Famous Masons


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At the 200th Annual Grand Lodge Communication, Past Grand Master Charles “Fuzzy” Cox, serving as Grand Orator (2017-2018) gave an oration about Famous Freemasons worthy of publication here. It is an excellent resource to all who wish to begin learning about the influence Freemasonry has had on men of influence throughout the centuries.


You can read the oration here.

“The greatest and best of men, in all ages, have been encouragers and promoters of the art…”

Pictured Above


George Washington – 1st President of the United States of America
William Shakespeare – Poet/Playwright
Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin – United States of America Astronaut
Steve Wozniak – Inventor, Co-Founder of Apple Computer
Harry S. Truman – 33rd President of the United States of America
David “Davy” Crockett – Frontiersman, Tennessee Representative
Arnold D. Palmer – Champion Golfer
Douglas MacArthur – General, United States of America Army
Samuel L. Clemens, “Mark Twain” – Author


Brad D. Paisley – Singer/Songwriter, Musician
Marion M. Morrison, “John Wayne” – Actor/Director
Wolfgang M. Mozart – Composer, Musician
Sir Arthur I.  C. Doyle – Physician, Author
Sir Winston L. Spencer-Churchill –  Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Earl Warren – Chief Justice of the United States
John A. Elway Jr. – Champion American Football Quarterback
Michael A. Richards – Actor/Comedian
Benjamin Franklin – Inventor, Politician, Author


Buchanan, James
Ford, Gerald R.
Garfield, James A.
Harding, Warren G.
Jackson, Andrew
Johnson, Andrew
McKinley, William
Monroe, James
Polk, James Knox
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Taft,William Howard
Truman, Harry S.
Washington, George


Arnold, General Henry “Hap” – Commander of the Army Air Force
Bradley, Omar N. – Military leader
Doolittle, General James – Famous Air Force Pilot
Jones, John Paul – First Admiral of the U.S. Navy
MacArthur, General Douglas – Commander of Armed Forces in Philippines
Marshall, George – General of the Armies
Montgomery, Richard Major General – First General Officer of the Continental Army
Murphy, Audie – Most decorated soldier of W.W.II
Pershing, John Joseph – Decorated American Soldier
Rickenbacker, Eddie – Great American Air Force Ace


Cobb, Ty – An original member of the Baseball Hall of Fame
Combs, Earle Bryan – Baseball Hall of Fame
Elway, John – Champion American Football Quarterback
Naismith, James – Inventor of Basketball
Palmer, Arnold – Golf Pro


Clemens, Samuel L. – Mark Twain – Writer
Doyle, Sir Author Conan – Writer – Sherlock Holmes
Gable, Clark – Actor
Kipling, Rudyard – Writer
Richards, Michael – Actor, known for “Cosmo Kramer”
Rogers, Roy – American cowboy and screen star
Shakespeare, William – Writer
Voltaire – French writer and philosopher
Wayne, John – Actor


Clark, Roy – Country Western Star
Key, Francis Scott – Wrote US National Anthem
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus – Composer
Paisley, Brad – Singer/Songwriter
Smith, John Stafford – Wrote the music that became the US National Anthem
Sousa, John Philip – Led the US Marine Band from 1880 – 1892


Churchill, Winston – British Leader
Diefenbaker, John G. – Prime Minister of Canada 1957-63
George VI – King of England during W.W. II
Marshall, John – Chief Justice US Supreme Court 1801 – 1835
Marshall, Thurgood – Supreme Court Justice


Aldrin, Edwin E. – Astronaut
Armstrong, Neil – Astronaut
Glenn, John H. – First American to orbit the earth in a space craft
Grissom, Virgil – Astronaut


Austin, Stephen F. – Father of Texas
Bowie, James – Alamo
Clark, William – Explorer
Cody, “Buffalo Bill” William – Indian fighter, Wild West Show
Colt, Samuel – Firearms inventor
Crockett, David – American Frontiersman and Alamo fame
Franklin, Benjamin – A Founding Father of the United States of America
Henry, Patrick – Patriot
Lewis, Meriwether – Explorer
Revere, Paul – Famous American
Travis, Colonel William B. – Alamo


Bartholdi, Frederic A. – Designed the Statue of Liberty
Beard, Daniel Carter – Founder Boy Scouts
Borglum, Gutzon and Lincoln – Father and Son who carved Mt. Rushmore
Dunant, Jean Henri – Founder of the Red Cross
Ford, Henry – Pioneer Automobile Manufacturer
Hoban, James – Architect for the US Capital
Hoover, J. Edgar – Director of FBI
Land, Frank S. – Founder Order of DeMolay
Mayo, Dr. William and Charles – Began Mayo Clinic
Penny, James C. – Retailer
Warner, Jack – Warner Brothers Fame
Warren, Earl – Chief Justice of the United States of America
Wozniak, Steve – Co-Founder of Apple Computer

**There are far too many famous Freemasons to be listed here. For more listings, please consult the various internet search engines for “Famous Freemasons”