Welcome to Compass No. 9, Wallingford, CT!
Chartered in 1769
Continuing the tradition of over 100 consecutive years of installing new Worshipful Masters!
As Connecticut Freemasons we embrace the tenets of Friendship, Morality and Brotherly Love. We do this by using the teachings of Freemasonry to better ourselves, our community and each other. At our lodge we make Masons and here at our website we show you our history, activities and schedule of future events. The Masonic Fraternity does not invite anyone to become a member, instead we wait patiently for the special man to knock on our door and seek admittance. Perhaps your visit here is that “knock” on our outer door. Feel free to browse our site; investigate us and Freemasonry! See for yourself what we are doing here. We hope this site interests you into becoming a better man and joining the greatest and largest fraternity in the world. Connecticut Freemasons: making a difference, here and around the world.
News & Events
Compass Lodge #9 is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Master`s Manna in Wallingford CT. Master’s Manna, Inc., a Not for Profit 501-c-3 Corporation, was established in Wallingford, CT in 2006 to serve homeless, near homeless, low to moderate income families and residents who face food insecurity in the greater Wallingford/Meriden area.
The mission at Master’s Manna, Inc. is to assist homeless, near homeless, low to moderate income families and individuals obtain essential life needs.
Compass Lodge will help in a “continuous collection program” throughout the year helping collect no perishables from the community to donate.
Compass is centrally located at 50 North Main Street in Wallingford. You can make arrangements for drop off or pick up please email compasslodgedonations@gmail.com
The nonperishables that are needed most are:
Canned fruit/applesauce
Cold cereal
Pasta and sauce
Peanut butter and jelly
Hearty canned meals ("spaghettios", stew, chili, etc.)
Shelf stable milk