The news from our lodge…

EASTER Plant Sale Flyer (2025) (Copy)  on 03/13/2025


Attached please find the flyer for the EASTER Plant Sale.

EASTER Plant Sale Flyer (2025).pdf

EASTER Plant Sale Flyer (2025)  on 03/09/2025


Attached please find the flyer for the EASTER Plant Sale.

EASTER Plant Sale Flyer (2025).pdf

March 2025 Trestleboard  on 03/04/2025
APRIL 26 2025 COMEDY NIGHT   on 02/21/2025


Attached please find the Temple 16 Comedy Night Flyer


Minutes from 2-20-2025  on 02/21/2025

Minutes from 1-16-2025 and 2-6-2025  on 02/19/2025

February 2025 Trestleboard  on 01/30/2025
Minutes from 1-2-2025   on 01/16/2025
T-16 Trestleboard January 2024  on 12/30/2024
Draft of Minutes from 12-19-2024 Stated Communication   on 12/20/2024
Draft of Minutes of 12-6-2024 Annual Meeting  on 12/19/2024
Temple 16 December 2024 Trestleboard   on 11/26/2024
Temple 16 Minutes of 11-7-2024 Stated Communication   on 11/08/2024
Temple 16 November 2024 Trestleboard   on 10/31/2024
Masonic Service for WB Richard Mattson this Saturday October 26, 2024  on 10/24/2024
A Message From Brother Phil, Sharkey, Jr.   on 10/15/2024
Minutes Of October 2, 2024 Meeting.   on 10/04/2024

T-16 October Trestleboard  on 09/30/2024
T-16 Minutes from 9-5-2024 and 9-19-2024   on 09/20/2024
T-16 Minutes from 9-5-2024  on 09/18/2024
T-16 Comedy Night Flyer Saturday September 24, 2024  on 09/10/2024
T-16 UMH Announcement - Masonic Family  on 09/06/2024
September Trestleboard 2024  on 08/31/2024
Temple 16's Mike Dyer riding 40 miles in Smilow Cancer Hospital fundraiser.  on 08/09/2024
Masonic Memorial and Reception for WB Ken Neumann This Saturday 8-11-2024  on 08/06/2024
Blood Drive at Temple Lodge  on 08/05/2024
Masonic Memorial and Reception for WB Ken Neumann  on 07/29/2024
CMTA Lodge Cleanup Day Saturday May 25 9:00am  on 05/10/2024


Attached please find the minutes from last nights Stated Communication. T-16 5-16-2024.docx

Also, a reminder of the CMTA cleanup day on Saturday May 25,2024

The day begins at 9:00am with coffee and donuts.

Projects include outside cleanup, tile replacement, curtain hanging, and installation of the new dishwasher.

Lunch to follow.

Please contact Brother Andrew Kazimer at 203-317-7313 or

Master Mason Degree July 18, 2024  on 05/05/2024


We have three Brothers who need to have the Master Mason Degree conferred onto them.
Given that the Blue Wave keeps rolling, we are going to have a special communication for this degree on July 18, 2024.
The ceremony shall be performed in Air-Conditioned Comfort.
We need a King S, GM H, some Ruffians so "round up the usual suspects".

WM Taylor
Masonic Jeopardy Thursday May 16,2024  on 05/05/2024


On May 16,2024 we have scheduled a night of Masonic Jeopardy.

We shall open at 6:30 on the EA.

The evening is open to ALL Masons of ALL degrees.

Once again it is expected that decorum and harmony shall not prevail in exchange for unrelenting competition.

Bro Bruce
Minutes from 5-2-2024  on 05/03/2024

Good Afternoon Brothers,

Attached please find the minutes from last nights meeting. Please review for errors and omissions.

Have a great weekend!

WB Mark 

Temple 16 Secretary 

T-16 5-2-2024.docx

Memorial Day Parade Announcement  on 05/01/2024
Welcome to May and to spring!  
If you're looking forward to enjoying the nice weather and brotherly fellowship, look no further than the annual 
Memorial Day Parade coming up on Sunday, May 26th!  
We will be following our usual plan.  Uniform for those marching (or riding) will be our dark blue polo shirt and khaki shorts or pants:

11 a.m. – meet at the lodge to decorate the float, then move to our staging spot in the Highland school front parking lot.

12 noon – hot dog cookout with chips and drinks provided

1:30 p.m. – step off for the parade

All brothers and family are welcome to attend the cookout.  Even if you’re marching with another group, drop by, grab a dog, and say ‘hello.’
Please contact Kevin Ferguson ( or Andrew Kazimer ( 
if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help with the cookout.
T-16 Minutes from 4-18-2024  on 04/30/2024


Attached please find the minutes from our last meeting. 

WB Mark


Stated Communication with Pizza Dinner this Thursday May 2, 2024   on 04/30/2024

Good Morning Brothers!

A reminder of our next Stated Communication will be this Thursday May 2, 2024 with Pizza Dinner at 6:30pm for $10.

Hope to see you there!

WB Mark

Secretary Temple 16

May Trestleboard  on 04/29/2024

Good Morning, Brothers 

Attached please find the May Trestleboard. TB May 2024.pdf

Have a great day and hope to see you on Thursday!

WB Mark 

Temple 16 Secretary 

Temple 16 Vegetable Plant Sale (with attachment)  on 04/19/2024

Gardening Season is upon us once again! And to complete our trio of lodge plant-sales, I bring you our vegetable plant offerings this year! 

Attached is an availability sheet with plant types, sizes, and prices. As I receive orders, 
I will send out an update availability weekly until the end of the sale. In the event of one type selling out, I will send out an updated copy as immediately as possible. 
I have two sizes available this year: the usual quart size for the in-ground gardeners, and a few items in a one gallon size for those who may use deck planters or the like. \
Larger planters or mixed planters may be available upon special request, reach out to me directly if interested, and we'll talk. 
To order, simply email me at with a list of the types, quantity, and size of plants you want. Money will be collected at time of pickup by PayPal, cash, or check made out to the lodge. 

Looking forward to getting my hands in the dirt!

WB Phil Sharkey III

VeggieSale - Sheet1.pdf


Temple 16 - This Thursday's Guest Speaker and Dinner///Minutes of last meeting.  on 04/15/2024


Attached please find the minutes of the last meeting on April 4,2024

Please review for errors and omissions.


Also, this Thursday April 18,2024, Temple 16 welcomes Jake M. Layman of Meridian Lodge No. 77 who will speak on Masonry and the Civil War.

Dinner will be delicious and comforting Baked Ziti, Dinner rolls and Caesar salad served at 6:30pm

Please RSVP to Senior Warden Rodrigo Maltarollo 

We hope to see you Thursday!

Brother Mark

Secretary T-16

T-16 Minutes 3-21-2024 Please review for errors and omissions.  on 04/04/2024

T-16 Minutes 3-21-2024.docx

T-16 Minutes 3-21-2024 Please review for errors and omissions.

T-16 April Trestleboard  on 04/03/2024

TB April 2024.pdf

Good Afternoon Brothers,

Attached please find the April Trestleboard

See you tomorrow!

Bro Mark

EA Degree Thursday April 4, 2023, Dinner RSVP  on 04/03/2024

Good Morning Bothers,

This Thursday April 4, 2024 we will be conferring the Entered Apprentice Degree on three candidates at 7:30pm.

Dinner of roast beef and mixed vegetables will be served at prior to the degree at 6:30pm.

To reserve a spot, please RSVP to Junior Warden Rodrigo Maltarollo at

Hope to see you all there,


WB Mark Orsini

T-16 Secretary

Masonic Service for Brother Bob Trussell this Saturday, March 23,2024  on 03/22/2024

Brothers all

The Masonic Memorial service for WB Bob will be held on this Saturday, March 23, at Holy Savior Church 118 Prospect Street Naugatuck Immediately following the Funeral Mass at 11 am.

Uniform will be dark suits with tie, wite gloves and aprons.  If yo have your own apron you may wear it .  We will have extra aprons and gloves.  If you wish to participate, WB Bruce will be at the lodge at 9:00am with plans to depart by 10:00am. Please be at the Church no later than 10:45.  We will congregate downstairs at the church for line up instructions and a brief rehearsal of Funeral Grand Honors.

I hope you can make it Worshipful Brother Bob deserves a great send off.

Call me with any questions 203 768-4177

Gary Post

TONIGHT! March 21, 2024 Temple Lodge 16 Spring Table Lodge!   on 03/21/2024


Just a reminder that tonight's table lodge opens at 6:30pm.

If you would like to attend and have not yet rsvp'd, please visit to rsvp, or email our Junior Warden at:

Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you there.


Bro. Rodrigo "J-Dubyah" Maltarollo
Bro. Eric Desmond, Chef de Cuisine
WB. Phil Sharkey III, Sous Chef


2024 S. Kenneth Baril Scholarship now Accepting Applications  on 03/20/2024

Good Afternoon Brothers,

Attached please find the application and information  for the 2024 S. Kenneth Baril Scholarship.



TONIGHT! March 21, 2024 Temple Lodge 16 Spring Table Lodge!   on 03/15/2024



     On  Temple Lodge #16 will be hosting its Annual Spring Table Lodge!

A seven-course dinner will be served, accompanied by the traditional toasts and songs.

Dinner service starts at 6:30 PM.

Lodge will be opened beforehand with a short business meeting to follow the dinner.


   If you have not been to one of these table lodges yet, you are missing out! Come on down, come hungry, and enjoy a festive evening of fellowship. 


 The menu:


 Apéritif (to start).


Course 1 – Corned Beef and Cheese


Course 2 – Cream of Broccoli Soup


Course 3 – Caesar Salad


Course 4 – Lemon Sorbet


Course 5 – Baked Cod on Rice


Course 6 – Roast Beef, Brussel Sprouts and Mashed Potatoes


Course 7 – Pound Cake



The cost of dinner is $30. 


Please visit and scroll down to RSVP.

Payment will be at the door by cash, check, or PayPal. 


 Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.




Bro. Rodrigo "J-Dubya" Maltarollo

Bro. Eric Desmond, Chef de Cuisine

WB Phil Sharkey III, Sous Chef


***CANCELLED***Easter Breakfast with the Bunny****  on 03/15/2024



After careful consideration, we have made the decision to cancel Easter Breakfast with the Bunny,

which had been scheduled for Saturday, March 23, 2024.


Thank you all for your understanding.


WM Bruce


New Haven Saint Patrick's Day Parade/Table Lodge   on 03/08/2024


It appears that the weather is in our favor!

The New Haven Saint Patrick's Day Parade is Sunday!!!

Breakfast starts at 9:00am at the Masonic Hall at 285 Whitney Ave in New Haven.

Dark suits are requested, unless you are an officer in which case tuxes and aprons and jewels.

Please reach out to your brothers if you want to carpool.

I genuinely hope to see you all there! 




Table Lodge is on 21 March Lodge opens on the EA at 6:30pm.

Tuxes for officers please.

Our incoming and outgoing District Deputy and AGM are expected.  This is RW Glenn Jacques last 'official' visit to Temple. This is WB Nick Barnes last visit as AGM (soon to be DD), and  we will also be meeting Kyle Podpolucha (soon to be AGM) for the first time.

RSVP please brothers!!!

A good time shall be had by all, I am sure.

Bro. Bruce

T-16 Minutes from 2-15-2024  on 03/07/2024


Attached please fine the T-16 Minutes from 2-15-2024.

WB Mark


Thursday March 7. 2024 RSVP for Dinner  on 03/04/2024
Our next Stated Commucication is this Thursday 3/7 at 7:30pm.
We gather in fellowship at 6:30 for dinner.
Please RSVP to Junior Warden Rodrigo B. Maltarollo 
with your selection (non-RSVP'd arrivals will chose from remaining selections). Choices include...
Italian (salami,pepperoni,lettuce, tomato)
Sausage (mozzarella and marinara sauce)
Steak and cheese
Turkey (cheese, lettuce, tomato, mayo)
Ham and cheese (lettuce, tomato)
See You on Thursday!
T-16 Trestleboard  on 02/27/2024

Good Morning,


Attached please find tha March Trestleboard.



LAST CALL!!! Temple 16 Easter Plant Sale  on 02/21/2024
Brothers and Friends,
Easter is (very) early this year, on March 31st.  
Please let me know if you would like to order any plants for our spring fundraiser.  
A copy of the flyer with the details is attached, but the key details are below:


$ 10    6 inch Tulip  (5 blooms mixed colors)
$ 10    6 inch Hyacinth (3 blooms)
$ 10    6 inch Daffodil (yellow blooms)
$ 11    6 inch Lily (4 white blooms)


The deadline for ordering plants is Tuesday, March 19th.  As with our annual Poinsettia sale, payment is required when you pick up your plants at the lodge on Saturday, March 23rd. Payment can be either by cash or check (payable to: Temple Lodge #16).

To order please respond to this email, call or text me at 203-745-8172.  Thank you again for your support!

Kevin Ferguson
(203) 745-8172
Minutes from 1-18-2024 and 2-1-2024  on 02/12/2024


Attached please find the minutes from out past two communications.

Remember - Fellow Craft Degree this Thursday!

Have a great week and stay safe.

WB Mark - Secretary 

T-16 A Message from WM Bruce Taylor  on 02/12/2024


Here is a quick gloss (not!) of the Ritual Memorization Meeting on Saturday 10 February:

Nick Ives was the opening act and there were some good laughs as we discussed the usual errors and unusual mistakes in the ritual work.

The big messages

  • Be patient.
  • One Prompter - not seven.
  • If things are rough, give the officer a Mentor who can receive the criticism and condense it so that the Past Masters (Old Mossy Backed Turtles) are heard and the officer is not overwhelmed.
  • And the current Official Ritual book is 2014 edition.  I am running on the first print of 2010, the second print had corrections, the 2014 has more corrections and clear stage management and floor work and timing.  Get up to date. See WB Orsini.

The main act was Bro. Chris Bolster, PhD candidate at UCONN, English teacher with focus on Elizabethan Theatre, and memorizing for theater.

The big messages:

  • Actors act, they do not recite.  Masons recite at length and are criticized and are self critical regarding slight errors.  Actors may be good at acting and be stinky at reciting, therefore we are all better than most actors 😊.
  • The following help:
    • Get some sleep or have a nap.
    • Mindfulness.
    • Exercise.
    • See people and recharge after seeing people.
  • And these do not help:
    • Stress.
    • Alcohol.
    • Cannabis.
    • Nicotine.
    • Being on more than three prescribed medications may have negative impact, but it is best to follow the doctor!
  • Maintain a positive attitude, have a Growth Mindset.
  • Memory ability is NOT fixed.  We can all improve our audible, visual, writing, and kinesthetic (body movement) memory techniques.
  • It is not easy, it is work.
  • Placebo effect works -  if you think it helps- go for it,  excluding the booze, pot, and cigars.
  • Physically move your body when rehearsing (but not in Lodge!) as this muscle memory is linked to words and phrases.
  • Look for visual cues in the Lodge (3 5 7 steps) or cues from Brothers.  They may know and assist in the rhythm; this is 'distributed knowledge'.
  • Rehearse with Brothers!!!  It is social and is therefore useful, and they can prompt and assist and correct which is also useful.
  • Rehearse ALOUD.  Reading is not quite enough.
  • Awareness of the meaning and content is both obvious and overlooked.  The Masonic ritual slips in archaic words and unusual sentence structures.  Comprehension helps without doubt.
  • Chunk the paragraphs into parts.
  • Memorize the first letters of phrases in a list.
  • Assign phrases to your fingers and count through them.
  • Everyone can do it; it is a skill that needs tending; no one is incapable – just do a little cultivation; Ritual is a great mental activity for older men; and although memory is slower in advanced age, the best way is to ‘use it or lose it’.


The only tricky part is that if our wives figure out that we actually CAN remember things, we may significantly undermine the foundations of the whole of western civilization.  Be careful – practice ritual at home in secret and openly in the Lodge with your Brothers.  I hope to see you all soon.

Bro. Bruce

p.s.: Apparently this does not negate my need to write a Trestle Board later this month, such a pity.

T-16 Please join us on February 15, 2024 Fellow Crafts Degree and Dinner RSVP   on 02/08/2024
Please join us on February 15, 2024 to welcome our two newest Fellow Crafts. The degree will start at 7:30 PM with dinner beforehand starting at 6:30 PM.
The courtesy of an RSVP is requested by the 11:00 AM on the morning of Monday, February 12, 2024.
Please RSVP by Monday morning if you plan to attend the dinner by registering at the Lodge website. Please use the following link: . You may buy a ticket on-line by completing the form, with the option of paying at the door if you choose. Further instructions are on the website.
The following is planned for the meal, the price of which will be $15:
Pulled Pork – Barbecue Sauces to be Determined
Pan Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Bacon
Scalloped Potatoes
Baked Beans
Dinner Rolls
Please let me know if you intend to join us but need an alternative item due to a dietary restriction.
We look forward to seeing you next Thursday.
 Bro. Rodrigo 'J-Dubya' Maltarollo
Temple 16 Update  on 01/31/2024

Brethren, here is a quick list of the next stuff we are up to:


1 Feb stated meeting    --   unfortunately our scheduled speaker is ill and we will get him back later ---

10 Feb is a seminar of Ritual memorization and presentation.  Anchor Lodge.  RSVP required.  The WM intends to attend.  Who am I taking with me?  Don't make me point fingers and make demands.

15 Feb FC degree for Bros. Dwyer & Wright! 

19 Feb WM plans to visit Compass 9, all are invited to attend a degree.   Who am I taking with me?


7 march stated

10 March Saint Patrick's Day Parade      9-11 breakfast   noon busses to the start of the parade

21 March table lodge

23 March Easter Bunny breakfast


4 April  EA Degree for Tyler Della Vallee (and maybe Sam Stuckal, pending vote) (i hope i got the spellings right!!)

6 April Grand Lodge

20 April Comedy Night!

29 April Blue Lodge Council at Compass 9


28 May Blue Lodge Council at Temple 16 on 28 May   we are on the hook for making dinner!


WB Taylor

An Urgent Message form WM Bruce Taylor of Temple 16  on 01/29/2024
I have been alerted to a scam.
Someone has used my name in an email that is supposed to be Masonic to try to get money from a brother.
Our brother was not taken in to the scam, fortunately.
Email was received from:  Master.mason486   at
and the email was signed: 
Fraternally Yours,
Bruce Taylor
Worshipful Master.
This address listed above is not my email address.
I shall never ask any of you to get gift cards for the lodge members etc etc.
If anyone sends you goofy stuff like this, call that person to confirm, don't get scammed.
Please do not respond to  Master.Mason486
Delete the email.
Bro Bruce
T-16 February 2024 Trestleboard   on 01/29/2024

Good Morning Brothers!

Attached please find Temple 16's February Trestleboard


A reminder of our next Stated Communication thisThursday February 1, 2024.  Italian or turkey and cheese sandwiches with chips for dinner. Cookies for desert.

PLEASE RSVP your sandwich preference to Junior Warden Rodrigo Maltarollo 

Our meeting will feature visit from Bro. Jake Layman of Center Lodge No. 97 for a discussion of Masonry during the Civil War.

Hope to see you there!

WB Mark 

Secretary T-16

T-16 Stated Communication w/Dinner this Thursday 2-1 2024  on 01/26/2024

Good Morning Brothers!

Our next Stated Communication on Thursday February 1, 2024 will begin with Italian or turkey and cheese sandwiches with chips for dinner. Cookies for desert.

PLEASE RSVP your sandwich preference to Junior Warden Rodrigo Maltarollo 

Our meeting will feature visit from Bro. Jake Layman of Center Lodge No. 97 for a discussion of Masonry during the Civil War.

Hope to see you there!

WB Mark 

Secretary T-16

*** A Message From Your Worshipful Web Master ***  on 01/24/2024
*** A Message From Your Worshipful Web Master ***
Greetings Brethren!
     Just a friendly reminder to check out the new website if you have not already. Find it at
      Go to the events page to see what going on, and to get access to the full Temple Lodge Calendar!
       And most importantly, go to the menu and click "log in" to sign up as a member of the website. This will allow us to utilize some of the email marketing features of the website.
A Couple Reminders:
1. Stated Communication Thursday 2/1 - Featuring a visit from Bro. Jake Layman of Center Lodge for a discussion of Masonry during the Civil War! Light dinner preceeding the meeting. Go to to RSVP and/or pay ahead. (to RSVP only and pay at the door, select 'manual payment' at time of check out)
2. Stated Communication Thursday 2/15 - 
The Lodge will perform the Fellowcraft Degree for 2 candidates! Go to for information on dinner, and to RSVP/Pay. (See above instructions to pay at the door)
Hope to see you soon!
WB Phil Sharkey III
The Temple 16 Lodge Website is Live!  on 01/19/2024


The Temple 16 Lodge Website is Live!

Click the attached link below.

T-16 Minutes from 1-18-2024 and Dinner invite for tomorrow  on 01/17/2024

Brothers of Temple 16,
Attached please find the minutes from the last meeting.

A reminder of our Stated Comminication tomorrow, Thursday, 1/18/2024. 
Dinner shall be a sumptuous pasta feast prior to the meeting at 6:30pm.
Please RSVP to Junior Steward Rodrigo B. Maltarorllo
Have a great day and stay safe.

Brother Mark 

T-16 Stated Communication w/Dinner this Thursday 1-16-2024  on 01/16/2024
We have a Stated Meeting on 18 January.
Dinner shall be a sumptuous pasta feast and shall precede the meeting.
Please RSVP to
Rodrigo B. Maltarollo  
Junior Steward Temple 16
Temple 16 Trustee position available.   on 01/09/2024


Per Worshipful Master Bruce

Temple 16 has a Trustee position available. 

Anyone who may be interested in this opportunity to serve the craft, please contact the WM



WB Mark 



T-16 Installation of Officers 1-6-2024 11:00am  on 01/05/2024

Good Morning, Brothers

Worshipful Master Elect Bruce E. Taylor invites you to the semi-public Temple 16's Installation of Officers this Saturday morning. January 6, 2024, at the lodge in Cheshire.

Ceremonies begin at 11:00am. Bagels, pastries, and coffee before and charcuterie boards after.

Join us as we welcome our incoming Master and his officers and kick off a  great year!

WB Mark 

Secretary T-16

T-16 Minutes from 12-21-2023  on 01/03/2024


Attached please find the minutes from our last meetibg

Brother Mark 

T-16 2024 Dues Notice   on 01/01/2024


Please check your email for your 2024 Dues Statement as voted upon at the annual meeting.

It is being sent electronically with paper statements to be mailed this week.

Dues may be brought to the lodge or mailed to...

Mark Orsini - Secretary

119 Buckland St A2

Plantsville, CT 06489

Electronic payment options are peneding and will be available soon.

If you are experiencing hardship, please contact the lodge secretary.

Thank You

Bro Mark

T-16 Trestleboard January 2024  on 12/26/2023


Attached please find the January 2024 Trestleboard.

Brother Mark

T-16 Installation of Officers 1-6-2024  on 12/24/2023
Esteemed Brethren,
The Temple Lodge Installation of Officers shall occur on 6 January 2024.
Coffee and refreshments shall be available at 10am.
The Installation of Officers starts at 11am.
All are encouraged to attend.
Please RSVP to the Junior Warden
Bro Bruce
T-16 Minutes from Annual Meeting 12-7-2023  on 12/21/2023

Good Morning, Brothers

Attached please find the minutes from Annual Meeting on 12-7-2023.

Hope to see you tonight for our last meeting of the year and Masonic Jeopardy!

Brother Mark 

T-16 Update regarding 2024 Dues  on 12/20/2023
Over the past few months, there has been much discussion regarding adjusting our membership dues. Given the current economic times, we have seen costs rise in nearly every essential category. It has become increasingly difficult to meet the demands of operating and maintaining the building where we meet in good fellowship. 
A discussion and vote took place at our annual meeting on Thursday December 7, 2023. 
After much consideration, it was decided that regular class dues will be increased to $220.
Class 2 members (affiliates) would be assessed $155 ($220 minus the $65 Grand Lodge per capita assessment). 30-year members, per current Temple 16 Bylaws, would only pay the Grand Lodge assessment. Those with 50 years of paid membership are exempt from dues per Grand Lodge.
The new assessment will be reflected in 2024 dues notices that will be sent in a few days via email and USPS. If you have any questions or experiencing hardship, please reach out to the Worshipful Master, Secretary, or Treasurer. 
Information regarding Payment options will be available soon.
Thank you for your continued support for your lodge.
Temple 16 Officers.
T-16 Stated Communication Thursday 12-21-2023  on 12/20/2023
Tomorrow (Thursday 12-21-2023)  will be our last meeting of the year, and I wanted to end it on a night of fun a fellowship. We will have a short business meeting followed by a lodge favorite: Masonic Jeopardy night!
Bring a favorite snack if  you want and join us! 
WM Jason Polaski
T-16 Minutes of Last 3 Meetings  on 12/07/2023

Good Afternoon, Brothers

Attached please fine Minutes of Last 3 Meetings.

Hope to see as many as possible tonight at the Annual Meeting!

Brother Mark

T-16 Trestleboard  on 12/04/2023

Hello, Steve

Attached please find the December Trestleboard

Sorry for the delay in response, I have Covid (again) and it knocked my for a loop this weekend.

I will be home for a week resting and getting better. 

Please reply to verify that you have recieved this and now have the trestle board. We are using the Grand View memberhip system for email and may need the occasional tweak

Have a great day and chat soon!


T-16 Updated December 2023 Trestleboard   on 12/01/2023


Attached please find the Updated December 2023 Trestleboard.

See you tomorrow at the Santa Breakfast!

T-16 Annual Meeting Dinner THIS Thursday December 7, 2023 6:30pm  on 12/01/2023
Good afternoon Brothers:
The annual meeting is upon us. It will start at 7:30 PM on December 7, 2023, with a dinner beforehand at 6:30 PM.
The courtesy of an RSVP by the morning of Monday, December 4, 2023 would be appreciated. 

We will be serving a seasonal meal for $15.

Please reply if you intend to attend the dinner by e-mailing me at or texting/calling to 203.887.6198.

The meal will be as follows:
- Ballymaloe Spiced Beef
- Latkes with Accoutrements
- Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Bacon
- Braised Carrots
- Roll
- Pound Cake
As always, please let me know if you intend to join us but need an alternative item due to a dietary restriction.
We look forward to seeing you next Thursday. Please RSVP for the dinner as soon as possible so that we can best prepare for the evening.
Eric the Scullery Maid
Temple 16 Trestle Board December 2023  on 11/27/2023


Attached please find the December 2023 Trestle Board.

Remember, Breakfast with Santa this Saturday, December 2, 2023 7:00am-12:00pm!!!

T-16 Breakfast With Santa Claus event on Saturday, December 2, 2023  on 11/19/2023
Dear Brothers:
I am writing to inform you that Temple #16 will host its annual Breakfast With Santa Claus event on Saturday, December 2, 2023.
The event, the price of entry per person being either $6.00 or a new, unwrapped toy, will begin at 7:00 AM and end at Noon.
We will be serving pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee, tea and juice.
Please attend this worthy event so that we may provide assistance to those in need this Winter season. As always, we strive to provide as many toys to the greatest number of children possible. Additionally, monetary proceeds are typically donated to Cheshire Human Services to provide assistance for heating oil and other services made available to Cheshire residents.
If you are able to help prepare for, serve at the event or clean-up after, please let me know. We will begin preparation work by 6:00 AM.
The flyer for the event is attached to this e-mail. Please feel free to send it around.
Warm regards,
Eric Desmond
Junior Warden
Temple Lodge #16 Annual Poinsettia Plant Sale fundraiser!  on 11/16/2023







Please see the attached flyer from Brother Kevin Ferguson regarding this year's Poinsettia Plant Sale fundraiser.

T-16 Test  on 11/13/2023


Temple Lodge #16 Autumn Table Lodge Thursday, November 16, 2023  on 11/12/2023

Good Morning,
On Thursday, November 16, 2023, Temple Lodge #16 will be hosting its annual Autumn Table Lodge. This year the Worshipful Master is planning a special seven-course dinner starting at 6:30 PM. The courses will include smoked turkey with trimmings, Shephard's Pie made with venison, pumpkin soup and spruce beer made by our very own WB Phil Sharkey, III and Brothers Bruce Taylor and Phil Sharkey, Jr.   
If you would like to attend and need a vegetarian dinner, please let me know by e-mailing or calling/texting 203.887,6198. The cost of the dinner is $30. 
Very truly yours,
T-16 FALL CLEANUP & PAST MASTERS BREAKFAST This Saturday November 11  on 11/08/2023

Good afternoon Brothers!

As the title suggests, we have two things coming up on the same day. This Saturday, WB Phil Sharkey and the rest of the CMTA would GREATLY appreciate just a few hours of your time as we tidy up the lodge and the outside for the coming winter season. If we have many hands, it will indeed make light work. Per WB Sharkey, we will have a bunch of the necessary implements of destruction, but if you have your own work gloves, rake or blower, please bring them so we have enough to go around.
Work starts at 8AM. 
At 10AM we will be having our Past Master's breakfast to help Bro. Bruce Taylor prepare for his coming year in the East. Invitations have been sent to the Past Masters of our lodge, as well as from a few others. If you haven't yet seen your invitation, and wish to attend, PLEASE email our JW with your attendance. In order to attend, you MUST be a Past Master of this lodge, or another. It will be a mostly informal affair allowing for the exchange of ideas and advice over a great meal. 
NEXT WEEK is our Autumn Table Lodge, and will be another multi-course affair. More emails will be going out very soon for that, but please send RSVPs to our JW again. Price should be the same as our spring Table Lodge at $30. 
That's all from the East for now. Brothers, we could really use your help. Yes, that means you sitting there reading this thinking they will have enough guys... we usually don't. Please come and lend a hand. Until Saturday!
Fraternally Yours,
WB Jay Polaski
Worshipful Master 2023
T-16 Minutes from last meeting 10-19-2023  on 11/02/2023


Attached please find minutes from the previous meeting. 

T-16 November Trestleboard and Notice of Annual Meeting in December   on 10/30/2023

 Good Afternoon Brothers, 

Please find two separate attachments in this email.

One is the November Trestleboard with important information. and

The other is notice of our Annual Meeting to be held on the first Thursday in December.

Bro. Mark Secretary  

T-16 Good Morning! A Message from the Worshipful Master  on 10/18/2023

Good morning Brothers!

Happy Wednesday! I have a few things to put before the craft this morning:
1) Tomorrow (10/19) is our second meeting of the month, and this one will have a dinner! The Junior Warden is treating us to some incredible Indian food prepared by himself and his wife Sandyha. For those who haven't had the pleasure of experiencing Indian Cuisine, I have asked for a description of the dishes. They are:

~Butter chicken - Lightly spiced tomato-based chicken dish with shredded chicken.

~Naan - an Indian flatbread

~Dokla - a light, savory cake made with chickpea flour, served with a mildly spicy flavorful chutney (sauce) made from coriander

~Mango lassi - Sweet dessert-like drink made from mangoes and yogurt.
~Dokla - a light, savory cake appetizer made with chickpea flour, served with a mildly spicy flavorful chutney (sauce) made with coriander.
Cost is still $15 (which is a lot less than you would spend in an Indian Restaurant... let me tell you!
We will have a speaker giving us a fantastic Masonic Lecture, so it is going to be a night of good food and great information. I hope to see you there!
2) Bro. Phil Sharkey Jr has set up an OFFICIAL TEMPLE 16 STORE!
I am including the link below to order. Payment is not necessary at the time of order, but will be due at the time of pickup. Alongside the NEW OFFICIAL T16 Polo we will be using for our labors, there is an alternate usable at meetings, a fleece vest, and a ball cap! 
At the last meeting, and the email that followed we said there was 2 weeks to order for the first batch, and there is STILL TIME! Get your order in ASAP for your polos and other ephemera and have them in time for the SANTA Breakfast on 12/2.
I have also been assured by Bro. Sharkey that if you have already placed an order, there is no need to do it again. He has your order and information already. Here is the link:
As Masons tend to love the number 3, I am sincerely hoping that this time is "the charm". 
Eastern Star has asked us to assist them at their grand lodge meeting by providing dinner and service for their meal. I am not going to lie here, I have asked twice, and other than 3 brothers, the craft has been silent here. We need a few brothers to spend an afternoon in the kitchen with me creating a meal for 50, and one hour of serving and clearing tables for one of our appendant bodies. PLEASE, if you have the time, or haven't been a part of anything this year, consider giving a few hours of time to help out one of our appendant bodies. They have offered to return the favor to us when we need it. You can reply to my cell at (203) 305-4634. Text is fine, just let me know who you are. The group text will begin Monday to plan and prep. 
CHIPPING STONES REQUIRES LABOR. A gavel doesn't swing itself.
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday, and I will see you all for dinner tomorrow evening!
Fraternally Yours,
WB Jay Polaski
Worshipful Master 2023
T-16 Request from Eastern Star Mystic Chapter #20 for October 27,2023  on 10/12/2023
I have been approached by Eastern Star, and they are looking for some brothers to assist them at their Official Visitation, which is when their grand officers come to visit their lodge. 
They are asking us to cook and serve the meal at this meeting, which is taking place on OCTOBER 27. They are covering the expenses, we just have to do the dinner for approximately 50 people. They are willing to reciprocate, which would be excellent as we have another Table Lodge coming up in November.
Brothers, this is an excellent opportunity to help out one of our appendant bodies, and spread some brotherly love throughout our organizations. If you haven't had the opportunity to participate in some of our labors throughout this year, I urge you to get in touch with me and volunteer this one night of your time, and show Eastern Star what Temple Lodge is all about. 
PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME AT (203) 305-4634 via text, or email ASAP so I can let them know whether or not we can help. 
I hope you all are finally enjoying the seasonal weather! See you all on the level.
Fraternally yours,
WB Jay Polaski
Worshipful Master 2023
Temple 16 Minutes of 10-5-2023 Stated Communication   on 10/09/2023
Good Morning Brothers
Attached please find the minutes of our last stated communication on 10-5-2023.
Have a great week everyone.
WM Mark
Temple 16 Stated Communication tonight 10-5-2023 at 7:30pm in Cheshire.  on 10/05/2023
Good Morning Brothers
A reminder of Temple 16's Stated Communication tonight at 7:30pm at the Cheshire lodge.
Tonight's agenda will include an open discussion regarding raising our dues as of the new year 2024 that would go to a vote at our annual meeting in December,
(remarks limited to a maximum of two minutes).
Business casual attire
Hope to see you there
WM Mark
4th District BLC meeting TONIGHT, Friday, September 29,2023, in Cheshire.  on 09/29/2023

Good Morning Brothers,

A reminder that Temple Lodge No. 16 is hosting the 4th Masonic District Blue Lodge Council meeting
TONIGHT, Friday, September 29,2023, at the Cheshire lodge.

The program for the evening will be the conferral of the Perfect Craftsman Degree on any brother of any degree who has not taken it yet.

Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts welcome and encouraged to attend.

Dinner featuring Penne Pasta and Meatballs will be served promptly at 6:30 P.M.

The cost of dinner is $15.00 per person.

Please make reservations for dinner with JW Eric Desmond call or text 203-887-6198 or email

The meeting will follow in the lodge room at 7:15 P.M.

Let's have a great show and take the Traveling Gavel!

Hope to see you tonight.

WB Mark 
T-16 Secretary 

Minutes from 9-7-2023 and 9-21-2023  on 09/22/2023


Attached please find the minutes from  9-7-2023 and 9-21-2023.

Please review for errors and omissions.

Have a great weekend!

WB Mark 

Secretary t-16

Comedy Night at Cheshire’s Masonic Lodge Saturday September 30th   on 09/11/2023

Good Evening Brothers,

Attached please find a flyer and sponsor sheet/donation form for the upcoming Comedy Night on Saturday September 30th at the lodge.

Get you tickets early! This will be a good one!

Temple 16 Trestleboard September 2023  on 08/28/2023

Good Afternoon Brothers,

Attached please find Temple 16's Trestleboard for September 2023


Welcome to the Temple 16 family!!!!  on 08/25/2023

Happy Friday Brothers!  

Please welcome the newest edition to the Hartman family....Oliver David Hartman (click attachment for picture).

Oliver joined us at 8:49a this morning. 9 lb, 12 oz, 21 inches.

Both mom and baby are very healthy and doing very well!!! Congratulations to the proud parents!

***UPDATE***Temple 16 Summer Picnic Saturday August 12, 2023 at 1:00pm  on 07/31/2023


Brothers, bring the family and join us for our summer picnic at the lodge.

Catch up with your brothers enjoy some good food, drink and fellowship!

For more information please contact WM Jason Polaski 203-305-4634 or
JD Eric Desmond 203-887-6198

Follow us on Facebook for updates!!!

Hope to see you there!

Bro. Mark 
T-16 Secretary

Upcoming Events