The first meeting of Wolcott Lodge was held on October 12, 1819 at the house Joshua Howe to talk matters over, a committee was named to draft and forward a constitution. The next meeting was held November 5, 1819 at the Mineral Springs Hotel. From 1819 to 1821 was a dormant period. In 1821 eleven charter members organized with no more than sixteen charter members in all.
The By-Laws were peculiar in that they met at 1 P.M. and the annual meeting was at 10 A.M. The By-Laws were often suspended getting new members. Some records were kept in an old Egg Book. Fellowship the 1st year was with St. John-Urial Lodge. A lecture was secured form Tolland in August 1822 for the good of the order and the lodge was well equipped by October of the second year. Early in 1829 they began to use Masonic periodicals.
In the fall of the next year they changed to four regular Communications December, March, June, and September. This caused an unsettled period with unsigned records incidental to a mention of two or three locks being purchased. It is not known where many of the meetings were held during the Morgan period except that there were some meetings held at the Royce-Pero place.
In the summer of 1836 they reorganized and held meetings at the Jasper-Bolton place in Furnace Hollow. In the early 40’s meetings were held once a year only. Beginning April 1848 they jointly used Odd Fellows Hall, but form 1854 to 1860 no records were found. There began a new Masonic Spirit with much more growth. At that time a boundary of Wolcott Urial was set at the old gate place on the turnpike from Stafford to Tolland.
The lodge had its first Seal in 1861 and there were many meetings. In the summer two years later they began to use regular lodge manuals and practiced E. A. degree on volunteer candidates. Soon there were many new members having systematic degree work as announced from meeting to meeting. Meetings were held regularly at 7 P.M. On March 25, 1865 they considered a more suitable place for lodge to meet. In April 1866 they accepted Mr. Beebe’s offer at forty dollars a year, the present lodge premises and by the fall they were really conducting up to date degree work. Within a few years there was a period of spirit for expansion so that the new century was marked by more visitors, better fixtures, and closer association with the Masonic Home with much greater interest in it.
November of 1918 brought misfortune by a fire in the Masonic Lodge quarters and meetings were held in the Grange Hall until September, 1919 when our over improved and refurbished Masonic building was ready for dedication. The members were much gratified to hold the activities in their own quarters in 1921. The next decade was marked by steady and especially enlivened by closer fellowship with the surrounding lodges.
This information was extracted from a document written by Brother John P. Brown, Secretary of Wolcott Lodge in October, 1931!