From The East

Happy Fall Brothers All,

The trees are turning, temperatures are dropping but the Lodge room gets more and more comfortable every stated communication.

The last couple of months have been busy and very productive.

In August we had a cookout for Harkness House, a New Haven Based Housing facility for Veterans in transition back to the civilian life and recovery for those in need. It was well attended and the Hiram Past Masters consisting of Pete Tomlinson, Robert Moon and Sal Ferrigno were the celebrity chefs. The visit created lots of interesting, engaging conversation and couldn’t have been a better time to recognize and thank these veterans.

​On September 9th we honored our Past Masters at Lodge with a night full of memories, a wonderful meal from the South and great stories. It was humbling to have 15 Past Masters in attendance. For some of them, it was their first time back to lodge in over a year because of Covid.

September 23rd was the main event of 2021, our Master Mason Degree. Sitting in as Honorary Master for the evening was RW Deputy Grand Master Bruce Belmore, celebrating 40 years as a Past Master. He was supported by Hiram Lodge # 1 Past Masters. In attendance was Most Worshipful Grand Master, William Bohman and his corpes of Grand Lodge officers. There were over 60 guests from 24 different lodges from around the area. Ninety plus Masons experienced tremendous fellowship, from the first entrance through the door, to the spectacular meal, to perfectly performed ritual and even to dessert. It was truly a night to remember. We are proud to have raised 5 very young Brothers, Jeremias Irizarry, Benjamin Preston, Rommell Noche, Deshawn Richardson and Keith Trotochaud. I extend my personal congratulations to them all. May their Masonic Journey continue for many years to come.

Again, we have no intention of slowing down!!!

October 14th, Table Lodge with a St Patrick Day theme. Promised to be unique with both Junior Warden Tullio Milani and Senior Steward Dan Kierstead (Soda Bread Specialist) planning an authentic Irish meal.

October 28th, Awards Night, a celebration of the year acknowledging accomplishments and contributions.

Then its back into the community for another real barbeque with the veterans at the Harkness House. Home cooked this time with Ribs, Pork Shoulder, Mac & Cheese, and Beans.

November 11th, takes us back to education, RW Brother Nick Ives will be bringing his considerable Masonic knowledge to Lodge with a presentation called "Spiritual development and the intersection of Esoterica and Masonry."

We then close out November by cooking a thanksgiving meal for Life Haven on November 14th and supporting the New Haven Meals on wheels program November 24th.

Then begins the transition into the important business at hand of selecting the new Master of Hiram Lodge # 1 and his line of Officers for 2022. We will convene for our December 9th, Annual Meeting. Please plan on attending for the good of the Lodge and support the longevity of one of the most historic Lodges in New England.

Even though that closes out our stated communications for 2021 we still have one more out reach into the community on December 12th. Providing a Holiday meal and a visit from a Jolly Bearded Man for the children of Life Haven and their mothers.

This is sadly my last communication, but I am honored and humbled to have been your Master. I enjoyed every minute and will look forward to continuing to serve Hiram Lodge # 1 and Masonry in new and exciting future capacities and challenges.


Keith Macdowall

Worshipful Master


Check out Lodge News
to see what's been going on





Stated Meeting
Lodge of Instruction
"Spiritual development and the intersection of Esoterica & Masonry" by RWB:. Nick Ives
November 11th, 2021
Dinner at 6:30pm



Annual Meeting
Reports & election of officers
December 9, 2021
Dinner at 6:30pm
All members are hear by
summoned to attend

Roasted Turkey

We have a few volunteer opportunities
coming up in November & December
with "Life Haven" and "Meals on Wheels".
Please reach out to WB Keith Macdowall for info.





Upcoming Events
  • FEB
    Hiram 1 Stated Meeting
    6:30 AM
    285 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT