Welcome to Union No. 5!

Celebrating 260 Years (1763-2023) of Freemasonry in Stamford.

We are now located at 354 Post Road, Darien, CT.

As a lodge of Freemasons, we are part of the oldest and largest fraternal organization in the world, an organization that is dedicated to the basic tenets of friendship, morality, and brotherly love. Union Lodge No. 5 was chartered on November 18, 1763, and has been quietly serving the greater Stamford community since its inception. Part of our mission, and every Masonic lodge’s mission, is to “make good men better,” to serve our families, fraternity, faith, communities, and country. Union Lodge operates by charter under the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Connecticut.


To Brothers of the Fraternity our Stated Communications are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, with gavel down at 7:30 PM, Dinner at 6:30 PM. Please confirm with the Junior Warden. We can accommodate the public only up until 7:10 PM on these evenings.

We have public open house night the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, 7:00PM-9:00PM. We call these Fellowship Nights and Brothers are always in the building to meet guests and members of the community looking for information about our Lodge and the Fraternity in general.

Please use our calendar to keep up with that we are doing both in the Temple and out in the community.

Upcoming Events
  • MAR
    Union Lodge No. 5’s Past Masters Brunch
    11:00 AM
    451 Stillwater Road, Stamford, CT
  • MAR
    Union 5 Stated Meeting
    6:30 PM
    354 Post Road, Darien, CT
  • APR
    Union Lodge No. 5 Event - FC Degree
    7:30 PM
    354 Post Road, Darien, CT