On May 12, 1884, The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, at Its 76th Annual Communication at the Temple in Hartford, granted a charter to Jeptha Lodge, No. 95 of Clinton and the first meeting place was known as Stannard Hall, which was dedicated to Masonry on September 24, 1864. Here the first officers of the Lodge were elected and installed by A.W. Brother Eli Quintard, assisted by Brothers H.B. Ensign, Benjamin Bucher and Charles Webster. These officers were Worshipful Master, Charles Wright; Senior Warden, George Beckley; Junior Warden, Northam Wright; Treasurer, Ebenezer Griffin; Secretary, Alfred Wright; Senior Deacon, John Post; Junior Deacon, John Wright; and Tiler, Chauncey Hull.
On September 26th, it was voted to adopt the By-laws of Madison Lodge as By-laws of Jeptha Lodge, No. 95 until a code of By-laws could be drawn up and submitted to the Grand Lodge for approval. A committee consisting of Brothers John and Alfred Wright and Ebenezer Griffin were appointed to do this. During the first year of the Lodge three members were raised.
On July 21, 1865 a chest, bible and a square were purchased to use in the Lodge at a cost of $7.00. As evidenced by the dates found in the Secretary’s minutes during these early years the Lodge did not recess for the summer.
We find that nothing of note took place for about three years during the regular meetings until November 8, 1868. It was then voted to contract with Brother Horace Butler for two pillars for the Lodge room and Brother Charles Farnham was to ascertain the coat of moving and installing them In the Lodge.
At a meeting on July 10, 1871, a committee consisting of Brothers John Wright, Horace Kelsey and Sam Brown was appointed to confer With the Selectmen regarding the leasing of the Academy for a Lodge room and report at a subsequent meeting. A new carpet was purchased for the Lodge room in December of 1872 at a cost of $23.80 and in March of the following year Brother Horace Kelsey was directed to purchase two columns at $45.00.
The next few years were uneventful with the Lodge holding its meetings and In January 1877, Brothers Henry Stevens, John Green, and L. Pelton were appointed as a committee to purchase a desk for the Secretary, but it was voted at the next Communication to postpone this matter indefinitely. Another committee was appointed to get permission from the Selectmen to paint the Lodge room. The Brothers appointed were as follows: William Kelsey, H. Stevens, L. Pelton, J. Andrews, Alexander Hull and W. Stannard. Permission was granted and the Selectmen authorized one year’s rent for this project.
The first Masonic Funeral Service was conducted for Brother J.O. Stannard on August 27, 1877 and It was voted to drape the altar for a period of sixty days in his memory.
On March 11, 1878, it was voted to have all candidates give the lectures of the degree recently conferred, in open lodge, before being advanced to the next degree. The first strawberry festival was held in June and each Mason paid $.25. Up to 1880 the average attendance was 19 members present per meeting.
On January 12, 1885 a committee was appointed to confer with the Selectmen on reducing the rent and in June there resulted a reduction from $60.00 to $50.00. At a meeting in November, 1889, a letter was received from the Grange asking that the room be rented to its organization for a meeting place, and at the following communication of the Lodge, use of the room was granted to the Grange on terms drawn up by a committee, the agreement to be signed by the top three officers of both organizations.
On April 23, 1893, It was voted to rent the room to The New England Order of Protection for $20.00 per year, with the understanding that this group share the expense of a new carpet when required. It was also voted to grant a reduction in the rent to the Grange to $20.00.
The first public installation of officers of Jeptha Lodge, No. 95 was held in the Morgan Hall on January 9, 1902. Three years later saw the lodge room rented to another organization, The Women’s Relief Corps.
In November, 1905 the Lodge voted to reduce the period of draping the altar from sixty days to thirty.
At a meeting in December, a music committee was appointed consisting of Brothers Alexander Hull and Charles Pelton.
On October 8, 1908 the Grand Master declared that all Lodges be opened during the day, and thirty members attended the laying of the cornerstone tor a new bridge in Hartford. According to the old records, someone must have requested more Light in Masonry, as on February 22nd, 1909, electric lights were installed in the Lodge room at a cost of $40.00, one fourth of which the Lodge paid.
The last meeting in June, 1910, Brothers Charles Pelton, George Beckwith, Henry Hull, Charles Hull and William Hull were appointed as a committee to consider starting a fund for a new Lodge Hall, and it was voted to rent the Lodge room to The Sons of Veterans for $10.00 a year. The average attendance from 1880 to 1910 was thirteen per meeting.
A committee was appointed to find out about buying a safe and in April, 1917 a small one was purchased for $85.00. It was also voted to have the Lodge buy the jewels for the Past Masters. Prior to this time the jewels had been purchased by the Brothers raised during each Master’s year.
On May 12, 1919 several Brothers attended the cornerstone laying ceremonies for the Masonic Home in Wallingford. At the next communication of that year, Brothers Charles Hull, Avery Pratt and William Haag were chosen as a committee to purchase a new carpet. Two ashlars were bought in September, 1920 from the Fox-Becker Granite Co. of Middletown for $84.00, and in early 1921, a larger safe was purchased from the Mattatuck Press for $80.00.
January 9th, 1922, a new Tiler’s sword was purchased and at the next Communication a committee to confer with Mr. Redfield concerning a new lodge building was appointed, and the Lodge voted to buy 100 grave markers. The Grand Lodge made a rule that there was to be no smoking in any of the Lodge rooms, effective May 26, 1923. In June of 1923 all the graves of the deceased members were chartered by Worshipful Charles Hull and Brother Chauncey Kelsey.
On January 28, 1924, the Lodge voted to buy a new Altar Bible as the old one was beyond repair; however, the records show that Mr. James Wellman presented the Lodge with a new one. A notice was received from the Grand Lodge announcing that on September 22, 1924, the cornerstone would be laid for the new wing at the Masonic Home. At the last meeting in September it was voted to buy new officers aprons. The Worshipful Master appointed Brothers Walter Moore and Leo Rowe as a committee to purchase a new silk flag with gold fringe for the Lodge room on April 9th, 1928.
The Lodge sent contributions to some of the Southern States which had appealed throughout the Grand Lodge for aid, needed as a result of floods and epidemics. The American Legion wrote a letter to the Lodge asking permission to rent the Lodge room for meetings, and this was granted.
In October of 1928, the Lodge had its own Quartet composed of Worshipful Seward Hull, Sydney Finer, Brothers Graham Wellman, and Frank Keel. Worshipful Charles Hull and Brother Leander Whitman also sang when Seward and Sydney were unable to be at the meetings. Brother Charles Pelton was the organist.
At a regular meeting of the Lodge on March 11th, 1929, Masons from the State Police Barracks assisted in the degree work and Wor. Brother lrvlng T. Schubert was among those taking part. An invitation from Bethlehem Chapter #68 Order of the Eastern Star was read extending an invitation to all Master Masons to an Installation and Drill of the Order of Rainbow for Girls at the Morgan Hall on April 8th. 1929.
In 1931 Wor. Brother George S. Hull was appointed by the Grand Master to serve as Deputy of the Seventh Masonic District. A committee was formed in the town to collect funds for a suitable war memorial to honor the men of Clinton who served their country in the various wars. Jeptha Lodge #95 contributed $26.00 to the cause.
On October 10th, 1938, Jeptha Lodge #95 held its first meeting in the William Stanton Andrews Memorial Town Hall. The membership at the end of 1938 was 137.
At a Communication of the Lodge on May 13th, 1946, the Letter “G”, which is illuminated over the Master’s chair, was given to the Lodge by a friend of Brother Otto Beringer. It was regularly voted to present twenty-five year pins to Brothers eligible, action being taken at the March meeting in 1947.
During the summer of 1948 the Altar was renovated and cushions on all sides. Prior to this a small stool was put down for the candidates to kneel upon during the degree work. The average attendance from 1938 to 1948 was 49 per meeting.
On December 11th, 1949, a committee was appointed to formulate plans for a Fellowcraft Club. The following Brothers comprised the committee; Wors. Nathan Clark, Walter Hull; and Brothers John Park, Fred Gayer and John Stilwell. The group was known as the Jepthonian Club.
In 1952, it was voted to send Masonic birthday cards to all of the members. During Fred MacBird’s year as Master (1953), R.W. George S. Hull was elected to the highest honor a Master Mason can attain, Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut. Brother Sellwood Bushy offered a reed organ to the Lodge and it was moved into the Lodge room on January 19, 19:55. A motor was obtained and It was thought that It could be put in the closet where it would be out of sight. A wire would be run through the wall and hooked to the bellows. But permission to make a hole in the wall was denied and after some discussion it was voted to return the organ to Brother Bushy.
On January 24, 1955, it was voted to present newly raised Brothers with Masonic Bibles from the Lodge.
April 23, 1956, the DeMolay from Branford under the leadership of “Dad” Berton Smith, of Widow’s Sons Lodge #66, visited Jeptha Lodge #95 and put on the two degrees. The work was most impressive and the boys were very proficient in the ritual. About two years later the Abraham Lincoln Chapter, Order of DeMolay was organized in Old Saybrook. Jeptha Lodge contributed $60.00 for the purchase of robes.
A lovely new carpet was put down in the Lodge room on April 25th, 1957, the money for which came from the generosity of the members of the former Masonic Association. This greatly added to the comfort and looks of the Lodge and was much appreciated by the members of Jeptha Lodge #95.
Early in 1958, it was voted to purchase a desk and chair for the Secretary from R.W. Howard Roberts who was selling things prior to relocating in Florida. Wor. Richard Dudley agreed to transport these items to the Secretary’s house. In 1958, a former member of this Lodge, Daniel Asa Read was elected Potentate of Sphinx Temple Shrine in Hartford. On September 22, Walter Hull presented the Lodge with a new charter case in memory of his father, Wor. Charles 8. Hull.
In 1959, Secretary, Bro. Walter Hull, was appointed District Deputy of District 78 by the Grand Master, M.W. Gordon F. Christie, and attended the Grand Lodge session to be installed with the Deputies of the other Districts. Wor. Brother Warren Haight was chosen as Associate Marshal to accompany the Deputy on his official visitations. M.W. George Hull and R.W. Walter Hull attended a testimonial dinner in honor of M.W. Gordon Christie given by the members of his Lodge in Monroe. Jeptha Lodge had a fine Fellowcraft Club, which, by sponsoring dances have contributed a great deal to the Lodge with such gifts as a new silk hat for the Deputy, new winding stairs for use in the Middle Chamber lecture, personal gavels for the incoming Masters and a new silk flag with gold fringe to have in time for the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Lodge. The members of the club have also been active on a degree team.
In May 1960, new officer aprons and jewels were purchased for the Lodge and were worn for the first time at the fall meeting of September 26, 1960. The membership of the Lodge at the end of 1960 was 215.
Jeptha Lodge #95 hosted the Past Masters Association dinner and degree on January 2, 1961. The Fellowcraft Club held a dance in May. The American Field Service appealed to the organizations of the town for funds to send A Morgan High School student to a foreign country to study for one year. Jeptha Lodge #95 contributed $25.00.
Brothers Ward Wahl, Roy Linder and James Christle were appointed as a committee to get bronze markers for the graves of our deceased members and on September 24th, 1962 It was voted to buy 100 and Siloam Lodge #32 of Old Saybrook agreed to buy 40. A dinner dance, sponsored by the Fellowcraft Club, was held at the Clinton Country Club on November 10, 1962.
On April 24th, 1963 Members of St. John’s Lodge #2 of Middletown came to Clinton and presented the Masonic play “Rose upon the Altar” in Jeptha Lodge. October 24, 1964 saw the observance of the 100th Anniversary of the Lodge with a dinner and entertainment in the Green Room with about 200 Masons and wives in attendance. The remainder of the program was held in the auditorium. The Commandery presented the new flag donated by the Fellowcraft Club and all joined in a Salute to the Flag. Brother Clayton swain gave a talk on the early days of Masonry in Clinton. R.W. Brother Howard Crook of Solar Lodge #131 of Chester spoke briefly and M.W. George Hull, P.G.M. introduced the principal speaker of the evening: M.W. Brother Ernest R. Dayton, Grand Master of Masons in Connecticut.
Musical selections were enjoyed with Mrs. Gilbert Mather of Deep River as soloist accompanied by Brother Felix Starkey, Trinity Lodge #43 of Deep River at the organ. Worshipful Master Roy C8nsdale acted as Master of Ceremonies and M.W. George Hull closed the program with a parting message. Brother Charles Bushnell, a member of Jeptha Lodge, travelled the longest distance to attend the affair. Coming from the State of Delaware.
Jeptha Lodge #95 has had eighteen Secretaries during its existence. The two who had held that office the greatest number of years were Edward Bushnell, Secretary from 1897 to 1914 and Wor. Lindsay Fletcher served in this capacity from 1928 to 1951. He was followed by Brother Howard Roberts who finished out Brother Fletcher’s year and served until the Fall of 1955. At the election of officers in December of that year Brother Walter Hull was elected Secretary, and is still at it until he gets it right.
On May 22, 1968, Past Masters Recognition was observed with an impressive ceremony. Each Past Master was presented with a certificate which Wor. Brother Ward had printed up . The names of the Past Masters were very nicely printed on the certificates by the Master’s daughter, Susan.
On October 27th, 1968, Brother George S. Hull, Most Worshipful Past Grand Master, passed away at the Masonic Home and Hospital in Wallingford. M.W. Brother Hull was an outstanding Mason and citizen of the town and certainly a Pillar of Masonry Masonic Services were held at the Swan Funeral Parlor with 60 Masons in attendance. It was voted to frame his Grand Masters Apron and display it in the Lodgeroom and a plaque was placed in the Masonic Home in his memory. Wor. Brother Ward Wahl, the Junior Past Master. died on April 13th, 1969, and a memorial fund was started in his memory.
On September 22nd, 1969, it was voted to have a mold made of the Past Master’s Jewel so that the jewels could be purchased nearby. This was made up by Bazzini’s of Madison with the Initial cost of $40.00 and would be the property of Jeptha Lodge No. 95. At a regular communication of the lodge , December 23rd, 197 4, It was voted to wash and paint the woodwork and ceiling in the Lodge room. Brother Kenneth Hartwick was appointed Chairman and a group of Brothers under the supervision of the Chairman met at the hall on March 17th, 1975 and did the job.
On May 26th, the Lodge was honored by a visit from M.W. Brother A. Stanley Harrison, Grand Master of Connecticut and some of his Grand Lodge Officers. At the first stated communication after the summer recess, September 22nd, 1975, a cedar chest of drawers to keep the officers aprons in was presented to the Lodge by R.W. Walter Hull and the gift was accepted on behalf of the Lodge by Worshipful Master Stephen Pacileo. A motion was made, seconded and carried to have a suitable plate with the name of the donor and the date put upon the chest of drawers. This was done on April 26th, 1976.
A plaque was put in the Masonic Home and Hospital In memory of Ward Wahl. New aprons and jewel collars were purchased with the Ward Wahl Memorial Funds and these were worn for the first time on April 26, 1976. In May, 1976 a beautiful silk banner with the name, number of the Lodge and Clinton, Connecticut in gold lettering was given to the Lodge by Brother Peter Dingwall. The banner was made by Peter’s wife, Diane. On December 13th, 1976, Worshipful Brothers George Burnham, Burton Tuttle and R.W. Walter Hull were escorted to the East and presented with Past Master’s Aprons on behalf of Jeptha Lodge, No. 95 by Worshipful Master Harold Gulliford in appreciation of service to the Lodge.
Following the regular meeting of the lodge on March 14th, 19n, a program of Barbershop songs was presented by a quartet composed of Dick Bell, Don Hauser, Ted Wahle and Walter Hull, all members of the Methodist Church Choir.
At the Annual Communication of the M. W. Grand lodge Of Connecticut held in Hartford, April 7, 1977, Wor. Burton Tuttle was installed as Right Worshipful District Deputy of District 78. He chose as his Associate Grand Marshal R.W. Walter Hull, Past District Deputy 78. On the 9th of April, Tuttle and Hull were presented formally to the lodge in an impressive ceremony conducted by Brother Carl J. Anderson, R.W. Grand Senior Warden with the Past District Deputies of the District taking part. R. W. Brother Tuttle was the third member of Jeptha lodge #95 to serve as District Deputy, Brothers George Hull and Walter Hull being the other two.
During the summer recess Wor. Kenneth Hartwick and R.W. Walter Hull took the Altar to the Secretary’s house and Brother Hull refinished it, put new covering on the top, and emblems on the four sides. New blue covering was put on the kneeling surface with the aid of Bro. Hartwick. On June 21, 1 en Wor. Brother George Burnham was escorted to the East and presented with a Sixty year pin by Bro. Carl J. Anderson, R.W. Grand Senior Warden of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Connecticut.
In 1978 R.W. Walter Hull made three new stands for the Lesser Lights and presented them to the Lodge.
May 14, 1979, a dinner was enjoyed by 175 people at a semi-public event following the opening of Jeptha lodge #95. Twenty-five year pins were presented to Brothers Arthur French, Randall Hoadley and William Tucker. Brother George Pavelka, who journeyed with his family from Florida, received a Fifty year pin presented by Bro. Carl J. Anderson, M.W. Grand Master. Also, R.W. Walter Hull was presented with the Pierpont Edwards Medal in Bronze for Distinguished Masonic Service. M.W. Brother Gordon F. Christie, MWPGM, who gave Brother Hull his appointment as District Deputy in 1959, was asked by M.W. Carl Anderson to pin Brother Hull with his medal. M.W. Past Grand Master Christle also presented R.W. Brother Hull with a personalized gavel as a gift. The recipients of the awards were asked to speak briefly and there followed a program of barbershop songs by the “Methodaires” – Dick Bell, Don Hauser, Ted Wahle and Walter Hull.
On September 24, 1979 a new Bible Board made by the Secretary, for use at Masonic Funeral Services, was presented to the Lodge as the old one was in bad shape. Worshipful Brother Neil Mltchill received his Master’s Achievement Award. On September 28, 1979, Wor Brothers Neil Mitchill, Tom Dynes and R.W. Brother Walter Hull erected signs showing that there is a Masonic lodge in town. One was placed at the West end of town, one at the East end and one North of Route one on Route 81.
June 27, 1981, Jeptha Lodge #95 held a dinner honoring all the Past Masters and the Widow’s of former members of the Lodge. There were 17 Past Masters, who with their wives and the widows totaled 41. A delicious turkey dinner was served and a social time was enjoyed by everyone. A moment of silence was observed for the deceased Brothers and also for M.W. William Campbell, PGM, and R.W. Grand Secretary, who passed away on June 26th.
In 1983, the Secretary, R.W. Walter Hull, made four new bases for the Deacons and Stewards rods. A stand tor the ballot box also made by the Secretary was used for the , first time on May 23rd, 1984.
On March 24, 1986 R.W. Burton Tuttle was requested by Worshipful Master Norman C. Orr to present R. W. Brother Walter Hull with a plaque from the members of Jeptha Lodge #95.
At the final meeting of Jeptha Lodge #95 before the summer recess, June 22, 1987, Brother Leonard Walter was presented his Twenty-five year pin by R.W. Samuel Walker, Grand Junior Steward. R.W. Brother Walker presented Fifty year pins to Wor. Brother Stillman Swan, a Past Master of Jeptha Lodge #95, and Brother John Heft, 94 years of age. R.W. Donald Rankin, District Deputy 78, presented Brother Heft with his certificate from the Grand Lodge and Wor. Bro. Stillman Swan received his certificate from R.W. Willard Bradbury, District Deputy 7A. Wor. Brother Carl Ek. Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Information, presented Wor. Brother Ed Lang with a certificate for having completed the Masters’ Award Program. The Secretary, R.W. Brother Hull was completely surprised when R.W. Samuel Walker presented him with a Past District Deputies Jewel, a gift from Jeptha Lodge #95. R. W. Burton Tuttle was to have received his Past District Deputy’s Jewel but was attending his daughters graduation ceremony. He was presented with his pin on September 28th by R.W. Donald Rankin On March 28, 1988 a new official Lodge Seal was purchased for $84.50 to replace the old one which had worn to the extent that the impressions made were scarcely legible.
Seven High back officers chairs were purchased from Center Lodge #97 in Meriden at a cost of $100.00 and it was voted to have these repaired, if necessary, and to have all of them reupholstered by Dumore in Clinton. Chairs were obtained on February 13th and reupholstered May 23, 1989.
Brother Walter Hull, P.M , R.W. Past District Deputy 78