Your Masonic Lodge

What We Believe


Faith is a fundamental value in Masonry that signifies a deep and abiding belief in a higher power. It represents the cornerstone upon which Masonic principles are built. Masonry encourages its members to develop and strengthen their spiritual faith, fostering a sense of reverence and humility. Through rituals and teachings, Masons are reminded of the importance of faith in guiding their actions and decisions.

Faith serves as a source of moral guidance, encouraging Masons to lead virtuous lives. It inspires individuals to act with integrity, compassion, and honesty. Within the Masonic fraternity, faith is a unifying force that transcends differences, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds in pursuit of shared values and moral ideals. It is a reminder that, despite life's challenges, there is a higher purpose that guides our journey.


Hope is a guiding light in Masonry, representing the optimism and aspiration that drives individuals to seek personal growth and contribute to the betterment of society. Masonry instills hope by encouraging its members to look toward the future with confidence and a sense of purpose. Hope serves as a beacon, illuminating the path toward enlightenment, self-improvement, and positive change.

Through symbolic rituals and moral teachings, Masonry inspires hope as a catalyst for progress and improvement. It empowers individuals to strive for excellence in all aspects of life, fostering a spirit of ambition and perseverance. Hope within Masonry is not passive; it is a call to action, motivating Masons to work diligently toward the betterment of themselves and their communities.

Hope is the belief that, with dedication and unity, we can build a brighter and more harmonious future. Masons embrace hope as a driving force that fuels their commitment to making the world a better place, one step at a time.


Charity is one of the central tenets of Masonry, embodying the spirit of giving, compassion, and support for those in need. Masons are dedicated to practicing charity in its truest sense, extending kindness and assistance to individuals, communities, and charitable causes. It represents the active demonstration of love and care for one's fellow beings.

Numa F. Reid Lodge No. 344 proudly upholds the value of charity by actively participating in philanthropic endeavors and supporting meaningful causes. Our commitment to charity extends to institutions like the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford and White Stone, where we provide vital assistance and resources to those in need.

Charity within Masonry goes beyond financial contributions; it encompasses the selfless giving of time, expertise, and support to uplift those facing challenges. It reflects the belief that compassion and generosity can create positive change and transform lives.

Masonic charity is a testament to the fraternity's dedication to making a meaningful impact on the world by extending a helping hand to those less fortunate. It reminds us that through our collective efforts, we can make a profound difference in the lives of others and exemplify the true spirit of charity.