Worshipful Master’s 3nd Quarter Trestle Board July - September 2024


A Message from the East

Fraternal Greetings My Brother’s,

Wow this year is flying by. Another successful quarter under our belt. In April we were blessed to have the DeMolay and rainbow perform th 7+7=10 degree. Some of the Brother’s went to the Garibaldi Degree in New York. During this quarter we also made three more friend’s Brother’s. We also raised three Brother’s to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.to Wrap up the quarter we had our annual Steak and Ale Stated Communication. This next quarter has quite a few exciting events scheduled. as you travel, remember that you are a Mason and that your actions no matter where you are should reflect that.


Brian Sprouse - Worshipful Master Sequin-Level Lodge #140


A Message from the West

Hello Brothers,

It’s crazy to think we are already halfway through the year. We have done a great job with acquiring new brothers and they have been working hard with the craft. I want to thank them for all the help that they do behind the scenes, it seems several of them are at almost every event we host. I would also like to thank our team working in the pipeline with all that they do. The new brothers are learning a lot about the ritual but also some of the things we do and what we stand for.

I hope people are enjoying their breaks from the lodge and are getting to travel. It’s great to hear some of the stories about our members visiting other lodges and spreading the word about Sequin-Level Lodge #140. I am looking forward to the rest of the year with our officers and hope everyone keeps up the good work.

The events we have been putting on continue to be successful and word is getting out to the town. When someone from outside the lodge visits it’s a great chance to hear what they think of us and possible draw up some more members.

Continue the good work brothers!


Kevin Rand - Senior Warden Sequin-Level Lodge #140


A Message from the South

How is the summer going so far? I hope the AC is working. Looking forward to the next couple of months we have a lot going on. Come on out and join us at the LODGE. Remember to make your reservations for dinner. September we have the E.A. Degree on the 5 th and step up night so the JR Warden will be the East come out and support are new E.A.s as they start their journey into Masonry, and if you know anyone that needs our help please let myself or any OFFICER know so we can reach out to them.

WB Bob Bailey – Sequin-Level Lodge 140 Junior Warden



July 2024

7  (Sunday)              7:30-11:00AM SBA Breakfast Fundraiser

8 (Monday)              6:30 PM SBA Meeting

13 (Saturday)          6:30 AM - 1:00PM Blood Drive

       18 (Thursday)         6:30 PM Stated Communication Dinner                          

                                        7:30PM Stated Communication

       20 (Saturday)         10:00PM- 11:00PM Ice Cream Social

       25 (Thursday)         7:00PM Officer’s Meeting

       August 2024
    4  (Sunday)                7:30-11:00 AM SBA Breakfast Fundraiser
    12 (Monday)             6:30 PM SBA Meeting
    15 (Thursday)           6:30 PM Stated Communications Dinner

                                           7:30 PM Stated Communication

        17 (Sunday)              5:30PM - 9:00PM Bourbon, Steak, Scotch, Stogie

        24 (Saturday)           11:30AM - 3:00PM Family Picnic


      September 2024
      1  (Sunday)                 7:30-11:00 AM SBA Breakfast Fundraiser
      5  (Thursday)             6:30PM  Stated Communication Dinner

                                             7:30PM Stated Communication- EA Degree/ Inspection

         9 (Monday)                6:30PM SBA Meeting

         14 (Saturday)            9:00AM - 12:00PM Open House

         19 (Thursday)           6:30 PM Stated Communication Dinner
                                            7:30 PM Stated Communication- Table Lodge
     28 (Saturday)            6:00PM - 9:00PM Oktoberfest




Your 2024 Lodge Dues are now due! These dues are needed to pay the necessary expenses of your Lodge, including the Grand Lodge per capita assessment for each of our non-exempt Brothers. If you are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to pay the entire amount, please text me, Worshipful Master Brian Sprouse ( 860-357-7782 or email: briansprouse@ctfreemasons.net) and I will make other suitable arrangements with you. To pay late without making suitable arrangements, or to not pay at all, puts a financial strain on the Lodge and is unfair to your Brothers. For this reason, unless satisfactory arrangements have been made, a late fee of $50 was added on 2024 dues not paid after March 31 st, and an additional $50 late fee was added on dues paid after June 30th 2024.

On the first Sunday of each month, from 7:30 AM to 11:00 AM, treat yourself and your family to a full breakfast at a most inexpensive price. In addition to the usual fare of pancakes, eggs, hash browns, bacon and/or sausage, toast, juice, and coffee/tea, there is also a monthly breakfast special. Profits all support the maintenance and operation of our Lodge building, including the improvements in technology.  The success of these breakfasts also has that desirable side-effect of keeping our Lodge dues low. In addition, these breakfasts have been drawing townspeople to our Lodge, and that community exposure goes a long way toward shaping in the town a positive image of us Masons as upstanding men in the community.  The price for the monthly breakfast is $10 per adult and $5 per child, with a $25 maximum for a family of 2 adults and their minor children.

The Lodge Capital Campaign has kicked off with our Commemorative Paver Program. The Lodge will be installing custom engraved concrete pavers by the flagpole at the front of the Lodge to create a sitting area and stone garden.    Payment can be made by way of cash, check, credit/debit card, and PayPal. The Lodge is also offering a four month payment plan for those who wish to pay in installments. For questions or to place your order, please contact WB Larry S. Baker by email at lsb127@comcast.net or by phone at

For the most up-to-date information on up-coming events, to see the Lodge Calendar, to pay your annual dues or purchase dinner or event tickets, to pay for a commemorative paver, or to donate to your Lodge, please visit our Lodge website at: lodgelocator.com/sequin-level-140
Please also see the postings in your appropriate Facebook Group Page (EA, FC, or MM). On Facebook and not in one of our Facebook Groups? Just ask an Officer to be added.