Passing of Brother Donald Hampton Johnson  on 12/01/2024
Master Mason Degree Practice Aug 25th at 3:00pm  on 08/22/2024
Master Mason Degree: Saturday, September 7th  on 08/22/2024
Reminder: Stated Communication Tomorrow, July 23rd  on 07/22/2024
Update on Bro. Lee Norris...  on 07/12/2024
Arrangements & Masonic Rites for Bro. Kenneth Edwards  on 07/11/2024
Passing of Brother Kenneth Edwards  on 07/11/2024
Tomorrow Night 7/9/24! Fellow Craft Degree/Stated Communication  on 07/08/2024
Masonic Rites for WB Hughes Dillard: Friday, July 5th at 11:00am  on 07/03/2024
Masonic Rites & Arrangements for Charlie Ryals  on 07/02/2024
Passing of WB Charlie Ryals …  on 07/01/2024
Continue to Pray for WB Charlie Ryals!  on 06/30/2024
Please Pray for WB Charlie Ryals  on 06/24/2024
Stated Communication: Tuesday, June 25th  on 06/24/2024
Demolay Car Wash Fundraiser   on 05/07/2024


The Demolay boys will be holding a car wash fundraiser this coming Saturday  5/11/24  donations excepted, the event will be at the Dunn Shrine Club from 9 am to 2 pm. Please go by and support  these young men.

March 26th | Stated Communication and EA degree  on 03/24/2024


We will have our Stated Communication on Tuesday, March 26th at 7:30pm with a potluck meal at 6:30pm. We will initiate Three candidates to the degree of Entered Apprentice. 

Please be with us!


Stated Communication and EA degree  on 03/24/2024


We will have our Stated Communication on Tuesday, March 26th at 7:30pm with a potluck meal at 6:30pm. We will initiate Three candidates to the degree of Entered Apprentice. 

Please be with us!


Passing & Arrangements of WB Marvin Jethro Parker  on 02/03/2024


As most of you are aware, Jethro passed away last night at the age of 89. There will be a private graveside service next Thursday, February 8th at 4:00pm at Banner Chapel Church (1771 NC-50 S, Benson, NC 27504). The family is extending an inviation to the lodge for pallbearers and to perform Masonic Rites. This is strictly a private service so no other announcements will be posted anywhere else. 

If you are able to make it next Thursday, please make an effort to do so. Jethro loved the lodge and his brothers. 

Thank You!

Master Mason Degree | Saturday January 20th @ 9:00AM  on 01/16/2024


Please be with us as we raise two brothers to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason THIS Saturday, January 20th at 9:00am. We will have breakfast at 8:00am and the gavel will drop at 9:00am. We'll need everyone we can get to fill Fellow Craft rolls.

See you there!

Congratulations to Worshipful Brothers Tyler Harper & Brian Shew!  on 01/11/2024


Please join me in congratulating Worshipful Brothers Tyler Harper & Brian Shew on the arrival of their new babies!!

Tyler & Chelsea welcomed their daughter, Lillian Michael Harper on January 6th and Brian & Allison welcomed their son, Wyatt Graham Shew yesterday, January 10th. Everyone is doing well!

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Matt Moore, Assistant Sec'y

Prayers for Brother Matt Moore and Family  on 11/27/2023


Please be in prayer for Brother Matt Moore and Family as his youngest has been admitted to the hospital with RSV. The Good Lord knows the need, and hears them all! Thanks for all that you do!

Fraternally yours,

Justin Langdon

Master-Relief Lodge #431 AF&AM

Fellow Craft Degree Tuesday, November 28th  on 11/26/2023


We will be passing two Entered Apprentices to the degree of Fellow Craft on Tuesday, November 28th. We will begin with a meal at 6:30pm which will be provided by the Order of the Eastern Star and the meeting will begin at 7:30pm. After the degree, we will be buttoning up some end-of-year business. 

Hope to see you there!


2024 Officers  on 11/15/2023


Congratulations to the following Brethren who were elected to their respective stations and places for the ensuing year: 

Master: Tyler Harper
Senior Warden: Wesley Tyndall
Junior Warden: Justin Stewart
Treasurer: Andy House, PM
Secretary: Steven Stanley

A date for the Officer Installation will be announced at a later date.

Please RSVP: Veteran Memorial Dedication Saturday November 11th  on 11/07/2023


The Veterans Memorial Dedicstion at the American Legion Building will be Saturday November 11th. We will be meeting at the lodge at 1:15pm to ride out together. If you plan on going, please call or text Matt Moore at 919-422-2058 to RSVP by 5:00pm tomorrow. We need a head count for the legion. Coat or suit and tie is earnestly solicited. We want to represent Masonry well.

Thank You!

You can now make a Tax Deductible Contribution to Our Lodge Charity Account!  on 10/25/2023


We have made it easier for you to make tax deductible contributions to the lodge!

By donating to our Lodge Charity Account (LCA) through the North Carolina Masonic Foundation, you can contribute to our scholarship and other causes. You have the option to make a one-time donation, or a monthly recurring donation!

To make a contribution by following this link!

Thank You Brethren!

Matt Moore

Correction: By-Law Vote on Tuesday October 24th  on 10/15/2023

Brethren: I made a mistake on the date of our next stated communication in which we will vote on our by-law change. It will be Tuesday, October 24th. Not the 26th. 

You may receive a letter in the mail with the 26th being the date. I've attached the correct letter to this post for your reference. 



Matt Moore, Sec'y

Voting on By-Law Amendments on Tuesday October 24th  on 10/15/2023


At a Stated Communication on September 26th, 2023, amendments to our By-Laws were read to make the following changes:

Note: This amendment adds Section 4 which clarifies when our annual communication will take place.


SECTION 4. The annual communication of this lodge shall be on the first stated communication in November.


Note: This amendment changes our dues to $125.00 in addition to the Grand Lodge per capita tax: $35.00 (effective 2024 dues year).


SECTION 1. The annual membership dues in this lodge shall be one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) plus Grand Lodge per capita tax as specified in Regulation 20-1.1. of The Code which each member shall pay in advance on or before the first day of January.

     We will be discussing and voting on this amendment at our next stated communication on Tuesday, October 24th at 7:30pm. If you have any questions regarding the changes to our by-laws, please contact By-Law Committee Chairman Matt Moore at 919-422-2058.



Justin Langdon


Help Wanted: Treasurer & Secretary  on 10/11/2023


At last night's Stated Communication I and our Treasurer, Andy House, announced that we will not accept our roles next year if elected at the first stated meeting of November. With additional pressures on me on the home front with two small boys and Andy's professional obligations, we are looking to pass the torch to other brothers.

So, if you are administratively inclined and would like to serve our lodge in any two of these roles, please contact WM Justin Langdon at 919-868-3551 or myself at 919-422-2058.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Matt Moore, Sec'y

Events Coming Up  on 07/08/2023


Please mark your calendars for the next couple of meetings coming up: 

This coming up Stated Communication, Tuesday July 11th, we will be presenting Benson Mayor Jerry Medlin's 50 year pin and certificate! We will also be making a couple presentations to deserving Brethren. We will have a meal at 6:30pm and the meeting will begin at 7:30pm. Please come on out for this special meeting!

On the first Stated Communication of August, Tuesday August 8th, we will be initiating one candidate into the mysteries of Masonry. Dinner will be at 6:30pm and the meeting and degree will begin at 7:30pm. Please come out to support this candidate as he takes his first step in Masonry as all Masons have done before him. 

Your presence is always appreciated at the lodge! We hope to see you there to enjoy the fellowship!


Justin Langdon, Master
Matt Moore, Sec'y

MHCO Great Landscape Day This Weekend March 18th  on 03/16/2023

Brethren - Anyone that would like to attend Landscape Day at the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford this weekend, March 18th, we will be leaving the lodge at 7:30am. Please come out to enjoy a great day of fellowship at our Children's Home!

Sincerely & Fraternally, 


Justin Langdon, Master

Upcoming Events