Social Time on Tuesdays  on 01/13/2025
Special Holiday Communication  on 12/02/2024
Stated Meeting and Installation of Officers, Nov 19th  on 11/16/2024
News Update Fuquay #258, 11-04-2024  on 11/04/2024
Stated Meeting Fuquay Lodge #258, Oct 15th  on 10/16/2024
Stated Meeting and Roundtable Discussion Oct 1st, 2024  on 10/03/2024
Stated Meeting Fuquay #258, Sept 17th, 2024  on 09/19/2024
Stated Meeting Fuquay #258, September 3rd  on 09/05/2024
Stated Meeting Fuquay #258, Aug 20th  on 08/26/2024
Stated Meeting, Fuquay Lodge #258, Aug 6th  on 08/07/2024
July 16th Stated Meeting  on 07/22/2024
DDGM Visit  on 03/18/2024

Brethren... Dress code for the DDGM visit will be sports coat only... Best Regards,WM Jay Hansel

DDGM Official Visit, March 19, 2024  on 03/18/2024

Brethren, Just a reminder that Fuquay Lodge 258 will host the DDGM's Official Visit at our Stated Meeting on this Tuesday, March 19th.  Meal at 6:30, Lodge opens at 7:30.  Additionally, we would like to invite everyone who is available to attend the not only the Stated Meeting, but we will also have a short practice tonight at 7:00 to prepare receiving official visitors as well as opening/closing for our newer officers.  We will be sort a few elected officers this meeting due to business and health concerns, so please come out and give us a hand.  We would like to make a positive showing for the Grand Line Visitor.  Respectfully, Arnold Hodge, Sec'y

Christmas Presents for Eller Cottage and other info  on 11/26/2023


I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.  The year is winding down and my time in the East is nearing its end.  Our new officers will be installed at the first stated in January. But we do have some activities to wrap up the year.  Thursday November 30th when the town is doing its tree lighting we will once again be passing out hot chocolate.  Come on down and help the Brothers out if you are able. The event starts at 6pm but there will be some Brothers there early setting up.

We are still trying to get details on the parade December 3rd, there was some miscommunication and we missed the time to secure a spot but hopefully we can still get one.  I will share another post with details if we are able to get in and march again with the Brothers from Golden Star #150.

We decided to take up a special donation at the next meeting to buy presents for the girls at Eller Cottege.  So if you are going to make the next meeting please bring along a little extra or if you are not you can mail in a check or while paying your dues online you can add a little extra and comment that it is for Chirstmas Gifts.

Thats right, I said dues.  I appreciate the 4 Brothers who already paid their dues online! You can do so by going to  and logging in.  or you can mail them in or bring to the next meeting.  I will not be at the next meeting but our Worshipful Master Elect Jay Hansel will be sitting in the East.  I will return for the 2nd stated in December.  If I don't see you before then I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever holiday you celebrate. 

Sincerely & Fraternally,

C. Brett Meadors
Fuquay #258


Annual Meeting - Please attend  on 11/02/2023


Our annual meeting is coming up on Tuesday.  I cannot encourage everyone enough to get out and come that night.  We will be electing officers for the 2024 year.  Attendance has been up and down over the year.  It would be great to have a bunch of Brothers out for the Annual Meeting. We will talk about activties to wrap up the current year with the Parade, Eller Cottage Christmas and likely a Fellowcraft Degree.

Hope to see many faces on Tuesday.

Sincerely and Fraternally,



Upcoming items and missing OSWs  on 09/28/2023


Before I get to the upcoming events I wanted to call out the fact that we have a number of lodge OSWs missing.  I believe that some of them may have been borrowed when we were practicing for 1st degree we had recently.  We are required to have a certain number on hand and they are now all gone.  If you have one please return it or let the secretary know you want to purchase it so we can keep the required number on hand.  Check your cars, offices, bags etc and see if you may have accidentally taken one home
We have a number of things coming up, I wanted you to be aware of, show up if you can or donate to one or more of these items if you can't attend and want to help.  I will go in chronological order:
Lincoln Heights elementary has again requested we donate snacks for their students, we have done this a number of times in the past and we are doing it again in conjunction with Golden Star Lodge down the street.  By a motion last meeting we are taking 50% of the charity basket to go toward snacks at the next meeting to go towards buying snacks.  The date for delivery will be set after Golden Star had their October meeting so we know how much we have to spend.
Speaking of Golden Star's October meeting on October 10th.  A number of Fuquay 258 Brothers will be in attendance to try and take back the Barnstorming Gavel.  Please let me know if you plan to join us.  Golden Star does not have a meal before their meeting.  WB Eddie has said he will provide a meal at our lodge before the meeting if anyone wants to meet there for some food before we head over to Golden Star.
Christmas is fast approaching and as we have adopted Eller Cottage at the Masonic home for children we will be getting the girls Christmas presents.  I will be reaching out to the house parents soon to find out names and ages of the girls currently at Eller Cottage.  Please consider bringing or sending in a donation to buy the Eller girls Christmas presents.
Speaking of Christmas, we have decided to once again march in the Fuquay Christmas Parade with Golden Star #150 PHA.  The Parade is December 3rd at 4pm.  I will be out of town but I hope we can have a great turn out, even if you haven't been coming to the lodge of Brothers marching together in the parade.  More details to come, but mark your calendar and let me know if you plan to march.
Finally, I have heard our newest Entered Apprentice is progressing with his catechism so hopefully we will have a 2nd degree before the end of the year.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
C Brett Meadors
Fuquay 258
Initiating a new Brother...and dinner too!  on 08/09/2023


Next Tuesday (8/15) we will be having our first EA degree in more than 2 years.  Our lodge has continued to grow the last couple years through the affiliation of a number of Brothers from other Lodges, including 2 currently in process.  And while I think these affiliations speak volumes about the work and fellowship at our lodge there is something special about making new Masons!  

I am hoping we can have a lot of faces out to welcome our new Brother to Fuquay #258 and into Freemasonry.  We will be having dinner in our recently finished basement.  If you haven't been there to see the work that was done, what better time to see it than while enjoying a meal before a degree night.

I would like the officers to wear suit and tie for the evening and others to dress a little nicer for the occasion but would rather have you dressed as you are comfortable than not there at all.

If you plan to join us for dinner please comment below or send me an email so that we can ensure we will have enough food.  

I look forward to a wonderful evening.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

C. Brett Meadors


Fuquay #258


Upcoming First Degree, possible town event and lodge rental  on 07/01/2023


At our last meeting we elected Mr Lapczynski to receive the degrees.  This will be our first new candidate in a couple years.  We will confer his first degree at our 2nd stated in August on August 15. If you are insteresting in helping please reach out.

The town is having a free ice cream social at the park across the street from the lodge on Sunday July 16th from 4pm - 6pm.  I will be out of town but if a few Brothers are available it might be a good idea to have the doors open to show off the completed work in the basement, let folks use the restroom if needed, pass out free waters.  We could maybe make up some signs say that the place is available to rent.  We would have to decide on prices and would need someone to take point on the rental coordination work as well.  I have a phone number that I created for the Lodge, (919) 275-0427‬. Right now it just forwards to me, but we could setup to forward to others as well. 

If you are interested in doing something during the ice cream social or heading up lodge rental coordination please reach out and let me know.  Just a reminder we will not have our meeting this week on July 4th.  Our next meeting will be July 18th, agian I will be out of town but show up and support Bro Tony as he sits in the East and the other Brothers as they step up.

I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

C Brett Meadors


Updated: Dinner/Movies lots going on this week  on 05/15/2023

Forgot to include on the original email. we will also be having our next installment of Movies for Masons on Mondays tonight.  Come on out for popcorn and soda while we watch a program and then discuss.  It will be a good time


The basement is ready to entertain again! The floor work has been done and bathrooms are reconnected with the new toilets and vanities and just in time.  We will be hosting our scholarship winner and his family for dinner tomorrow at 630pm before our meeting. Come on out and congratulate this young man and wish him luck as he continues on his educational journey.  See the results of the work done by the hard working members of the lodge.  Hopefully we can get this as a kickoff to restart having a good crowd show up for dinners.

WB Carl will be making a homemade meal of spiral ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, potato rolls, salad and sweet tea with pound cake for dessert!

I hope to see a nice crowd for the dinner and hopefully for the meeting as well.

Sincerely and Fraternally,


April Updates  on 04/28/2023


Some of you may have been wondering where meeting minutes have been... Did you know you can see the minutes in Grand View? When you log into your grandview account you can view the meeting minutes on that site or in the mobile app if you add that to your phone.

We have some fun at the last meeting playing Jeopardy for education. At the meeting coming up Bro. Tony has education and I will share some pictures of some historical artifacts I saw at the Masonic Center in Cincinnati on a recent trip with those interested.

We have our stated coming up next week. In addtion there are some other items to keep in mind the next month.

May 1st I am traveling with Past Master Barham to Widows Son #4 in Raleigh if anyone wants to join us

May 2nd is our 1st stated of May, please join us. I will bring a small dinner, please let me know if you are planning to join so I can bring enough

May 15th is will be the next meeting for Monday Movies for Masons, join us as we what a show about or depicting Freemasonry and then we discuss

May 16th will be our 2nd stated of the month and when we invite our scholarship winner to join us for dinner before the meeting

May 20th is the Pig Jig at the NC state fairgrounds.  Come out and get some good bbq or visit with the Brothers cooking all night before for some fellowship

June 3rd will be our 5 hour lecture service.  Please join us and let me know if you have any ideas for topics to cover

June 6th we voted to go dark and will not have our 1st stated in June.

I am sure there are things I am missing but as you can see there are no shortage of things to do,

Sincerely & Fraternally,

C. Brett Meadors  

Upcoming Events