The news from our lodge…
![]() Wooster No. 10 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
WOOSTER LODGE #10 A.F. & A. M. Colchester, Connecticut
Instituted January 21, 1781 Our 243rd year
Trestleboard January & February 2025
Regular meetings, Second and Fourth Wednesday 236 South Main Street Dinner 6:30 PM Lodge opens at 7:30 PM Master’s Message
My Brothers, Please read this
243 years ago in a well known legend supported by fact, the Master of St. John’s Lodge in Hartford came to Colchester with a charter from Massachusetts Grand Master, Paul Revere to establish a Masonic lodge here. While to complete story is a matter for another day, the word went out and Brothers gathered one by one at Taintor’s Tavern until a sufficient number were assembled to open a meeting and establish a lodge. This waited until 5:00 a.m. Lodge #10 in Connecticut. It made logical sense since to get around in southern New England the route usually passed through Colchester.
Fast forward to 1847 when Nathaniel Hayward built a rubber plant on Lebanon Avenue. The Hayward Rubber Company started producing rubber shoes and boots. Nearly 1,000 people moved into Colchester, most to work as laborers in the factory. New homes were built to house the workers. Many new businesses took root, hotels and saloons grew all over town while the population expanded to 2,869 by 1860 and in the next ten years reached 3,383.
Colchester prospered and so did Wooster Lodge.
In 1865 Nathaniel Hayward died, but the rubber company and the town continued to prosper. However, in1893 The Colchester Rubber Company was sold to the U.S. Rubber Company. At Christmastime the new owners closed the plant, ostensibly for the holiday, but the plant never reopened. Colchester’s population rapidly declined as the jobless workers left to seek employment in other parts of the state. It was the worst of times for the town. Wooster Lodge survived.
Moving ahead to the 1970s, Wooster was thriving. Members were eager to lead. Men were regularly seeking Masonic light, meetings were well attended. A very successful DeMolay chapter sponsored by the lodge provided many younger men as candidates. New quarters were bought and remodeled. Membership exceeded 225. Possibilities appeared limitless.
For the 40+ years of my association with our Lodge, the membership has always been willing to take on any projects, when asked directly, as long as it had a beginning and an end. In recent years a much more limited few have been willing to assume to reins of leadership. Covid did our Lodge no favors and frankly between that, a steadily declining membership, the continued aging and/or death of the stalwarts and a lack of leadership our lodge is in trouble. The membership is now 62 with 13 living out of state.
There are no financial problems. We’re doing fine in that area. What we do have is a dramatic need for committed leadership. New members really do help and that is happening, but there is a learning curve that takes 4-7 years to absorb. So, that’s where we are. I’ll be reaching out but please search your hearts. If we do not have what it takes to succeed in our current membership, the next “all hands on deck” appeal will be to vote on closing our Lodge. After 243 years I would never have imagined that this might possibly be in our future.
Your servant leader,
Frank Designs
January 10, 6:30 p.m. Installation of officers for 2025. Invitation with details further down this document
Meeting Jan. 22 Dinner 6:30 p.m. The Year in Review, “What did we do? How did it go?” Also Reports of the Treasurer, Secretary, Master and Auditors as well as passing the budget for 2025. Program on “The Golden Fleece and Roman Eagle” Dessert
Meeting Feb. 12 Dinner at Plum Tomato, 6:15 p.m. Program “What happens to all those aluminum tabs we’ve been saving?” Dessert
Meeting Feb. 26 Dinner 6:30 at our Lodge Entered Apprentice degree If entitled: Mr. William Long Dessert
Salvatore Tarantino In loving Memory
"...and when we pass through that door of death may you tell us: job well done." - General George Washington
Brothers, this event has passed. It is printed here to pay tribute to our well loved Brother
Wooster Lodge #10, A.F. & A.M. Colchester, CT
Invites you to attend our 2025 Installation of Officers
Friday evening, January 10, 2025
Dinner 6:30 p.m.
Installation 7:30 p.m. Dessert and social hour following
Frank E. Rich, Master-elect
236 South Main Street Colchester, CT 06415 Our 243th year
Master Frank E. Rich (Kathleen) 313 East St. Hebron, CT 06248 C – 860/918-6517
Senior Warden David L. Schultzman (Teresa) Groton, CT 06340-5354 860-326-1539
Junior Warden
Treasurer Theodore J. Nelson (Grace) P.O. Box 824 New London, CT 06320 B – 860-444-6771, C – 860-235-0770
Secretary Christopher M. Dickey (Lynn) 84 Brookstone Drive Colchester, CT 06415 H – 860-467-6836, C – 860-205-4199
Senior Deacon Glen J. Hansen 611 Norwich Ave Apt 426 Taftville, CT 06380-1487 H - 860-204-9507, C- 860-763-9993
Junior Deacon Glenn E. Studwell 18 Knoll Drive Groton, CT 06340-6231 H - 860-448-3488, C - 860-912-6679
Senior Steward Thomas M. Lawton 113 Deer Run Drive Colchester, CT 06415-1861 C – 860-908-2127
Junior Steward Marc E. Massicotte 421 Levita Road Lebanon, CT 06249-2314 H – 860-319-4473
Marshall Kieth R. Wakelee (Laura) 154 Gallivan Lane Uncasville, CT 06382-1229 H - 860-848-9693, C - 860-303-4678
Tiler Michael B. Schaefer (Teri) 49 Bokum Rd. Chester, CT 06412 H - 860/526-1997, C – 860/304-1475
![]() Wooster No. 10 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Saturday January 11th 1:00pm - 4:00pm Masonic Service at 2:00pm Keeney Memorial Cultural Center 200 Main St, Wethersfield, CT 06109 Salvatore Tarantino In loving Memory "...and when we pass through that door of death may you tell us: job well done." - General George Washington We ask that you kindly RSVP Carol Tarantino by 12/27/24 • (860) 537-1761 |
Brothers All,
The Brothers of Wooster Lodge #10 AF&AM have voted to amend the meeting night during the 11/17/2023 Stated Communication. We must now put the vote to the rest of the craft. Please attend the Stated Communication meeting on 12/15/2023 to vote in person. We are having an Entered Apprentice Degree that same evening as we have 4 candidates joining us.
Section 3004. Certain By-Law Amendments May Be Made Without Grand Lodge Approval. Lodges may amend their By-Laws in respect to the time or date of holding stated communications and the amount of dues and fees without submitting the same to the Grand Lodge Committee on Legal Matters for review, provided such amendments do not conflict with the rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge. Lodges shall provide a copy of the By-laws amended pursuant to Section 3004 to the Committee on Legal Matters within thirty days of approval by the Lodge. 4/10
Attached will be the updated By-Laws with the proposed change to meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month except July and August when we break.
WB Christopher Dickey
Funeral Services for Brother James L. Robinson will be on Thursday September 28th at 6:30pm at Potter Funeral Home. The Brothers of Wooster Lodge will perform Masonic Services.
Potter Funeral Home
456 Jackson Street
Willimantic, CT
WB Christopher Dickey
Secretary - Wooster Lodge #10
Funeral Services for Brother Harry Ward-Keith Anderson will be on Saturday October 7th at 11:00am at the Baptist Church. The Brothers of Wooster Lodge will perform Masonic Services.
First Baptist Church of Lebanon
694 Trumbull Highway
Lebanon, CT
St. John’s Day Celebration at Wooster #10
On Friday evening, June 16 Wooster Lodge #10 in Colchester will present the unique celebration of the festival of St. John the Baptist in Connecticut Masonry.This will continue a tradition that is at least 175 years old.
At 6:30 p.m. Grand Master Joseph J. Porco and his suite will be received. Then the craft will form in procession and follow a police escort down Main St. to the Colchester Federated Church (a short walk on level ground) for private services. Picture the main traffic artery in a small town lined with Masons in full regalia on their way to church. You’ll want to be a part of it. This year the services will highlight the diversity of our craft with prayers andreadings in several languages and from several Holy books.
Those in attendance will then return to the lodge via the sidewalk and enjoy a wonderful meal prepared by Bros. Christopher Dinoto and Jeff Creighton with a fellowship filled dinner hour. Cost will be $25 per person.
You are invited, urged and encouraged to share in the one-of-a-kind celebration. Please make your intention to attend known to the Secretary, Bro. Christopher Dickey at
We have changed our lodge email address. It is now Please send all future correpondence as necessary.
WB Christopher Dickey - Secretary
As you may have seen in the last message, this Friday will be the election of Officers for this upcoming year. I wanted to send a message and ask from the craft.
This year there are going to be a large grouping of positions that are in need of being filled and now is the time that we need everyone to step up and help move this lodge into the future. Every Vote matters and every Volunteer is Crucial. Over the last few years we have had what is considers a lack of abundant attendance at any stated communication, and now the lodge is in need of more help that it has been in a while. The same 5 people can not continue to manage all of the officer spaces and positions and be considered fully "operational". The light never goes out, but man have I seen it fade and without your help the light only continues to flicker.
Help this years upcoming Master succeed through volunteering, pushing yourself and your brothers to be better people while making sure that Wooster Lodge #10 strives. Everyone that I talk from other lodges has nothing but fond memories of their visits and time in Wooster, Time to create new memories!!!!
WM Chris LaGrange
Hello Brothers,
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing summer. Looking forward to seeing everyone this evening.
Worshipful Master Lagrange wanted to let everyone know that tonight will be a casual attire night.
Right Worshipful Brother Cross will be providing the meal. Thank you, Brother Jerry!
Hello Brothers,
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing summer. Looking forward to seeing everyone this evening.
Worshipful Master Lagrange wanted to let everyone know that tonight will be a casual attire night.
Right Worshipful Brother Cross will be providing the meal. Thank you, Brother Jerry!
I wanted to reach out and wish a Happy Fathers Day to all of the Brothers of Wooster Lodge and your familes. From a Masonic and a life perspective this is a very busy weekend between our successful St. Johns festival, Fathers Day, and Juneteenth. I hope that you took the time over the weekend to enjoy your family, wether it was talking to/remembering our parents, or having good times with your Children.
I can't wait for our 1st meeting for ice cream and all the oppurtunities for us and our families to have a good time over the summer.
Have an amazing week.
Chris LaGrange
WM Wooster Lodge #10
Hello Brothers!
Worshipful Master Lagrange would like Friday night to be a relaxed evening, so therefore we are going to do a Hawaiian shirt and shorts night. We hope everyone can make it for some relaxed fellowship and fun. If you don't have a Hawaiian shirt then come in casual clothing. We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday night!
Hello Brothers,
Hope everyone is doing well. Attached is a flyer for St. John's Day. We are hoping that everyone will be able to join us for the parade, devotional service, dinner, and of course fellowship. It is a great time and the more Brothers we have the better. Worshipful Master LaGrange has invited other lodges to join us, so we are hopeful for a good showing. Our Most Worshipful Grand Master will be in attendance with his suite of officers. We will have a piper and Brother Sal will be bringing the horse guard. We are reviewing external dinner options and expect dinner to be roughly $25.00. We sincerely hope you can make it. I will send more details as they become available.
Hello Brothers,
You may have seen that RW Charlie Hnilicka passed away. There is a service on Tuesday night for Br. Charlie, who was presented his 70-year pin at Wooster not that long ago. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. Information related to the service is below. Hope to see many Brothers at the service.
IN MEMORIAM It is with sadness that we announce the death of Right Worshipful Brother Charles R. Hnilicka Right Worshipful Brother Charles R. Hnilicka served the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of the State of Connecticut as District Deputy for Masonic District 7B in 1966. He also served as Worshipful Master of Solar Lodge No. 131 in 1957, 1964, and 1972. Brother Hnilicka passed away on Friday, May 6, 2022. The family will receive relatives and friends at the Biega Funeral Home, 3 Silver Street, Middletown on Tuesday May 17, 2022, from 4 to 6 pm. A graveside service will be held Thursday May 19, 2022, at 11 am at The First Church of Christ Congregational, 499 Town Street, East Haddam. A Masonic Funeral Service will be held at 5:30p.m. Please plan to arrive by 5:00 p.m. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. Fraternally, James M. Anderson R.W. Grand Secretary |
I have included the January TrestleBoard for Wooster Lodge #10.
Thank you and have a blessed day
WM Chris LaGrange