![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Good afternoon, Brothers, I hope this finds you well. I am pleased to inform those who were unable to join us this past Monday during our stated communication, we had the pleasure to be joined by WB Mike Daniels for our Masonic Education on the Symbology of the Craft and then to have Entered Apprentice Chris Stevenson return his EA catechism satisfactorily. As the Officers have began to plan the next steps to assist him in his journey through Masonry, Chris Stevenson and Winston Lodge have been graciously extended an offer to join Enterprise Lodge #752 who have already planned and are prepared to put on the Fellow Craft Degree. This degree will take place on March 17th, 2025, at 7:00 pm (no meal). I strongly encourage each of you to assess the length of your cable tow and if able, attend and support our Brother in this next step of his Masonic journey and to assist Enterprise in any stations or roles that are needed. If you have any questions please let us know. As always may the Grand Architect of the Universe continue to guide and watch over you as He lays out the plans on His trestle board. Sincerely and Fraternally, Mark Wilson Master |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Regarding Past Masters' degree and raising at Clemmons #755 March 25th (dinner 6pm and degree 7pm) Bro. Hayes Eagle is asking you to text him at 336-817-1257 if you can make it to the degree with your name and how many folks you will be bringing. Morgan Williams, PM, Secretary Winston 167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers: Clemmons Lodge #755 will have a past masters 3rd degree, raising a brother to the sublime degree on March 25th. This is a great opportunity to visit another lodge, and it's on a Tuesday night. You can expect great food and fellowship. The dinner is at 6pm, and the degree is at 7pm. Morgan Williams, PM, Secretary Winston Lodge #167. |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
The Masonic Center will be cooking barbecue for the annual spring barbecue. The kitchen will need help on Thursday April 3rd and Friday April 4th. If you'd like to help, the Masonic Center will be pleased. Morgan Williams, PM, Secretary Winston Masonic Lodge no. 167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers: Winston Lodge no. 167 is having its regularly scheduled stated meeting Monday. On Monday March 10, 2025, the dinner will begin at 6:30pm, and the stated communication will begin at 7:30pm. I hope to see you there. Fraternally, Morgan Williams, PM Secretary Winston 167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Good afternoon, Brothers, This is Mark with an important update. I wanted to let each of you know that Winston Lodge No. 167 will have three (3) Fellow Craft who will be raised to master masons through courtesy degree work on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7 p.m. Fellow Crafts Derek Debrow and Clayton Blazek at the gracious acceptance of Salem Lodge No. 289 will be raised along with two (2) of their own members. Additionally, at the gracious acceptance of West Bend lodge No. 434, Fellow Craft Perry Robertson will be joined by Worshipful Brother Larry Toth to return his catechism and following will be raised along with one (1) of their own members. I encourage each of you to take due and timely notice thereof, and ask if this date and time are within the length your cable tow that you attend either Master Mason degree to support our brothers in receiving further light. As always we ask the Grand Architect of the Universe to guide, direct, and protect us while performing obligations within our personal lives, interactions with fellow Masons, and within our communities. Sincerely and Fraternally, Mark Wilson Master |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
West Bend #434 will be conducting a 3rd degree on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7pm. Come on out and share in the raising of a new Master Mason; your attendance would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in assisting in the degree, feel free to reach out to Bob Blair and let him know how you can help. The next practices will be held on Mon Feb 17th, Friday, Feb 21st., and Monday Feb 24th. Each practice will commence at 7pm. |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
West Bend practices Monday Feb 17th, Friday Feb 21st, and Monday Feb 24th all at 7pm. Bob Blair (secretary of West Bend) announced a third degree at West Bend 434 Tuesday Feb 25th at 7pm. Bob also said to let him know how you can help by calling him at 336-407-7965. Forwarded to you by Morgan Williams, Secretary Winston 167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
The attached hymn in PDF format appears in the Moravian hymnal, as well as in other hymnals. I hope that you will open the attachment. When you open the attachment, you will notice that there are 5 lines at the top and 5 lines at the bottom. At the left side, those groups of 5 lines are connected with a line. As the music progresses, you'll see that there are oval-shaped spots on or between the lines. Because the printed music represents the 4-part harmony, it shows these oval-shaped spots (called notes) are vertically placed (as in a column). That means that the 4-part harmony represents soprano, alto, tenor, and bass (going from top to bottom). The top note (the soprano) is usually referred to as "the tune" and it's what we generally sing. You'll also notice that every time there is a new column on the lines, there is a word or syllable associated with the notes. The syllables are divided by hyphens and that's how you know to change notes when you sing. I'm sure all of you have seen this as you've openedChildrenoftheheavenlyking.pdf a hymnbook in church. I hope this presentation is useful to you. Morgan L. Williams, secretary Winston Lodge #167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Good afternoon Brothers, I hope this finds each of you well. In this communication you will find a pdf letter as an attachment to include the tentative lodge agenda for the ensuing year from the Worshipful Master for your information. At your leisure and convenience please take the opportunity to read, print, and mark your calendars accordingly. For each of the brothers who currently do not have a registered email in the Grandview system to receive this information will have one mailed to them via USPS. As always, it is our prayers and wishes that the Grand Architect continue to bless you and each person in your family. If you have any questions or would like a mailed copy please feel free to reach out to the Lodge Secretary WB Morgan Williams. Sincerely and Fraternally, Mark Wilson Master Letter to the Brethren.docx |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Letter to the brethren: Please download attachment from W.Bro. Mark Wilson Fraternally, Morgan L. Williams, PM, Secretary Winston 167Letter to the Brethren (1).docx |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers: There will be a 90th birthday celebration for Bro. George Beroth on Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 2-5pm at Olivet Moravian Church, 2205 Olivet Church Rd, Winston Salem. |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers: We are required to have a 5-hour lecture service, and it will happen this Saturday morning at 9am January 18, 2025 at the Masonic Center. There will be coffee served about 8:30. We have a minimum requirement of 5 officers and 2 other members. |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
This coming Monday night (January 13th) is our regular stated communication at 7:30pm following meal at 6:30pm. Part of the meeting will be opened to Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts for Masonic Education by Bro. Larry Toth entitled "The Key, Forgotten Symbol of the Blue Lodge." All elected and appointed officers are requested to wear a large polo with a sports coat and/or sportcoat with Tie. |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers: Clemmons Lodge can use help with an EA degree 7pm (dinner at 6pm) Monday, January 27th. Please join to welcome our newest Brother into Masonry. Address is 6210 Stadium Dr. in Clemmons. Salem Lodge can also use help with the Fellowcraft degree on Tuesday January 21st at 7:30pm. (Meal not yet announced) |
I'm speaking on behalf of Wor. Bro. Mark Wilson who has lodge visitation goals for us this year. His visitation agenda starts with Salem Lodge who meets on Tuesday January 7th at 7:30pm with dinner at 6:30pm. And they have some wonderful meals. We can all learn something by stepping out of our comfort zone and experiencing something new. The next goal happens next month when we plan to visit Clemmons Lodge. Visitation is a part of Masonry. It doesn't matter which Lodge is your home Lodge. We are all brothers of the same family. So, let's get started on a positive note by visiting Salem's stated communication Tuesday night.
Morgan L. Williams, PM
Secretary Winston 167
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Winston Lodge no. 167 will host the Grand Master's visit Saturday this week on January 4, 2025. The event will start with a breakfast at 8am prepared by Salem Lodge no. 289, followed by the Grand Master's visit at 9am. Suits and ties will be expected. |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Our stated meeting will be held on Monday Nov. 11th at 7:30 with dinner at 6:30. We will be electing officers for 2025. Everyone is requested to wear a coat and tie or a lodge shirt with a sport coat. Morgan Williams, PM Secretary Winston 167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Tonight at 6:30 we will be having practice, and for the November meeting on November 11th, we will elect officers for next year. Morgan Williams, PM Secretary Winston 167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
This notice is a reminder that we still have practice for about an hour at 6:30pm on the Mondays that we don't have stated communication. |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
There are upcoming meetings at Clemmons Lodge and Kernersville Lodge as follows: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 Clemmons Lodge 2nd Degree Dinner at 6pm, Degree at 7pm. Thursday, October 24, 2024 Clemmons Lodge hosting their annual Golf Tournament at Oak Valley golf Course (time of event unknown) Saturday, October 26, 2024 Kernersville Lodge 3rd Degree at 10am with Breakfast at 9am Monday, October 28, 2024 Kernersville Lodge 2nd Degree at 7pm Tuesday November 12, 2024 Clemmons Lodge 3rd Degree Dinner at 6pm, Degree at 7pm Saturday, November 16, 2024 Winston Lodge reserved dining hall for Cigar and Food fund raiser with time announced later. Morgan Williams, PM, Secretary, Winston Lodge no. 167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
This message is to test the e-mail feature from Grandview when I send out meeting notices. If you receive this email, please send back a personal e-mail to morganwilliams64@yahoo.com. I need to know what kind of problems there are in the system. Morgan Williams, Secretary Winston 167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Earlier, I sent out a notice that we would confer an EA degree at our stated communication, but that is changed. We will have the usual stated communication at 7:30pm with meal at 6:30pm on October 14th with a time on the agenda to confer the EA degree to be proposed for a later date. Morgan Williams, secretary |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers: I just found out that our Master (Larry Toth) is recovering from a stroke he had last night, and that he is in Baptist Hospital. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Morgan Williams, Secretary |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Luncheon will proceed as usual for tomorrow at Whitestone (MESH) at noon. Masks are still not required. I'll be there. Buffet price is $10.00. |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brethren: Our Brother Paul Gilgo recently laid down his working tools. There will be a funeral with his cremains at Pine Grove Methodist Church on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at noon. (Be there 15 minutes early) We will make a showing with white gloves and aprons with no ceremony. I will deliver Paul's apron to the family to be placed in their home as a memorial. Location: 1018 Piney Grv Rd. Kernersville NC 27284 Larry Toth, PM 2024 Master Winston Lodge #167 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Worshipful Brother Glenn Chamberlin laid down his working tools on July 15, 2024. W. Bro, Glenn was a member of Winston Lodge No, 167 and West Bend Lodge No. 434.He served as Master of Forsyth Lodge No. 707 in 2021. He was also a member of Winston-Salem Scottish Rite. His funeral service will be this Sunday, July 21 at 3:00 p.m. at Lewisville United Methodist Church with Masonic Rites in the church sanctuary. Masons are requested to arrive at the church by 2:20 p.m., gather, and prepare for the service. Use the east parking lot and enter the side glass door labeled sanctuary. We will sit together. After the Lord's prayer by the minister, we all will stand together in the front of the church for Masonic rites. W. Bro. Glenn often visited other lodges for their stated and degree work. helping out as needed. We hope you will examine your cable tow and join in Masonic rites for our worshipful brother. Thank you in advance for attending in a coat and tie. Place: Lewisville United Methodist Church 6290 Shallowford Rd. Lewisville NC 27023 |
![]() Winston No. 167 Grand Lodge Of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M. |
Brother Harry Knabb from Salem Lodge recently passed away., and a reception will be held at the dining hall (4th and Trade) of the Masonic Center Friday, July 12, 2024 at 5pm. |
Installation of officers for 2024 will be Monday Dec. 18,2023 at 7pm. Light refreshments will follow. Officers are asked to be dressed in coat and tie.
Good evening Brethren,
I hope this finds you well and each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please remeber that we will be hosting a Past Masters’ Dinner (open to all Masons in good standing) with Cigar Fellowship as a fundraiser for the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. The event is scheduled for December 8th, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Masonic Center of Winston Salem in the 4th and Trade dining room. Attached is a flyer for the event, which includes a QR code for registration. You have the option to register for the meal only or meal with cigar. Below are EventBrite links you can also use to register for the event.
Baked Spaghetti Meal with Cigar URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/past-master-meal-cigar-fellowship-and-mcho-christmas-fundraiser-tickets-743839492947?aff=oddtdtcreator
Baked Spaghetti Meal only URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/past-master-meal-cigar-fellowship-and-mcho-christmas-fundraiser-registration-743826704697?aff=oddtdtcreator
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
Sincerly and Fraternally,
Mark Wilson
Junior Warden
Past Master Meal, Cigar Fellowship, and MCHO Christmas Fundraiser | ||||||||||||
Food item | Brother donating | Comments | ||||||||||
Salad | ||||||||||||
Cucumbers | ||||||||||||
Onions | ||||||||||||
Carrotts | ||||||||||||
Vinegrette Dressing | ||||||||||||
Italian Dressing | ||||||||||||
Ranch Dressing | ||||||||||||
Thousand Island Dressing | ||||||||||||
Blue Cheeese Dressing | ||||||||||||
Croutons | ||||||||||||
Bacon Pieces | ||||||||||||
Cheese | ||||||||||||
Garlic bread | ||||||||||||
Spaghetti Noodles | ||||||||||||
Sauce | ||||||||||||
Alulminum Pans | ||||||||||||
Cigar item | Brother donating | Comments | ||||||||||
Lighters/Matches | ||||||||||||
Cigars | ||||||||||||
Humidor |
Baked Spaghetti Meal with Cigar
Baked Spaghetti Meal only
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Mark Wilson
Junior Warden
Winston 167
Dear brother: This is your lodge. Attendance shows that you care.
I hope all is well with you and yours.
First degree emergent communication May 1, 2023
We need your help with the barbecue on Thursday (all day) and on Friday from 6:30am till 1:00pm, and from 5-7pm for cleanup. Thanks for your help cupporting our Masonic charities.
Also, there will be a school of instruction at Clemmons Lodge on Saturday April 15th from 9-2. Required are 5 offricers and 2 members, but we welcome everyone.