Doric Lodge No. 568 Stated Communication   on 03/03/2025
Doric Lodge No. 568 Stated Communication   on 03/03/2025
Lecture Service  on 03/01/2025
Doric Lodge No. 568 Stated Communication **Cancelled**  on 02/20/2025
Doric Lodge No. 568 Stated Communication   on 02/06/2025
Doric Lodge No. 568 Stated Communication   on 01/15/2025
Doric Lodge No. 568 Stated Communication   on 12/30/2024
Doric Lodge No. 568 Blood Drive   on 12/17/2024


Bro. Chris Clark

Senior Warden, Doric Lodge No 568

Doric Lodge No. 568 Stated Communication   on 12/17/2024
Doric Lodge No. 568 Stated Communication   on 12/05/2024
Doric Lodge No. 568 Stated Communication   on 11/21/2024
Stated Communication November 7th 2024  on 11/07/2024
Hurricane Helene Relief  on 10/04/2024
Left Your First Love  on 08/29/2024
Rescheduled Master Mason Degree  on 08/17/2024
Master Mason's Degree Reminder  on 08/01/2024
Master Mason Degree  on 07/22/2024
Third Degree Practice  on 07/09/2024
New Masonic Last Rite Time  on 06/30/2024
Updated Masonic Rites Information  on 06/29/2024
Masonic Rites  on 06/29/2024
Modified Ritual Instruction Program Date Change  on 05/07/2024

Good Day Brethren,

Due to the date previously scheduled for the MRIP for Doric Lodge being on Memorial Day weekend, the date has been changed. The new date for this required period of instruction for Doric Lodge will be June 8, at 8:00 A.M. There will be coffee and doughnuts served starting at 7:30 A.M.

Looking forward to your attendance at this most useful time of Fellowship and learning.


Wayne Lytton

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Modified Ritual Instruction Program  on 04/29/2024

Good Day Brethren,

Doric Lodge will be having the Modified Ritual Instruction Program, May 25 starting at 8:00. Doughnuts and coffee will be served at 7:30. This is the annual instruction program required by the Grand Lodge for each Lodge in the State, it's a version of the School of instruction. Why the new name? This school not only covers some required instruction from the OSW but allows each Lodge to modify the instruction to meet whatever current needs a lodge may have. The requirements are as follows, at least 7 member of the Lodge must be present 5 of which need to be current officers.  Your attendance is earnestly requested ;especially if you haven't been a part of this program in a long time. It's a great time of learning and Fellowship among the Brethren.


Wayne Lytton

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Updated Information  on 04/17/2024

Good day Brethren,

I was informed yesterday afternoon by the DDGM , that due to circumstances beyond his control ,the Official Visit scheduled for this Thursday at Doric is going to be canceled. The visit will be rescheduled for mid may.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric#568DDGL 7th District

Stated Communication  on 04/16/2024

Good Day Brethren,

Just a reminder that this Thursday the Lodge will be receiving the DDGM and DDGL for their annual Official Visit. Please come out and support your Lodge.


Wayne Lytton 


Doric #568

Eastern Star Officer Installation  on 04/12/2024

Good Day Brethren,

Brother Warren Taylor has asked me to post the following invitation

Fraternally ,

Wayne Lytton

DDGL 7th District


Fellowcraft Degree  on 03/16/2024

Good Day Brethren,

Doric Lodge will be conferring the Second Degree for two Brothers on Mar 25 at 7:00 PM. A meal is not planed at this time. Please come out and support these two Brothers as they take the next step toward the East.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric #568

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Obit for Linda Foster  on 02/22/2024

Good Evening Brethren,

The obituary for Linda Foster, wife of Brother Jim Foster can now be viewed at Cotten Funeral


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric Lodge #568

Passing of a Brother's Wife  on 02/22/2024


I have just been informed of the death of Brother Jim Foster's wife Linda. At this time there is no information on any arrangements, those to follow.

Let's all lift up our Brother in prayer during this time of need.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric Lodge#568

Zion Lodge 200th Anniversary Celebration  on 02/10/2024

Good Evening Brethren,

I know this is rather late but I have been asked to remind everyone, that today is the last chance to RSVP Zion Lodge if you plan to attend the Cleebration of Zion Lodge 200th Anniversary on Feb 24 at 6:00pm. There will be a $10.00 charge for a steak dinner with the trimmings. Please contact Brother Bobby Meadows at 212-626 2170 to reserve your seat for this Landmark Event.

Fraternally ,

Wayne Lytton Treasurer Doric#569

DDGL 7th Masonic District.

Entered Apprentice Degree  on 01/20/2024


Doric Lodge #568 will be Conferring the Entered Apprentice Degree on two Candidates this Thursday Jan 25 starting at 7:00pm. A meal will be served starting a 6:15pm., at the York Rite building in New Bern,N.C.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric Lodge#568

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Fellowcraft Degree  on 12/09/2023


Doric Lodge will be Conferring the Second Degree for two Brothers Dec 14th at 7:00pm with a meal starting at 6:00pm. The Master for this Degree will be Past Master C.D.Piner with special guest Brother Buddy Williams serving as Senior Deacon. The meal will be Jambalaya. Please come and support these two Brothers as they continue their journey Eastward.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric Lodge #568

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Election of Officers  on 12/07/2023

Good Day Brethren,

This evening Doric #568 will be having election of officers for the upcoming year.This is a chance to have your voice heard in this most important decision for the Lodge. Hope to see you at 7:00pm


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric#568

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Happy Birthday  on 11/10/2023

Good Day,

Happy Birthday to everyone having birthdays this month.

Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric Lodge #568

First Degree   on 11/09/2023


Just a reminder that Doric Lodge#568 will be conferring the First Degree for one candiate this evening. A meal will be served at 6:00 and the Degree will be confered starting at 7:00. The starting time has been changed to 7:00 to allow more time for the meal and Fellowship among the Brethren.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric#568

DDGL 7th Masonic District


Entered Apprentice Degree  on 11/03/2023


Doric Lodge#568 will be conferring the First Degree for one candidate Nov 9 starting at 6:30pm. A meal will be served starting at 6:00pm. Please join us in supporting this soon to be Brother as he takes the first step in Masonry.

See you there,

Wayne Lytton

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Wreath Across America  on 10/23/2023

Good Day Brethren,

I wanted to inform everyone that the Lodge will be supplying 10 Wreathes to be placed on the graves of our Fallen Veteran's at the New Bern National Cemetery as part of the Wreaths Across America event to be held Dec 16,2023. This action was approved at our last Stated Communication.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric Lodge#568

DDGL 7th Masonic District.

Brother Raymond Littleton Services  on 10/06/2023
Good Day Brethren.
Brother Raymond Littleton has laid down the Working Tools of Life. This Tuesday evening Oct 10 from 6:00-7:00 pm visitation will be at Cotten Funeral Home. Fire Department Honors and Masonic Rites will follow immediately after visitation.
Fraternally ,
Wayne Lytton
Treasurer Doric#568
7th District DDGL
Rita Piner Memorial Service  on 08/22/2023

Good Day Brethren,

I have been asked to post information about Rita Piner's Memorial Service. Rita was the wife of Past Master C.D. Piner a long time member of Doric Lodge.

The service will be held at Cotten Funeral Home at 11:00 A.M. Sat Aug 26.

Visitation to follow the Service.


Wayne Lytton Treasurer Doric Lodge

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Movie Night  on 07/10/2023

Good Day Brethren,

This Friday night July 15 at the York Rite building in New Bern, Movie Night, will be starting at 6 p.m.for dinner consisting of all you can eat Hot Dogs and Hamburgers. Then at aprox. 7:00 the Movie entitled The Last Ride will be commence. Popcorn will be provided during the movie. The cost of admission and dinner is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children 12 and under. Come and have a good time with the family .


Wayne Lytton

DDGL 7th Masonic District


Gavel Presentation  on 06/02/2023

Good Day Brethren,

Brother Gene Jenkins crafted this Gavel ,which contains wood from an Ash tree planted by George Washington at Mt. Vernon,and presented it to Doric Lodge at the June stated Communication.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric Lodge#568

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Summer Schedule  on 05/30/2023

Good Day Brethren,

I just wanted to take this time to let you know that starting with this Thursday's Stated Communication Doric Lodge will be in the summer mode of just meeting the first Thursday of the month until September when the regular schedule will be resumed.

Fraternally Yours,

Wayne Lytton Treasurer

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Dinner before Stated  on 05/18/2023

Good Day Brethren,

The Master wanted me to inform everyone that the dinner this evening at 6:00 pm will be BBQ Chicken with the trimmings. Come out and enjoy a good meal and Fellowiship before the evening's Stated Communication.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric Lodge#568

Grand View  on 04/28/2023

Good Day Brethren,

Just a reminder that you can register for your own account for Grand View by going to, then follow the prompts. This will allow you to real time change your personal information in the database and access other information about your Lodge. Currently Doric only has 12% sign up rate, it wiould be nice to increase that rate.


Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric Lodge#568

DDGL 7th Masonic District

York Rite Movie Night  on 04/13/2023

Good Day Brethren,

Brother Warren Taylor has asked me to send out a reminder of York Rite Movie Night this Sat . Dinner at 6:00 and the movie"Ticket to Paradise" to start around 7:00


Wayne Lytton

Email address change  on 04/12/2023

Good Afternoon Brethren,

I wanted to let you know that because of recent developments I have had to change my email address to If you have need of getting in touch with me use that address.

Thanks You,

Wayne Lytton

DDGL 7th Masonic District

MRIP Instruction  on 04/03/2023

Good Day Brethren,

Just a reminder of the Modified Ritual Instruction Program Class this Sat at 8:00am at the York Rite Building .Doric is required to have 7 members minium 5 of which has to be current Officers of the Lodge. It would be nice to have more members than 7 come to the class. Bern Lodge and Zion Lodge will also be attending with Doric. We will be going over a lot of what is written in the red portion of the OSW , so if you ever wanted to know what all that red says bring your OSW and we will review. This is a great time to have those questions answered of the how and why we do the things we do in the Rituals. There will be coffee and doughnuts starting at 7:30. Please make every effort to attend.


Wayne Lytton DDGL 7th Masonic District

Newport Pig Cooking Contest Fund Raising Event for the Lodge  on 03/23/2023

Good Day Brethren,

Doric Lodge for a fund raiser has partnered with the New Port Pig Cooking Contest and Festival to be held in Newport,NC on April 1. Our part in this great event is to mainly help on the serving line or other assignments as need. The normal blocks of time are in 2 hour increments. This is a great time to show our Community spirit, engage with our fellow brethren, and enjoy some great food and entertainment. Last year this event brought into the Lodge $1,000, which was donated equally between Whitestone and the Oxford Childrens home. If you can serve on this day please contact Brother Warren Taylor at 252-671-1717 to volunteer or for information.

Thanking you in advance,

Wayne Lytton

Treasurer Doric #568

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Online Dues Payments  on 03/18/2023

Good Day Brethren,

The new Grandview system is the program which you will use if you desire to make your Dues payments online. The beauty of this system is you have the option of paying your Dues all at once,Quartely, or monthly. To set up your Grandview account use the web address and follow the directions to set up your account. The Grand Lodge has been able to remove the charges associated with the old MORI method for online dues payments making it more streamlined for the user and the Lodge. Of course if you don't wish to use this online option the standard, check and cash methods can be used as in the past.

Fraternally Yours,

Wayne Lytton

Treasure Doric Lodge #568

DDGL 7th Masonic District

MRIP School of Instruction  on 03/17/2023

Good Day Brethren,

On April 8 Doric Lodge will be conducting the Modified Ritual Instruction Program required by the Grand Lodge.Joining the Doric Lodge will be Bern Lodge and Zion Lodge. There will be coffee and doughnuts at 7:30 with the School starting at 8:00. This is not a Tiled Lodge ;therefore those of you who have OSWs are highly encouraged to bring them with you.This will be a great time of learning and fellowship among the brethren.


Wayne Lytton

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Third Degree Reminder  on 03/08/2023

Good Day Brethren,Just wanted to send a quick reminder about the Past Masters Master Mason Degree this Sat. Mar 11 at Cherry Point Lodge #688 in Havelock. Breakfast at 8:00am The Lodge will be tiled at 9:00am

See you There,

Wayne Lytton


DDGL 7th Masonic District

Past Masters Master Mason Degree at Cherry Point Lodge  on 03/02/2023

Good Day Brethren,

This is to notify each of you of a Past Masters Third Degree to held at Cherry Point Lodge on Mar 11. Breakfast at 8:00 AM with the Degree starting at 9:00pm. Just for information this Degree will have 4 Certified Lecturers, and several Past DDGM's and DDGL's,including the current DDGM and DDGL. Should you plan on attending please let me or Cherry Point know so they can have a close headcount so to be better prepared for the Breakfast Meal.


Wayne Lytton

DDGL 7th Masonic District

Upcoming Events
  • MAR
    Doric 568 Stated Meeting
    7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    2100 S. Glenburnie Ave., New Bern, NC
  • MAR
    Doric Lodge No. 568 Blood Drive
    1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    2100 S. Glenburnie Ave., New Bern, NC