Education & Information —

Membership of the various appendant bodies of Freemasonry requires the candidate to be a Master Mason or have a familial relationship to a Master Mason. Some require the candidate to be a Trinitarian Christian, whereas Craft Masonry accepts candidates from any faith as long as they declare a belief in a Supreme Being. Additional requirements may include prior membership of additional orders or having held specific office in a preceding order.

Membership of many of the appendant bodies is strictly invitational; in some cases one must merely express an interest to receive this invitation, others being more strict and seeing the invitation as an honour reserved for few.

More about the Appendant Bodies

Masonic Discussion Groups & Forums

New Jersey Freemasons

New Jersey Freemasonry - Official Grand Lodge of New Jersey [Yahoo Group]
NJ17 - NJ's 17th Masonic District [Yahoo Group]
NJ Masonic Retreat - New Jersey Quarrymen [Yahoo Group]
Freemasons Job Portal [Yahoo Group]

Other Masonic Message Boards

DeMolay Community Forum
The Freemason Masonic Forum [United Kingdom]
Freemason Pride
Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry
Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry [Yahoo Group]
The Knights of the North
The Lodge Room [Yahoo Group]
Masonic Discussion - an Internet Portal for Masons
Masonic Light [Yahoo Group]
The Three Pillars

Masonic Online Library

The following online book selections are from Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry
Illustrations of Masonry
by William Preston (1742-1818), Past Master of the Lodge of Antiquity
Ahiman Rezon or The Book of Constitutions of the Antient Grand Lodge of England
by Laurence Dermott
The Square and Compasses - In search of Freemasonry
by W. M. Brother Don Falconer PM, PDGDC, Lodge Endeavor #429
The United Grand Lodge of New South Wales, Au
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
Illustrating and Explaining Its Science and Philosophy, Its Legends, Myths and Symbols

by Albert Gallatin Mackey
The Principles of Masonic Law
A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages And Landmarks of Freemasonry, 1856

by Albert Gallatin Mackey
The History of Freemasonry
by Albert Gallatin Mackey
The Meaning of Masonry
by Walter Leslie Wilmshurst (1867-1939)
Past Provincial Grand Registrar in West Yorkshire, UGLE
Masonic Initiation
by Walter Leslie Wilmshurst (1867-1939)
Past Asst. Grand Director of Ceremonies, UGLE - 1929
Morals and Dogma
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

by Albert Pike
Freemasonry - Its Hidden Meaning
by George Steinmetz
The Builders
by Joseph Fort Newton, Grand Chaplain (1911-13), Grand Lodge of Iowa
Introduction to Freemasonry - Entered Apprentice
by W.Bro. Carl H. Claudy
Introduction to Freemasonry - Fellowcraft
by W.Bro. Carl H. Claudy
Introduction to Freemasonry - Master Mason
by W.Bro. Carl H. Claudy
The Master's Book - A book for Worshipful Masters
by W.Bro. Carl H. Claudy
The Moral Teachings of Freemasonry
by W.Bro. J.S.M. Ward
The Entered Apprentice's Handbook
by W.Bro. J.S.M. Ward
The Fellowcraft's Handbook
by W.Bro. J.S.M. Ward
The Master Mason's Handbook
by W.Bro. J.S.M. Ward
The Higher Degrees' Handbook
by W.Bro. J.S.M. Ward