Past Masters of Hospitality Lodge #128
Hospitality Lodge #128 was chartered on March 5, 1921. On April 9, 1997, the lodge surrendered their charter to form a new lodge, Silas Deane Lodge #147, with the brothers of Stepney Lodge #133 (who likewise surrendered their charter). Silas Deane Lodge went dark in 2011. On March 14, 2012, a new lodge was formed in Wethersfield, and the Grand Lodge of Connecticut granted them the name and number of Hospitality Lodge.
† - deceased
2022 Francis G. Way
2021 Alberto Dieguez
2020 Alberto Dieguez
2019 Theodore L. Hasty
2018 Robert Everest
2017 Theodore L. Hasty
2016 Lawrence S. Elsner
2015 Charles D. Weiss
2014 Eric W. Manner †
2013 Richard R. Jones, Jr
2012 Francis G. Way
1997 Ralph Giliberto
1996 Ralph Giliberto
1995 Ralph Giliberto
1994 Ralph Giliberto
1993 Charles H. Reeve, Jr, †
1992 Charles H. Reeve, Jr. †
1991 Bryant E. Lynch
1990 Bryant E. Lynch
1989 Frank J. Sledjeski
1988 John F. Martin, Jr.
1987 Albert G. Kaeser III
1986 Frederick J. Kaeser †
1985 Albert G. Kaeser, Jr. †
1984 David S. Wadstrup
1983 Frederick H. Rackle
1982 Edward W. Poland †
1981 James W. Pike
1980 Charles H. Reeve †
1979 Frank H. Icaza †
1978 Bradford H. Ross
1977 Michael J. Whitelaw
1976 Harold H. Crandall †
1975 Warren J. Blessing †
1974 Russell W. Partridge
1973 Myndret S. Starin †
1972 George P. Bowman III †
1971 Allen E. Acker †
1970 Robert A. Madsen †
1969 Frederick R. Wolf †
1968 James A. Grant, Jr. †
1967 William O. Gadd †
1966 Raymond H. Johnson †
1965 James S. Griswold †
1964 Robert H. Hungerford †
1963 David S. Williams, Jr. †
1962 William E. McCullough †
1961 Raymond E. Britney †
1960 James A. Williams †
1959 Gordon W. Harris †
1958 Thomas W. Norris †
1957 Carl P. Haertel †
1956 Theodore R. Ford †
1955 Charles Reynolds †
1954 Merrill A. Rosier †
1953 Henry B. Ellis †
1952 Stanley H. Young †
1951 Burton B. Lovell, Jr. †
1950 Everett Adams †
1949 Gustave G. Raisch †
1948 W. James Gove †
1947 Omer H. Norton †
1946 Foster E. Priddy †
1945 A. Edward Hall †
1944 Fred W. Sehl †
1943 Robert Schields Ford †
1942 Edward P. Cody, Jr. †
1941 Kenneth Clifford Canfield †
1940 Charles E. Lowe †
1939 James E. Estabrook †
1938 Leroy H. Webber †
1937 Howard C. Chase †
1936 Burton A. Harris †
1935 Howard F. Hansen †
1934 Dudley J. Clapp †
1933 Everett Herbert Hart †
1932 Lawrence W. Wheelock †
1931 Elliot Howard Clapp †
1930 George H. Bradley †
1929 William G. Hart †
1928 Kenneth L. Fox †
1927 Percy B. Battey †
1926 Alexander Brown †
1925 Onsville J. Moulton †
1924 Roy T. Thawley †
1923 Mortimer D. Maynard †
1922 Burton M. Mason †
1921 Jordan C. Wells †