Worshipful Master
Bryan Burdette
E: bburdette_03@hotmail.com
C: 763-333-4671
Senior Warden
Matthew J Kahnke
E: Kahnkem@gmail.com
C: 651-263-8284
Junior Warden
James R Kush
E: dainarq@aol.com
C: 612-805-3129
Marc Malek
E: marcmalek@hotmail.com
C: 612-770-8845
Terrance Michael Schaffer "Big Dog"
E: sweetidiot@aol.com
C: 763-257-9022
Adam Norman Russett
E: anrussett64@gmail.com
C: 515-480-2760
Assistant Secretary
James H Dwyer
E: jameshdwyerjr@gmail.com
C: 484-201-7148
Senior Deacon
Jeremy A Maguire
E: jeremyamaguire@gmail.com
C: 612-900-5305
Junior Deacon
Mason Hayden "Rookie of the year"
E: Hayde183@umn.edu
C: 651-431-0000
Senior Steward
Frank Joseph Riley
E: friley06@gmail.com
C: 254-319-1520
Junior Steward
Michael J Worley "Mike"
E: michaeljaworley@gmail.com
C: 612-516-2517
Evan Chea
E: wonder_jones@yahoo.com
C: 763-438-8015
Andy Swartz
E: acswartz@Yahoo.Com
C: 218-209-8318
Lodge Education Officer
Nuwoe Cooper
E: nuwoe0213@gmail.com
C: 763-496-9645
Stoffel Reitsma
E: stoffelreitsma@gmail.com
C: 612-790-2406