TEST  on 01/23/2025
Brunch for Vets (to benefit "Rivers of Recovery") Saturday, December 14th @ 10 am to 1 pm at Trumbull Lodge #22, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven. Please join us!  on 11/11/2024
Next Stated Communication - Trumbull Lodge #22 - August 3, 2023 @ 7:30 pm.  on 07/30/2023

Brothers, just a quick note to remind you of our next Stated Communication, to be held on Thursday, August 3rd, 2023, at 7:30 pm.

You might recall that we typically only meet one time during August, but with the increase in men seeking to join our ranks, we need to read petitons in Lodge and also vote on investigations made since the last Stated, so this is an important meeting. This is certainly an exciting time for Trumbull Lodge #22. Come on down and get involved in the initiating and raising!

While it looks like the hot and humid weather finally broke for us, please be casual and comfortable for the Meeting on Thursday (come as you are!).

I look forward to seeing you soon. 


Robert F. Polito Jr., Treasurer, Trumbull Lodge #22

Stated Communication - Location Change - Trumbull Lodge #22 - July 20, 2023  on 07/18/2023

Brothers, due to a health issue and a scheduling conflict, we need to postpone the Entered Apprentice degree for Thursday, July 20.

We will meet back at our own Lodge at 285 Whitney Avenue at our regular time of 7:30 pm on Thursday, July 20th and not at Corinthian Lodge in North Haven. Our fine brothers at Hiram Lodge have invited us to their summer BBQ that starts at 6:30 pm, so please feel free to come early and have some nice fellowship with everyone, 

Just a quick status update on our new brothers.......we have initiated four new EA's and have two more to be initiated with one investigation on deck. That's potentially seven new brothers added to Trumbull Lodge. Personally and editorially, I've met all these new brothers and I'm very impressed with their excitement and personal initiative in wanting to learn more.....and we can always use your help, so please come out and join us in this unprecedented growth in men wanting to "seek light". I think you'll be impressed, too. 


Robert F. Polito Jr., Treasurer, Trumbull Lodge #22


Next Stated Communication - Trumbull Lodge #22 - Entered Apprentice Degree  on 07/09/2023

Creating New Friendships, Rekindling Past Friendships

Dear Brothers,

Our next Stated Communication will be Thursday, July 20th, 2023 at 7:30 pm. We will initiate two new candidates that evening. All officers in tuxedo. 

Please note the change in location to the air-conditioned Corinthian Lodge at 30 Church Street, North Haven. 

On Friday, June 30th, we initiated FOUR new Entered Apprentices. It was a wonderful degree. We hope that our most recent Entered Apprentices will join us. 

C'mon out and meet our new brothers. Join us for the camaraderie, friendships and fun! 


Robert F. Polito Jr., Treasurer, Trumbull Lodge #22


Fellowcraft Degree this Evening! Thursday, June 15th  on 06/15/2023

Brethren, in addition to our annual inspection, please join us this evening for a Fellowcraft Degree.  A homecooked dinner will preceed the degree at 6:30PM, followed by the degree at 7:30PM.  Officers are requied to wear tuxes.  

Your attendance is encouraged!


Fraternally yours, 

W.B.  Mark Hubina, Secretary

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F. & A.M. 


Trumbull Lodge #22 "Fellowship Night" at Bear's Smokehouse............  on 05/23/2023

Dear Brothers, on Wedneday, June 7th, @ 6 pm, Trumbull Lodge will have our first "Fellowship" evening. Totally informal, no business, just for fun and to enjoy each other's company. Bring a friend who will always be welcome!

We have picked "Bear's Smokehouse BBQ" at 470 James Street in New Haven. Easy to get to and abundant parking. Bears has an awesome bar, a great microbrewery, 12 beers on tap and a huge outdoor patio. The bar has a really cool vibe (my wife loves when I bring home a "super spud"....a great husband pro-tip!). BearsBBQ.com for menu, etc. 

Upcoming Trumbull events for June: Thursday, June 1, Stated Communication and prep/rehearse for our June 15th Inspection and Fellowcraft Degree. We have two FC for the 15th, including one from St. Albans. 

On the June 1 Stated Communication, we have confirmed prospects who are interested in Freemasonry and Trumbull Lodge....we are meeting them at our Lodge @ 6 pm and we hope they stay for dinner at 6:30 pm. Please feel free to join us for the 6 pm "Meet & Greet" in support of these 6 potential members. A very exciting time to be part of Trumbull Lodge #22! PS. Those 6 prospects does not inlude the 2 new petitions we just received!

So please join us for these great events, starting first with our "Fellowship Night" at Bear's on the 7th! I hope to see you there!


RWB Robert F. Polito Jr.,Treasurer-Trumbull Lodge #22, 203-823-7664 (always available to take a phone call or text)

Correction to Second Stated Communication (5/18)   on 05/17/2023
Brethren, Be advised that our second stated communication of the month of May is tomorrow, May 18th at 7:30pm. Dinner will follow afterwards. WM Brooks has an intersting and fun program scheduled. Questions and rehearsal for the upcoming FC Degree on 6/15 will be discussed. On June 1st, prior to the 7:30pm communication, we will be meeting with a number of prospective applicants at 6:00pm. Unlike with prior meetings, we will be holding dinner at 6:30pm. Your attendance in meeting with the potential candidates and in essence supporting the lodge is suggested. It will help tp make a good impression! Please be cognizant of the times. Frtaernally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M
Dinner @ Mory's on Thursday, May 11 @ 6 pm.   on 05/01/2023

Dear Brothers, 

Just a quick reminder, we will be having our Mory's event for dinner on Thursday, May 11th (306 York Street, New Haven). Cocktails at 6 pm.

$20 per person, the Lodge will subsidize some fraternal fun. Jackets are required for dining. 

Bring a brother or a friend too, especially if that friend wants to learn more about Freemasonry and Trumbull Lodge. (a potential new brother will be comped by the Lodge). 

Please RSVP to me at 203-823-7664 by May 4th. 

We hope to see you there. Always fun!


Next Stated Communication - Trumbull Lodge #22  on 04/28/2023

Dear Brothers,

Juat a friendly reminder that our next Stated Communication will be held on Thursday, May 4, 2023 @ 7:30 pm. 

We will be discussing a number of important topics, including the Grand Master's "Project Blue Wave", which Trumbull Lodge #22 is one of only three selected in the Fourth District (to open up to others in the second wave). I expect us to be very as Project Blue Waves really gains traction. 

I hope you will be able to attend. Your participation and presence is very important to us.


Robert F. Polito Jr.
Trumbull Lodge #22


Trumbull Lodge #22, Dinner at Mory's Temple Bar on May 11, at 6:00 pm.  on 04/10/2023

Dear Brothers, 

Our Worshipful Master, WB Amos Brooks, is inviting us to dinner on Thursday, May 11th at Mory's Temple Bar, 306 York Street, New Haven. Cocktails at 6 pm. 

Mory's, a Yale landmark since 1849, has been an integral part of Trumbull Lodge, as many a Mason-Non/Mason Night has been held there (my own pesonal introduction to Trumbull Lodge was made there). https://www.morys1849.org/

$20 per person, the Lodge will subsidize some fraternal fun. Jackets are required for dining. 

Bring a brother or a friend too, especially if that friend wants to learn more about Freemasonry and Trumbull Lodge. 

Please RSVP to me at 203-823-7664 by May 4th. 

We hope to see you there. Always fun!


Robert F. Polito Jr., Treasurer and Past Master, Trumbull Lodge #22






***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm.  For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com

Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary

Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.


***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm.  For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com

Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary

Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.

***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
***Notice;- Annual Meeting***  on 11/25/2022
***NOTICE IS GIVEN*** Brethren, your attendannce is requsted at Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Meeting on Thursday December1st at 7:30 pm. Elections will be held and plans dor the upcoming year will be discussed. A home style BBQ chicken dinner will be served prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. :For proper headcount, please RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
Zoom Link - Upcoming Annual Awards and Past Masters Appreciation Ceremony.  on 10/03/2022
***Update*** A Zoom link is being provided for the upcoming ceremony. See link below: https://yale.zoom.us/j/97843822270 *** Trumbull Lodge No.22 Annual Awards and Past Master Appreciation Night - Thursday October 6th Brethren, please join us for a special evening on Thursday October 6th when Trumbull Lodge presents its Annual Awards Night. Grandmaster Bruce R. Bellmore will be in attendance as well as many Grand Lodge brethren. On this special occasion, lodge will open at. 6:30pm and will quickly go to refreshment for the purposes of having dinner with the awards ceremony commencing promptly at 7:30pm. Dinner will be catered, so we ask that you RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reached at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22. A.F. & A.M.
Zoom Link - Upcoming Annual Awards and Past Masters Appreciation Ceremony.  on 10/03/2022
***Update*** A Zoom link is being provided for the upcoming ceremony. See link below: https://yale.zoom.us/j/97843822270 *** Trumbull Lodge No.22 Annual Awards and Past Master Appreciation Night - Thursday October 6th Brethren, please join us for a special evening on Thursday October 6th when Trumbull Lodge presents its Annual Awards Night. Grandmaster Bruce R. Bellmore will be in attendance as well as many Grand Lodge brethren. On this special occasion, lodge will open at. 6:30pm and will quickly go to refreshment for the purposes of having dinner with the awards ceremony commencing promptly at 7:30pm. Dinner will be catered, so we ask that you RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email! Worshipful Master Brooks can be reached at : 203-598-2367 Amosbrooks@gmail.com Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22. A.F. & A.M.
Pasta Community Dinner Fund Raiser - Friday September 23rd   on 09/22/2022


Please join the brothers of Hiram No. 1, Trumbull No. 22, Wooster No. 79, Cosmopolitan No.125, Annawon No. 115, Masonic Lodge research and Valley of New Haven Scottish Rite in hosting a pasta Community Dinner in support of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial.

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial stands as the most distinguished Monument to Washington ever built by a private organization.  Erected in the 1920s and 30s, it's sores 333 ft as a beacon of light and knowledge, educating and inspiring all who visit it.  Recognized in 2015 as a National Historic landmark, the memorial is one of the most impressive and iconic buildings in the area around our nation's capital.  Our new fundraising endeavor, The Landmark Century campaign, aims to support a thorough restoration of the memorial.


5:00 to 8:30PM

285 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT




$25.00 PER COUPLE - $15.00 PER SINGLE - $10.00 PER CHILD UP TO AGE 11

For further information please visit - https://gwmemorial.org



Pasta Community Dinner Fund Raiser - September Friday 23rd   on 09/22/2022


Please join the brothers of Hiram No. 1, Trumbull No. 22, Wooster No. 79, Cosmopolitan No.125, Annawon No. 115, Masonic Lodge research and Valley of New Haven Scottish Rite in hosting a pasta Community Dinner in support of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial.

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial stands as the most distinguished Monument to Washington ever built by a private organization.  Erected in the 1920s and 30s, it's sores 333 ft as a beacon of light and knowledge, educating and inspiring all who visit it.  Recognized in 2015 as a National Historic landmark, the memorial is one of the most impressive and iconic buildings in the area around our nation's capital.  Our new fundraising endeavor, The Landmark Century campaign, aims to support a thorough restoration of the memorial.


5:00 to 8:30PM

285 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT




$25.00 PER COUPLE - $15.00 PER SINGLE - $10.00 PER CHILD UP TO AGE 11

For further information please visit - https://gwmemorial.org



Trumbull Lodge No.22 Annual Awards and Past Master Appreciation Night - Thursday October 6th  on 09/03/2022

Brethrenn, please join us for a special evening on Thursday October 6th when Trumbull Lodge presents its Annual Awards Night.  Grandmaster Bruce R. Bellmore will be in attendance as well as many Grand Lodge brethren.

On this special occasion,  lodge will open at. 6:30pm and will quickly go to refreshment for the purposes of having dinner with the awards ceremony commencing promptly at 7:30pm.  Dinner will be catered, so we ask that you RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email!  

Worshipful Master Brooks can be reached at :




Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge No. 22. A.F. & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No.22 Annual Awards and Past Master Appreciation Night - Thursday October 6th  on 09/03/2022

Brethrenn, please join us for a special evening on Thursday October 6th when Trumbull Lodge presents its Annual Awards Night.  Grandmaster Bruce R. Bellmore will be in attendance as well as many Grand Lodge brethren.

On this special occasion,  lodge will open at. 6:30pm and will quickly go to refreshment for the purposes of having dinner with the awards ceremony commencing promptly at 7:30pm.  Dinner will be catered, so we ask that you RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email!  

Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at :




Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge No. 22. A.F. & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No.22 Annual Awards and Past Master Appreciation Night - Thursday October 6th  on 09/03/2022

Brethrenn, please join us for a special evening on Thursday October 6th when Trumbull Lodge presents its Annual Awards Night.  Grandmaster Bruce R. Bellmore will be in attendance as well as many Grand Lodge brethren.

On this special occasion,  lodge will open at. 6:30pm and will quickly go to refreshment for the purposes of having dinner with the awards ceremony commencing promptly at 7:30pm.  Dinner will be catered, so we ask that you RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email!  

Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at :




Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge No. 22. A.F. & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No.22 Annual Awards and Past Master Appreciation Night - Thursday October 6th  on 09/03/2022

Brethrenn, please join us for a special evening on Thursday October 6th when Trumbull Lodge presents its Annual Awards Night.  Grandmaster Bruce R. Bellmore will be in attendance as well as many Grand Lodge brethren.

On this special occasion,  lodge will open at. 6:30pm and will quickly go to refreshment for the purposes of having dinner with the awards ceremony commencing promptly at 7:30pm.  Dinner will be catered, so we ask that you RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email!  

Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at :




Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge No. 22. A.F. & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No.22 Annual Awards and Past Master Appreciation Night - Thursday October 6th  on 09/03/2022

Brethrenn, please join us for a special evening on Thursday October 6th when Trumbull Lodge presents its Annual Awards Night.  Grandmaster Bruce R. Bellmore will be in attendance as well as many Grand Lodge brethren.

On this special occasion,  lodge will open at. 6:30pm and will quickly go to refreshment for the purposes of having dinner with the awards ceremony commencing promptly at 7:30pm.  Dinner will be catered, so we ask that you RSVP to Worshipful Master Brooks by phone, text or email!  

Worshipful Master Brooks can be reach ed at :




Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge No. 22. A.F. & A.M.

Upcoming Stated Communication and Memorial Service for W.B. Prter Ailing on 9/1  on 08/29/2022

Brethren, please be advised that the first Stated Communication for the month of September will take place this Thursday 9/1 at 6:30pm, insteadbof the usual 7:30pm.  

The meeting will be brief, and will be followed by a memorial service for W.B Peter Ailing who passed away earlier this year.  W.B. Ailing was an integral part of Trumbull Lodge No. 22 for 30 years.  Please join us in remembering his labors.

A delectable pulled chicken BBQ with salads and dinner rolls will be served. 


Fraternally yours, 

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Upcoming Stated Communication and Memorial Service for W.B. Prter Ailing on 9/1  on 08/29/2022

Brethren, please be advised that the first Stated Communication for the month of September will take place this Thursday 9/1 at 6:30pm, insteadbof the usual 7:30pm.  

The meeting will be brief, and will be followed by a memorial service for W.B Peter Ailing who passed away earlier this year.  W.B. Ailing was an integral part of Trumbull Lodge No. 22 for 30 years.  Please join us in remembering his labors.

A delectable pulled chicken BBQ with salads and dinner rolls will be served. 


Fraternally yours, 

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change regarding Thursday's Stated Communication (8/18)  on 08/16/2022


Please be advised that Thursday's Stated Communcaiton of Trumbull No. 22 will be held at 7:30pm in the temple at 285 Whitney Avenue in New Haven; we will not be holding lodge at Annawon Lodge in West Haven.  

Due to an error in delivery of the e-mail system, it was determined that sufficent notice of the venue change to Annawon Lodge (West Haven) was not given.  While posted on 8/12, the orginial communication was only seen by a handful of brethren.    

We sincereley appologize for the confusion, and look forward to seeing you in New Haven on Thursday night.  


Fraternally yours,


W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location Change for this Thursday's Stated Communication - Repost from 8/12  on 08/15/2022



Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location change for August 18th Stated Communication   on 08/12/2022

Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location change for August 18th Stated Communication   on 08/12/2022

Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location change for August 18th Stated Communication   on 08/12/2022

Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Location change for August 18th Stated Communication   on 08/12/2022

Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of August will take place next Thursday at 7:30 pm.

Due to renovation of the Lodge rooms at the New Haven temple, along with the fact that the building is not air conditioned, the meeting will be temporarily held at Annawon Lodge No. 115 in West Haven.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. 


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Upcoming Stated Communication 7/21 and Annual Picnic 7/23  on 07/18/2022

Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of July will take place this coming Thursday at 7:30pm.  It will be a joint Communication with the brothers of Hiram Lodge No. 1.  A cookout will occur prior at 6pm.  Hawaiian shirts /casual clothing are requested.  In the event that your Hawaiian shirt is at the cleaners, a tuxedo will do!

Please also keep in mind our annual summer picnic which will take place this Saturday at Ashlar Village.  It will also  be jointly hosted with Hiram Lodge No. 1.   Time is from High 12 to 5pm.  Friends and family are welcome!


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Upcoming Stated Communication 7/21 and Annual Picnic 7/23  on 07/18/2022

Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of July will take place this coming Thursday at 7:30pm.  It will be a joint Communication with the brothers of Hira Lodge No. 1.  A cookout will occur prior at 6pm.  Hawaiian shirts /casual clothing are requested.  In the event that your Hawaiian shirt is at the cleaners, a tuxedo will do!

Please also keep in mind our annual summer picnic which will take place this Saturday at Ashlar Village.  It will also  be jointly hosted with Hiram Lodge No. 1.   Time is from High 12 to 5pm.  Friends and family are welcome!


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Upcoming Stated Communication 7/21 and Annual Picnic 7/23  on 07/18/2022

Good Afternoon Brethren, 

Our only Stated Communication for the month of July will take place this coming Thursday at 7:30pm.  It will be a joint Communication with the brothers of Hira Lodge No. 1.  A cookout will occur prior at 6pm.  Hawaiian shirts /casual clothing are requested.  In the event that your Hawaiian shirt is at the cleaners, a tuxedo will do!

Please also keep in mind our annual summer picnic which will take place this Saturday at Ashlar Village.  It will also  be jointly hosted with Hiram Lodge No. 1.   Time is from High 12 to 5pm.  Friends and family are welcome!


Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A. F. & A.M.

Next Stated Communication of Trumbull Lodge is Thursday July 21st (Not Tomorrow)  on 07/06/2022

Please be advised that Trumbull Lodge No. 22 is on summer schedule for the months of July and August.  As such we will only meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

Our next stated communication will include a jointly held session with Hiram No. 1 and will involve a cookout and Hawaiian themed evening.  Details will follow.


Fraternally yours,

Mark E. Hubina, Secretary

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22 A. F. & A. M.

Next Stated Communication of Trumbull Lodge is Thursday July 21st (Not Tomorrow)  on 07/06/2022

Please be advised that Trumbull Lodge No. 22 is on summer schedule for the months of July and August.  As such we will only meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

Our next stated communication will include a jointly held session with Hiram No. 1 and will involve a cookout and Hawaiian themed evening.  Details will follow.


Fraternally yours,

Mark E. Hubina, Secretary

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22 A. F. & A. M.

Next Stated Communication of Trumbull Lodge is Thursday July 21st (Not Tomorrow)  on 07/06/2022

Please be advised that Trumbull Lodge No. 22 is on summer schedule for the months of July and August.  As such we will only meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

Our next stated communication will include a jointly held session with Hiram No. 1 and will involve a cookout and Hawaiian themed evening.  Details will follow.


Fraternally yours,

Mark E. Hubina, Secretary

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22 A. F. & A. M.

Passing of WB Peter J. Alling  on 06/16/2022

Bretheren, it is with sadness that we report the passing of Worshipful Brother Peter J. Alling on June 11th.  W.B. Alling was a 30-year member of Trumbull Lodge No. 22, and served as Worshipful Master in 1998.  He attended Chapter and Council in Madison and was a member of the New Haven Commandery No.2.  

A graduate of the Univesity of Rhode Island, he worked as a computer consultant prior to retiring.  He was an avid photographer and could often be found photographing lodge functions.  W.B. Alling made numerous friendships over the years, and as much as he needed the support of the brothers of Trumbull Lodge, the brothers of Trumbull Lodge were that much better for it - he was an integral member.

In coordination with his family, a memorial service is being planned within the coming weeks.  Notification will be given prior.

In fraternity, 

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F. & A.M.



WB Albert R.R. Johnson's Mother  on 06/12/2022
Good evening Brethren, I am sorry to have to bring you some sad news this weekend. Ms. Linda Bell, WB Albert R.R. Johnson's mother passed away suddenly yesterday, on Saturday June 11. At this early time no arrangements have been made. If you wish to express your condolences personally and don't have Al's contact information, please contact me - I will pass along Br. Al's email to any recognised brother. Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F. & A.M.
Master Mason Degree this Evening (June 2nd)  on 06/02/2022
Trumbull Lodge No. 22 'Master Mason Degree' on June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM Trumbull Lodge will be having a Master Mason Degree for 3 brothers with an all-star cast including: Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Marshall Robinson as Most Excellent KS RWB Grant Gould as Grand Senior Deacon and long form exemplar RWB Robert Polito as Grand Senior Warden RWB Salvatore Ferrigno as First Craftsman RWB Chris Earle performing the Charge Additional roles are being filled as well There will be a dinner at 6:30. Make sure to RSVP if you will be attending dinner. Donations will be accepted. Please RSVP using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSFD7vLH1sB_kA29HOeAItCSJa5Pkmmy3AYoo5-FBbO89msg/viewform This is an easy private form to fill out and makes planning possible. WHEN: June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM WHERE: Trumbull Lodge, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven DRESS CODE: Business Casual (Slacks, Collared Shirt) – Officers in Tuxedos Kindly make reservation before June 2, 2022, by logging into your member portal on Grand View. We are looking forward to your attendance at the event. Mark E. Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22
Master Mason Degree this Evening (June 2nd)  on 06/02/2022
Trumbull Lodge No. 22 'Master Mason Degree' on June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM Trumbull Lodge will be having a Master Mason Degree for 3 brothers with an all-star cast including: Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Marshall Robinson as Most Excellent KS RWB Grant Gould as Grand Senior Deacon and long form exemplar RWB Robert Polito as Grand Senior Warden RWB Salvatore Ferrigno as First Craftsman RWB Chris Earle performing the Charge Additional roles are being filled as well There will be a dinner at 6:30. Make sure to RSVP if you will be attending dinner. Donations will be accepted. Please RSVP using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSFD7vLH1sB_kA29HOeAItCSJa5Pkmmy3AYoo5-FBbO89msg/viewform This is an easy private form to fill out and makes planning possible. WHEN: June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM WHERE: Trumbull Lodge, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven DRESS CODE: Business Casual (Slacks, Collared Shirt) – Officers in Tuxedos Kindly make reservation before June 2, 2022, by logging into your member portal on Grand View. We are looking forward to your attendance at the event. Mark E. Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22
Master Mason Degree this Evening (June 2nd)  on 06/02/2022
Trumbull Lodge No. 22 'Master Mason Degree' on June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM Trumbull Lodge will be having a Master Mason Degree for 3 brothers with an all-star cast including: Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Marshall Robinson as Most Excellent KS RWB Grant Gould as Grand Senior Deacon and long form exemplar RWB Robert Polito as Grand Senior Warden RWB Salvatore Ferrigno as First Craftsman RWB Chris Earle performing the Charge Additional roles are being filled as well There will be a dinner at 6:30. Make sure to RSVP if you will be attending dinner. Donations will be accepted. Please RSVP using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSFD7vLH1sB_kA29HOeAItCSJa5Pkmmy3AYoo5-FBbO89msg/viewform This is an easy private form to fill out and makes planning possible. WHEN: June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM WHERE: Trumbull Lodge, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven DRESS CODE: Business Casual (Slacks, Collared Shirt) – Officers in Tuxedos Kindly make reservation before June 2, 2022, by logging into your member portal on Grand View. We are looking forward to your attendance at the event. Mark E. Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22
Master Mason Degree this Evening (June 2nd)  on 06/02/2022
Trumbull Lodge No. 22 'Master Mason Degree' on June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM Trumbull Lodge will be having a Master Mason Degree for 3 brothers with an all-star cast including: Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Marshall Robinson as Most Excellent KS RWB Grant Gould as Grand Senior Deacon and long form exemplar RWB Robert Polito as Grand Senior Warden RWB Salvatore Ferrigno as First Craftsman RWB Chris Earle performing the Charge Additional roles are being filled as well There will be a dinner at 6:30. Make sure to RSVP if you will be attending dinner. Donations will be accepted. Please RSVP using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSFD7vLH1sB_kA29HOeAItCSJa5Pkmmy3AYoo5-FBbO89msg/viewform This is an easy private form to fill out and makes planning possible. WHEN: June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM WHERE: Trumbull Lodge, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven DRESS CODE: Business Casual (Slacks, Collared Shirt) – Officers in Tuxedos Kindly make reservation before June 2, 2022, by logging into your member portal on Grand View. We are looking forward to your attendance at the event. Mark E. Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22
Master Mason Degree this Evening (June 2nd)  on 06/02/2022
Trumbull Lodge No. 22 'Master Mason Degree' on June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM Trumbull Lodge will be having a Master Mason Degree for 3 brothers with an all-star cast including: Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Marshall Robinson as Most Excellent KS RWB Grant Gould as Grand Senior Deacon and long form exemplar RWB Robert Polito as Grand Senior Warden RWB Salvatore Ferrigno as First Craftsman RWB Chris Earle performing the Charge Additional roles are being filled as well There will be a dinner at 6:30. Make sure to RSVP if you will be attending dinner. Donations will be accepted. Please RSVP using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSFD7vLH1sB_kA29HOeAItCSJa5Pkmmy3AYoo5-FBbO89msg/viewform This is an easy private form to fill out and makes planning possible. WHEN: June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM WHERE: Trumbull Lodge, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven DRESS CODE: Business Casual (Slacks, Collared Shirt) – Officers in Tuxedos Kindly make reservation before June 2, 2022, by logging into your member portal on Grand View. We are looking forward to your attendance at the event. Mark E. Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22
Master Mason Degree this Evening (June 2nd)  on 06/02/2022
Trumbull Lodge No. 22 'Master Mason Degree' on June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM Trumbull Lodge will be having a Master Mason Degree for 3 brothers with an all-star cast including: Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Marshall Robinson as Most Excellent KS RWB Grant Gould as Grand Senior Deacon and long form exemplar RWB Robert Polito as Grand Senior Warden RWB Salvatore Ferrigno as First Craftsman RWB Chris Earle performing the Charge Additional roles are being filled as well There will be a dinner at 6:30. Make sure to RSVP if you will be attending dinner. Donations will be accepted. Please RSVP using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSFD7vLH1sB_kA29HOeAItCSJa5Pkmmy3AYoo5-FBbO89msg/viewform This is an easy private form to fill out and makes planning possible. WHEN: June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM WHERE: Trumbull Lodge, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven DRESS CODE: Business Casual (Slacks, Collared Shirt) – Officers in Tuxedos Kindly make reservation before June 2, 2022, by logging into your member portal on Grand View. We are looking forward to your attendance at the event. Mark E. Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22
Master Mason Degree this Evening (June 2nd)  on 06/02/2022
Trumbull Lodge No. 22 'Master Mason Degree' on June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM Trumbull Lodge will be having a Master Mason Degree for 3 brothers with an all-star cast including: Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Marshall Robinson as Most Excellent KS RWB Grant Gould as Grand Senior Deacon and long form exemplar RWB Robert Polito as Grand Senior Warden RWB Salvatore Ferrigno as First Craftsman RWB Chris Earle performing the Charge Additional roles are being filled as well There will be a dinner at 6:30. Make sure to RSVP if you will be attending dinner. Donations will be accepted. Please RSVP using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSFD7vLH1sB_kA29HOeAItCSJa5Pkmmy3AYoo5-FBbO89msg/viewform This is an easy private form to fill out and makes planning possible. WHEN: June 2, 2022, at 7:30 PM WHERE: Trumbull Lodge, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven DRESS CODE: Business Casual (Slacks, Collared Shirt) – Officers in Tuxedos Kindly make reservation before June 2, 2022, by logging into your member portal on Grand View. We are looking forward to your attendance at the event. Mark E. Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge No. 22
Fellow Craft Degree this Thursday 4/7  on 04/06/2022


Please join us Thursday April 7th for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's first Stated Communication of the month of April [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  

We will be holding a Fellow Craft degree with two brothers seeking more light in masonry.   Degree begins promplty at 7:30pm. 

A sumptious prime rib dinner with sides will be served before hand at 6:30pm.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Fellow Craft Degree this Thursday 4/7  on 04/06/2022


Please join us Thursday April 7th for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's first Stated Communication of the month of April [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  

We will be holding a Fellow Craft degree with two brothers seeking more light in masonry.   Degree begins promplty at 7:30pm. 

A sumptious prime rib dinner with sides will be served before hand at 6:30pm.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Fellow Craft Degree this Thursday 4/7  on 04/06/2022


Please join us Thursday April 7th for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's first Stated Communication of the month  of April [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  

We will be holding a Fellow Craft degree with two brothers seeking more light in masonry.   Degree begins promplty at 7:30pm. 

A sumptious prime rib dinner with sides will be served before hand at 6:30pm.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

EA Degree and Annual Inspection tomorrow evening (2/17)  on 02/16/2022


Please join us Thursday February 17th for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's second Stated Communication of the month [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  

In addition to our annual inspection, we will be holding an Enteree Apprentice degree.   Lodge opens at 7:30pm. 

A home cooked braised short rib and pork chop with gravy dinner with several sides will be served after immediately after lodge.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

EA Degree and Annual Inspection tomorrow evening (2/17)  on 02/16/2022


Please join us Thursday February 17th for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's second Stated Communication of the month [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  

In addition to our annual inspection, we will be holding an Enteree Apprentice degree.   Lodge opens at 7:30pm. 

A home cooked braised short rib and pork chop with gravy dinner with several sides will be served after immediately after lodge.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

EA Degree and Annual Inspection tomorrow evening (2/17)  on 02/16/2022


Please join us Thursday February 17th for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's second Stated Communication of the month [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  

In addition to our annual inspection, we will be holding an Enteree Apprentice degree.   Lodge opens at 7:30pm. 

A home cooked braised short rib and pork chop with gravy dinner with several sides will be served after immediately after lodge.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No. 22 - Annual Installation this Thursday 2/3  on 02/01/2022


Please join us Thursday February 3rd for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Installation of Officers [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  While this installation coincides with Trumbull's 1st Stated Communication of the month of February, the installation will be conducted during refreshment such that all friends and family are welcome!

In order to accomodate the ceremonies as well as dinnner that evening, Lodge will be opened earlier than normal [6:00pm] and will immediatley go to refreshment for ceremonies later that evening; installation will commence at 7:30pm. 

A home cooked Andalusian Chicken dinner from a age old recipe will be served prior to installation at 6:30pm.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No. 22 - Annual Installation this Thursday 2/3  on 02/01/2022


Please join us Thursday February 3rd for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Installation of Officers [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  While this installation coincides with Trumbull's 1st Stated Communication of the month of February, the installation will be conducted during refreshment such that all friends and family are welcome!

In order to accomodate the ceremonies as well as dinnner that evening, Lodge will be opened earlier than normal [6:00pm] and will immediatley go to refreshment for ceremonies later that evening; installation will commence at 7:30pm. 

A home cooked Andalusian Chicken dinner from a age old recipe will be served prior to installation at 6:30pm.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No. 22 - Annual Installation this Thursday 2/3  on 02/01/2022


Please join us Thursday February 3rd for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Installation of Officers [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  While this installation coincides with Trumbull's 1st Stated Communication of the month of February, the installation will be conducted during refreshment such that all friends and family are welcome!

In order to accomodate the ceremonies as well as dinnner that evening, Lodge will be opened earlier than normal [6:00pm] and will immediatley go to refreshment for ceremonies later that evening; installation will commence at 7:30pm. 

A home cooked Andalusian Chicken dinner from a age old recipe will be served prior to installation at 6:30pm.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No. 22 - Annual Installation this Thursday 2/3  on 02/01/2022


Please join us Thursday February 3rd for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Installation of Officers [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  While this installation coincides with Trumbull's 1st Stated Communication of the month of February, the installation will be conducted during refreshment such that all friends and family are welcome!

In order to accomodate the ceremonies as well as dinnner that evening, Lodge will be opened earlier than normal [6:00pm] and will immediatley go to refreshment for ceremonies later that evening; installation will commence at 7:30pm. 

A home cooked Andalusian Chicken dinner from a age old recipe will be served prior to installation at 6:30pm.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No. 22 - Annual Installation on 2/3/22   on 01/20/2022


Please join us Thursday February 3rd at 7:30pm for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Installation of Officers [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  While this installation coincides with Trumbull's 1st Stated Communication of the month of February, the installation will be conducted during refreshment such that all friends and family are welcome.

A home cooked Andalusian Chicken dinner will be served prior to installation at 6:30pm.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Trumbull Lodge No. 22 - Annual Installation on 2/3/22   on 01/20/2022


Please join us Thursday February 3rd at 7:30pm for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Installation of Officers [Egyptian Room, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven].  While this installation coincides with Trumbull's 1st Stated Communication of the month of February, the installation will be conducted during refreshment such that all friends and family are welcome.

A home cooked Andalusian Chicken dinner will be served prior to installation at 6:30pm.

Officers are required to wear tuxes.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Stated Communication this Evening 1/20  on 01/20/2022

Good Morning Brethren,

Please be advised that our second Stated Communication for the month of January is this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the New Haven Temple.  Note - As the COVID positivity rate has been declining, this will be an in-person meeting.

Refreshments will follow.

Fraternally yours,

WB Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No.22, A. F.  & A.M.

***Notice*** Annual Installation postponed   on 01/05/2022
Brethren, Due to ongoing concerns with coronavirus and citing safety of the brethren, W.M. Brooks has decided to postpone Thursday's scheduled installation. Trumbull Lodge's Installation may occur as soon as the first meeting in February, this pending the outcome and positivity rate of the virus. Due notice will be provided when a suitable date can be affirmed. Until further notice is provided, W.M. Brooks will also be hosting Zoom sessions during each of the respective Stated Communications. The Zoom sessions will start shortly after opening, however may not go live until 7:45pm of that evening, so please plan accordingly. Click on link. https://zoom.us/j/6287412593 Please refer to the recent trestleboard for other information where applicable. Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.
***Notice is Given***Trumbull No. 22 Installation - Thursday 1/6 at 7:00pm  on 12/22/2021


Please join us Thursday January 6th at 7:00pm for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Installation of Officers.   To accommodate the timeframe that evening, the ceremony will commence earlier than the regular stated time of 7:30pm.  A dinner will follow the meeting.  

Officers are required to wear tuxes. 

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

***Notice is Given***Trumbull No. 22 Installation - Thursday 1/6 at 7:00pm  on 12/22/2021


Please join us Thursday January 6th at 7:00pm for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Installation of Officers.   To accommodate the timeframe that evening, the ceremony will commence earlier than the regular stated time of 7:30pm.  A dinner will follow the meeting.  

Officers are required to wear tuxes. 

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

***Notice is Given***Trumbull No. 22 Installation - Thursday 1/6 at 7:00pm  on 12/22/2021


Please join us Thursday January 6th at 7:00pm for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Installation of Officers.   To accommodate the timeframe that evening, the ceremony will commence earlier than the regular stated time of 7:30pm.  A dinner will follow the meeting.  

Officers are required to wear tuxes. 

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Annual Awards Night this Thursday 12/16!  on 12/13/2021


Please join us this Thursday December 16th at 7:30pm for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Awards Night.  A number of brethren have reached meritorious service milestones.   Refreshments will follow the meeting.  

Business attire is requested.  

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Annual Awards Night this Thursday 12/16!  on 12/13/2021


Please join us this Thursday December 16th at 7:30pm for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Awards Night.  A number of brethren have reached meritorious service milestones.   Refreshments will follow the meeting.  

Business attire is requested.  

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

Annual Awards Night this Thursday 12/16!  on 12/13/2021


Please join us this Thursday December 16th at 7:30pm for Trumbull Lodge No. 22's Annual Awards Night.  A number of brethren have reached meritorious service milestones.   Refreshments will follow the meeting.  

Business attire is requested.  

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.

***Reminder*** Annual Meeting on 12/2  on 12/01/2021
Brethren, as a reminder the annual meeting of Trumbull Lodge No. 22 will comence promptly tomorrow at 7:30pm at 285 Whitney. Elections will be held. A scrumptious porchetta dinner will be served! Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary
***Reminder*** Annual Meeting on 12/2  on 12/01/2021
Brethren, as a reminder the annual meeting of Trumbull Lodge No. 22 will comence promptly tomorrow at 7:30pm at 285 Whitney. Elections will be held. A scrumptious porchetta dinner will be served! Fraternally yours, W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary
Annual Meeting Notice  on 11/19/2021


Notice is given of the annual meeting of Trumbull Lodge No. 22 (Egyptian Room - 285 Whitney) to be held at 7:30pm on the first Thursday of December, 12/2/2021.  A porchetta dinner will be served - please RSVP to the Junior Warden.

Business attire is requested.  

Fraternally yours,

W.B. Mark Hubina, Secretary 

Trumbull Lodge, No. 22, A.F & A.M.


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