Another year has come and gone. There have been celebrations and disappointments. We have grown a year older, and hopefully wiser. The Romans recognized the god, Janus, as having two faces – one looking forward while another looks behind – as the symbol of the month that starts after the return of the sun. And that is what we must do – we must look ahead at what we will be facing this coming year, while at the same time looking behind to see where we have been, what we accomplished, and what we failed to do.
As a Boomer, I grew up with some of the greatest music ever. One of my favorite songs was one recorded by The Byrds, with music written by Pete Seeger, and words adapted from Ecclesiastes 3. “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” We need to look at what we are doing and recognize that everything happens when it is supposed to.
You have selected me to serve as Worshipful Master for a second year. I know this year will be better than the last. Somehow that 20-20 hindsight showed me where I made mistakes and how to not do them again. So, some things will be different this coming year. And hopefully, for the better!
It looks like our major building improvements are done for now. There is still some finishing work inside and outside, but these are within our means, both financially and physically. In January, both the LLC and Trustees will be meeting to evaluate our current financial situation and determine the best course forward in shepherding our investments – both the building and our accounts. One thing we absolutely must accomplish is an accurate inventory of everything in the Lodge. The last time this was completed was before Covid hit. We not only need to update the actually held items, we also need to evaluate their replacement costs! The values listed are based on estimated values from when we moved from the old Temple on Center Street to our current location. Replacement costs for most of these are significantly more today.
Project Blue Wave has been expanded. In addition to helping find new members, it now has a focus on retaining existing members – especially how to prevent NPDs from impacting us. I also want to attract existing members back to regular attendance at Lodge and Lodge Functions. Bringing in new members is great. Having established members present to help them appreciate and enjoy the Lodge is outstanding!
Finally, I am looking for two brothers to volunteer for two special duties: I would like someone to spearhead the Lodge Visit that we had to cancel last year; I would like someone to chair a Table Lodge. We have not had a Table Lodge since before Covid. It’s time for another. And I really need some help in scouting out the area where I would like to hold our Lodge Visit – hopefully, King Philip Lodge in New Bedford, MA – specifically in finding a Hotel facility that includes a hospitality suite, and a Lodge Banquet facility.
Looking forward to a great year.
WM Joseph P. Grieco