news from our lodge...
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Temple Corp. Board of Directors Meeting
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
My brothers For those who may be interested on getting their own masonic Apron for traveling , pins etc McCoys is have a sale link to Macoy flyer.(Macoy.pdf) |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers, Below is our Agenda for Monday night’s Temple Corp Board of Directors meeting Faternally Temple Corp. Board of Directors Meeting
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Good Evening Brothers, The upcoming Stated Communication, Monday, February 3rd will be the Friendship Lodge's Chili Cookoff. Brothers are encouraged to prepare their best chili recipe. The lodge will judge all submitted chili to determine the "Best Chili of Friendship." The winner's recipe will compete with the other Lodge's in the 5th District at the Blue Lodge Council Meeting on March 31 in Wolcott to bring home the traveling ladle. Brothers preparing Chili should prepare their chili to be served at dinner before the meeting on Monday. Those participating should send an email to Junior Warden Eric Charette so he can ensure there is enough food and sides for all. Email to: I know that I am planning on my smoker to be active this weekend! Hope to see you there! Fraternally, Bro. Jake Manke Senior Warden |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Below is our Agenda for tomorrow night’s Temple Corp Meeting
Jim Sinclair
Temple Corp. Board of Directors Meeting
Immediately Following Trowel Club
- Open
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- President’s Report
- Report of Committees
- Capital Improvement Plan
- Building Manager’s Report
- Old Business
- Security Improvements
- Fire Escape Repair
- New Business
- Liquor Policy
- Adjournment
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers!!! We are taking the Plunge. Worshipful Master Omar has asked us to form a team for the YMCA Camp Sloper Polar Plunge on February 22nd. It is his will and pleasure that you join and support Team Southington Freemasons. For those of you who may be unaware, the Polar Plunge raises funds to provide scholarships for children who would not be able to attend camp due to their family having a financial hardship. Each team member is required to raise at least $100 for the scholarship. Below is the link to sign up to jump and as well as donate to our team. Jumpers: when signing up, make sure you are registered under our team, Southington Freemasons. Donors: please make sure that you are donating to one of our Jumpers. Please direct any questions to our cocaptains, the Worshipful Master and myself Fraternally Jim Sinclair PS, please register as a Jumper to avoid having me nag you. |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Good Evening Brothers, The presentation of "Martin and Max," presented by WB Robert Buntin and WB Larry Baker will be on January 20, 2024 during the Stated Communication. Please advertise this meeting to other Master Masons who should see this presentation. The Stated Communication this Monday, January 6th will be the Set the Craft to Work presentation by WM Omar Pichette followed by Junior Warden's Coffee Night. Congratulations to all who were installed during the excellent ceremony yesterday. |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Good Evening Brothers, I wanted to send out a correction to the schedule. The Stated Communicaiton on Monday, January 6, 2025, will have a presentation of "Martin and Max," presented by WB Robert Buntin and WB Larry Baker. Lodge opens at 7:30 PM. Fraternally, Bro. Jake Manke Junior Warden |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
My Brothers, Happy New Year! Friendship Lodge, No. 33 will be starting the year 2025 AD (6025 AL) with a busy next couple of days. As a reminder: Installation of Officers is tomorrow, January 4th, 2025, starting at 1:00 PM. This is an open event, where Brothers can bring their families to watch the installation, take pictures, or just enjoy the ceremony. If you would like, and you know of someone interested in the Fraternity, feel free to bring them to witness this event. Monday, January 6, 2025, is this year's first Stated Communication where we can enjoy the traditional Junior Warden's Coffee Night and the Worshipful Master's "Set the Craft to Work." Coffee night begins at 6:30 PM and Lodge opens at 7:30 PM. Attached you will find the first edition of the 2025 Friendship Lodge, No. 33 Trestle Board. There are a couple of updates to this already in the works but would like to get out the future dates for planning purposes. 2025 Trestleboard 1 F33 FINAL.pdf When printing a PDF trifold, remember to follow these tips: Open PDF, Select "Print", Select "Print on Both Sides," ensure the paper orientation is set to "Lanscape," and choose the "Long Edge Binding," Then "OK." I am looking forward to a great 2025 and seeing you all at the lodge. Fraternally, Brother Jake Manke Junior Warden |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
My Brother Attached are the minutes( 20 Nov 23 minutes.pdf ) of the November23rd Special communication to raise Bro. Juan Arana, Bro. Howard Cadrain III, Bro. Jason LaqPorte, and Bro. Brian Nebieolo. |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
My brothers |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers, Please see the attached PDF files with the Apple Harvest Festival Booth Shifts. Thank you all for signing up to make this event possible! Fraternally, Brother Jake Manke Junior Warden 2024 Booth Staffing Schedule - Week 1.pdf 2024 Booth Staffing Schedule - Week 2.pdf |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers, The Apple Harvest Festival, Friendship Lodge, No. 33 Schedule Apple Harvest F33 - 2024.pdf was updated after Brothers volunteered at Trowel Club and via the on-line registration form. Thank you all for volunteering your time! |
Brothers, we still need shifts filled for: Empanada Making, Tent Set-Up, and Booth Shifts. To sign-up for open shifts, please either call Brother Jake Manke at (860) 908-1500, sign-up at the next Stated Communicaiton on September 16, 2024, or click the blue button below and complete the form. We will contact you via text message as a reminder the day prior to your booth shifts. Thank you in advance for your time. Fraternally, Brother Jake Manke, Junior Warden |
Volunteer Sign Up |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Happy September Brothers and welcome back to labor! A huge Thank You to the 19 brothers who were able to join me on Labor Day for our meeting. If you couldn't make it, I understand and look forward to seeing you back in lodge soon. Next Monday,the 16th we'll be holding the annual Temple Corporation meeting to discuss the status of our 148 year old building and finances, along with holding an EA degree for our 2 newest candidates, please make every effort to attend. We're also getting plans in place for the upcoming Apple Harvest Festival (1st 2 weekends of October)and need everyone's help, please see a separate message from Jake for the signup process or click here to access: Monday - Sept. 16th - Stated Communication - EA degree with DD inspection and Temple Corp Annual Meeting - dinner 6:30;meeting at 7:30. Sat, - Sept. 21st - Masonicare tour w/Br. Carl Anderson - meet at lodge to carpool at 9:30, should be back by noon. Monday - Sept 23rd - Lodge of Instruction - EA 2nd and 3rd section lectures 7:30. Weekend of Sept 28th and 29th - Empanada making at lodge by Rudy starting at 10:00 Monday - Sept. 30th - Blue Lodge Council district meeting at Village Lodge in Collinsville to bring home the travelling gavel. Please email me to confirm your attendance by 9/23. Also if you haven't responded to the lodge temperature check survey that Jake sent out - please click here to respond: Cheers! WM Mike Leser |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers, It's that time again for Apple Harvest Festival. Please take a moment to sign up below to work a shift or shifts at the Friendship Lodge Booth raising money for the Trowel Club. This year the Apple Harvest Festival is October 4, 5. & 6 and the following week October 11, 12, & 13. We are looking for 4 persons a shift at a minimum. |
Please take a moment to complete the online form by clicking the button below. If you would like to sign up without completing the form below, please contact me at (860) 908-1500 or Fraternally, Brother Jake Manke Junior Warden |
Shift Sign-Up |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers, The Strategic Planning Committee has developed a survey to assist with the development of a healthier more vibrant lodge. The Committee is asking each brother to complete the survey below to assist in future planning efforts. Thank you |
Please Click the button below to complete your survey. |
Complete Survey |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers Due to a likely quorum issue, our Temple Corp Board of Directors Meeting scheduled for August 12th has been canceled. Our next meeting is the Annual Temple Corporation meeting. In the past this has taken place in December, but under our new bylaws will take place in Lodge Monday, September 16th. In between meetings, the Board will be working on reports to be shared at our Annual Meeting Jim Sinclair President Temple Corp |
![]() Friendship No. 33 Grand Lodge Of Connecticut, A.F. & A.M. |
Brothers Bro. Randy Nielsen's Son will be presented his Eagle Scout court of Honor. See the flyer. If you can please come out to support him if you can. |
Brothers All - Prime volunteer season is here and brothers are needed starting next Saturday, May 11th. If you have a volunteer shirt from last year,please wear it to the event, we'll have some others for those who don't and if we run out or don't have a size you need,the lodge will be ordering more for your next event. Please see the data collection form below to indicate which event(s) you can help with.
I added an item for Music on the Green which runs for 15 weeks. The past few years have been mostly run by WB's Rudy Cabatta,Ken Crooker and Ken Sherman. If we can get a few other brothers at each week's concert, these Brothers can get a break. Selecting this event to volunteer for means you can commit to at least 1 Wednesday night concert (including setup and breakdown - est:4-9pm). We'll gather specific week assignments once the schedule is finalized.
There is also an option for the annual Apple Harvest Festival which runs the first 2 weekends of October,but also requires empinada prep in the weeks before. Again, just looking for a list of brothers who can commit time to be further detailed in September.
Please access the Google Form link below to indicate what you can help with, thank you in advance for your cooperation and willingness to help get our name out in the community.
Current List of Volunteer Events (more to come later):
Saturday, May 11th - 2 events,more brothers needed at the garden. Coincidentally,you can park for either event in the lot behind the YMCA off High St.
Pollinator Garden - Spread Mulch - at the garden behind the YMCA,we'll be helping to spread mulch in the Pollinator Garden where our new 33-B Lodge is located. The group who runs this gets a bulk delivery and we'll be filling buckets and barrows and moving to the garden to spread, then returning for more. We'll meet at the lodge at 9:00 for coffee and doughnuts,then head over to the garden or you can join us there if later. Will need a few tools - bring your own gloves. Note:Weather Dependent
United Way - Stamp Out Hunger - postal workers pickup food donations throughout town then drop off at the Y for distribution. Last year the donations were split into thirds for different organizations in town. All work is done outside in the Y Learning Center parking lot on High St. Starts probably around 9 or 10am and will likely have coffee and snacks.
Southington Community Services - Unique Boutique - Monday, May 13th at the Aqua Turf Club, from 5:00pm- 9:00pm.
They are in need of volunteers in all aspects of the event including set up, check in, security, cashiers/baggers, raffle sales, and clean up. Looking for volunteers we are available for the setup during the day (8:30am- approximately 12:00pm) or during the event at night (4:00pm- 9:00pm), or both. Note Temple Corp/Trowel Club meeting also that night,just need to ensure a quorum of Corp officers is at that meeting.
YMCA - Race For Chase - Saturday August 3rd 8-2
YMCAs across the state train and prepare their youth for this Finale Race Day to compete in a run/swim/bike race held at YMCA Camp Sloper. The name Race4Chase is in memory of a boy named Chase Kowalski, who tragically lost his life in the Sandy Hook shooting. He was a Youth Triathlete himself.
Volunteering opportunities are plentiful on this day, including race course attendants, water attendants, medical tent volunteers, garbage and cleaning volunteers, etc.
Click Here to fill out your availability:
Looking forward to seeing many of you at these events.
WM Mike Leser and committee chair Brother Eric Vargas
Brothers all:
I apologize in advance,but I need to push out the Master Master degree. We had planned a special communication for Saturday,May 18th, that will now be moved to Saturday, June 1st. We’ll open the lodge at 10:00am sharp to raise 4 new master masons then break for lunch and return for the ‘Tragedy’ play. Worshipful Brother Allyan Lopes is leading the degree team and is looking for volunteers to perform as craftsmen in the play. Rehearsals will be on Sunday evenings and you can reach Allyan at
This Saturday,April 27th, the annual dart tournament vs. Sequin-Level #140 is officially postponed (again). WB Sprouse and I tried several times to get this in, but spring wins, so were going to try again in the fall,enjoy the day,pray for sun!
Meanwhile, next Monday,April 29th is the 5th Monday of the month. This means we’re scheduled for a ‘Lodge of Relaxation’ starting at 6:30pm at JD’s Restaurant on Queen St. in Southington;casual dress,individual checks,come join us for some refreshments,relaxation and brotherly connections.
WM Mike Leser
Been a busy couple weeks and realized I forgot to send the corrected tri-fold Treselboard for April-June. Thanks to JW Jacob Manke for making the updates and special thanks to all who came out to the BLC meeting last Thursday and enabled us to win back the Travelling Gavel which is now back on top of the perfect ashlar until the next meeting in September when we'll need to get everyone to travel (site tbd) to retain it. Meanwhile, stated communication Monday night April 1st (no joke) and Grand Lodge Annual Communication Saturday April 6th. Please also take a few minutes and reply to my email ( regarding volunteer work. Thanks Brothers!
WM Mike Leser
The museum is seeking docents for the outdoor historic walking tours that run from early spring through early fall. They believe, as do I, that this would be a great fit for anyone interested. The Marcus Holcomb house has been embedded in previous tours thanks to the kindness of Brother Bob Buntin allowing entry into the lodge. They are excited to continue to work with us. They also have other events they need help with.
Here is a link to their google form that has the Volunteer Opportunities which includes the Walking Tour Dates.
Here is the link to our website page that talks a bit more about the family that lived at The Barnes Museum.
YMCA Camp Sloper
The Caron's and I did this year and you will want to be prepared to possibly get dirty. Unfortunately I have a conflict with most dates (as some of you do also), but I'm hoping others are free and can make the time to help out on one or more of these dates:
YMCA Camp Sloper Clean-Up Days
Saturday, March 23rd – 9am-12pm
Saturday, April 6th – Spring Clean-up Day – 8am-2pm (Lunch included) -<Free Food but same day as Grand Lodge
Saturday, April 27th – 8am – 12pm - Dart Tournament if not throwing,come help out!
Saturday, May 4th – 8am-12pm
Saturday, May 18th – 8am-12pm
Race 4 Chase Youth Triathlon Finale Day
Saturday, August 3rd - 8am-2pm
YMCAs across the state train and prepare their youth for this Finale Race Day to compete in a run/swim/bike race held at YMCA Camp Sloper. The name Race4Chase is in memory of a boy named Chase Kowalski, who tragically lost his life in the Sandy Hook shooting. He was a Youth Triathlete himself.
Volunteering opportunities are plentiful on this day, including race course attendants, water attendants, medical tent volunteers, garbage and cleaning volunteers, etc...
- The Friends of Southington Community Services is searching for a volunteer to attend the front desk at the food pantry from 1-4:30PM on Thursdays. I am willing to commit one Thursday afternoon a month if I can get 4 other retired brothers to join me in covering this need.
The Unique Boutique will be held on Monday, May 13th at the Aqua Turf Club, from 5:00pm- 9:00pm.
They are in need of volunteers in all aspects of the event including set up, check in, security, cashiers/baggers, raffle sales, and clean up. Looking for volunteers we are available for the setup during the day (8:30am- approximately 12:00pm) or during the event at night (4:00pm- 9:00pm), or both. Note Temple Corp/Trowel Club meeting also that night,just need to ensure a quorum of Corp officers is at that meeting.
- They are also hosting an event called Unique Boutique. It is their annual fundraising event featuring a collection of new and gently used designer clothing and accessories “twice as nice at a really good price!” The event includes shopping, a dinner, a bag sale, raffle prizes, and a silent auction. 100% of the proceeds from this event go to client use only. No funds are used for administrative costs.
Southington Community Services has requested assistance with filling thier shelves, and in line with Worshipful Master Leser's initiative to community service, Friendship Lodge # 33 will be conducting a "Can Drive." Please bring canned vegetables to the lodge starting this Sunday, March 17th and we will continue until the shelves are stocked. Other opportunities to drop off canned vegetables are Monday, March 18th's Stated Communication and Wednesday, March 20th's Entered Apprentice Degree. If you cannot attend a meeting and would like to drop off canned vegatbles, please contact Junior Warden Brother Jake Manke (860) 908-1500 to arrange a time to drop off your donations. Please join in on this inititive and practice the Masonic virtue of "Charity."
Thank You!
Southington Community Services has requested assistance with filling thier shelves, and in line with Worshipful Master Leser's initiative to community service, Friendship Lodge # 33 will be conducting a "Can Drive." Please bring canned vegetables to the lodge starting this Sunday, March 17th and we will continue until the shelves are stocked. Other opportunities to drop off canned vegetables are Monday, March 18th's Stated Communication and Wednesday, March 20th's Entered Apprentice Degree. If you cannot attend a meeting and would like to drop off canned vegatbles, please contact Junior Warden Brother Jake Manke (860) 908-1500 to arrange a time to drop off your donations. Please join in on this inititive and practice the Masonic virtue of "Charity."
Thank You!
Sorry for the late notice, but having voted in another member last Monday and the possibility of adding another next Monday, we’ll be holding a Special Communication to confer the Entered Apprentice degree on 2 or 3 candidates next Wednesday, March 20th at 7:30,dinner at 6:30.Hope you can attend and help us welcome in our new brothers.
WM MIke Leser
Monday will be our next Temple Corp meeting following Trowel Club. Below is the agenda with the items we know in advance that will be discussed. I would particularly draw to your attention our new business. These items will need to be addressed quickly.
Jim Sinclair
Temple Corp. Board of Directors Meeting
2/11/2024 Upon adjournment of Trowel Club
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- President’s Report
- Report of committees
- Capital Improvement Plan
- Building Manager’s Report
- Old Business
- Stair handrails
- Routine Cleanup
- New Business
- Fire Escape Repair
- Bottle Club/ storage
As a reminder, Friendship Lodge Number 33, “Brunch with the Bunny” is scheduled to for, Sunday, March 24, 2024 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
The event is $10.00 per person (12 and under free), which includes: Games, Fun, and the Egg Hunt (10 Years Old and younger).
To assist in planning please RSVP to: with the following:
- Number of people planning on attending
- Number of 10-Year-Olds and Younger who will participate in the egg hunt.
Thank you in advance,
Bro. Jake Manke, Junior Warden
Frienship Lodge Number 33, will be hosting the annual "Brunch with the Bunny" on Sunday, March 24th, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Come join the Bunny for a breakfast buffet, games, and an egg hunt for those children under 10 years old. The cost is $10 per person and under 12 years old free.
As a reminder the Friendship Lodge Number 33, Ladies at the Table event is Saturday, March 2, 2024, at 6:30 PM. This event is a Seven Course, Masonic Table Lodge focused on those women that support our craft. Reservations and payment must be submitted no later than Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Payment can be submitted via Venmo at the QR Code on the attached flyer, or by a check at the Lodge for Instruction, Monday, February 26th. We hope to see you and your significant other there!
Brothers, In the interest of making the workings of Temple Corp. more open, the Board of Directors will be sending out “agendas” notifying the craft of topics that will be up for discussion. While this is an attempt to be more transparent with the entire Lodge, the items listed on agenda may not be the only matters discussed as business can be brought up from the floor. For those Brothers who do not know, Temple Corporation is wholly owned by the Brothers of the Lodge. Its sole purpose is to hold real property for financial and liability reasons. All members of Friendship #33 are also members of the Corporation, which is managed by a Board of Directors.
WB Jim Sinclair President Temple Corp.
Temple Corp. Board of Directors Meeting
2/11/2024 Upon adjournment of Trowel Club
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- President’s Report
- Report of committees
- Capital Improvement Plan
- Building Manager’s Report
- Old Business
- Stair handrails
- New Business
- Building usage
- Routine cleanup schedule
- Building usage
Brothers all:
Another update to the trestleboard to accommodate the EA degree. The recently scheduled Special Communication on Saturday February 10th is CANCELED due to a scheduling conflict with a hall rental. The EA Degree will now be conferred to our candidates at our regularly scheduled communication on Monday February 19th. Meanwhile this Monday, February 5th will include a presentation by WB Dave Edmund titled:the Major Arcana - Not a tool for DIvination followed by a sub-committee meeting to plan our Ladies at Table event on March 2nd. Our lodge chili-cookoff entries will be served for dinner at 6:30 and lodge opens promptly at 7:30, hope to see you there.
WM Mike Leser
Next Monday,Jan. 15th is our set-the-craft-to-work night. I'll be presenting overviews of each of the work committees for the year and will look to every brother to identify the primary committee they will work on; Jake is making sausage & pepper grinders for 6:30;usual meeting start at 7:30.
Monday Jan 22nd is the Lodge For Instruction with WB Allyan Lopes presenting "An Esoteric Perspective of the 3 degrees" - Master Masons only.
Monday 1/29 is the 5th Monday of the month and therefore our new traditional Lodge For Relaxation at JD’s Restaurant 6:30 casual/individual checks.
A few years back I established contact with a brother who runs an engraving business that created the name tags you'll see most of the officers wearing (picture attached) with an officer title slide that we re-use as the line progresses. These are over-the-pocket models that can fit in your suit jacket pocket (or tux). I need to put in an order for our new officers and want to make sure you know these name tags are not just for officers and if I get 8 more brothers to order one, we can get them for only $10 each by our 2nd meeting in Janyuary. If you would like to order one,please email me by Jan. 2nd at with proper spelling and slide 'title' (either 'Past Master' or 'Master Mason' please.)
WM Mike
PLEASE NOTE: If you received this communication in the u.s. mail,it means that your email account listed in Grandview is either invalid,missing or broken. We're trying to keep lodge expenses down and perfer to use electronic mail for communications. Please login to Grandview and review/update your email setting - thank you in advance.
Brothers All; This is my first official communication just being installed as Friendship Lodge #33’s Worshipful Master for 2024. It’s been a quick 6 years since I was asked to be the Junior Steward and yet a long 2 years as Senior Warden waiting to advance due to a gap in our progressive officer line. I’m grateful for all those who came out to lodge on December 4th to vote and to those who were able to attend the installation, and truly appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you’re local and regularly attend lodge, thank you. To all the other local brothers, I’m asking for your help. Having raised 3 children and working in corporate America for 25 years, I understand the time constraints and commitments and we often say that family comes first. So what can I do to help get you back engaged and attending the lodge? I’d welcome all comments,feedback and ideas. My personal email is monitored daily via and I regularly text and use what seems to be ‘old fashioned’ voice communications at 860-794-5472.
As many of you know,I’ve been working with several of you over the last couple of years on the the lodge appearance and will continue to look for ways to improve our building making it more inviting to visitors. Having launched our volunteer initiative early last year with the support of our worshipful Allyan Lopes,a number of brothers were able to participate in community events and received one of our volunteer shirts. During the Apple Harvest Parade last year,the MC commented that ‘you don’t see them around town much’. So instead of writing a response to the local paper,I’m taking that as a challenge to all of us and I’ll be ramping up our efforts to become more visible in the community in 2024 (and we’ll have more shirts available and free to all volunteers).
For easy access to information on our lodge,Junior Warden Jake Manke helped me develop a 1 page (double sided) info card/trestleboard for the coming few months. You can print it out and fold in 3rds to keep in your suit jacket pocket. Just be aware that stuff happens and sometimes plans change. As a former web development team project manager,rest assured you will always find the latest information and treselboard on our website. The site can be easily be accessed via a re-direct at (actual site is at If you can help make the site better,increase our visibility,improve the lodge,have ideas for education,etc, these will all be committees that will be formed at our second meeting in January (the 15th).
Our 1st meeting in January will be the traditional ‘Junior Warden’s coffee nite’,being not only New Years Day (Monday 1/1), but the broadcast of the NCAA college football semi-final games, I’m allowing brothers to attend in casual dress;we’ll have a short meeting so we can spend more time socializing in the dining room with some beer and pizza.
We all know that with all our work and meetings, we need to find time for relaxation and have some fun,so we will definitely be continuing the Lodge For Relaxation ‘meetings’ that I implemented last year. We start right out of the gate in January (recall it is always on a 5th Monday of any month) on the 29th at JD’s Restaurant.
I’m also writing this in the middle of the 2023 holiday season and those who know me,know I’m a music lover that focuses on good song lyrics. I Recently saw one of my favorite bands,the Trans-Siberian Orchestra perform their annual XMAS show and enjoyed one of my favorite songs, Old City Bar which is my thought for the coming year as we focus on increasing our volunteer work or view a video with all lyrics at:
“If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow
Make this Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
To know who needs help
You need only just ask”
Copyright: Warner Chappell Music Inc.
Have a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing you in Lodge
WM Mike Leser
Brothers All,
Worshipful Brothers, good morning!
if you haven't yet ordered your dinner yet for the Past Master's Dinner tomorrow at Flair, please do so by sending an email to with your selection. please disregard this email if you have already ordered. Thank you and I'll see you there!
WB Allyan Lopes
Brothers all,
let's show up with a good number of brothers for the BLC Meeting tonight. It would be very nice if we could end this year with the Gavel, so Mike could start his year already with the Gavel, along with the Dart Trophy.
Tonight, Blue Lodge Council Will be held at
East Side Eatery restaurant at the Farmingbury Hills Country Club, 141 East Street, Wolcott. Dinner is at 6:30PM, followed by the BLC meeting and program at 7:30.
Brothers, just a friendly reminder of our MM Degree Rehearsal tonight at 6:00PM.
Thank you!
Brothers, this Monday, November 27th, there will be a Lodge for Instruction for the benefit of the Fellowcrafts in order to advance to the next degree. If you are mentoring one of them, please ask if they can make it .
Thank you!
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers all,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Brothers, attached is the menu for the Past Masters' dinner at Flair restaurant. please email me your dinner choice and remember to bring cash!
As we clarified last year, the actual Junior Warden ( incoming Senior Warden) and the Incoming Junior Warden ( current Senior Deacon ) are invited to the Dinner. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me .
WM Allyan L Lopes
Brothers, there will be a presentation tonight: George Washington’s Rule of Civility. Will be presented by WB Rudy Cabata and it’s open to Non Masons. You’re welcome to invite your wives and friends for this presentation. Dinner at 6:30; Lodge at 7:30.
Thank you!
Brothers, just a reminder of our MM degree rehearsal tonight at 6pm.
WM Allyan Lopes
Good morning Brothers. No rehearsal tonight.
Rehearsals will be held every Sunday at 6pm, starting next Sunday, November 19th.
The MM degree will be December 9th at 9am for coffee and donuts/cookies. Gavel at 10am. All the officers will be on their respective stations/places and doing their parts for the first part of the degree. There will be lunch served when we go to refreshment, then the Tragedy will be performed when we go back to Labor.
The Tragedy will be as followed:
*MEKS - Allyan Lopes
*Hiram Abiff - Gary Arseneau
*Hiram King of Tyre/ Grand Senior Warden - Brian Beals
*Jubela - James Sinclair
*jubelo - David Walker
*Jubelum - Michael Leser
*1st Craftsman - Eric Vargas
*2nd Craftsman - Rudy Cabata
*3rd Craftsman - John Faasen
*Sea Captain - Omar Pichette
*Prologue/ Grand Secretary - Ken Crooker
*Grand Chaplain - Carl Larson
*Grand Marshall - Ken Sherman
*Qs and As will be performed by Patrick Caron (Qs) and Eric Vargas (As).
*Working Tools - Ken Crooker
Please Brothers, if for some reason you can not attend to the rehearsals and/or the degree, or can not commit to the parts, let me know asap so I can find a replacement.
Thank you Brothers!
In Masonry,
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, this email is in regards to the event Ladies at Table.
After a long discussion with Junior Warden, we came to the conclusion that many of our brothers wouldn't be available to attend the event, and that includes officers, which we will need them to help organizing the lodge for the event. At first we decided to postpone, but it would be extremely difficult to pull it off in my year with the tight schedule we have. So we decided to cancel it for this year, and hopefully our incoming Worshipful Master Brother Michael Leser can find the proper time to make it work.
Thanks for understanding.
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, let's celebrate the success of Apple harvest festival this Saturday, October 28th 2023.
Don't forget to bring your lawn chairs and beverages. I will have soda and water.
For food, I will be making a Brazilian style barbecue. If you wish to join us please text me at (860) 890-3046 or email me at so I can have a headcount to buy the meat and everything else.
My house is on 871 Woodruff street in Southington CT 06489.
You can park on the lawn, but also you can park on the memorial park near my house. The weather will be nice so we will have a great time. Kids are welcome. My daughter will be home and she's excited for some kids to show up.
I'll see you Saturday then,
Mischief Night - no,not really,that’s just what we used to call the night before Halloween when I was growing up. Now that I’m a respectable mason,that night happens to be the 5th Monday in October. That can only mean one thing…time for a Lodge of Relaxation. It’s the last one in 2023,so let’s continue to support Brother Jimmy and meet at JD’s on Queen St. Monday, October 30th anytime after 5:30 to enjoy good food,drink and fellowship,hope to see you there.
SW Mike Leser
P.S. Please remember that 2024 elections will be held at our 1st meeting in December and with the consent of the brethren,I’ll be elected Worshipful Master for 2024, so please also add Sunday December 17th at 1:00 in your calendar for the officer installation and further relation. ;-)
The minutes of the Sept. 25th special communication to initial two new members are attachet.
The minutes of the stated communication for Sept. 18th are attached
Brothers, attached is the sheet for you to sign up for shifts to work in the Empanada Booth and/or March with us on the AH Parade. Please contact Brother Senior Deacon Jacob Manke if you're interested at 860-908-1500 or
This is our biggest fundraiser and and every help we can get is necessary for the success of our sales.
Thank you all in advance,
WM Allyan Lopes
just a reminder that we have Blue Lodge Council Meeting tonight, at Unity Lodge in New Britain located at 10 Mason Dr.
Dinner at 6:30
Meeting at 7:30
Hope to see you there!
WM Allyan Lopes
attached is the updated trestleboard
A reminder The masonic service for RWB James Vander Eyk will be Wednesday, September 13th @6:00 Pm
At the Prospect Memorial/The Palmerie Family Funeral Home
122 Waterbury Rd., Prospect, CT.
We will meet at the Lodge at the lodge at 5:-pm for those who wish to car pool to the funeral home.
The masonic service for RWB James Vander Eyk will be Wednesday, September 13,6:00 Pm
At the Prospect Memorial/The Palmerie Family Funeral Home
122 Waterbury Rd., Prospect, CT.
We will meet at the Lodge at the lodge at 5:-pm and travel to the funeral home.
Brothers, we have a meeting tonight to read petitions and to welcome prospects who are coming to visit. If you can be there, please join us. Casual dress. This will be the first meeting our EA will attend, Brother Richard Donovan, let's give him a warm welcome into masonry.
Dinner at 6:30
Lodge at 7:30
See you all there.
Thank you!
WM Allyan L Lopes
This coming Monday night, July 31st is the 5th Monday of the month. During non-summer months that means a break from meetings and time for a ‘Lodge of Relaxation’ to gather casually, share a beverage (or three ;-),some food, good conversation and brotherly love. So during the summer with no regular meetings, the 5th Monday has enhanced importance, especially for DIY’ers like me who was too busy/tired to make the lodge picnic. So we’re hoping for a not too-hot, dry evening,but weather be damned - we hope to see you Monday on the patio at JD’s on Queen St. from 6:30 on.
Senior Warden Mike Leser
Brothers all,
this Thursday, June 29th at 6:30PM is the Blue Lodge Council Picnic at Frederic Franklin Lodge #14 in Plainville. This email is to remind you and ask you please to RSVP to me, Allyan Lopes so I can make reservations. Please text me on 860-890-3046. We will invite the prospects and candidates to go there so your presence will be extremely important.
Thank you and I'll see you there!
WM Allyan Lang Lopes
Brothers, we will have Lodge for Instruction tonight, but I’m a different format. Instead of having historical lectures or esoteric discussions, we will take advantage of our Lodge for instruction to instruct our prospects. We are having a lot of people coming through Blue Wave. So I hope I’ll see you tonight as I count with your experience to share with our prospects, and hopefully they can become candidates and eventually Masons.
See you at the Lodge at 6:30PM
Casual dress code.
Brothers willing to March on Memorial Day Parades:
* Newington - meeting at Sequin-Level lodge tomorrow, May 27th around 9am. Road closes at 9:30am. Parade starts at 10:30am
* Plainville - May 29th. Meeting at Frederick Franklin Lodge in Plainville at 8AM. Parade starts at 9AM.
New Britain - Meeting at Unity Lodge May 30th at 4pm. Parade starts at 5pm.
Officers in Tuxedo. Let me know if you are going to make it !
Enjoy your Holiday!
Brothers willing to March on Memorial Day Parades:
* Newington - meeting at Sequin-Level lodge around 9am. Road closes at 9:30am. Parade starts at 10:30am
* Plainville - May 29th. Meeting at Frederick Franklin Lodge in Plainville at 8AM. Parade starts at 9AM.
New Britain - Meeting at the Lodge May 30th at 4pm. Parade starts at 5pm.
Let me know if you are going to make it !
There are 2 more Saturday volunteer events left in May. This Saturday, May 13th, the USPS is doing their food dricollection and the YMCA is looking for volunteers to help collect and sort food as it arrives. Event starts at 10:00 at the YMCA Learning Center located on High St. across the street from the main Y facility.
The following Saturday, May 20th, we can help the Y out with placing flags at 8:00am at the Oak Hill Cemetery on Queen St. at the intersection of Flanders St.
Please text SW Mike Leser at 860-794-5472 if you atre able to attend.
Community Services Food donations can also be dropped off at the lodge dining room back table, specific needs are:
Canned Fruit
Canned Spaghetti
Canned Ravioli
Lunch Box Snacks
While you’re shopping, remember to grab a 12 pack of coke or pepsi soda products or polar springs water bottles to donate to our Music on the Green fundraiser sales which start on Wednesday May 30th at 7 pm.
Brothers, tomorrow at 11am we will be doing yard work at Vasilios’ house. Meet us there if you can help: 49 DeSorbo drive Southington CT.
Thank you and I'll see you there.
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, Mike Leser is looking for volunteers for tomorrow morning. We’re meeting at 8am at Camp Sloper in Southington to assist them. Get in touch with Mike and let him know if you can make it. Thanks Brothers!
Brothers and Friends of Friendship Lodge No. 33, it is with deep sadness that I inform you that WB Vasilios Tiniakos passed away on April 29th at 2:02am.
There will be a Masonic Service for him Monday May 1st at Nicholas F Cognetta Funeral Home located at 104 Myrtle Avenue in Stamford CT at 5:00pm. We will be meeting at the Lodge at 2:30pm to carpool. Visitation hours are from 4-8pm.
His Funeral Service will be held Tuesday May 2nd at 10am at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church - 1230 Newfield ave, Stamford CT.
Interment will follow at Putnam Cemetery, Parsonage Road, Greenwich CT. We will be departing from the Lodge at 8:30am if you wish to carpool.
Cognetta funeral home Stamford CT
Viewing: May 1st Monday 4pm-8pm
Funeral: Tuesday May 2nd 10am at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Stamford Ct
In lieu of flowers donations can be made to St Jude’s charity
Vasilios G. Tiniakos, 77, of Southington, passed away peacefully on April 29, 2023. Vasilios was born in Greece on April 15, 1946 to the late Giannolis and Margarita Kalogredis Tiniakos.
He came to America to pursure his education and returned to Greece where he married and had two children before returning to America in 1984. Vasilios was an avid reader and enjoyed philosophy, mathematics, painting and playing the guitar. He was Master Mason and routinely wrote articles for masonic publications.
He was a gracious and loving person with unconditional love for his family and friends. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
Vasilios is survived by his loving wife Moscha Sarris Tiniakos, his son John Tiniakos and his wife Georgia, his son-in-law Demetrios Tsaparas and his four grandchildren; John, Alexander, Vasiliki and Anastasia.
Besides his parents, Vasilios is predeceased by his loving daughter Katerina Tsaparas.
The funeral service will be held at 10:00 AM at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 1230 Newfield Avenue, with Father Evan Evangelidis presiding. Interment will follow at Putnam Cemetery, Parsonage Road, Greenwich, CT. Family and friends may call at the funeral home on Monday, May 1, 2023 from 4:00 to 8:00 PM, with the Trisagion Service being held at 7:30 PM.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Vasilios’ memory to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Brothers and Friends of Past Master ROGER D. GRAFFAM are hereby duly notified that a Master’s Roll Call has been made to honor the 20th anniversary of his untimely passing Sunday, April 30th.
Brethren and friends can gather at 12:30PM this Sunday in the parking lot of Friendship Lodge to caravan to Saint Mary’s Cemetery in New Britain where Roger is interned. If you prefer to go directly to the cemetery, please arrive by 1PM.
It would please WB Graffam greatly if we were to proceed after our brief ceremony at the gravestone to THE EASTSIDE RESTAURANT for a Lodge of Relaxation, and refreshment. I checked with Roger and he still won’t buy us a round in his honor!
See Ya
WM Allyan L Lopes
Good morning Brothers.
If you’re planning to go to Windsor tonight, Washington Lodge 70 for a FC degree, meet us at the lodge at 5:30pm if you plan to carpool for dinner.
wM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, we got invited to participate in this program but I have also been invited to our DD Presentation at the same time and date. So if anyone wants to go and represent our lodge, that would be very cool and I'm sure, a lot of fun as well. So here's the information:
I hope this finds you well. As I believe you know, the Connecticut Masonic Scouters Association is hosting the first ever Connecticut Masonic Pinewood Derby, 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 21 at the New Haven Masonic Temple. This promises to be a great, fun filled event for all Masons, while raising funds to support Scouting programs for kids. I am writing to ask that Friendship Lodge sponsor a “Square Team” to race. It’ll be a great time for a great cause, Masons supporting our youth and good fellowship to boot!
For more information and to register the team for your lodge go to see the attached flyer). Please join for a fun filled event and in supporting our youth in Scouting!
Thank you,
WB Jonathan Glassman
Chairman, Connecticut Masonic Scouters Association
Worshipful Master, Quinta Essentia Lodge No. 500
Brothers, This Saturday we will face our Brothers from Sequin Level Lodge 140 to defend our trophy once again. But before that, wewl need your help as volunteer to do some clean up around town. We will be meeting at the lodge at 8am for coffee and donuts and then getting our assignments on the Green. Please join us. It's Earth Day and that's the minimum we can do for Her (Gaia).
The Dart Tournament will begin at 1 PM.
See you all there and Thanks in Advance.
WM Allyan L Lopes
Attention all CT and visiting brothers! 2023 Volunteer season starts soon! We will be starting to increase our visibility in the community by participating in these spring volunteer events:
Saturday April 22nd (Earth Day) - Rotary Club sponsorship of town wide clean-up event from 9 - noon (dart tournament vs. Sequin-Level following at 1:00 at our lodge). Meet at lodge for coffee/donuts at 8:30 then we’ll get our assignments pn the green.
Saturday May 6th - clean-up event at YMCA Camp Sloper FROm 8-1:00, meet in Sloper parking lot.
Save your good clothes. The volunteer committee designed and the lodge acquired these special moisture-wicking, spf-40 volunteer shirts in short and long sleeves (see below/attached) for us to wear at volunteer events. They are polyester and run large, so for example, Worshipful Allyan wears a size 2XL. Senior Warden Mike Leser will be handing out shirts to each volunteer and they are yours to keep for future events. The total cost (about $25/shirt) was covered in the blue lodge budget and anyone able to help offset the cost can give their donation to Brother Mike.
Attention all CT and visiting brothers! 2023 Volunteer season starts soon! We will be starting to increase our visibility in the community by participating in these spring volunteer events:
Saturday April 22nd (Earth Day) - Rotary Club sponsorship of town wide clean-up event from 9 - noon (dart tournament vs. Sequin-Level following at 1:00 at our lodge). Meet at lodge for coffee/donuts at 8:30 then we’ll get our assignments pn the green.
Saturday May 6th - clean-up event at YMCA Camp Sloper From 8-12:00, meet in Sloper parking lot.
Save your good clothes. The volunteer committee designed and the lodge acquired these special moisture-wicking, spf-40 volunteer shirts in short and long sleeves (see attached) for us to wear at volunteer events. They are polyester and run large, so for example, Worshipful Allyan wears a size 2XL. Senior Warden Mike Leser will be handing out shirts to each volunteer and they are yours to keep for future events. The total cost (about $25/shirt) was covered in the blue lodge budget and anyone able to help offset the cost can give their donation to Brother Mike. Please contact me if you know off any other opportunities for us to help the community and show off our shirts ( or call/text: 860-794-5472.
SW Mike Leser
Through the courtesy of the Worshipful Master, we will be assisting our Sister Christine Durant this Saturday at 9 with work at her home located at 14 Taylor Lane, Southington.
For those of you who don't know Christine, she has suffered from mobility issues and until recently was wheelchair bound. After a leaky toilet while she was away, she is now in need of help hauling some flooring out of her home. Let's show our community how we take care of our friends and family. Ideally 6 or more brothers would be great.
attached are the minutes of the last stated communication. You can also view the Treselboard
on the 'From the East' page on our website (
This email is to remind you of the Blue Lodge Council tonight at Unity lodge in New Britain. Please join us there if you can so we can win back our Traveling Gavel.
Dinner 6:30
Lodge 7:30
Hope to see you there!
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, just a reminder that we have Lodge for instruction tomorrow night. Casual dress.
I’ll be giving a lecture about The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet.
The lecture is open to all Masons.
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, just a reminder that we have Lodge for instruction tomorrow night. Casual dress.
I’ll be giving a lecture about The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet.
The lecture is open to all Masons.
WM Allyan Lopes
Hello, Brothers!!!
The upcoming Blue Lodge Council Meeting will be hosted by Hospitality Lodge #128 at Unity Lodge - 10 Mason Drive, New Britain, CT on Tuesday, January 31st.
Dinner 6:30PM
Meeting 7:30PM
Dinner cost will be $15.00 per dining Brother.
Please RSVP to me by call, text (860-890-3046) or email by january 24th
I want to bring 20 Brothers there to win the Travelling Gavel this time so please, save the date and join me there.
WM Allyan Lang Lopes
if you haven’t done your reservation for the Prime Rib Dinner this upcoming Monday, please do so. The dinner including the lecture is $30/person. So we have enough for everybody and not too much or not enough.
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, Happy New Year.
According to the Newspaper Citizen, Southington Community Services is running low on food. I think it's a great time for us to run a food drive to help them. So check your pantry and bring whatever you'd like to donate tomorrow and any other nights we meet, including the installation.
See you all tomorrow!
WM Allyan Lopes
My Brothers,
I hope you have a safe and healthy Christmas with the people you love, which are your family, brothers and friends.
A Merry Christmas to all and a Happy new Year from the East!
WM Allyan Lopes
My Brothers
Please find attached the minutes of the last special communication.
My Brothers,
this message/email is to remind you that we have Blue Lodge Council tonight in Collinsville - Village Lodge #29 at 123 River rd, Collinsville, CT 06019.
some Brothers will meet at the lodge at 5:30 to carpool.
Dinner at 6:30
Meeting at 7:30
We need to bring the most brothers we can so we can bring our Traveling Gavel back home. We will need everyone, from the youngest Entered Apprentice to our Honoured Past Masters.
Can i count with you one more time ?
If so please shoot me a text so i can have a headcount. 860-890-3046
Thanks in Advance!
Let's bring our Gavel home!!!
My Brothers.
Thanksgiving is more than the festivities, it gives us time to ponder upon what lessons we learnt and how we can spread happiness around, to look back at all the great memories and good people who came into our lives. I appreciate you so much. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your loved ones.
From The East!
WM Allyan Lopes
My Brothers
Please find attached the minutes of the last special communication.
My Brothers,
Here is the Menu for dinner tonight.
We are having Toss Salad and Chicken Parmegian from JD's.
Hope to see you all there!
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, this Monday, 10/24, we will have a MM Degree meeting and rehearsal. Please, study your parts . Brothers from Newington are also coming over! The meeting / rehearsal will be at our lodge at 6:30pm
Brothers all!
Next Saturday, October 22nd at 1pm, we will be having an Apple Harvest Celebration at the Worshipful Master's House. I will be grilling some specialty meats, Brazilian style barbecue.
We will be providing sodas, water, white rice, baked beans, macaroni salad, vinaigrette, farofa, meats , hamburgers and hotdogs.
I encourage the brothers to bring a side dish, or appetizers or deserts. Whatever you feel more comfortable making/bringing.
Feel free to include your family. Kids are welcome. We will do s'more's for the kids .
Don't forget to bring your own lawn chair and your own beverage.
In case of rain Saturday, we will do on Sunday 23rd.
My Address is 871 Woodruff Street, Southington, CT 06489
Please let me know asap if you can make it so I can plan accordingly.
Hope to see you all here!
Attached are the minutes of the last stated communication to keep you up to date.
Apple Harvest is over and we did well, with the exception that we could have used
more help. Also a reminder that the fellowcraft degree will be a ver speical one.
On Saturdat OCtober 29th the Scottish Rite colonial Degree Team will be presenting the
degree. pit it on your calendars.
Brothers, Don’t forget we have Blue Lodge council meeting tonight. Let’s once again, KEEP OUR GAVEL! Hope to see you all there!
Thank you for your endless support!
The Apple Harvest Parade is this Sunday, October 2nd. We are meeting at the lodge at 12pm and then heading over to Rudy's house, which is right up the road from where the parade starts.
If you're planning to March, and I hope you are, please wear your tuxedo or suit and meet us there. Avoid tardiness because the roads will be blocked I believe around 1pm. Hope to see you there!
WM Allyan L Lopes
Brothers of Friendship #33
Attached are the minutes of the Last stat3d communication.
Note that our next meeting will be September 19th, we will be doing the Entered Apprentice degree. Also Apple harvest
is comming up fast. Empanata making will start Sunday Septermber 18th at 3:00 Pm. We will be doing the Apple Empanata
first. We heed helop for a fe hours to get these done. We will be setting up the tent the week of September 26th, more to follow.
My Brothers
The Summber is over a nd we are back in session this Monday Sept 6th. Dress is casula come as
you are. Lodge ope nat 7:30 PM. the trestleboard and MAsters message is attached.. Hope to see you tomorrow night.
My Brothers!
Summer is almost over and that means it’s time to go back to our regular activities in Masonry. Some of our Brothers have worked really hard throughout the Summer in order to have our Lodge ready for our regular meetings and I am thrilled to say that our Lodge looks even more beautiful than already was. Of course, we still have some work to do but the floor and walls are ready, and I want to take advantage of this opportunity to invite you to our first meeting this Monday, on Labor Day for a night of Fellowship, knowledge and fun, as we will be playing Masonic Jeopardy, and then you can see for yourself how great our lodge looks.
Can’t wait to see you all there!
Dress code - Casual
Dinner @ 6:30pm
Lodge @ 7:30pm
WM Allyan L Lopes
Brothers all,
Our Brother Ede Santos Will be traveling to Brazil to take care of some health issues with his family there. He plans to come back around December or next year, if everything goes as planned.
Therefore, Brother David Edman contacted me stating that he wishes to have a beer with him before he leaves and some other brothers may be interested in joining us.
So we will be meeting this Friday at 6:30pm at Jds Restaurant in Southington for some drinks, food, laughs and a good time.
Hope to see you there, Brothers!
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, don't forget our Lodge picnic this Saturday 1 PM at Brother Dennis and Judy Zuffelato's, 35 Heritage Dr in Kensington. Bring your swimsuit and appetite. Brothers and family are cordially welcome.... so are candidates and of course children and most particularly grand children!
OK< Fireplace will have to wait, like many others - closed on Mondays! Opps!;-( Tonight we'll join any crazy golfers at the Back Nine at Southington Country Club on Savage St. Be aware driving there, ZSavage is being prep'd for paving so lots of 'raised structures' - drive carefully (especially leaving).
WB Allyan and SW Mike
Sorry for short notice, but summer is in full swing along with several projects, need a night of relaxation to stay connected - join us this Monday at Fireside on Main in Plantsville (across from Dean's Stove&Spa) and opposite corner from our reported first meeting location. We'll be there from 6:30-on for food, libations and good company and discussions, hope you can join us, otherwise see you at the end of the month picnic.
Peace and Love (per Ringo ;-):
SW Mike and WM Allyan
WM Allyan and SW MIke
*Apologies for my tardiness on getting this out. I thought i had sent this already. Truly sorry but better late than never.
Next Monday, June 6th, we will be having our traditional Awards Night followed by the program Marty and Max. If you haven't seen it yet, here's your chance. And if you have already, it's a great opportunity to watch it again and refresh your memory about how important you are for the craft. Join us for this great event.
Dinner 6:30
Lodge 7:30
Thanks in Advance
WM Allyan Lopes
Brothers, we were asked to March with Sequin Level Lodge 140 in Newington and with Unity Lodge 148 in New Britain . The details are as follows:
Newington Parade - meeting at Sequin Level lodge Saturday at 9:00am May 28th. Parade starts at 10am
New Britain Parade - meeting at Unity Lodge 140 at 4:45pm Monday May 30th. Parade starts at 6pm
Both Parades are about 2 miles long.
Let me know if you can March on any of them or both. I'll be marching on both. Let me know asap so I can have a headcount. Officers in tuxedos wearing aprons and jewels. Non officers wearing jacket and tie and aprons.
See you there !
Brothers, great job on the MM degree last night. We raised two brothers from our lodge and one from Sequin-Level Lodge 140.
The hard work and dedication really paid off. That was remarkable, and for sure we caused a good impression on the new brothers, and also on the visiting brethren. Can’t wait to do it again in the Fall, when we will have it in our lodge. Thanks everyone! I’m really proud of what we achieved !
Thank you!
Attached are the minutes of the last stated communication for you information. The next meeting is
this comming Monday, May 16th. Thre will be a presentation by Carl Anderson of Masionicare. A reminder.
The MM degree has been rescheduled as a dual degree with Sequin Level #140 on Thursday May 19th
at the Sequin Level #140 lodge. Dinner at 6:30 PM Lodge at 7:30 PM.
Don't forget the Easter Bunny breakfast see attached
Happy Birthday to Our Brothers
Dennis Zuffelato - 04/01
Kristopher O Scory - 04/01
Roy M Duff - 04/02
Ronald J Case - 04/06
James L Bernadt - 04/13
Clifford A Burnett - 04/15
Vasilios Tiniakos - 04/15
Dominic Mark Gionfriddo - 04/23
Omar Pichette - 04/23
Patrick J Caron - 04/23
Matthew James Mangiacopra - 04/26
Enjoy your day, Brothers !!!
Tonight, 04/12/22, I will be heading to Village Lodge 29 in Collinsville to support our Brothers Gary Arseneau, Larry Baker and Rob Buntin and also to enjoy a night of Friendship and Brotherly Love. If you would like to join me you are more than welcome to.
I hope we can bring a good number of Brothers to this event and by visiting other lodges we are also encouraging them to do the same.
See you there!
Allyan Lopes - Worshipful Master
My Brothers
The Trestleboard for the next three Months. Looks like a busy time
Saturday April 16th, at 8:00AM at Friendship Lodge 33 in Southington CT we will be having Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg Hunting. kids will be coloring, doing crafts while having an awesome breakfast and family fun time with the Easter Bunny. Bring your kids, grandkids and their friends.
Breakfast will consist of Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrown, coffee, water and juice.
All that for only $10.00
kids under 12 eat free
Happy Birthday
WB Roy M Duff - 04/02
Enjoy your day, Brother!!!
From the East
Happy Birthday to our Brothers
WB David Radcliffe Edman - 03/26
Bro. Daniel D Bullock - 03/30
WB Dennis C Zuffelato - 04/01
Bro. Kristopher O Scory - 04/01
Enjoy your day, Brothers!!!
From the East!!!
My Brothers, tonight we will be initiating two candidates into Masonry. The candidates are Ede Santos e Alexander Jones. Alexander is only 18 years old and according to him this has been his goal for when he turned 18. Ede said he had the desire of joining masonry for quite a long time and now the time is here.
and I am just grateful for the privilege to be the one conferring the degree and making them Masons on the Equinox Day. Perfect day for a EA Degree, don't you think ?
Join us tonight and assist me in bringing these two friends into light in masonry.
Dinner is at 6:30pm, lodge at 7:30pm
Hope to see you there!
WM Allyan L Lopes
Brothers, tonight we will receive dignitaries in our lodge to present WB Vasilios Tiniakos with the Master’s Achievement Award. Wives are welcomed to attend.Dinner is at 6:30pm, Lodge at 7:30pm . Hope to see you all there!
Brothers, don't forget! Lodge for Instruction tonight at 7pm.
A continued discussion about Brother Angel Millar's lecture and his book.
Also, Lodge for Relaxation right after. See you there! Have a great day!
My Brothers
Monday March 24th WB Tom Accousti will be presenting "Pythagoras, the Mans, The Myth the Ledgend" 7:00PM
Local Brothers:
This is a personal appeal to roll up ypour sleeve and give the gift of life. I would normally lead by example here, but unfortunately I can't. Here's my story:
Back in my college days, I had a couple of good friends that would always go and donate when a blood drive came to campus. They insisted it was so they could go out for beers afterward and get a good buzz on. It wasn't until I was in my corporate work career that I finally got the courage to give it a try after lerarning that father-in-law was a 10 gallon donor. Fast forward a couple decades and I'm at ESPN lying on a cot next to the legendary Bob Ley, pretty cool, we're blood-brothers. Around that time the Red Cross started giving out free dunkin coffee coupons as an additional incentive to the standard snacks and sandwichs you get aftyer donating. I made it up to 8 gallons donated in 2011 and the following year suffered (and mostly recovered from) a major stroke. LIke at leasy 1 other lodge brother I know of, I'm on blood-thinners and no longer able to donate. If you can, I highly encourage it, remember the life you save may be your own, you never know when you'll need a pint (of blood that is!).
Brother MIke
1- What is the reason that you keep going to Blue Lodge meetings ?
2- What is the reason you NO longer go to Blue Lodge meetings ?
Thanks in advance for all that participated !!!
WM Allyan Lang Lopes