Upcoming Fellow Craft Degree  on 03/12/2025
Amendment to Past Masters' degree at Clemmons  on 03/12/2025
Past Masters 3rd degree at Clemmons Lodge  on 03/11/2025
spring barbecue  on 03/10/2025
Stated communication and meal  on 03/06/2025
Upcoming Master Mason Degrees  on 02/19/2025
3rd degree at West Bend #434  on 02/17/2025
West Bend Practices and invitation to 3rd degree Feb 25 West Bend  on 02/13/2025
A miniature lesson in reading music  on 02/13/2025
Letter to the Brethren  on 01/29/2025
Letter to the brethren  on 01/21/2025
George Beroth's birthday party  on 01/13/2025
5-hour lecture coming up this Saturday morning  on 01/13/2025
Stated communication and meal  on 01/10/2025
Two lodge degrees needing support from Winston 167  on 01/07/2025
Please visit Salem Lodge Tuesday night.  on 01/05/2025


I'm speaking on behalf of Wor. Bro. Mark Wilson who has lodge visitation goals for us this year. His visitation agenda starts with Salem Lodge who meets on Tuesday January 7th at 7:30pm with dinner at 6:30pm. And they have some wonderful meals. We can all learn something by stepping out of our comfort zone and experiencing something new. The next goal happens next month when we plan to visit Clemmons Lodge. Visitation is a part of Masonry. It doesn't matter which Lodge is your home Lodge. We are all brothers of the same family. So, let's get started on a positive note by visiting Salem's stated communication Tuesday night.

Morgan L. Williams, PM

Secretary Winston 167

Grand Master Visit Emergent Communication  on 12/31/2024
Stated meeting on Nov.11 with election  on 11/07/2024
practice reminder and officer election notice  on 10/28/2024
practice   on 10/16/2024
Meetings in the 26th District  on 10/15/2024
Test e-mail message via grandview  on 10/15/2024
Stated communication and meal no initiation  on 10/12/2024
Wor. Bro. Larry Toth in Baptist Hospital  on 10/09/2024
Luncheon at Whitestone (MESH)  on 09/30/2024
Paul Gilgo Passing  on 09/24/2024
Glenn Chamberlin Passing  on 07/18/2024
Reception for passed brother  on 07/09/2024
Teddy Bledsoe Funeral Saturday, March 2, 2024  on 03/01/2024
Brother Teddy Alston Bledsoe (59-year mason) of Winston Lodge No. 167 laid down his working tools on February 26, 2024. His memorial service will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 11:00 AM at Ardmore Baptist Church. 501 Miller St, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Masonic Rites will be rendered in the sanctuary during the memorial service. His urn will be placed in the columbarium apart from Masonic Rites. Masons are asked to arrive by 10:30 AM. We will sit together. Confirm with Larry Toth, Master Winston Lodge 167 336 414 0913
Officer Installation for 2024  on 12/11/2023

Installation of officers for 2024 will be Monday Dec. 18,2023 at 7pm. Light refreshments will follow. Officers are asked to be dressed in coat and tie.

Reminder for the upcoming MHCO fundraiser  on 11/30/2023


Good evening Brethren,​

I hope this finds you well and each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please remeber that we will be hosting a Past Masters’ Dinner (open to all Masons in good standing) with Cigar Fellowship as a fundraiser for the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. The event is scheduled for December 8th, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Masonic Center of Winston Salem in the 4th and Trade dining room. Attached is a flyer for the event, which includes a QR code for registration. You have the option to register for the meal only or meal with cigar. Below are EventBrite links you can also use to register for the event.

Baked Spaghetti Meal with Cigar URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/past-master-meal-cigar-fellowship-and-mcho-christmas-fundraiser-tickets-743839492947?aff=oddtdtcreator

Baked Spaghetti Meal only URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/past-master-meal-cigar-fellowship-and-mcho-christmas-fundraiser-registration-743826704697?aff=oddtdtcreator


As always, if you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

Sincerly and Fraternally,

Mark Wilson

Junior Warden


Past Masters Meal with Cigar Fellowship MCHO Christmas Fundraiser  on 11/14/2023
Winston Lodge 167 will be hosting a Past Masters Dinner with Cigar Fellowship as a fundraiser for MCHO. THis event is again scheduled for December 8th, 2023 from 6 PM to 9PM at the Masonic Center of Winston Salem in 4th and trade. attached are the URL addresses (1 per selection). Each person has the option to register for the meal only or meal with cigar utilizing EventBrite to register and pay.  If you will please announce and share the flyer in your meetings and invite brothers. Additionally, please see the attached Excel spreadsheet if anyone would like to donate items to asssit with the meal please contact me via email at mark.wilson8762@gmail.com. 
Past Master Meal, Cigar Fellowship, and MCHO Christmas Fundraiser
Food item Brother donating Comments
Vinegrette Dressing    
Italian Dressing    
Ranch Dressing    
Thousand Island Dressing    
Blue Cheeese Dressing    
Bacon Pieces    
Garlic bread    
Spaghetti Noodles    
Alulminum Pans    
Cigar item Brother donating Comments


Lodge attendance  on 11/05/2023

       Dear brother: This is your lodge. Attendance shows that you care.

       I hope all is well with you and yours. 

Attached, please find the September 2023 edition of the "Masonic Service Association Notes."
"Greetings from your lodge,
I hope you and yours are happy and healthy.
I pray blessings upon you all throughout this holiday season and beyond.
Attached is a note from the Masonic Service Association that made me think our members that haven't been to lodge lately. As you read it remember that you are missed.  Even if for any reason,  you can not attend lodge, I have an attentive ear. If I can't see you in person in lodge I'd like to chat with you and catch up.
With Great Respect And Brotherly Love,
Larry Toth, PM
Senior Warden
PS- Lodge meeting every second Monday 
       at 7:30pm
       Meal and social time starts at 6:30pm
       4537 Coutry Club Rd
       Winston Salem,  NC, 27104"


First Degree Emergent Communication  on 04/26/2023

First degree emergent communication May 1, 2023

Barbecue Friday and lecture service Saturday  on 04/11/2023

We need your help with the barbecue on Thursday (all day) and on Friday from 6:30am till 1:00pm, and from 5-7pm for cleanup. Thanks for your help cupporting our Masonic charities.

Also, there will be a school of instruction at Clemmons Lodge on Saturday April 15th from 9-2. Required are 5 offricers and 2 members, but we welcome everyone.


Upcoming Events
  • APR
    Winston 167 Stated Meeting
    6:30 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • MAY
    Winston 167 Stated Meeting
    6:30 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • MAY
    Rainbow Girls Grand Assembly Fundraiser and Mother's Day Dinner
    5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • JUN
    Winston 167 Stated Meeting
    6:30 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • JUN
    Winston Lodge #167 Social Gathering
    6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • JUL
    Winston 167 Stated Meeting
    6:30 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • AUG
    Winston 167 Stated Meeting
    6:30 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • SEP
    Winston 167 Stated Meeting
    6:30 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • OCT
    Winston 167 Special Meeting
    6:30 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • NOV
    2026 Election of Officers for Winston Lodge #167
    6:30 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC
  • DEC
    Winston 167 Stated Meeting
    6:30 PM
    4537 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, NC