Welcome to Eureka No. 317!

"The history of Freemasonry in Elizabeth City is a chronicle now some two centuries old as this year A.D. 2022 A.L. 6022, marks the 205th year since our Masonic presence first came to this city on the Pasquotank River.  In that time, a handful of lodges, having established themselves as their members intended for Masonry's most excellent tenants to take hold, went to work for the betterment of their community.  The Masonic history from which Eureka Lodge, No. 317, can now claim its linage, a lodge that celebrated its sesquicentennial in 2022, is one of both triumph as well as hardship, of elated joyousness and tearful sorrow.  It is a history the Masons of Eureka Lodge should proudly honor and respectfully embrase as their own."  Paul Vincent, P.M., Honorary Member, Eureka Lodge

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