in communication with him and will reach out and tell him what he needs to do. 


Treasures Desk: Brother Maurere said we have 18,498.21 in checking. The Fellowcraft account has 134,443.07 in checking and 6794.64 in the savings account. 


Brother Maurer and Petri spoke about the cost and the evening of the 260th Cocktail Party which is this Saturday.


Brother Deleman said that we haven’t heard from the mayor’s office yet about a proclamation of our anniversary.


The lodge decided that wearing jewels and aprons wouldn’t be necessary at the 260th. 


A motion to donate 200 dollars to the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County was made by brother Maurer and seconded by brother Sala. It passed unanimously. 


There is a Google Meet on Thursday night the 16th at 7:30PM to discuss the dissolving of the Fellowcraft Club and then going into last minute details for the 260th. Reach out to brother Petri for details. 


WM Cooper thanked the brothers for all their labors this year. It has been a hectic one and he appreciated all the brethren have done.


Cigar night at Stamford Cigar Lounge on 75 Commerce Street in Stamford this Friday the 17th (7-10PM). $15 dollars for cigars and drinks. 


ALL OFFICERS Please get your Annual Reports written and ready to be shared with the lodge at our next SC on December 6th. Please have a printed copy for the secretary to archive. 


RW Mark Hawkins spoke the Master’s Path and quizzed the lodge on the Masonic topic of the runnings of the lodge.  


Lodge Closed at 8:30PM Apple pie was to follow

Minutes of November 1st Stated Communication  on 11/02/2023

November 1, 2023

Minutes of Lodge




Lodge opens at 7:30 PM on the EA Degree


Past masters recognized MWB Stephen Petri, WB Ron Sala, WB Mike Jaymchich, WB Felix Lugo, WB David Cooper, and RWB James Peters.


Treasures Desk: Brother Maurere said we have 19,034 in checking. He rented a UPS Mailbox for 217.50. Both Bro Sala and WM Cooper have keys for the box. Dinner cost for the evening was 248.20.


Secretary’s desk: Monies in: dinner duck donations 90, Monies out: dinner and mailbox rental 465.70


WM spoke on the upcoming 260th Anniversary. A mailing/invitation has been sent to the brothers. Get your RSVPs into Secretary Adam Ellyson at or 2034285126 by November 9th. The limit for this event is 50 people. 


The Annual Meeting is coming up December 6th. Officers please get your reports ready and brothers please come out for this important night. The WM explained to the newest EAs how the meeting is run. 


WM presented brother Freebairn with an honorary past masters apron for all his service and steadfastness over the years. 


WB Sala spoke of last weekend's Grand Lodge Meeting.


RWB Peters gave the final work and the lodge was closed in due form at 8.25PM. 


Union Lodge No. 5, A.F. & A.M. 260th Anniversary Cocktail Party!  on 10/31/2023

Union Lodge No. 5, A.F. & A.M. 260th Anniversary Cocktail Party!

You and your guests are invited!

Join us in celebrating the 260th anniversary of Union Lodge No. 5 A.F. & A.M.

November 18th, 2023 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM at 
The Masonic Club of Darien 354 Post Road, Darien CT

Dress: Smart attire, black tie encouraged.

Join us for an evening of camaraderie and celebration as we mark this historic milestone. Enjoy a delightful selection of beer, wine, a specialty cocktail, and exquisite passed hors d'oeuvres in the company of your fellow Masons, family, friends, and esteemed guests. 

Musical performance by Rob Silvan & Company.

Please invite your family and friends to join us in recognizing the continuous presence of 260 years of Freemasonry in Stamford, Connecticut

RSVP by Nov 9th is a must! Please confirm your attendance and number of guests to WB Adam Ellyson or (203) 428-5126

Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate our Lodge's rich history and bright future. We look forward to raising a toast to the past, present, and future of Union Lodge No. 5, A.F. & A.M. on this special evening.


Bro. David Cooper - Worshipful Master
Union Lodge No. 5, A.F. & A.M. Stamford, CT 
M (914) 584-9563 • Lodge (203) 348-2511

Link to: Google calendar invite 

Fellowcraft Club Meeting Link, Thursday the 26th, 7:30PM,   on 10/24/2023


This Thursday there is a Fellowcraft Club meeting at 7:30 PM. The meeting is going to be about closing the club and transfering the assets to Union Lodge No. 5.

Click on the link below to enter the meeting via your computer or cell phone. Any questions please reach out to me at

Sincerely, your secretary, Adam


Adam Ellyson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Fellowcraft Club Meeting 
Time: Oct 26, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 899 5129 3016
Passcode: 249335


One tap mobile
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+16469313860,,89951293016#,,,,*249335# US


Dial by your location
• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 719 359 4580 US
• +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
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• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US

Meeting ID: 899 5129 3016
Passcode: 249335

Find your local number:

Minutes of October 18th, Stated Communication  on 10/22/2023

October 18, 2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Felix Lugo

Junior Warden     MW Stephen Petri    


Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        WB Havey Harten

J. Deacon        Guilliano Chacon

Tiler            Evan Delman



Brother        Luis Ramos-Cruz



Lodge opens at 7:50 PM


Past masters recognized 


Secretary’s desk: Monies in: dinner duck donations 60, dues 1200 for a total of 1260. Monies out: dinner 111.64


WM Cooper had the alter draped (in black) in recognition of the lives lost in the last few weeks in the middle east and brother Delman’s relatives in harm's way. 


He spoke on working upcoming meetings and events:


Upcoming events:


Master Mason Degree(pending) & SC – Wednesday November 1st – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.

Stated Communication – Wednesday November 15th – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 P

260th Anniversary Celebration! – Saturday November 18th @ 6:30 PM Evening event to celebrate Union Lodge’s 260 Anniversary. Save the Date! Details to follow. 


Annual Meeting and Elections of Officers - Wednesday December 6th Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.

Union Lodge 5 Annual Table Lodge - Wednesday December 20th - Open to all Masons, EA’s and up!  The annual Table Lodge to celebrate and thank the outgoing officers for their labors during their term. 


MW Petri spoke of the workings and what a tablelodge is. 

Brother Delman’s event of visiting the Grand Lodge of New York is still looking for people. Sunday November 5th, 10AM tour. RSVP Brother Evan Delman at

There is a Fellowcraft Club meeting next week, Thursday the 26th at 7:30. The meeting will be about closing down the Fellowcraft Club. An online meeting invitation will be sent and also here: 

Topic: Fellowcraft Club Meeting 

Time: Oct 26, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 899 5129 3016

Passcode: 249335


Education was provided by WB Felix Lugo and MW Petri. Brother Lugo spoke of three pillars(belief, spirituality, and mystical mechanics. MW Petri recited a recent story that caught his attention. Thank you brothers for sharing your knowledge.  

Lodge closed at 8:55PM 


District Table Lodge next week.   on 10/20/2023

Brothers of Union Lodge No 5,


There is a distric Table Lodge that you are all invited to go to in Norwalk next week. So far there are 20 brothers going and there is room for more. Read the details below and RSVP. 

My best, Adam Ellyson

This year's theme for the Table Lodge is "North Korean General's Gala" meaning you are invited to wear all of your Masonic bling. The contest will be restricted to jewels and paraphernalia of which one has earned, not by purchase but by merit. Winner will receive a bottle of Cleveland Underground Cherrywood Bourbon. 
Also, the Annual Prize of a Bottle of Scotch will go out to the Lodge with most attendees at BLC this year from January to September. The winner will be announced at the Table Lodge.
The Table Lodge will be held on Wednesday October 25th at 7:00pm at 5 Gregory Blvd in Norwalk. Each Lodge will provide a full tray of food, please inform me what you are bringing. Cost is $10 per Brother, capped at 50 people. BYOB, as only wine and grape juice will be provided for toasts. 
RSVP to Michael Sabia at before October 22nd to grab your spot.
Tour of Grand Lodge in New York City, Sunday November 5  on 10/05/2023


Union 5 will host a walking tour of the Grand Lodge
building of New York State.

DATE: Sunday - November 5 th , 2023

TIME: We will assemble at Grand Central Station’s
rotunda clock at 9am

We will then travel by Subway to the G.L. building for a
tour starting at 10am.

After the tour, you may return on your own, or those
interested can join us for a trip and lunch in China Town.
(via Subway)

Returning via Subway to Grand Central at our leisure.

to ensure the G.L. has enough guides available.

Minutes of September 20, Opened on MM  on 09/22/2023

September 20, 2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     MW Felix Lugoi        


Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        WB Havey Harten

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman



Brother        Michael Duncan



Lodge opens at 7:50 PM


Past masters recognized 


Secretary’s desk: Monies in: dinner duck donations 60, 


WM Cooper spoke of the gratitude he felt to the brethren for all their undertakings in making the sale of 47 Kirkham Place successful. The lodge sold on September 15th. He spoke of our current balances as Bro Maurer was out of town. Roughly 25,000 in the U5 account, 130,000 in Fellowcraft Club and we just received a payment of 160,000 as part of the sale of 47 Kirkham Place. We are holding the note and receiving 7,000 a month for 15 years in addition. 


WM asked for ideas of where brothers thought the monies should be invested. The discussion will go further as we move down the road with this. 


Upcoming events:




    October 2 Monday at 6PM - Tennis at Stamford High School. Bring your racquet or come to watch. 

Stated Communication and EA Degree for Luis Ramos-Cruz – Wednesday October 4th – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.

October 8th Sunday at 2PM - Bowling at Pinstripes at the SoNo Mall, 100 N. Water Street, Suite 300, Norwalk,CT Please RSVP WB Ron Sala @ (203) 559-9620 if you are interested in bowling. 

Stated Communication - Wednesday October 18th – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.



Master Mason Degree & SC – Wednesday November 1st – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.

Stated Communication – Wednesday November 15th – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 P

260th Anniversary Celebration! – Saturday November 18th @ 6:30 PM Evening event to celebrate Union Lodge’s 260 Anniversary. Save the Date! Details to follow. 


Annual Meeting and Elections of Officers - Wednesday December 6th Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.

Union Lodge 5 Annual Table Lodge - Wednesday December 20th - Open to all Masons, EA’s and up!  The annual Table Lodge to celebrate and thank the outgoing officers for their labors during their term. 


Installation of 2024 officers & SC - Wednesday January 3rd. Semi-Public - Dinner starting at 6:00 PM, Installation starting at 7:30.  Desserts and libations will be served afterwards.

Education was provided by WB Sala who spoke of the Charge at the opening of Lodge. 


Lodge closed at 8:40PM 


Minutes of September 6th, 2023  on 09/07/2023

 September 6, 2023

 Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     MW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        RWB James C. Peters     

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        WB Ted Thomas

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman



Brother        Michael Duncan

            Guilliano Chacon

            WB Michael Sabia



Lodge opens at 7:50 PM


Past masters recognized 


Secretary’s desk: Monies in: dinner duck donations 20, dues 65, trustees disbursement 2000, FC fee 100, goose donations from breakfast 74 for a total of 2259

             Money out: 120.07 for dinner.


We draped the alter in black to honor the passing of WB Anthony F. Keegan


The investigation committee reported favorably on their interview with candidate Luis Ramos-Cruz. The lodge voted to admit him into our order and the vote was clear. An EA degree is scheduled for the first communication in October, the 4th. WM Cooper asked for a letter to be sent to Luis informing him of this wonderful news. 


WB Mike Sabia gave the education of the night talking about the FC degree. He spoke of the roles of different degrees and how they applied to lodges over time. 


The brethren stood and sang happy birthday to Brother Guillermo Chacon, a cake was presented after lodge, a tasty and fluffy lemon cream. 


Upcoming events:




Tennis. This Friday September 8th. 7PM at Stamford High School tennis course. Bring your racket or just come to watch the matches. 


Dinner on Wednesday September13th @ Italia in Norwalk. The time is 7PM. Please let brother Freebairn know if you would like to attend. 




Stated Communication and EA Degree – Wednesday October 4th – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.

Stated Communication - Wednesday October 18th – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.

Grand Lodge of CT - Semi-Annual Communication Sat. October 21, 2023. Registration begins at 8:00 AM, Session Opens at 9:00 AM., Master and Wardens or their proxies must attend.  The dress code is business suits with aprons and, for officers, lodge collars. Don’t forget your dues card!  Held at Masonicare, 74 Cheshire Road, Wallingford, CT 06492


Master Mason Degree & SC – Wednesday November 1st – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.

Stated Communication – Wednesday November 15th – Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 P

260th Anniversary Celebration! – Saturday November 18th @ 6:30 PM Evening event to celebrate Union Lodge’s 260 Anniversary. Save the Date! Details to follow. 


Annual Meeting and Elections of Officers - Wednesday December 6th Dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30 PM.

Union Lodge 5 Annual Table Lodge - Wednesday December 20th - Open to all Masons, EA’s and up!  The annual Table Lodge to celebrate and thank the outgoing officers for their labors during their term. 


Installation of 2024 officers & SC - Wednesday January 3rd. Semi-Public - Dinner starting at 6:00 PM, Installation starting at 7:30.  Desserts and libations will be served afterwards.


There was a discussion of Non Payment of Dues at our lodge. We will be working this fall to bring our records up to date and reach out to members. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, Sec. Adam Ellyson at 2034285126 or


Lodge closed at 8:40PM Brother Sala presented the brothers a short documentary on The Morgan Affair from a local New York historian. 


Minutes of August 16th Stated Communication  on 08/17/2023

August 16th, 2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     MW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer         Sam Maurer        

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        Guillermo Chacon

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman

Chaplain        Andrew Merillo    


Brother        Herbert Buissereth


Lodge opens at 7:50 PM


Past masters recognized 


Secretary’s desk: Monies in: dinner duck donations 20, dues 400 for a total of 420

             Monies out: 313.51 for dinner and larder supplies, 11 for a lock for the closet for a total of 346.51.


The fellowcraft degree on August 2nd was spoken about and how well it went. Congratulations brother Chacon on your second degree. 


Treasure’s repost from brother Maure. We have a total of 4,872, but with rent of 1,200 and a scholarship check for 1,000 going out and an uncashed summer picnic check of 500, it was advised that the trustees request 2,000. WM Cooper made the motion and Sec Ellyson seconded. Motion passed.


This Sunday  is our summer BBQ picnic with Ivanhoe Lodge at 354 Post Road, Darien. Picnic starts at 1PM. Friends and family are more than welcome. 


Tennis on Tuesday! Stamford High School tennis courts at 6PM. Get your racket out or just come to watch. This coming Tuesday, August 22


Dinner on Wednesday August 23red @ Italia in Norwalk. The time is 7PM. Please let brother Freebairn know if you would like to attend. 


August 27th @ 9 AM - 1PM- Breakfast for all masons, friends, and family at Ivanhoe Lodge, 354 Post Road, Darien,CT. 


Save the Date! - November 18th @ 6:30 PM Evening event to celebrate Union Lodge’s 260 Anniversary. The event will be at Ivanhoe Lodge. Details to follow. 


December Degree work. We are shooting for a Master Mason Degree at our second stated communication in December, Wednesday the 20th. 


Brother Maurer spoke of getting past member Joseph Rein back into masonry. MW Petri made a motion for him to pay two years Grand Lodge dues and the yearly dues for a total of 530. The motion passed with one abstention. 


There was a discussion of Non Payment of Dues at our lodge. We will be working this fall to bring our records up to date and reach out to members. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, Sec. Adam Ellyson at 2034285126 or


Lodge closed at 9:30 for dinner and the watching of an episode of Murdaugh Murders, a masonic mystery episode. 


August 2nd FC Degree & More  on 08/01/2023

Brothers of Union Lodge No. 5  our next stated communication is Wednesday August 2nd, where we will be giving the fellowcraft degree.

Dress is formal Suits and ties or Tuxedos for members Tuxedos for offocers.

Dinner starts at 6:30 gavel down at 7:30. Come out and support our newest members.

Please RSVP for dinner to MWB Stephen Petri at

Some other events to add to your calendars:

  • Friday, 8/11, Scottish Rite Scotch and Cigar night from 7:00 to 10:00 PM at The Stamford Cigar Bar.  More info later.
  • Wednesday 8/15 our 2nd Stated Communication of August
  • Sunday 8/20 at 1PM a Joint Summer BBQ with Ivanhoe Lodge at Ivanhoe Lodge
  • Sunday 8/27th @ 8 AM - 1PM- Breakfast for all masons, family & friends

Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday night.

Minutes of July 19th, 2023  on 07/21/2023

July 19, 2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        WM Sam Maurer        

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        Harvey Harten

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman


Brother        Brother Guillermo Chacon


Lodge opens at 7:50 PM


Past masters recognized 


Secretary’s desk: Monies in: dinner duck donations 90, fee 100 for a total of 190

             Monies out: 116.82 for dinner and larder supplies. 500 for summer picnic. 


Announcement of this year's scholarship winner, Declan Nestor.  Letters will go out to all and he and his family will be invited to our picnic. 


Discussion of upcoming summer events:


August 2nd, FC Degree at our regular Stated Communication time.


August 20th @ 1 PM - Joint Summer BBQ with Ivanhoe Lodge at Ivanhoe Lodge, 354 Post Road, Darien,CT. 


August 27th @ 8 AM - 1PM- Breakfast for all masons, friends, and family at Ivanhoe Lodge, 354 Post Road, Darien,CT. Please RSVP


Save the Date! - September 17th @ 6:30 PM Evening event to celebrate Union Lodge’s 260 Anniversary. 

WM and bro Maurer spoke of the sale of 47 Kirkham Place. Still 4 items that need to be approved by GL before things can progress. Hopefully by the end of August.


Education for the night was provided by MW Petri who read excerpts from a book on the history of spices, which led to the discussion of the rise of coffee shops in England in the 17 and 18th centuries. There were many similarities between that culture and masonry. 




Lodge Closes at 9 PM 


Memorial Service for Mark Odell, this Saturday at Ivanhoe Lodge No 107, 11AM  on 07/10/2023

Brothers of Uinion Lodge No 5.

This Saturday there will be a Masonic Memorial Service for past Master of Union Lodge No 5, Mark Odell. It will be at Ivanhoe Lodge No 107, 354 Post Road, Darien, CT at 11AM. Please RSVP to me at or my cell phone 2034285126 by Friday so I can let the family know how many people to expect. Please wear a dark suit. 

My best, Adam Ellyson




Richard Mark Odell, 56, passed away peacefully on January 13, 2023 following a brief illness.
Born in Stamford, he was raised in Norwalk where he graduated from Brien McMahon High
School. Mark worked in service industries from Norwalk to Seattle and spent many years
employed by Amazon.
During his school years, Mark was an active participant in swimming, football, baseball, lacrosse
and wrestling. He became both a sports fan and sports memorabilia collector. He was an avid
fisherman. He loved music and with his fiancée, attended as many concerts as possible.
Mark was predeceased by his father, Richard E. Odell, and his brother, Andrew J. Odell. He is
survived by the son he treasured, Justin K. Odell (Megan) of West Orange NJ, his mother,
Maureen Odell of Norwalk CT, his brothers Matthew D. (Rosemary) Odell of Redding CT,
Raymond M. Odell of Seattle WA, Adam S. Odell (Kathy) of Peekskill NY and his sister Heather A.
Terhune (Bill) of Yorktown Heights NY.
Mark is survived by his beloved fiancée, Gina Cimminello of Orange CT, who brought much
happiness to his last few years. He also leaves many cousins, nieces and nephews.

June 21, 2023 Stated Communication  on 06/22/2023

June 21, 2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        WM Steven Shapiro        

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        Evan Delman

J. Deacon        James Freebairn


Tiler            Jim Freebairn



Brother        Brother Guillermo Chacon


Lodge opens at 7:50 PM


Past masters recognized 


Secretary’s desk: Monies in: dues 120, dinner duck donations 80, fee 75 for a total of 275

             Monies out: 135.98 for dinner and larder supplies.


Discussion of upcoming summer events:


We will continue to meet during the summer on our regular Stated Communication times. First and third Wednesdays, dinner at 6:30, gavel down at 7:30. The attire is business casual(nice shirt and slacks).


Summer Events:


Union 5 Bowls!


June 28th - Bowling

Brothers, family, and friends are invited to join Union Lodge 5 for bowling June 28th, 6:30-8:30 pm at Bowlero, 701 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk. RSVP's a must: Call or text Senior Warden Ron Sala at 203-559-9620 by 6/22 to reserve your place.

July 15th - Celebration of Life for past master Mark Odell. At Ivanhoe Lodge Saturday from 11AM - 2PM. Please come to the gathering to celebrate our brother Mark Odell, RSVP to Adam Odell at 


July 22nd - Joint Summer BBQ with Ivanhoe Lodge at Ivanhoe Lodge, 354 Post Road, Darien,CT. Times to be determined.


August 2nd, FC Degree at our regular Stated Communication time.


Education for the night was provided by SW Sala who divided the lodge into two teams(Gavels and Gauges) to answer trivia questions on the EA Degree and lectures. The Gavels won with a score of 5-3. Great fun and insightful information. 


Lodge Closes at 8:45 PM 


Minutes of June 7th, Stated Communication  on 06/11/2023

June 7, 2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        Sam Maurer        

Secretary        WM Brett Altman    

S. Deacon        WB Adam Ellyson

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

S Steward        WB Silas Mante

J Steward        Mike Hansen

Tiler            Evan Delman



Brother    Richard J. Schock

        WB Medi Abadi

        WB Ted Thomas

        RW Jimmy Peters


Lodge opens at 7:30 PM


Past masters recognized 


Secretary’s desk: Monies in: dues 580, dinner duck donations 119 for a total of 699

             Monies out: 180.71 for dinner and larder supplies.


We moved swiftly onto the degree of Brother Jose Chacon with brothers in the listed chairs above. 


Lodge Closes at 9:25 PM 


Union 5 Bowls!

Brothers, family, and friends are invited to join Union Lodge 5 for bowling June 28th, 6:30-8:30 pm at Bowlero, 701 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk. RSVP's a must: Call or text Senior Warden Ron Sala at 203-559-9620 by 6/22 to reserve your place.


June 28th Bowling with the Brothers  on 06/11/2023
Union 5 Bowls
Brothers, family, and friends are invited to join Union Lodge 5 for bowling June 28th, 6:30-8:30 pm at Bowlero, 701 Connecticut Ave., Norwalk. RSVP's a must: Call or text Senior Warden Ron Sala at 203-559-9620 by 6/22 to reserve your place.
Minutes of May 17th Stated Communication  on 05/18/2023

May 17,  2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        WB Sam Maurer        

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        WB Ted Thomas

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman    



Brothers: Jimmy Peters, Charles Jenny


Lodge opens at 8:03PM


Brother Sala said a prayer for departed brother Calvin Graham of St Johns Lodge #14 F & AM. 273 Greenwich Ave Stamford CT 06902


Recognised paster masters


 Desk: monies in (dinner donations 60) = 60

    Monies out 87.99 + 46.83= 134.82 dinner, 100 to support brother Ted Thomas’ endevor of the Fairfield Dance Festival happening this July in all the towns of Fairfield County. 


Brother secretary stated that four scholarship applications have been submitted.


Brother Petri spoke on updates on Brother Sirocco, all sounds good. 


Brother Maurer spoke on the good dinner the brethren had the previous week and meeting up with brother Corbo. A nice evening. Also an update on the dealing with the Grand Lodge Legal Affairs committee and trying to sell 47 Kirkham Place. WM Cooper also spoke of his reaching out to Grand Lodge Officers for their help in this matter. 


Mark you Calendars for NOVEMBER 17, 2023 Union Lodge Anniversary Party!


Brother Sala spoke about the bowling night for the 28th of June in Norwalk at Bowlaro 6:30 - 8:30, There has been a challenge with Harmony Lodge No. 67 and interest is peeked. Please reach out to Brother Sala if you are interested. 


RW Petri spoke on the role of the apron and its functions for education. He then handed out keys to Ivanhoe Lodge(# 40 Sala, #39 Maurer, #37 Ellyson, #38 Delman).


Brother Ted Thomas talked about his endeavor to grow The Fairfield County Dance Festival. Brother Maurer made a motion to donate 100 dollars and the lodge agreed.


RW Peters spoke on the important qualities of  DeMolay and how lodges that support these boys have a tendency to have more vibrant lodges. He asked the brothers of Union Lodge to think about it, as it was an undertaking but a worthwhile one. 


Roles and Parts for the upcoming EA degree on June 7th


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        Bro Sam Maurer        

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        WB Adam Ellyson

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman    


Stewards        (open)

Charge         WB Sirocco

Apron            RW Petri

Questions        WB Sala

Anseres        Bro Hubert Buissereth


Lodge closes at 9:15PM  to then watch a video about The Blue Wave(new memberships and retaining brother in masonry)







The Blue Wave: Increasing and Retaining Membership in Masonry  on 05/07/2023
An interesting program to increase the numbers of men in masonry. Hope this reaches you all well. My best, Adam Ellyson
Grand Lodge Of Connecticut

The Committee for Masonic Education is proud to offer a seminar on September 16th, 2023 on having great lodge meetings that attract brothers back to the communications of your lodge. The seminar will be held at Sequin-Level Lodge No. 140 in Newington, CT beginning at 8:30am with continental breakfast offered at 8:00am. All Master Masons can attend. This will train you to be an asset to your lodge, whether you are just planning a single event or you are a Worshipful Master putting together a series of programs this will invigorate and excite you by giving you the tools you need to make your lodge an engaging place. Our schedule includes: 

  • "Raising the Bar" by WB Larry Baker - Make each communication of your lodge be meaningful to your membership and something that they look forward to attending. WB Larry will go over a variety of ways you can be inspirational and motivate your lodge to positive action in Masonry.
  • "Having the Deeper Discussion" by RWB Jason Morse - Holding a discussion surrounding a Masonic topic can sometimes be intimidating for the leader. RWB Jason will show you how to plan and structure excellent education in your lodge. 
  • "Making Masonic Education Fun" by MWB Gary Arseneau - MWB Gary will host his Masonic Jeopardy competition (no past masters will be allowed to compete!) with the assembled seminar Masons. Then, he will show you how he builds his Masonic Jeopardy game for maximum fun and engagement so you can bring that back to your lodge.
  • We will also have a workshop where we will share together some of the greatest events each of the attendees has attended and create a master list you can bring back to your lodges to impress and excite your membership. All attendees will go home with a copy of a list that we hope will continue to grow as we develop a collaborative sense of how we can bring brothers back to your lodge meetings and events outside of lodge.

We hope you will mark your calendar and join us for this great event where we will give you the tools to fill your lodge rooms once again! If you have questions, please reach out to Chairman Nick Ives at for more information.

Minutes of May 5th Stated Communication  on 05/07/2023

May 5,  2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        WB Adam Ellyson        

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        WB Harvey Harten of Fairfield 

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman    



Lodge opens at 7:49PM


Brother Sala said a prayer for departed brother Frank Dudas.


Recognised paster masters


 Desk: monies in (850 dues, 100 petition fee, dinner donations 80) =1030

    Monies out $79.49 dinner


    So far two scholarship applications have been submitted, any brother’s who are interested in reading and voting on application please reach out to Adam Ellyson. 


WM Cooper  is going to Ivanhoe’s Board meeting to see about keys for the lodge and sign a lease for the use of the building.


Brother Sala spoke about arranging a bowling night for the 28th of June in Norwalk. Going to reach out to all the lodges in the area to get a healthy gathering of fraternity.


WM informed the lodge that we will be wearing casual dress starting the first Stated Communication in July for the summer


RW Petri spoke about the legal affairs committee and the sale of 47 Kirkham place. Need to rewrite some documents. We should turn off the internet there as no one is using it. 


Ballot of Jose Chacon to enter into our lodge was sunny and we will be having an Entered Apprentice Degree for him on June 7th.


Roles and Parts:


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        Bro Sam Maurer        

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        WB Adam Ellyson

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman    


Stewards        (open)

Charge         WB Sirocco

Apron            RW Petri

Questions        WB Sala

Anseres        Bro Hubert Buissereth


Lodge closes at 9:15PM  to then watch a video about The Blue Wave(new memberships and retaining brother in masonry)







Minutes of April 19th, Opened on Fellowcraft  on 04/20/2023

April 19,  2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        Bro Sam Maurer        

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        WB Medi Abadi

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman    




Brother    Hubert Buissereth


Lodge opens at 8:00PM

Past masters recognized

Discussion of events:


Discussion about meals and expenses. 


Brother Maurer discovered the passing of two brothers Nestor Zavras and Frank Dudas. 


 A meeting was set for next Wednesday’s Investigation Committee Jose Escalante. A committee was formed with brothers Ellyson, Sala and Delman


Money in 650.91 and money out 51.59 for dinner.  


WM discussed upcoming events and possibilities. Please bring any ideas you have for fellowship and activities to the lodge. We are up for all. 


The May 17th SC will show Brother Ariel Sirroco’s movie “The Great Work in 33 Steps.” It will be shown after the meeting on that date. 


Brother Sala reads excerpts on Brother Amarilio”s writings. 


GM put together some materials on how to attract new memberships. WM Cooper spoke of this. This is on Grandview for brothers who are interested. 


Brother Maurer talked about the sale of 47 Kirkham Place. Still need approval from Grand Lodge. Still tied up with the GL legal affairs committee and their concerns. There is another meeting set to work on this. 


RW Petri counted “the goose” and a money bag from the back for a total of $585.91 to be deposited. 


Brother Abadi spoke of his desire for the sale of the building to go through, so the lodge could get back on track






Monies in: $650.91 

Monies out: $51.59


Lodge closes at 9:00PM

Minutes of April 5th Stated Communication  on 04/06/2023

Union Lodge No 5, Stamford Connecticut (meeting at Ivanhoe Lodge No 107 Darien) April 5, 2023

Minutes of Lodge

WB David Cooper WB Ron Sala
RW Adam Ellyson RW Adam Ellyson WB Adam Ellyson WB Adam Ellyson James Freebairn Evan Delman

S. Deacon J. Deacon Tiler Chaplain

Brother Hubert Buissereth


Lodge opens at 7:43

Past masters recognized Discussion of events:

Brother Ellyson informed that there was a petition for Jose Escalante. A committee was formed with brothers Ellyson, Sala and Freebairn.

Stated money in and money out.

Brother Ralph Weed of Texas passed on a warm greeting to the lodge via text to brother Ellyson.

Brother Cooper informed the lodge of the status of the sale of 47 Kirkham Place. Things are moving slowly.

WM asked the brethren about any events that people had in mind for fraternity? WM Stated that he and brother Sala just went bowling and had a good time. Would like to do more things outside the lodge like that. Brother Delman informed the lodge of his passion for Friday night car shows at Burger King on High Ridge Road and on Saturdays around White Plains, NY.

Brother Sala presented education with readings about the masonry with a focus on the EA degree our newly admitted brother.

. Monies in: $550 Monies out: $208.79

Lodge closes at 9:00PM

Minutes of March 15, 2023  on 03/16/2023

March 15,  2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        

Treasurer        RW James Peters        

Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        WB Adam Ellyson

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman    

Chaplain        Ariel Sirocco



Brother    Michael Jachimcyk 

        David McMann Harmony 67

        Medi Abadi    Harmony 67

        Richard J. Schock III (EA) visiting with Brother Peters from Old Well in Norwalk


Lodge opens at 7:43 

Past masters recognized

Discussion of upcoming events:


    Brother Ellyson said the scholarship application went to Stamford high school and he will put together a committee in the coming month. Please inquire if you would like to read applications and vote on a student. 


    Pancake Breakfast, MOVED to Saturday MARCH 25TH 9 -12, Ivanhoe Lodge


In waiting was Hubert Buissereth, to receive the Entered Apprentice Degree. Another stellar degree where all worked together to bring our newly admitted brother to light. 


Brother Petri  presented education to our new brother -  the gavel and the workings of the lodge. 



Monies in: $400

Monies out: $133.77


Lodge closes at 9:48PM







Minutes of March 1st Stated Communication  on 03/02/2023


March 1,  2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri        


Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon        Charles Jenney

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman        

Brother    Kiril Savovski - Grand Lodge of Macedonia


Lodge opens at 7:43 

Past masters recognized 

Discussion of upcoming events:


    Pancake Breakfast, MOVED to MARCH 26TH 9 -12, Ivanhoe Lodge

    Past Masters Luncheon at Zodie’s 19th Hole, Stamford - March 11, 1PM


Upcoming EA Degree on March 15th, dinner at 6:30PM, Degree at 7:30.



Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     RW Stephen Petri    

S. Deacon        WB Adam Ellyson

J. Deacon        James Freebairn

Tiler            Evan Delman

Q and A        Sala and Cooper

Charge        (to be filled)    

Apron            Charles Jenney

Working tools        Sala or Cooper

Brother without the door (to be filled)


Inquiry about Brother Aimes and helping him back into Masonry.


Brother Sala presented an article on Masonry, secrets, and simplicity. Good discussion followed. 


Brother Kiril Savovski discussed the workings of candidates and first degrees from The Grand Lodge of Macedonia. “All brothers wear white gloves in lodge” was one insight. 



Monies in: $800

Monies out: $95.69


Lodge closes at 8:46PM






Minutes of February 15, 2023  on 02/16/2023
Minutes of February 1st   on 02/04/2023

February 1 2023

Minutes of Lodge


Worshipful Master    WB David Cooper

Senior Warden    WB Ron Sala

Junior Warden     WB Ariel Sirocco        


Secretary        WB Adam Ellyson    

S. Deacon

J. Deacon



Brother    WB Michael Jachimczyk


Lodge opens at 6:45

Past masters recognized 

Discussion of upcoming events:


    RPN Racing February 18th

    First Saturday Pancake Breakfast March 4th 9-12(waiting on verification of availability)

Date of Past Masters Luncheon at Zodie’s 19th Hole, Stamford - March 11


Discussion on inquiring about refund or the like from Italian Center in the amount of 1,000 for the Homecoming of RW Stephen Petri


Lodge Closes at 7:15 PM 

Brothers meet up at Pelliccis for dinner and conversation and honor Robbie Burns at 7:30.


New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

New Mailing address for Union Lodge No 5  on 02/01/2023


New mailing address for Union Lodge No 5:

Union Lodge No 5

354 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820

My Best, Adam Ellyson

2023 Dues  on 02/01/2023

Happy New Year Brothers,

I hope this reaches you all well on this sunny day in Connecticut. I appologize for not getting this to you soon, but as my first year as secretary I am learning the rope so to speak. 

Please remit your 2023 Lodge Dues and Grand Lodge Assessment as soon as possible. 

Union No. 5 2023 Dues $335.00 + Grand Lodge Assessment $65.00 = Total Due $400.00

Please mail to:

Att: Adam Ellyson

Union Lodge No 5

47 Kirkham Place

Stamford, CT 06906


WM David H. Cooper and all of the officers wish you and yours a wonderful 2023 and hope to see you soon.

I will be at the event tonight at Lodge and hope to see you.

Sincerely, Adam Ellyson


As Lodge Secretary I am pleased to announce we are able to collect dues by Credit Card now for your convenience.

Credit Card Number ________________________________________________________________

Expiration Date ___________ CVV/CVV2 Code _____________ Billing Zip Code ______________

Card Holder Signature _______________________________________________________________



2023 Worshipful Master David H. Cooper - 914-584-9563 or

2023 Secretary Adam Ellyson PM - 203-428-5126 or, Mailing address - 18 Waller Road, Trumbull, CT 06611


2023 Dues  on 02/01/2023

Happy New Year Brothers,

I hope this reaches you all well on this sunny day in Connecticut. I appologize for not getting this to you soon, but as my first year as secretary I am learning the rope so to speak. 

Please remit your 2023 Lodge Dues and Grand Lodge Assessment as soon as possible. 

Union No. 5 2023 Dues $335.00 + Grand Lodge Assessment $65.00 = Total Due $400.00

Please mail to:

Att: Adam Ellyson

Union Lodge No 5

47 Kirkham Place

Stamford, CT 06906


WM David H. Cooper and all of the officers wish you and yours a wonderful 2023 and hope to see you soon.

I will be at the event tonight at Lodge and hope to see you.

Sincerely, Adam Ellyson


As Lodge Secretary I am pleased to announce we are able to collect dues by Credit Card now for your convenience.

Credit Card Number ________________________________________________________________

Expiration Date ___________ CVV/CVV2 Code _____________ Billing Zip Code ______________

Card Holder Signature _______________________________________________________________



2023 Worshipful Master David H. Cooper - 914-584-9563 or

2023 Secretary Adam Ellyson PM - 203-428-5126 or, Mailing address - 18 Waller Road, Trumbull, CT 06611


2023 Dues  on 02/01/2023

Happy New Year Brothers,

I hope this reaches you all well on this sunny day in Connecticut. I appologize for not getting this to you soon, but as my first year as secretary I am learning the rope so to speak. 

Please remit your 2023 Lodge Dues and Grand Lodge Assessment as soon as possible. 

Union No. 5 2023 Dues $335.00 + Grand Lodge Assessment $65.00 = Total Due $400.00

Please mail to:

Att: Adam Ellyson

Union Lodge No 5

47 Kirkham Place

Stamford, CT 06906


WM David H. Cooper and all of the officers wish you and yours a wonderful 2023 and hope to see you soon.

I will be at the event tonight at Lodge and hope to see you.

Sincerely, Adam Ellyson


As Lodge Secretary I am pleased to announce we are able to collect dues by Credit Card now for your convenience.

Credit Card Number ________________________________________________________________

Expiration Date ___________ CVV/CVV2 Code _____________ Billing Zip Code ______________

Card Holder Signature _______________________________________________________________



2023 Worshipful Master David H. Cooper - 914-584-9563 or

2023 Secretary Adam Ellyson PM - 203-428-5126 or, Mailing address - 18 Waller Road, Trumbull, CT 06611


2023 Dues  on 02/01/2023

Happy New Year Brothers,

I hope this reaches you all well on this sunny day in Connecticut. I appologize for not getting this to you soon, but as my first year as secretary I am learning the rope so to speak. 

Please remit your 2023 Lodge Dues and Grand Lodge Assessment as soon as possible. 

Union No. 5 2023 Dues $335.00 + Grand Lodge Assessment $65.00 = Total Due $400.00

Please mail to:

Att: Adam Ellyson

Union Lodge No 5

47 Kirkham Place

Stamford, CT 06906


WM David H. Cooper and all of the officers wish you and yours a wonderful 2023 and hope to see you soon.

I will be at the event tonight at Lodge and hope to see you.

Sincerely, Adam Ellyson


As Lodge Secretary I am pleased to announce we are able to collect dues by Credit Card now for your convenience.

Credit Card Number ________________________________________________________________

Expiration Date ___________ CVV/CVV2 Code _____________ Billing Zip Code ______________

Card Holder Signature _______________________________________________________________



2023 Worshipful Master David H. Cooper - 914-584-9563 or

2023 Secretary Adam Ellyson PM - 203-428-5126 or, Mailing address - 18 Waller Road, Trumbull, CT 06611


Happy Holidays  on 12/24/2022

Brothers of Union Lodge Number 5,

I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Years for 2023.  I look forward to seeing everyone in the new year.  Enjoy this very special time of the year with family and loved ones.

With Brotherly Love and Affection,

Worshipful Master 

David H. Cooper

Union Lodge Number 5, Rest Of Year  on 11/22/2022

Brothers of Union Lodge 5,

There are only a few weeks left in 2022, I can't believe the time has gone by as quickly as it has.

We are having a Bowling event on 11/30 at the Bowlero in Norwalk.  Senior Warden WB Ron Sala will be providing details, but will be a great time for all (Masons and their spouses/families included).

On 12/7 (Pearl Harbor Day) we will be having our UL5 Annual Meeting, gavel down at 730pm with dinner served prior at 630pm.  The Officers will be presenting their reports for the 2022 calendar year, and we will also be having our UL5 investement accounts presentation by Brother Andre Aflalo on how our money has performed.  The election for 2023 will also be occuring on 12/7, I'll do my best to keep the night from going too long.  

On 12/21 we will having our Annual St. John's Table Lodge, 730pm gavel down.  Food catered by Quatro Pazzi and will be a great time had by all.

We will be meeting at Ivanhoe Lodge 107 in Darien.

As we approach Thanksgiving, I hope you all enjoy time with your families and loved ones.  We have a lot to be thankful for.

Be well, drive safely for those of you traveling and look forward to seeing everyone as we approach the end of 2022.

Best Regards,

WM David Cooper

10/5 Stated Communication - U5 @ 47 Kirkham Pl  on 10/03/2022

Brothers of Union Lodge Number 5,

We will be having our first Stated Communication of October on Weds 10/5 and will be discussing the challenges we've been experiencing with closing the Lodge sale.  We will also be finalizing our Entered Apprentice Degree lineup for our second SC on 10/19.  Please join us for dinner at 6:30pm with gavel down at 7:30pm.  We will of course be having an interesting Masonic Education to boot.  Looking forward to seeing everyone.

WM David Cooper 

Brother give the gift of life.  on 09/06/2022


Showing of "The Masonic Table - The Art of Dining in Freemasonry" documentary tomorrow.  on 07/05/2022

Tomorrow Wednesday July 5, 2022, Union Lodge No. 5, will be showing a new masonic documentary "The Masonic Table - The Art of Dining in Freemasonry".  It will be presented during refreshment at our Stated Communication.  Union Lodge No. 5 is located at 47 Kirkham Pl., Stamford CT. 

Fellowship starts at 6:00 PM, and Gavel Down at 7:30 PM.   Dress for tomorrow is business casual. All Brothers are welcome to join us the Stated and film showing. 

The Masonic Table - The Art of Dining in Freemasonry  -

"Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternity for Men, organized in 1717. Historically, dining and Freemasonry have been inseparable, and the Masonic banquet was an essential part of any assemblage of brothers. This documentary demonstrates the pleasing elegance of fraternal bonding, as brothers near and far gather together outside of the Masonic lodge for a memorable dining event."

Directors:  Brian T. Evans Jr.
Starring :  Brian T. Evans Jr., John W. Bizzack, Andrew Hammer

Add to your calendar click link or scan QR code: 

We hope to see you there, Brothers.

Fraternally Yours,

    Bro. Stephen Petri  
     Past Grand Master 2020
       The Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Connecticut


Special Stated Communication/Table Lodge 6/29 730pm Gavel Down  on 06/27/2022


We will having a Special Stated Communication this Weds, 6/29 with gavel down at 730pm meet at 630pm.  Br. Treasurer, Sam Maurer, will be preparing an Italian feast for us.  The suggested donation will be $25 for a great meal.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

WM David Cooper

Suzanne Lugo Memorial Service  on 06/24/2022

Brothers, There's a Memorial Service for Suzanne Lugo today at 1130pm. Below is the Zoom account details just click on the link. For those that can't attend in person....

WM David Cooper

Summer Picnic - Union Lodge Number 5, 6/25 12PM-4PM  on 06/21/2022


Please join us for our annual Union Lodge 5 Summer Picnic this coming Saturday, June 25, 2022 Noon-4pm on the lodge lawn. Fun, food and games. Family and friends encouraged. Special Guest DJ Dubai#1 will spin the tunes! Volunteers needed to help set up starting at 9 am. Please rsvp to Domenic Corbo at 203-912-9633.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

WM David Cooper

Parade 5/29, Stated Communication 6/1, Happy Memorial Day  on 05/27/2022

Brothers, Hoping everyone has a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend. Please note we are participating with St. John’s 14-Prince Hall Lodge in the Stamford Memorial Day March on Sunday 5/29. Below is the March itinerary. Brother Junior Warden, Greg Garland is asking everyone who wants to March assemble at Union Lodge 5 (see below for time specific details).

Also, please attend our 6/1 Stated Communication for a 630pm chili cook off dinner, gavel down at 730pm. We will be voting on updates to the By-Laws as requested by Grand Lodge, and will be reviewing an offer to buy the Lodge building we received. Lots going on, hope to see you all next Weds. WM David Cooper

Marching Schedule

Sunday 5/29:


10:00 Coffee at UL5

10:30 Carpool to staging area located at 805 Bedford (or walking distance from same).

11:00 Staging

12:00 Parade start

1:00 Ceremony starts at Veterans Park

Minutes of FCS Building Meeting  on 05/27/2022

Please see attached Minutes from the FCS meeting on May 25, 2022

Sunday May 29, 2022 Parade Marching Info  on 05/25/2022

Brothers of Union Lodge No. 5 Tidings!


With less than one week before the Stamford Memorial Day Parade, we need to ensure everyone is on the same page. Hoping for a great turnout for our first parade in years, and for masonry to be seen and discovered by many men from our communities.


Here is what is known logistically about the parade:


Parade and Ceremony, Sunday May 29th

•           Enter staging area from Hoyt St onto Bedford St, directly in front of the Police Station, 11:00 – 11:30 AM

•           Parade moves south on Bedford St, 12:00 PM

•           Parade crosses Broad St onto Atlantic St.

•           Parade ends at Stamford Veterans Memorial Park

•           Ceremony at the Park begins, 1:00 PM

Brethren of Union Lodge No. 5 will be in matching uniforms: blue polo shirts, long khaki pants and sensible shoes for walking about a mile; plus officers' jewels and aprons, as needed.

Look for a separate email to name a rally point for the morning of the event...some place with seating that also serves good, hot coffee works for me.


We will be marching is successively, with St. Johns No. 14 and Ivanhoe No. 107 so we can mingle during much of the route, then regroup by Lodge for the final pass in front of the review stand and recognition by the MC.

Feel free to 'reply all' with any pertinent questions or concerns.


Brother JW Greg Garland

203-253-1771 -

5/25, 7PM FCS Board Meeting - Webex Information   on 05/25/2022

Looks like there will be some Brothers unable to attend in person.  Below is a webex id to attend the FCS Meeting:

If there are technical issues, please call me asap.  1-914-584-9563.


WM David Cooper

Fellowcraft Club Meeting, Tonight 5/25  on 05/25/2022

Brothers, there will be a Fellowcraft Club meeting tonight at 7pm. Topics include latest developments in selling the property, current offer, challenges, and lessons learned. Please join us. WM David Cooper

Trestleboard June 2022  on 05/16/2022

Trestlebaord for June 2022 attached as a pdf.file.


5/18/22 Stated Communication at Knapps Tavern/Putnam Cottage   on 05/10/2022

Brothers of Union Lodge Number 5,

We are having our next Stated Communion, on 5/18, at the Knapps Tavern/Putnam Cottage.  The South will be preparing boxed dinners for us to enjoy (at the usual recommended donation amount of $10). Knapps Tavern/Putnam Cottage has a historical connection to Union Lodge Number 5 in that we as a lodge used to meet there.  SW Ron Sala will be providing some very interesting history connecting our Lodge to the location.

Also, we will be voting on our move location.  The Fellowcraft Club of Stamford has visited a location downtown (corner of Bell and Bank Street) that I believe to be suitable for our purposes.  I want the Loge as a whole to vote on the new location.  Brother Petri will provide details on what we saw and why we believe the location to be perfect for our needs.  As you may be aware, we the Brothers of Union Lodge Number 5 have voted to move from our current location at 47 Kirkham Place and use those moneys to ensure Masonry exists in Stamford (a very difficult and weighty decision to be sure) well into the future.

Please join us at Knapps Tavern/Putnam Cottage at 630pm for dinner and gavel down at 730pm for a very intersting SC, along with the usual fellowship and light.

Be well, be safe.

Best Regards,

WM David H. Cooper

Please keep in your prayers.  on 04/29/2022


Please keep in your prayers the family and friends of Worshipful Brother Felix Lugo.  His beloved wife Suzanne has entered into hospice care.  May the creator welcome her gently into his care and bring peace to everyone who loves her.


Domenic Corbo

Fellowcraft Club of Stamford Annual Meeting  on 02/09/2022

Brother please attend the Fellowcraft Club of Stamfords Annual Meeting.

Union Lodge No. 5 Monday Feb. 28, 2022 7:30pm

More info on GrandView Events of the Lodge.

By-Laws of FCS Attached.


Past Masters Dinner  on 02/08/2022

Our yearly past masters dinner will be from 12-2pm at Zody's 19th Hole at the Brennan Golf Course in Stamford.  There's a price fix menu at Zody's for 34/person (plus tax/tip).


Appetizers: Fried Calamari, Eggplant Rollatini

Pasta Course: Penne Vodka

Salad/Soda/Tea/Coffee included, adult beverages are cash bar

Entree: Choice of Chicken Marsala w/ Mashed Potatoes and Mixed Vegetables / Grilled Salmon with Rice and Mixed Vegetables topped with a Lobster cream sauce / Pork Loin with Roasted Potatoes and Mixed Vegetables

I look forward to seeing everyone.

WM David H. Cooper

Minutes of Stated Communication January 19, 2022  on 01/31/2022

Good Day Brother,

Please find the minutes of January 19, 2022 attached.


Domenic Corbo

Sec. Union No. 5

Minutes of Stated Communication January 19, 2022  on 01/31/2022

Good Day Brother,

Please find the minutes of January 19, 2022 attached.

2022 Officer Installation   on 01/04/2022


Happy New Year.  Tomorrow evening is our regular stated communication which will also see our 2022 Officers Installed to their Stations and Places.

WM Elect invites you to supper at 6:45 where he will provide your favorite take out Chinese foods.  You must contact WB Cooper to place your order from Kempai 2.

For Brothers who are not able to participate live at the Lodge for concerns over the current Covid19 spread, or any other reason, a live feed will be broadcast on Zoom.

Zoom info:
Ron Sala is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 062587
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Meeting ID: 821 3371 2178
Passcode: 062587
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POSTPONED - Masons Secret Cocktail Ball Friday 12/3  on 11/29/2021

Brothers, Family and Friends,

Due to unforeseen circumstances Union Lodge No. 5's "Masons Secret Ball" Cocktail Party, which was scheduled for Friday December 3rd, has been postponed. 

We will notify you after the new date, time and location have been decided. 

Parting on the square,

WB David Cooper,
   Acting Worshipful Master
     Union Lodge No. 5, Stamford, CT

Upcoming Events
  • MAR
    Union Lodge No. 5’s Past Masters Brunch
    11:00 AM
    451 Stillwater Road, Stamford, CT
  • MAR
    Union 5 Stated Meeting
    6:30 PM
    354 Post Road, Darien, CT
  • APR
    Union Lodge No. 5 Event - FC Degree
    7:30 PM
    354 Post Road, Darien, CT