Congratulations to your newest Master Masons!!!

Minutes from 18February 2025 Stated Communication  on 03/04/2025
Upcoming Meetings, Degree Work, and Grand Lodge Annual Meeting  on 03/02/2025
Trestle Board/Upcoming Events  on 02/22/2025
Name tags  on 02/19/2025
Upcoming meeting and degree  on 02/15/2025
Minutes from 4 February 2025 Stated Communication  on 02/06/2025

2-4-2025 Minutes .pdf

Rehearsal  on 02/01/2025
Upcoming degree and trivia night  on 01/29/2025
Upcoming Events and meeting  on 01/16/2025
Upcoming FC Degree, Rehearsal, and Kitchen Cleaning  on 01/11/2025
Correction from last email  on 01/01/2025
Happy New Year & Agenda for next meeting  on 01/01/2025
Merry Christmas, Upcoming Events, and a Call for Community Engagement  on 12/23/2024
Test email  on 12/20/2024
Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival (MOAF)  on 08/08/2024
The Approaching Entered Apprentice Degree and MOAF  on 08/05/2024
Coastal Masonic Lodge Scheduling Calendar - Update and correction  on 03/05/2024
Update:  Corrected link below to public web browser URL for viewing the calendar.  If you have a Google account you could access with the prior link, but be advised, any additions you may have tried to make would only appear on your combined personal / lodge calendar i.e. new events would only be in personal calendar unless you have the coastal calendar admin privilages.
Also, ther font was updated to make the message more readable on mobile devices, sorry, this is as large and clear as this sytem allows!
Dear Brethren,
The Temple Corporation of the Coastal Masonic Temple are implementing an “on-line” Calendar to maintain scheduling of the lodge building to help simplify and make more available the building schedule.
This is a Google Calendar and can be accessed for public viewing at:
Regularly scheduled events and other events that have been recorded on the lodge wall calendar have been entered, if any errors or omissions are noted please inform a Temple Officer.
To add or change an event, you can call or e-mail any Temple Officer (Primary contacts annotated below) or send a message our new lodge e-mail address which is:
 Temple Officers and contacts for the Calendar are:
RW Bro. Phillip Rathbun - Temple Secretary   (860) 912-2485‬  Primary
WB Paul Johnson - Temple Tresurer   (321) 223-0915  Primary
Bro. Michael Lawless - Temple President   ‭(401) 742-5383‬
WB Clifton Brann - Lodge Master  (860) 617-2525‬
Bro. Dante Pezzolesi - Lodge SW  (860) 460-0578‬
WB Andrew Pedro - Lodge JW  (860) 222-1716‬
RW Bro. George McPherson  ‭(860) 823-9290‬
WB Jim Chianese  (860) 910-8082‬
WB John Piper  ‭(401) 741-7927‬
Bro. Wayne LaBarre  (860) 367-7734‬
Bro. Joel Fuller  ‭(860) 460-6823‬
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Coastal Masonic Lodge Temple Corporation
March Trestleboard and upcoming events  on 03/03/2024

Greetings Bretheren!

     Here is the trestleboard for March into April. I hope it finds you well, and spring just around the corner. 

For March I have planned 2 regular bsuiness meetings, with the same for April, with a Master Mason degree in May. 

However, if we need to do an Entered Apprentice Degree in the intervening time I will make it known as soon as practically possible.  We have had some interest come though the Grand Lodge website in the last week. 

Please see that attached trestleboard, and let me know if you have any questions. 


         WB Clifton Brann

Work party for 1/27/2024 10AM to 12Noon  on 01/24/2024

Hello Brethren!

At the Temple Corp meeting last night we discussed upcoming projects and building improvements. The next buiding improvement the Temple will will be making is insulating the attic and walls of the building. 

To make that happen, the attic needs to be cleared of whatever matieal would be in the way of the insulating crew. 

To that end, there is a work party scheduled to clear the attic on Saturday January 27 2024 at 10AM to about 12 noon or until finished. 

Please come out and support your Lodge and TempleCorp Saturday !



Clifton Brann, WM Coatal #57

Stated meeting for January 16, 2024 is cancelled  on 01/16/2024

My Brothers, 


Due to the inclement weather, the stated meeting sceduled for tody January 16, has been cancelled. 

Please stay safe today!

Clifton Brann, Worshipful Master Coastal #57

January Trestleboard  on 01/14/2024

Hello Bretheren!

I am posting up the Trestleboard for January and beyond. 

Please read it and feel free to contact me with questions or ideas about whats on it. 

I am looking forward to a great year!


Clifton Brann

Worshipful Master Coastal #57

Public Installation of Officers for 2024  on 01/09/2024


Coastal Lodge #57 AF&AM will be holding its Installation of Officers for 2024 on Saturday January 13 at 1300 EST.

Dinner and refreshments to immediately follow.

Please help us welcome our new Master WB Clifton Brann to the East!

This is open to all Masons (MM / FC / EA's), their families and significant others.

Warmest Regards,

WB Paul Johnson


December Trestle Board  on 12/17/2023

Brothers all!

Seasons Greetings to all!

A reminder that our last Stated Meeting of 2023 is this coming Tuesday (19 December).  Dress code is Casual Christmas Sweater attire.  The dinner will be casual as well as we are having trays of meats, cheeses etc.  There may be some seasonal goodies as well, and if you are feeling the need to bring a goody of your own to share please do!

As 2023 comes to a close and as I prepared this last Trestle Board of my term as Master, I wanted to thank all the lodge officers and brothers who provided so much support to me this year.  I submited my Masters Report at the  Annual Meeting on Tuesday 5 December, I can send via email if anyone cares to read it that wasn’t present, just let me know.  In putting it together I felt it was a very busy year with many highlights and we had a good time doing it all!  I’m most happy to report that our lodge in healthy and vibrant and I am looking forward to supporting this lodge in the ensuing year and beyond with a new Master and officer suite.

The month of November was a busy month in which in addition to our regular two (2) Stated Communications, lodge brothers supported a ‘Veteran’s’ Fellowcraft Degree at Somerset-St. James on Wednesday 15 November where our own Bro. Tim DeVeau was passed to FC.  There was a Thanksgiving Breakfast held at the Niantic Lodge on 18 November, Pictures with Santa & Toys for Tot’s at Somerset-St. James on 25 November and Blue Lodge Council on 27 November.

As we are in the holiday season of 2023 I hope this message finds all our brothers, families and friends in good health, spirits and at peace and I wish all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza and other December holiday's that are celebrated .  For those that are facing hard times in health or other life situations, please know that your lodge brothers are there for you and will help in any way we can, please reach out to any brother, the Master, Secretary or Almoner to whom you feel comfortable.

WB Paul Johnson

Annual Meeting and Memorial Service  on 12/05/2023


A reminder that our Coastal Lodge Annual Meeting is this evening (5 Dec), dinner 6:30 PM / lodge open 7:30 PM.

We will be holding a Masonic Funeral Service for Brother Louis (Skip) Thavenet at the Buckler-Johnston Funeral Home, 121 Main Street, Westerly, RI on Wednesday 6 December at 5 PM.  Dark Suit, no Tuxedo and if you have an Apron please bring it along.

All Mason's (EA, FC and MM) are welcome at all.


WB Paul


Lodge Upcoming Activities  on 11/26/2023

Greetings Brothers All!

I hope this e-mail finds you well and with belly's full of Thanksgiving treats and hearts full with Thanksgiving fellowship and love.

This week on Monday evening we have District 8 Blue Lodge Council Meeting at Oxoboxo Lodge, this is Chili cookoff night so if you care to make a pot of your favorite Chili, bring it along!  Dinner is at 6PM and the meeting starts at 7PM.  All are welcome (EA and up!).  See what this meeting is about and provide input or just be aware of upcoming activities around the district!

Tuesday evening we will have lodge degree work/mentoring for those that want to show up at 6PM.  We then have the "Temple Corp" meeting at 7PM.  Again all are welcome to come see and provide input on building maintenance and plans for the future.

Tuesday Dec 5 will be our Lodge Annual Meeting.  Dinner at 6:30P, Meeting at 7:30P.  Come hear annual reports and engage in voting for the next calendar year.  Again, all are welcome (EA's and upI)!


WB Paul



This Weeks Activities  on 11/13/2023

My Brothers,

Tomorrow evening any who want to fraternalize, practice proficiency or degree work are welcome to come to the lodge at 6:00 PM  - ?.

Also, Wednesday November 15 there will be a Fellowcraft Degree at Somerset-St. James Lodge in Preston conducted by District Veterens with a POW/MIA Table.  All FC and MM are welcome.  Dinner 6 PM and Degree at 7:30 PM.

Blessings my brothers.

WB Paul


Stated Communication of Tuesday November 7 Recap  on 11/08/2023

Brothers All,

What an unexpected great evening we had at our Stated Communication last night!  I'm not sure where to begin.

There was a great turnout for dinner which included three prospective inquiries, one of which submitted his Petition for Membership and the other two took Petitions with them.

We had visitors from the State of Rhode Island to include RW Ray Geer (RI Grand Historian) who brought with him a historical 30 Star United States Flag which is being transferred from Franklin Lodge in Westerly to the Grand Lodge of RI.  We did the Pledge of Allegiance to this flag.  Thank you RW Ray!  Also visiting from Bristol, RI St. Albans Lodge #6 but originally from Liberty & Union Lodge and The Grand Lodge of Minas Gerais Brazil we had RW and PM Renato Ramos.  He was a very congenial brother and showed his excitement at attending our lodge last evening!  He was properly introduced presented a Coastal Lodge pin and we hope to see him again.

We also had a few of our new EA’s in attendance, one of which (Mr. Timothy DeVeau) will attend and be passed to the degre of a Fellowcraft at the Veteren’s FC Degree next Wednesday at Somerset-St. James Lodge as he was able to satisfactorily perform his EA proficiency with both me and his lodge mentor.  If you are able to come next Wednesday please do so to support our brother and witness a great FC degree I’m sure!

Additionally we had several visitors from other District 8 lodges which is always much appreciated.

WB Fred Driscoll (who also sat in as JD) provided a great Masonic Education on Masonic Etiquette, which from the youngest EA in the Northeast to the WM who presides in the East is worthwhile to hear from time to time.  Thanks to WB Fred for that lecture.

Additionally, Brother Lee Kusterer from Union Lodge told a nice (true) story with the theme of the approaching holiday season and expounding what our Masonic values are about how one good deed can lead to others and potentially affect generations to come.  

Good fellowship followed the meeting.

Next Stated Communication is Nov 21 (Thanksgiving week).  Brother SW Cliff Brann will be in the East in my stead as I will be traveling to see family for that holiday week.  I’m confident it will also be a great meeting.

Stay safe brothers and I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!


WB Paul


Lodge Meeting Reminder and Trestle Board for November  on 11/06/2023

Greetings Brothers!

A friendly reminder that we have a regular Stated Communication tomorrow evening (Tuesday November 7), Dinner 6:30 PM / Meeting 7:30 PM.

As we enter the holiday season of 2023 I hope this message finds all our brothers, families and friends in good health, spirits and at peace.  For those that are facing hard times in health or other life situations, please know that your lodge brothers are there for you and will help in any way we can, please reach out to any brother, the Master, Secretary or Almoner to whom you feel comfortable.

As I had previously mentioned, we had a fantastic degree on Tuesday October 17 where we initiated three new brothers into the craft with over thirty brothers in attendance.  The floorwork and lectures were impeccable (as usual for Coastal!).

In addition to our regular lodge meetings for November, the following is a list of activities happening around the district in November (see Trestle on next page).  Also remember our annual meeting will take place the first meeting in December.

Nov 15 – Veteren’s Fellowcraft Degree & POW/MIA Table ceremony, Somerset St. James, 

Nov 18 -  District 8 Thanksgiving Breakfast, Brainard Lodge 9 – 11 AM (setup at 7 AM)

Nov 25 – Pictures with Santa & Toys for Tots, Somerset-St. James Lodge

Nov 27 – Blue Lodge Council, Oxoboxo Lodge #116

Again, If anyone knows of any brothers or families in distress, please contact the Lodge Almoner, Bro. Michael Brinson ((860) 949-9285);, the lodge secretary (RW Phil Rathbun) or the Lodge Master (WB Paul Johnson).

Stay safe my brothers and  I am looking forward to seeing many of you soon!


WB Paul Johnson


Lodge Picnic (Sunday 10/29) Canceled  on 10/25/2023

Brothers All,

(If you have not received emails through this Grand Lodge Grandview system prior to this, the distribution lists were just updated.  If you wish to be removed, please advise.)

We will once again be canceling the Family Picnic scheduled for this Sunday (10/29) due to low response as well as several brother officers now unable to attend.

I sincerely apologize and hopefully we will be able to coordinate a great family picnic for early next summer.


WB Paul


Lodge Activities This Week  on 10/23/2023


Tuesday October 24 – Lodge Mentoring/Degree Work 6:00 PM, Temple Corp Meeting 7:00 PM (all are welcome).  For new lodge members, the Temple Corporation are the lodge "trustees" responsible for the Temple property.  All lodge members are part of the "Temple" and are welcome to come listen, provide input and become engaged.  The three promary lodge officers and 6 elected members have voting rights according to the by-laws.  So come and see what it is about! This week we will be reviewing lodge improvements that have been done this calendar year and what yet there is to do for the remainder of this year and into the next!

Sunday October 29 – Coastal Lodge Family Picnic @ Coastal Lodge 2:00 PM ~ 5:00PM (Please RSVP to WB Paul Johnson ( , 321-223-0915 (call or text)) by end of day Wednesday October 25.

Thanks and have a nice Autumn week!

WB Paul



EA Degree and Trestle Board Updates & Reminders  on 10/18/2023

Brothers All!

What a spectacular EA Degree we had last evening (Tuesday October 17) where we initiated three new brothers and had over thirty (30) brothers in attendance!  Welcomed to the craft were Brothers Elias Baron, Alex Dozier and Jonathan Reed.  A hearty thank you to the Coastal Lodge Officers and visiting brothers who supported the degree and did an outstanding job with the floor work and lectures.  We had one traveling brother in attendance to observe his son being initiated, Worshipful Brother Ken Reed (PM) from Lebanon Lodge #345, Shackopee, MN pinned the EA pin on his son (Bro. Jonathan) and we also welcomed and provided him with a Coastal Lodge pin in hopes he will return for future visits and degrees.

As for updates and reminders regarding the Trestle Board:

October 21 – Grand Lodge Semi Annual Communication, Wallingford, CT (8:30AM - !2:00PM)

October 24 – Lodge Mentoring/Degree Work 6:00 PM, Temple Corp 7:00 PM (all are welcome)

October 29 – Coastal Lodge Family Picnic @ Coastal Lodge 2:00 PM ~ 5:00PM (Please RSVP to WB Paul Johnson ( , 321-223-0915 (call or text))

October 31 – No lodge gathering

November 4 – NEW ITEM, Veterens Turkey Dinner (Free) at Franklin Lodge #20, Westerly, RI (Please RSVP to WB Paul Johnson ( , 321-223-0915 (call or text))

November 7 – Lodge Dinner 6:30 PM, Stated Communication 7:30 PM

November 14 – Mentoring/Degree Work at Coastal Lodge 6:00 PM

November 18 – District 8 Thanksgiving Breakfast, Bayview Masonic Center 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Tickets available at District 8 Lodges, all are welcome


WB Paul Johnson


RSVP Requested - Coastal Lodge # 57 Family Picnic Sunday October 29  on 10/13/2023

Brothers and Families All,

Coastal lodge will be holding a family picnic with a Halloween Theme at the lodge on Sunday October 29 starting at 2 PM.  We will be cooking Hotdogs and Hamburgers and also providing standard beverages (water and assorted soft drinks) and chips.  We will have activities for children attending and maybe even something for the adults.

So that we know how much we need to obtain and to what level we need to have activities for children attending, we are requesting RSVP with numbers and ages of the children by Wednesday October 25.

You are also invited to bring a side dish or desert as well as beverage if there is something special you and your family like to drink (of a non-alcoholic nature).

Please RSVP to the Paul Johnson via text, call or email.

Thanks and hope to see many of you there!

WB Paul Johnson


October Trestle Board  on 10/02/2023

Brothers All,

September was quite a whirlwind month for the lodge starting with an EA Degree on the first meeting in September where we welcomed new Brothers Tim DeVeau and Fred Leonard.

The tempo will continue in October as we have three more candidates that we will make Mason’s at a ”Step Up” Degree on Oct. 17. After that we will then have six awaiting a FC Degree at a date TBD.

Unfortunately there were four memorial services (two which Coastal performed) in September and all were very well performed and appreciated by the families.

A Family Picnic is scheduled for Sunday Oct 29 (Halloween Theme), look for additional information on that very soon.

Trees behind the building that are a threat to the building integrity were removed. Stay tuned as the Temple decides on the next project to undertake!

Lastly, If anyone knows of any brothers or families in distress, please contact the Lodge Almoner, Bro. Michael Brinson ((860) 949-9285);, the lodge secretary (RW Phil Rathbun) or the Lodge Master (WB Paul Johnson).

Stay safe my brothers and I am looking forward to seeing many of you soon!

WB Paul Johnson


Blue Lodge Council Notes and Coastal Masonic Service's  on 09/26/2023

A Blue Lodge Council Meeting was held last evening (Monday September 25) at Brainard Lodge, a few items worthy of reporting.

October 2 - Oxoboxo EA Degree, Halloween attire

Octobner 7 - New Mason Mentoring Seminar, New Haven Masonic Temple, 285 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT (registration requsted)

October 14 - Grand Lodge EA Degree (Districts 8 & 9) Somerset St. James Lodge #34, 11AM Lodge open, 12PM Lunch during break then resume at 1PM.

November 18 - District 8 Thanksgiving Breakfast, Brainard Lodge, 9 - 11AM, setup starts at 7AM for those willing to help!

Next Blue Lodge Council Meeting November 27 at Oxoboxo #116

Coastal Masonic Service's update/reminders:

Bro. Robert Hartley (62 year Mason) Wednesday September 27, Mystic Funeral Home 51 Wiliams Ave Mystic , CT 06355, Calling hours are from 4pm-to 7pm and Masonic service will be at 6:30, gather at 6:00PM.  Dark suits (NO TUX).

Worshipful Bro. Ron Burke Memorial Service - Westerly Yacht Club, 1 Watch Hill Road, Westerly RI, Service 12:30 PM, gather 12PM. Dark suits (NO TUX).


WB Paul Johnson


This Weeks Schedule  on 09/24/2023


Heads up on activities happening this week.

Monday Sept 25 - Blue Lodge Council Meeting, Brainard Lodge Niantic, Dinner 6PM / Meeting 7PM, casual dress, ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND!  Meeting usually lasts about an hour.

Tuesday Sept 26 - NO Temple Corp Meerting, however, we plan on attending an EA Degree at Brainard Lodge in Niantic, any EA, FC or MM without a dues card may attend as several of us will be there to vouch for you, if anyone wants to carpool let me knmow and I will meet you at our lodge (or elsewhere).  Dinner 6:30/ Degree 7:30P.

Wednesday Sept 27 - There will be a Masonic Service in Mystic, details forthcoming.

Any questions please feel free to contact me.

WB Paul



Trestle Board Updates  on 09/19/2023

Brothers All,

There are a few important updates to the Trestle Board as a result of tonights meeting (19 Sep 2023).

Lodge Family Picnic -  changed from Saturday September 23 to Sunday October 29.  This will now be a Halloween Theme picnic.  Stay tuned as plans are formulated!

District 8 Blue Lodge Council - Location is Bayview Temple Niantic (Trestle listed Oxoboxo).  Dinner 6 PM, Meeting 7 PM.

Temple Corp September 26 - 6 PM vice 7 PM, will then travel to Brainard Lodge for EA Degree.

Stated Communication / EA Degree Tuesday October 3 - EA Step Up degree changed to Tuesday October 17.

Thats all for now,


WB Paul




Notice of Memorial Services  on 09/14/2023


It is with sadness that I I have to inform you of the passing of Brother John A. Birdsall, who entered that house not made with hands on September 7. A service for Brother John will be held on Saturday September 30, 2023 at 9:00am at the State Veterans Cemetery 317 Bow Lane Middletown, Ct with a celebration of life following at Bayview Lodge 32 Society Road Niantic CT.

Also, on Saturday September 30, Coastal Lodge will be holding a Masonic Service at 12:00 PM for WB Ron Burke at the Westerly Yacht Club, 1 Watch Hill Road, Westerly RI.  It had previously been communicated that this would be casual attire at the request of the widow, but due to Bro Birdsall's service the same day, we will now do Bro Burkes service in Dark Suits to accomadate brothers attending boith services that day.  ALSO, for WB Burkes service, masons and their wives are invited to stay and enjoy being in community with family and friends as well as refreshments.  For those that might stay, please RSVP to WB Paul Johnson or WB John Piper as soon as possible so we can give the family an estimate for their planning.

WB John Piper  ‭401-741-7927‬

WB Paul Johnson  321-223-0915


WB Paul

Trestle Board Updates  on 09/11/2023


A couple of updates to our Trestle Board for September.

RW Les King Memorial Service gathering is at 2:00 PM, service at 3:00 PM (was 2:30 and 3:30 respectively), Sunday September 24, Holiday Inn Norwich, 10 Laura Boulevard, Norwich, CT 

Lodge Family Picnic will be at Coastal Lodge, commence 11:30 AM on Saturday September 23.  Hamburgers / Hotdogs and fixins.  More info to follow.

Reminder that there will be  Memorial Service for WB Ron Burke (PM of Asylum Lodge #57) on September 30, 1 Watch Hill Road, Westerly RI (Khacki Slacks and Polo Shirt per Widow request) Service 12:00 PM, Mason's invited to stay for refreshments.

Also reminder, no lodge gathering on Tuesday evening September 12.

Tresle Board available in link inserted in e-mail.  If anyone has issues retrieving, I can send to your e-mail directly, just let me know!


WB Paul Johnson



Coastal Trestle Board for September 2023  on 09/01/2023

Brothers All,

Happy Fall (well almost) Everyone!

Looking forward to getting back to our more formal meetings for the fall (yes, back to our suits and tux’s) and will kickoff September with an EA Degree on Tuesday September 5!  You’ll see on the Trestle that we have an aggressive degreeschedule slated for this fall and hoping to end the year with a MM Degree on December 19!  We will work hard to keep that schedule so look for help needed along the way.

I say we had an excellent summer and a very well supported and very successful MOAF Hot Dog Stand Fund Raiser, thetradition continues!  SW Cliff Brann did an outstanding job of organizing and we had a lot of fun with brothers, family and friends working the booth.

Note we have a Family Picnic scheduled for Saturday Sept 23, look for additional information on that very soon.

For lodge improvements, window and door installation is complete and the Split A/C systems are installed and operational! Trees behind the building that are a threat to the building integrity are also being removed. Stay tuned as theTemple decides on the next project to undertake!

Sadly, we have two important Memorial Services this month, RW Les King’s Memorial Service is Sunday Sept 24 2:30 PM Gathering / 3:30 PM Service at the Holiday Inn, Norwich, CT and WB Ron Burke’s Memorial Service is Saturday Sept 30 12:00 PM at the Westerly Yacht Club.

There are a few other events that will be added so stay tuned, we will communicate as the plans come together.

Lastly, If anyone knows of any brothers or families in distress, please contact the Lodge Almoner, Bro. Michael Brinson ((860) 949-9285);, the lodge secretary (RW Phil Rathbun) or the Lodge Master (WB Paul Johnson).

Stay safe my brothers and  I am looking forward to seeing many of you soon!


WB Paul Johnson


MOAF and Stated Communication  on 08/14/2023


Wanted to communicate that we had a FANTASTIC weekend at the Mystic Outdoor Art Festival, aside from a few pretty good showers Saturday afternoon, the weather was fantastic and our booth was extremely busy.  A shout out to SW Cliff Brann for coordinating and leading the event and to all the brothers and helpers that supported.   Our new Canopies with the Lodge Logo and name looked amazing (thanks to WB Phil Bauman!) and were featured in a couple of pictures posted on line by the Greater Mystic Area Chamber of Commerce which I shared on the District 8 FB Page as well as the Coastal page.  Can't wait to hear the final tally from this event but it may well be a record breaker, even in spite of maintaining our prior year low prices!

Also, don't forget, Stated Communication Tuesday August 15, dinner 6:30 will feature grilled hot dogs and fixins, so if you missed the art festival you have an opportunity to check out the great diogs!  Meeting will commence at 7:30 PM, NOTE:  This will be the LAST SUMMER CASUAL ATTIRED MEETING👍!

Hope to see you tomorrow!

WB Paul


No Lodge Gathering Tuesday Aug 8  on 08/08/2023

Greetings Brothers,

Just thought I would put out a note that there is no planned lodge gathering this Tuesday Aug 8, 2023.

Preparations are in work for the MOAF this weekend (Aug 12 & 13).  Weather looks to be cooperating so it should be a busy weekend.  If you haven't signed up and would ike to work it, please conrttact Brother SW Cliff Brann ((860) 617-2525‬), we can use the help!

Next Stated Communication is Tuesday Aug 15!


WB Paul


Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival Staffing  on 08/02/2023

Hello my Brothers!

This is Cliff, Senior Warden at Coastal Lodge!

Its that time of year again, its the Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival, and we have our hotdog stand again.

I am calling for help at this event. I need help on Saturday August 12 and Sunday August 13. 

The shifts will be 10AM to 2PM or 2PM to 6PM both days. I will need help cooking, handing out food and soda, and help with handling money. 

Please contact me by email at or by phone (text preferred) at 860 617 2525. Please include your name, best conact information , day, time and job you are interested in. 

I expect to have the schedule finished next week and I'll confirm days and times by Wednesday.

We had a great time at last years hot dog stand, it was a lot of fun and there was lots of laughter!

Best Regards,

Cliff Brann

Stated Communication August 1 2023  on 07/31/2023

Brothers All,

Just a reminder we have a regular Stated Communication to kick off the month of August tomorrow evening August 1.  Dinner 6:30 Meeting 7:30.

We now have the Split A/C systems installed so the lodge should be nice and cool!

We are also expecting a few special guests from Westerly RI Franklin Lodge #20 and possibly a few more guys inquiring to become Masons!

Of note is the fast approaching Mystic Outdooe Arts Festiveil (MOAF) August 12 (10 - 6) and August 13 (10 - 5).  Please let Brother Cliff Brann ( know when you would like to work this event.

If you are working the event, it would be a good idea to take an on line Food Handler Safety Course...this is approximately 2 hours and cost $9...pass the word!

Hope to see you tomorrow,

WB Paul


Reminder - Stated Communication Tuesday18 July  on 07/17/2023


Just a reminder that there will be a regular Stated Communication Tuesday 18 July.

Dinner 6:30 PM / Meeting 7:30 PM

Dress is summer casual!


WB Paul


July Trestle-Board  on 07/06/2023

Greetings From the East! 

Brothers All,

What a month June was! Thanks to all the brothers who worked hard to make all the activities a success.

We kicked off summer with a very well attended Stated Communication on June 6 where we had a Hamburger and Hotdog cookout.  We then had several practices for the “Outdoor MM Degree” which we ultimately had to have inside at the lodge due to weather, but it went off great and we raised four (4) Coastal Brothers to the Sublime Degree of MM. Congratulations to brothers Daniel Korponai, Jeffrey Jordan, Timothy Pelland and Michael Spellman!

For lodge improvements, window and door installation is nearing completion and a contractor has been selected and approved for the air conditioning split unit installation, which we hope will happen in July.

Next big event is the Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival August 12 and 13.  Please contact Clifton Brann ( / 860-617-2525) or myself to get involved and support our main fundraiser for the year!

Lastly, If anyone knows of any brothers or families in distress, please contact the Lodge Almoner, Bro. Michael Brinson ((860) 949-9285);, the lodge secretary (RW Phil Rathbun) or the Lodge Master (WB Paul Johnson).


WB Paul Johnson


Outdoor MM Degree, Blue Lodge and 4th Parade  on 06/25/2023

Brothers All,

Just wanted to pass along a thanks to all the Coastal and other 8th district brothers that participated in a fantastic day at Coastal Lodges "Indoor-Outdoor" Master Mason Degree this past Saturday (June 24).  I am truly blessed to be the Master at a time to preside over a wonderful degree and afternoon of brotherhood and to welcome our four new MM's to our lodge  Congratulations to Brothers Timothy Pelland, Michael Spellman, Daniel Korponai, and Jeffrey Jordan!

Blue Lodge Council is at Coastal Lodge Monday evening June 26, ALL ARE WELCOME!  Please come and show our lodges strength and support!  Dinner 6:30 / Meeting 7:30 PM.  If we have the most brothers present we get the District 8 Gavel for the SUMMER!

Stonington Burough Parade - JULY 4, it is truly a joy to March with the Sojourners and other Masons in this parade following closely behind the Fife and Drum Corps.  If you enjoy a grand feeling of patriotism this is for you.  The crowd along the route loves this!  Gather 9:30 AM at the church, step off 10 AM.

More to come soon!

WB Paul


HELP STILL NEEDED - Stonington 4th of July Parade  on 06/22/2023

From WB Jim Chianese (please contact WB Jim ( or myself (


Once again we have been asked to carry the Stonington Flag from the War of 1812 in the annual 4th of July parade.  Here are the particulars:

Place:  Stonington Borough, CT

Meeting Place:  Parking lot of St Mary’s Church (across from Fire Station as you enter the borrow)

Meeting Time:  9:30am

Parade Step off:  10:00am

Attire:  Colonial Uniform or close proximity of.  If you don’t have it then a dark suite.

  • I will bring the Sojourner Aprons and Jewels.
  • Non Sojourner Masons are encouraged to bring their aprons.

RSVP:  25 June *the sooner the better*

I will bring the Sojourner Aprons and Jewels.

Non Sojourner Masons are encouraged to bring their aprons.

The parade route is the same as last time.  We will walk from the Library Park down Water St.  make a left turn by the old cannons and return via the adjacent street.  There will then be a pox given to King George and the reading of the Declaration of Independence.

We have been carrying the flag since 2009 and this will be our 14th year.  Let’s keep this tradition going.

All lodges are invited to help.  We need at least 12 people to carry the flag. 

Please let me know if you will be able to support this event by 25 June.  The sooner the better.





Master Mason Degree Moved Indoor at Coastal - June 24  on 06/22/2023


Due to inclement weather expected over the next few days, we will be moving the Outdoor MM Degree indoor at Coastal Lodge.

Start Time: 12:30 PM Lodge Open

Location: Coastal Lodge #57, 637 RT-234 (Pequot Trail), Stonington, CT

Dress Code:  Will maintain "Outdoor Degree" theme for dress

Meal: Served at “Refreshment”, $10, Tenderloin Beef with fix’ins, drinks and desert 

Please RSVP ASAP on meal so we can ration appropriately:

  Phil Rathbun Lodge Secretary (860) 912-2485

  Paul Johnson Lodge Master (321) 223-0915)

For the degree, we will need to recruit a few more Stewards for the first half if anyone is interested!


WB Paul Johnson

RWB Phil Rathbun

Important Info!  on 06/19/2023

Greetings Brothers All,

A reminder that our Stated Communication for 20 June is a Hawaiin/Fun Shirt night.  Dinner 6:30P/Meeting 7:30P.

Hope to take care of business quickly and do some practice for this coming Saturday's Outdoor Mason Degree.  There are still parts that need filling so don't be shy, come and take part, it's going to be a great day!


WB Paul


Tuesday June 13 MM Practice / Lodge Mentoring  on 06/12/2023

Brothers All,

Reminder that we have an important practice tomorrow Tuesday June 13, 6PM to practice for our upcoming MM Outdoor Degree (June 24) and to mentor any candidates who show up!

There are still plenty of degree parts we need to fill so please come and take part!

Sincerely and fraternally,

WB Paul Johnson


June 6 Stated Recap and Outdoor Farm Degree  on 06/07/2023

Greetings Brothers!

It was great to see a our lodge room last evening (June 6) filled with mostly Coastal Brothers!  What good fellowsip we had over a Hotdog and Hamburger Cookout to symbolically kick off the summer!  Thanks to all for attending.  We took care of a few business iterms during the meeting and gave a fond farewell to our own Junior Deacon Brother Will Leon who is relocating south.  We wish him and his wife the best and I know they are really excited for this next chapter in their lives!  We will look forward to seeing him when he returns to the area in the future for visits!

WB Lee from Union Lodge gave a short meaningful story on Thomas Edison who was a FreeMason and we had a moment of silence in rememberance of the WWII D-Day invasion.

A few pictures from the evening are inserted!

Also, severasl spots for our Outdoor Farm Degree on Saturday June 24th are still open, I will list below so please let me know if you would like to participate!  Would love to have Coastal Brothers fill as many as we can but I will be reaching out to brothers in the district very soon!

Needs for Degree:

Junior Deacon

Three (3) Stewards

Working Tools Lecture

Stweards Lecture

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ruffians

Ships Captain

Wayfaring Man

1st, 2nd and 3rd Craftsman


One last item, Lodge Almonerr Brother Mike Brinson's phone, which I advertised has changed, has switched back to (860) 949-9285.

Thanks and have a great rest of your week and weekend!

WB Paul


Stated Communication Recap and MM Degree  on 06/07/2023

Greetings Brothers!

It was great to see a our lodge room last evening (June 6) filled with mostly Coastal Brothers!  What good fellowsip we had over a Hotdog and Hamburger Cookout to symbolically kick off the summer!  Thanks to all for attending.  We took care of a few business iterms during the meeting and gave a fond farewell to our own Junior Deacon Brother Will Leon who is relocating south.  We wish him and his wife the best and I know they are really excited for this next chapter in their lives!  We will look forward to seeing him when he returns to the area in the future for visits!

WB Lee from Union Lodge gave a short meaningful story on Thomas Edison who was a FreeMason and we hasd as moment of silence in rememberrance of the WWII D-Day invasion.

A few pictures from the evening are inserted!

Also, severasl spots for our Outdoor Farm Degree on Saturday June 24th are still open, I will list below so please let me know if you would like to participate!  Would love to have Coastal Brothers fill as many as we can but I will be reaching out to brothers in the district very soon!

Needs for Degree:

Junior Deacon

Three (3) Stewards

Working Tools Lecture

Stweards Lecture

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ruffians

Ships Captain

Wayfaring Man

1st, 2nd and 3rd Craftsman


One last item, Lodge Almonerr Brother Mike Brinson's phone, which I advertised has changed, has switched back to (860) 949-9285.

Thanks and have a great rest of your week and weekend!

WB Paul


June Trestleboard and Message  on 06/01/2023

Greetings From the East! 

Brothers All,

Since the last Trestle for May we have had a great “Step-Up” night for the Stated Communication on May 2 as yours truly was out of town attending to family business.  Senior Warden Cliff Brann was the Worshipful Master for the evening and other brothers stepped up as well.  MWPGM Roger Read provided a Masonic Education on the Lewis Award.

Then on May 16 we welcomed Brother Carter Kolehmainen to AF&AM with a fantastic EA Degree night.

Now for June, we have a busy month to ‘kick-off’ the summer with preparation for our Outdoor MM degree on Saturday June 24th and hosting Blue Lodge Council on Monday June 26th

We would like to fill as many parts for the MM Degree as we can from within Coastal’s brotherhood.  Please reach out to me if you are available to support…we need Stewards, Craftsman, Ruffians, Ships Capt, Wayfaring Man, Charge, and Working Tools as well as support for lodge set-up, cooking, cleanup, breakdown and transport to/from lodge.

With summer approaching we will be going casual dress for lodge meetings, see Trestle for suggested dress for the evenings.

Don’t forget the July 4 Stonington Borough Parade, please contact WB Jim Chianese or myself if you plan on supporting!

Lastly, If anyone knows of any brothers or families in distress, please contact the Lodge Almoner, Bro. Michael Brinson ((860) 867-0616) (new number);, the lodge secretary (RW Phil Rathbun) or the Lodge Master (WB Paul Johnson).


WB Paul Johnson


Memorial Day, Tuesday Gathering and July 4 Parade  on 05/29/2023

Brothers All,

Wishing you all a peaceful and reflective Memorial Day.

Reminder that we will get together at lodge this Tuesday (May 30) ay 6:00 PM to mentor, practice and plan for the June 24 MM Outdoor Degree.

Message from WB Jim Chianese regarding the July 4 Parade at Stonington Borough:

Once again we have been asked to carry the Stonington Flag from the War of 1812 in the annual 4th of July parade.  Here are the particulars:
Place:  Stonington Borough, CT
Meeting Place:  Parking lot of St Mary’s Church (across from Fire Station as you enter the borrow)
Meeting Time:  9:30am
Parade Step off:  10:00am
Attire:  Colonial Uniform or close proximity of.  If you don’t have it then a dark suite.
I will bring the Sojourner Aprons and Jewels.
Non Sojourner Masons are encouraged to bring their aprons.
RSVP:  25 June *the sooner the better*
I will bring the Sojourner Aprons and Jewels.
Non Sojourner Masons are encouraged to bring their aprons.
The parade route is the same as last time.  We will walk from the Library Park down Water St.  make a left turn by the old cannons and return via the adjacent street.  There will then be a pox given to King George and the reading of the Declaration of Independence.
We have been carrying the flag since 2009 and this will be our 14th year.  Let’s keep this tradition going.
All lodges are invited to help.  We need at least 12 people to carry the flag.  
Please let me know if you will be able to support this event by 25 June.  The sooner the better.

Hope to see many of you Tuesday evening!

WB Paul



Stated Communication / EA Degree Recap and Coming Activity  on 05/22/2023

Dear Brothers,

What a great evening of fellowship we had during our EA Degree last Tuesday night (16 May) when we welcomed our new Brother Carter Kolehmainen to the craft of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons!  There was an excellent dinner (thanks to MWB Roger Read), soothing music (thanks to RWB Rob Krawic), and fantastic floor work and ritual thanks to all the officers and brothers who attended and participated.  I have inserted a few pictures (thanks to Brother Daniel Frechette) attached to this message and will be sure to get one in next month’s CT Masons Publication!, congratulations to Brother Carter!  

On this well attended evening we also had a visitor from Pensacola (Florida) Ensley Lodge 278, Worshipful Master Brother Tod Lawyer who also sat in our practice the week prior.  We had lots of great discussion on ritual differences and lodge operations.  We look forward to having him back in lodge soon as his work will have him frequenting the area.

Now it’s time to get to work in preparation for a busy month of June.  We will be having our Outdoor MM Degree (5 potential FC’s) on Saturday June 24 at WB Baumann’s property as we’ve done the past few years.  Then on Monday June 26 we will host the District 8 Blue Lodge Council Meeting.

We will be planning for these events starting this Tuesday evening (23 May) at 6:00 PM where we will discuss, practice and mentor any brothers that want to show up to work on Ritual and Proficiencies.  At 7:00 PM we will have our monthly Temple Corp meeting.  Please all, feel free to come join in and contribute!

Following this Tuesday’s get together, I plan on putting out a call for help to fill in degree parts and also for support for these two events (food preparation, site and lodge set-up, etc), it would be great to support as much as we can from within our Coastal brotherhood, so stay tuned!

That’s all for now, thanks and stay well,


WB Paul


EA Degree Tuesday May 16 / EA Practice Tuesday May 9  on 05/07/2023


We will be practicing for our EA Degree Tuesday evening May 9 starting at 6PM as well as mentor any brothers that would like to pracrice lectures / ritual for any degree.

After this EA Degree we will be full throttle for the Outdoor Farm MM Degree that will be held Saturday June 24.  We will need lots of help with this one so come and help out.  We can start planning this Tuesday as well, it's not too early!


WB Paul


Stated Communication 2 Apr Recap - update  on 05/03/2023


While not very well attended, last evenings stated communication was very productive and fun.  Following a dinner of pulled pork sandwiches and a multitude of deserts, we commenced lodge promptly, took care of business and had another masonic education/discussion given by yours truly :-).  

A few highlights and notices:

We voted on a petitioner that was introduced at the last meeting and subsequently investigated.  His name is Carter Kolehmeinan and we are looking at doing an EA Degree for him at the next meeting (May 16)!  Stay tuned!

We also discussed the Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival and the Ledge Light requirement to have Food Service Managers on hand.  Training for this is available on line, it is an 8 hour course (can be taken in parts) with an on line proctored exam.  We are looking to have four (4) lodge members who will be supporting the MOAF take the training this year and then possibly have more next year.  This will also enable us to support other activities where food handling may be required.  Refresher training is required every three (3) years.  Brothers, we voted to have the lodge pay for this training, so if you are interested, please contact me, we can discuss and I will get you the information you need.  There is also a "Food Handlers" course that is only an hour or two that I would encourage anyone that is supporting the event take.  The "Food Handler" will not be paid by the lodge but is only like $15.

Trestle-board update: There was an error on the Trestle-board I previously sent, new one is inserted/linked here, the DD 8B Presentation is May 27 2PM at Brainard.

Tha's all for now.


WB Paul



May Trestle Board  on 04/30/2023

Brothers All,
We’ve had a few excellent Stated Communications since the last update.  Two Masonic Educations have been well received and good discussion and enlightenment has taken place, I think it adds some fun to the meetings.  Anyone that would like to step up and do one on a masonic subject of your choice please let me know and we’ll make it happen!

Lodge improvements have commenced!  The front doors and several windows have been replaced and the work is on-going.  Please excuse any mess as this work is being accomplished.

I would like to welcome our newest lodge affiliate member RW Brother Michael Northup, who just moved from Rhode Island to Stonington Borough.  RW Bro Mike was already a member of the Connecticut Lodge of Research and will be bringing a lot of good energy to our lodge, I’m looking forward to working with him on all of our lodge activities for the remainder of this year and beyond.  Please offer a brotherly welcome when you meet him!

We need to get to degree practice for both EA and MM degrees as both look to be in our near future.  Brothers all, please step up and take a part, it’s more fun than just watching, and the more that get involved in the actual degree I believe the nicer it is for the candidate.

Blue Lodge Council was held on Monday April 24, Coastal was represented with five members.  Upcoming events are posted in the Trestle Board linked below.  The major theme of the night was the Grand Lodge initiative Operation Blue Wave.  Coastal has been selected as one of the initial ‘trial’ lodges for the initiative which is to focus on gaining, retaining and getting brothers back active in the lodge.  You may be seeing social media Masonic commercials, this is part of the initiative.  We will all learn more as we go and surely there will be much discussion in lodge as well.

Lastly, If anyone knows of any brothers or families in distress, please contact the Lodge Almoner, Bro. Michael Brinson ((860) 949-9285);, the lodge secretary (RW Phil Rathbun) or the Lodge Master (WB Paul Johnson).

WB Paul Johnson


Reminders  on 04/23/2023

Brothers all,

Just a reminder that Monday evening April 24 is Bluie Lodge Council at Somerset St. James.  Dinner 6:30 / Gavel 7:30.

Tuesday evening April 25 6:00 PM fraternal get togather at Coastal for mentoring, degree work and Operation Blue Wave / schedule discussion.

All are welcome, see you there!

WB Paul

Stated Communication Tuesday April 18 Reminder  on 04/16/2023

Brothers All,

Just a reminder that there is a Stated Communication this coming Tuesday evening (18 April).  Dinner 6:30 PM / Lodge Open 7:30 PM.

It will be a great evening with plenty of business to conduct and officers "stepping up" in the WM's absence.

It should be a great evening of fellowship!


WB Paul Johnson


April 11 Lodge Get Together and Trestle Update  on 04/10/2023


A reminder that tomorrow evening (Tuesday April 11) at 6:00 PM we will have our "off-week" get together at lodge to mentor, discuss and practice degree work and other ritual, and just have some fraternal brotherhood time.  All are welcome.

A few items not on the prior Trestle Board were brought to our attention by WB Andy Pedro (our 8B AGM) at last weeks Stated Communication.

Saturday May 13 at 1PM Somerset-St. James will be welcoming and recognizing their new District 8A Deputy (John Stogden) and AGM (Jason Fletcher).

Saturday May 27 at 2PM Brainard Lodge will be welcoming and recognizing their new District 8B Deputy (John Wadsworth) and AGM (Andrew Pedro).


WB Paul Johnson



E-Mail Scam  on 04/07/2023


It appears an e-mail is being sent about claiming to be me asking you to send money for gifts or something.

I assure you it is not me.  I have changed my e-mail password in case it was my gmail address that got hacked. If you can mark that e-mail as spam or report it that would be great.  I have not seen the e-mail itself and as of this moment for some reason it seems to be only lodge brothers.

Sorry for the inconvenience and hassle.  I guess this is a sign of the times.



April 2023 Message and Trestle Board Update  on 04/03/2023

Greetings From the East! 

Brothers All,

Seems like March came and went with the wind! We held two Stated Communications but due to weather events our ability to meet on our ”off Tuesdays” for mentoring and degree work was hampered.  Coupled with personal schedules, the Master Mason degree I had hoped would happen late March or early April will have to be moved out to a date TBD.  On another note, we have a couple of candidates in waiting for the Entered Apprentice Degree and once we have dispensations and / or investigations completed, I expect we can move quickly to perform an EA degree.

Coastal #57 was well represented at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication on April 1.  RW Brother Philip Rathbun handed over his Jewel to incoming DD RW Brother John Wadsworth and our own WB Andy Pedro was installed as the District 8B AGM.  Congratulations brothers!

See the Trestle on the next page for other upcoming activities, to include Awards in May, Outdoor Degree in June and the MOAF in August.  To these we will add activities like Ladies at the Table, Family Picnic and maybe a food drive or other community service event.  All ideas are welcome!

Regarding the lodge improvements, we received and approved a quote for installation of the new doors and windows, to be done by Yankee Remodeling.  Hopefully that work will begin soon! Brother Mike Lawless has also been working on the design of a “Portico” to be added to the front of the building to provide covering from the weather, dress up the entry way into the building and provide easier access while also ”fixing” functional issues with the existing ornamental columns.

Lastly, If anyone knows of any brothers or families in distress, please contact the Lodge Almoner, Bro. Michael Brinson ((860) 949-9285);, the lodge secretary (RW Phil Rathbun) or the Lodge Master (WB Paul Johnson).


WB Paul Johnson


Stated Communication Notes from Tuesday March 21  on 03/22/2023

Brothers All!

I've been trying to send this since last Tuesday's meeting, looks like Grandview is finally cooperating so here you go!

Greetings Brothers,

We had an extraordinary Stated Communication last evening!  Thanks to WB John Piper for coordinating and preparing the meal (Taco Tuesday) with assistance from JD Will Leon, it was delicious!

We had a couple of special visitors to our meeting.

RW Brother Michael Northup visited from Rhode Island.  He will be moving soon to Stonington Borough and will be submitting a petition to affiliate with our lodge.  He is already affiliated with the Connecticut Lodge of Research, is past Grand Marshall for the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and is heavily involved in Masonic Education for the Grand Lodge of RI. Will be looking forward to having some Masonic Education from him in our lodge this year.

We had another special guest from the UK.  WB Joe Jackson visited us from Huddleston Lodge #6041, Cumberland-Westmorland.  Brother Jackson brought several UK masonic publications which he left behind for us to browse, a coin commemorating a UK Brother who received the Victoria Cross which he presented to one of our present Active Duty Brothers (Jeffrey Jordan), Provincial Pins for the myself and primary officers and a Tie which he presented to me. We did recognize him and did provide him with a coastal pin.  

Other activities of the evening aside from normal business included a short Masonic Education piece on Pierpont Edwards presented by WB Fred Driscoll and recognition of our District 8A and 8B Deputies being it was their last Coastal Meeting as DD's.  We honored them with Grand Honors.

A few updates to the Trestle:

March 23 there will be a Hometown Hero presentation at OxoBoxo Lodge, it is an open affair and includes meal at 6:00PM and award ceremony at 7:00PM.

April 20 there is a GLCT - ‘STOP THE BLEED’ First Aid Training in Manchester hosted by Friendship Tuscan Lodge No. 145 at 7:30PM.

If you need additional information please let me know and I'll get it to you.

Lastly, don't forget, next week Tuesday (3/28) we will have mentoring and degree work starting at 6:00 PM followed by Temple Corp at 7:00PM.  Hope to see you there.


WB Paul Johnson


Stated Communication Notes from Tuesday March 21  on 03/22/2023

Greetings Brothers,

We had an extraordinary Stated Communication last evening!  Thanks to WB John Piper for coordinationg and preparing the meal (Taco Tuesday) with assistance from JD Will Leon, it was delicious!

We had a couple of special visitors to our meeting.

RW Brother Michael Northup visited from Rhode Island.  He will be moving soon to Stonington Borough and will be submitting a petition to affliliate with our lodge.  He is already affliliated with the Connecticut Lodge of Research, is past Grand Marshall for the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and is heavily involved in Masonic Education for the Grand Lodge of RI. Will be looking forward to having some Masonic Education from him in our lodge this year.

We had another special guest from the UK.  WB Joe Jackson visited us from Huddleston Lodge #6041, Cumberland-Westmorland.  Brother Jackson brought several UK masonic publications which he left behind for us to browse, a coin commemorating a UK Brother who received the Victoria Cross which he prersented to one of our present Active Duty Brothers (Jeffrey Jordan), Provincial Pins for the myself and primary officers and a Tie which he presented to me. We did recognize him and did provide him with a coastal pin.  

Other activities of the evening aside from normal business included a short Masonic Education piece on Pierpont Edwards presented by WB Fred Driscoll and recognition of our District 8A and 8B Deputies being it was their last Coastal Meeting as DD's.  We honored them with Grand Honors.

A few updates to the Trestle:

March 23 there will be a Hometown Hero presentaion at OxoBoxo Lodge, it is an open affair and includes meal at 6:00PM and award ceremony at 7:00PM.

April 20 there is a GLCT - ‘STOP THE BLEED’ First Aid Training in Manchester hosted by Friendship Tuscan Lodge No. 145 at 7:30PM.

If you need additional information please let me know and I'll get it to you.

Lastly, don't forget, next week Tuesday (3/28) we will have mentoring and degree work starting at 6:00 PM followed by Temple Corp at 7:00PM.  Hope to see you there.


WB Paul Johnson


Stated Communication Notes from Tuesday March 21  on 03/22/2023

Greetings Brothers,

We had an extraordinary Stated Communication last evening!  Thanks to WB John Piper for coordinationg and preparing the meal (Taco Tuesday) with assistance from JD Will Leon, it was delicious!

We had a couple of special visitors to our meeting.

RW Brother Michael Northup visited from Rhode Island.  He will be moving soon to Stonington Borough and will be submitting a petition to affliliate with our lodge.  He is already affliliated with the Connecticut Lodge of Research, is past Grand Marshall for the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and is heavily involved in Masonic Education for the Grand Lodge of RI. Will be looking forward to having some Masonic Education from him in our lodge this year.

We had another special guest from the UK.  WB Joe Jackson visited us from Huddleston Lodge #6041, Cumberland-Westmorland.  Brother Jackson brought several UK masonic publications which he left behind for us to browse, a coin commemorating a UK Brother who received the Victoria Cross which he prersented to one of our present Active Duty Brothers (Jeffrey Jordan), Provincial Pins for the myself and primary officers and a Tie which he presented to me. We did recognize him and did provide him with a coastal pin.  

Other activities of the evening aside from normal business included a short Masonic Education piece on Pierpont Edwards presented by WB Fred Driscoll and recognition of our District 8A and 8B Deputies being it was their last Coastal Meeting as DD's.  We honored them with Grand Honors.

A few updates to the Trestle:

March 23 there will be a Hometown Hero presentaion at OxoBoxo Lodge, it is an open affair and includes meal at 6:00PM and award ceremony at 7:00PM.

April 20 there is a GLCT - ‘STOP THE BLEED’ First Aid Training in Manchester hosted by Friendship Tuscan Lodge No. 145 at 7:30PM.

If you need additional information please let me know and I'll get it to you.

Lastly, don't forget, next week Tuesday (3/28) we will have mentoring and degree work starting at 6:00 PM followed by Temple Corp at 7:00PM.  Hope to see you there.


WB Paul Johnson


Stated Communication Notes from Tuesday 8 Mar 2023  on 03/08/2023

Brothers All!

We had a wonderful fraternal gathering last evening to include a great dinner and a productive stated communication!

A couple of items I would like to pass along that were discussed.

Rergarding the Trestle Board:

You should have received a Grand Lodge Cmmunication regarding the following:

Brothers all,

Moosup Lodge 113 will be holding its famed Table Lodge on Saturday, April 15, beginning at 5 PM. 

Tickets are $30 each for a complete roast beef dinner, with commemorative glasses and slate coasters. There will be a limited number of tickets available, and they are expected to be gone quickly, so you are urged to purchase them as soon as possible.

This event will not be tiled, which will allow you to bring prospective members for an evening of entertainment and good food.

Please see the attached flyer for complete details.

For tickets, contact WM Ken Stilwell by email at Or by text at 860-639-9214

Or WB John Richmond by email at Or by text at 860-933-7234

Also, Coastal Lodge will be supporting the Sojourners again to carry the Replica Flag of the Battle of Stonington in the July 4 Parade.  July 4 also happens to be Tuesday and regular lodge meeting night, we will be addressing not having a meeting that evening.

Also, we discussed planning for a Ladies at the Table evening out as well as a Family Picnic, will pass on info as it develops!

District 8 is compiling a list of "Volunteers" who might be available to fill in Degree Parts (EA/FC/MM) when lodges within the district are in need.  If any of you are interested in being on call for any part in any degree, please respond to me and I will get you on that list.  Attached is a sample of parts for the MM Degree to jog your memory!

Lastly, District 8 is also compiling a list of Miltary (Active Duty and Veterens) who are interested in performing a Military Degree (TBD).  Again, if interested please respond to me and I will get you on that list!


WB Paul Johnson



Stated Communication Tuesday 7 March  on 03/06/2023


Don't forget, Stated Communication tomorrow evening.  Dinner 6:30 PM sharp:-), Lemon Rosemary Grilled Chicken, Au Gratin Potatoes, Tossed Salad.  Brownies for dessert!

Meeting 7:30 PM!

See you there!

March Trestle Board Update  on 03/03/2023

Brothers All,

The first degree of 2023 on Feb 7 was a great success, we passed two EA’s to the FC and there were many in attendance, including four visitors from Madison Lodge #87.  Also of note that evening is WB Andrew Pedro received his PM Pin with his RW Dad (Craig) in attendance:-)

The second meeting of the month (Feb 21) was sparsely attended, likely due to inclement weather ass well as many auto accidents snarling traffic around town, including closure of 95N for a period of time.  However we persevered and were able to open and conduct business of the evening!

See the attached Trestle Board for other upcoming activities, to include at least one April Degree (either MM or EA), Awards in May, Outdoor Degree in June and the MOAF in August.  To these we will activities like Ladies at the Table, Family Picnic and maybe a food drive or other community service event.

The lodge improvements are currently moving slowly as we struggle with getting estimates for the Window and Door installation.  The new doors and windows have been received and will be delivered to the lodge soon. HVAC contractors are also being consulted for the next major project to be accomplished.

If anyone knows of any brothers or families in distress, please contact the Lodge Almoner, Bro. Michael Brinson ((860) 949-9285);, the lodge secretary (RW Phil Rathbun) or the Lodge Master (WB Paul Johnson).


WB Paul Johnson



Temple Corp for Tuesday Feb 28 Canceled  on 02/28/2023


Please be advised we are canceling the Temple Corp Meeting for this evening due to the inclement weather and chance for freezing roads later on.

Will advise as to reschedule plans.


WB Paul


Reminders  on 02/26/2023

Brothers All!

A reminder that there is a Blue Lodge Council Meeting tomorrow evening, Monday 27 Feb hosted by Union Lodge in Niantic.  Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM.  ALL are welcome, even bring a non-mason friend if they are interested in Freemasonry!

Also, this Tuesday, 28 Feb at Coastal Lodge, Mentoring and MM Degree practice / discussion at 6:00 PM followed by the Temple Corp Meeting at 7:00 PM.  As with the Blue Lodge Council Meeting, all are welcome! Tuesday evening events weather permitting, will communicate via this medium if we cancel and reschedule.


WB Paul Johnson


Fellow Craft Degree and Trestle Updates  on 02/08/2023


What a fantastic night of fellowship and excellent Fellow Craft Degree.  Thanks goes to the suite of officers that put in the hard work practicing since the first of the year as the floor work was tight and the ritual was smooth. Attendance was great as we had lodge members that we hadn't seen in some time, visiting brethren from within our district as well as a surprise visit from four memberes of Madison Lodge #87 (District 4B).

Also would like to mention that WB John Piper received a Past Masters Jewel and Apron at the Past Masters Dinner on Tuesday January 31, it was a great night of fellowship with 12 brothers in attendance.

Also, WB Andrew Pedro received his Past Masters Jewel in Lodge last evening.

I would like to thank WB's John and Andy for their past and current service to Coastal Lodge, you are appreciated!

A quick Trestle Board update.

There will be no lodge gathering next week (February 14 - Valentines Day), we will reap the rewards of the hard work we put in on this first degree and call this night save the marriage night (lol:-)!

Next Stated Communication is Tuesday February 21.

 A few events not on ther last Trestle that came out from Garnd Lodge this week:

March 4 - Demolay 100th Anniversary Celebration

March 12 - St. Patricks Day Parade New Haven

May 7 - Grand Master Gala for incomong GM Joseph Porco


WB Paul Johnson


February Trestle Board  on 02/02/2023

Greetings Brothers All!

See inserted message and Trestle Board update for February!

Next big event is the Fellow Craft Degree at the next meeting Tuedsday 7 February. Dinner 6:30P / Degree 7:30 PM.


WB Paul Johnson


Temple Corp and FC Practice Reminder  on 01/23/2023


Reminder that tomorrow evening (24 Jan 2023), FC Practice will commence at 6 PM, Temple Corp Meeting at 7 PM.  We will be reviewing the Temple Corp budgert and vote for approval.

Following the Temple Corp, we will continue with the FC practice.

Will bring some snacks, feel free to bring something of choice for all to munch on!

See you tomorrow,

WB Paul

Stated Communication Highlights from 17 Jan 2023  on 01/19/2023


A quick 'highlight' update from our 17 Jan 2023 Stated Communication.

We passed the 2023 budget with upward ammendment of Demolay and Rainbow Girls from $150 to $500, and downward ammendment of CDC of CT (Dyslexia) and Matt's Mission (for victims of Opiod crisis) from $500 to $150.  It was discussed that any of our Charities can be ammended upward or downward during the year with consent of the lodge, so we will monitor our funds and distribute accordingly, it's always nice to be able to give more!

We also voted to send $500 from our miscellaneous fund to support Fayette Lodge #69 in Ellington, CT which was damaged by recent Arson fire.

Much other business was attended to and we had a nice Masonic Lecture given by WB Fred Driscoll, so it was a very gratifying evening.

A new Trestle Board will be forthcoming, but upcoming events include:

24 Jan - 6:00 PM Fellow Craft practice / 7:00 PM Temple Corp (will continue FC Practice after Temple Corp)

7 Feb - 6:30 PM Dinner / 7:30 Fellow Craft Degree


WB Paul Johnson



Reminder - Tuesday 10 Jan Mentoring/FC Practice   on 01/09/2023


Just a quick remonder that we will be having a fraternal get-together to enjoy each others company, provide mentoring, discuss business and do some FC degree practice tomorrow evening Tuesday 10 Jan starting at 6:00 PM.

Don't be shy, come on out!

WB Paul

Trestle Board Jan Update & Handouts  on 01/04/2023


We had an excellent kickoff to 2023 at the Stated Communication last evening, it was good to have the craft back at 'Labor'!

A couple of updates were made to the Trestle Board which will be inserted into the e-mailing of this message.  The udates are:

January 5 – Masonic Breakfast at Groton Townhouse Restaurant 9:00AM

January 14 - Purity Installation @ Niantic Temple 10AM, Lunch at Local Restaurant at conclusion

January 18 – Purity EA Degree @ Niantic Temple 7:00PM

Brothers, I have also inserted a scan of the "Masonic Etiquette" and "Junior Wardens Seminar Notes" that I mentioned at the meeting, and remember, the Officers Manual is available on GrandView or I can send to you directly upon request.

Enjoy and hope to see you at our "off-Tuesday" fraternal gathering, mentoring and floorwork practice Tuesday January 10 starting at 6:00PM.


Brother Paul Johnson

Master Coastal Lodge #57

First 2023 Trestle Board and Holiday Wishes!  on 12/23/2022

Added note: Please click on link at bottom of email message to view PDF.  Also added my contact information if anyone needs to reach out for any reason or to have the Trrestle Board emailed directly.

Greetings Brothers,

Installation night (Tuesday December 20) was a fun filled evening and I am humbled and honored to have been installed as Master with an excellent suite of officers!

Please see inserted Tresltle Board and message from the East. Of particular attention, we are looking at Friday January 20 to hold a Past Masters Dinner for our first outside of lodge event of the year.  Looking forward to discussing all events at our first Stated Communication on Tuesday January 3.

Wishing all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza and other December holiday's that are celebrated and also a Happy New Year!


Bro. Paul Johnson




Coastal Lodge Installation of Officers / Stated Communication  on 12/16/2022

Brothers All,

Just a reminder that Coastal Lodge will be holding Installation of Officers (Closed) during our regular and last Stated Communication of 2022 on Tuesday December 20.  Dinner 6:30 PM / Lodge Open 7:30 PM.

For those that can't make it, wishing you a very Merry, Happy and safe Holiday Season,


Temple Corp Meeting Postponed to 29 Nov 2022  on 11/22/2022

The regular Temple Corp Meeting for Tuesday 22 Nov is being postponed to Tuesday 29 Nov, normal time 7:00 PM.

Notice - Coastal #57 Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers  on 11/22/2022

Brothers All,

The Officers of Coastal Lodge are announcing that the 2022 Annual Meeting and Election of Officers is scheduled for the first Stated Communication in December (December 6, 2022).

The Installation of Officers for the 2023 calendar year will occur the second Stated Communication in December (December 20, 2022).  The Installation of Officers will be a private/closed installation.

We look forward to seeing many brothers at these two meetings to help celebrate 2022 and commence 2023 on a high note.

Fraternally and Respectfully,

Worshipful Master John Piper and the Officers of Costal Lodge #57

Coastal Lodge #57 Trestle Board for Nov/Dec 2022  on 10/25/2022


Please see inserted Trestle Board for November and December.

Reminder, EA Practice Wednesday Evening (10/26) at 7 PM for Tuesday Nov 1 EA Degree!


WB John Piper, Master

Senior Wardens Night at Coastal Tuesday October 18  on 10/17/2022

Don’t miss Senior Wardens Night and help pass a couple of brothers to Fellowcraft at Coastal Lodge #57!

Tuesday October 18, 2022

Dinner 6:30 PM

Lodge Open 7:30 PM


Bro. Paul Johnson, SW

September Trestle Board & Message from the Master  on 09/06/2022

September is here! and with it, tastes of fall, Clydes Cider Mill is now open, PATRIOTS Football is kicking off (sorry Andy) and we’re going to be enjoying what we’ve grown in the garden. And just like that, Coastal is going to be having the outdoor degree at WB Phil Bauman's on Saturday September 10 in North Stonington. It’s not to late to reserve your Steak, baked potato and corn with fixin’s from RW Bro Secretary Phil Rathbun for $25. Your order must be in 3 days prior. We will be raising at least 4, and I have it on good authority that Phils desk is active with several other petitions to join! Looks like we’ll be busy the next few months and as fast as they are speeding by, Paul will have a busy start to his year!
I must apologize to the Fraternity as I’ve had issues with Email and Text as of late. I must cut this short but will add to it in the next week.


WB John Piper

MM Degree Practice for Tuesday 30 Aug UPDATE  on 08/29/2022

Brothers All,

The Master Mason Degree Practice scheduled for Tuesday Aug 30 at 6:00 PM is being rescheduled to 7:30 PM to accomodate a memorial service.


Brother John Piper, WM

MM Degree Practice & MOAF Update  on 08/28/2022



     We will be having a practice for our Sept 10th Outdoor Master MasonDegree this Tuesday at 6:00 pm, at the lodge.  We still have parts that need to be filled, and we'll need help with preparations for that day.  WB Phil B will be needing assistance getting the site ready on the 8th and 9th in the afternoon on both days.  Assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Please email, text or call WM John Piper at / ‭(401) 741-7927‬.  Thank you my brothers!

MOAF Update from SW Paul Johnson

This years MOAF fundraiser was a great success, the weather was perfect, turnout was incredible, and the fraternity, family and friends supported with great enthusiasm.  Brotherly love and friendship abounded and the booth was visited by many local Mason’s as well as many traveling men!

The fundraiser netted $1,600 which will be distributed to local charities along with leftover product to be provided to the local food pantry at the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center, for which a donation of $800 hass already been provided!

Thank you all for your support!


SW Paul Johnson

Stated Communication Tuesday August 16  on 08/15/2022


Don’t forget, Stated Communication tomorrow evening 16 August! Dinner (Pulled Pork Sandwiches) 6:30P / Lodge 7:30 P!

Dress is still summer casual!


Bro Paul Johnson, SW

Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival (MOAF) Update #2  on 08/08/2022


Five days and the countdown to MOAF (August 13 & 14) has begun!  It’s not too late to sign up, looks like Saturday afternoon we could use some help / breaks for brothers spending all day, but anytime is appreciated.

The weather is looking amazing so the turnout should be excellent and the dogs should be flying off the grill!

If you can’t work, come on out and stop by for a visit anyways!

Fraternally yours,

Paul Johnson, SW


Coastal Temple Corporation Members All (Notice)  on 07/30/2022

On Jul 27, 2022, at 5:24 PM, Jim Chianese <> wrote

Brothers One and All,


As many of you know the Temple Corporation has identified much needed repairs to our beloved Lodge Building.  Based on our By-Laws (Article II, Section 8) we cannot expend more than $10,000 without notifying the Craft and gaining their consent at a Stated Communication.  This email will serve as notice of our intent and a vote will be held at the First Stated Communication in September 2022.

At the last Temple Corp meeting held on 26 July 2022, we made a list of much needed repairs and improvements (listed below).  We also realized that each of these improvements will probably exceed the expenditure cap of $10,000 based on cost of materials rising over the past two years.  We would like to request the Craft to approve $100,000 for these repairs at the First Stated Communication in September.  This will allow us to seek out estimates for the work and secure the work in a timely manner without having to go back to the Craft for every expenditure that exceeds the cap.  This amount will be voted on as stated above on the First Stated Communication in September 2022.


We also invite all Brothers to attend our Temple Corporation Meetings held monthly on the Fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm.  We would love to hear your input on the repairs and also seek volunteers to help us in the planning of these much needed repairs and upgrades to our Lodge.  Our little Lodge is known throughout the state for its aesthetics and the history of our furniture.  The below repairs will allow us to continue our tradition and rekindle that sense of pride we should have in our Lodge. 

Needed Building Repairs:

Roof (Top Priority to be done prior to the onset of winter)

Replace all Windows and Doors

Replace Siding

Redo front Entry Way to enable accessibility for handicap.

Insulation of the exterior walls

Remove interior Chimney Bumpout

Replace Furnace – Update AC/Heat (Split units for AC)

Hook up new Well

Bathroom Upgrades (toilets, sink, cabinets, flooring)

Pave parking lot

Refinish Basement floor, Paint Walls and make any necessary repairs.

Update kitchen 

Landscaping to include Gazebo for smokers (not a needed repair, but it would be nice for them to have)

New Storage structure (hopefully will keep mice out)


Brothers One and All,






Coastal Temple Corporation Members All (Notice)  on 07/30/2022

On Jul 27, 2022, at 5:24 PM, Jim Chianese <> wrote

Brothers One and All,


As many of you know the Temple Corporation has identified much needed repairs to our beloved Lodge Building.  Based on our By-Laws (Article II, Section 8) we cannot expend more than $10,000 without notifying the Craft and gaining their consent at a Stated Communication.  This email will serve as notice of our intent and a vote will be held at the First Stated Communication in September 2022.

At the last Temple Corp meeting held on 26 July 2022, we made a list of much needed repairs and improvements (listed below).  We also realized that each of these improvements will probably exceed the expenditure cap of $10,000 based on cost of materials rising over the past two years.  We would like to request the Craft to approve $100,000 for these repairs at the First Stated Communication in September.  This will allow us to seek out estimates for the work and secure the work in a timely manner without having to go back to the Craft for every expenditure that exceeds the cap.  This amount will be voted on as stated above on the First Stated Communication in September 2022.


We also invite all Brothers to attend our Temple Corporation Meetings held monthly on the Fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm.  We would love to hear your input on the repairs and also seek volunteers to help us in the planning of these much needed repairs and upgrades to our Lodge.  Our little Lodge is known throughout the state for its aesthetics and the history of our furniture.  The below repairs will allow us to continue our tradition and rekindle that sense of pride we should have in our Lodge. 

Needed Building Repairs:

Roof (Top Priority to be done prior to the onset of winter)

Replace all Windows and Doors

Replace Siding

Redo front Entry Way to enable accessibility for handicap.

Insulation of the exterior walls

Remove interior Chimney Bumpout

Replace Furnace – Update AC/Heat (Split units for AC)

Hook up new Well

Bathroom Upgrades (toilets, sink, cabinets, flooring)

Pave parking lot

Refinish Basement floor, Paint Walls and make any necessary repairs.

Update kitchen 

Landscaping to include Gazebo for smokers (not a needed repair, but it would be nice for them to have)

New Storage structure (hopefully will keep mice out)


Brothers One and All,






Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival (MOAF) Update #1  on 07/27/2022


We're two and a half weeks out for the MOAF (August 13 & 14) and plans are progressing nicely, the order has been placed with Westerly Packing, coordination with the Mystic Chamber of Commerce and Ledge Light is on-going and our supplies and implements at lodge are about ready to go.

Additional help is welcome, if you haven't 'signed up' or spoken with me about supporting please do so.  Looks like Saturday afternoon and Sunday would be helpful at this point in time.

Looking forward to a great MOAF!


Paul Johnson, SW




Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival (MOAF) Fundraiser  on 07/19/2022

Brothers All,

Coastal Lodge #57 will once again be setting up a hotdog stand fundraiser at the MOAF Saturday August 13 and Sunday August 14.  

This is a call for all brothers to consider supporting the event.  As we all know, many hands make easy work for big events and we encourage all to consider giving a little support to this event.  This is Coastal’s one big fundraiser for the year, proceeds for the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center!  You are welcome to include significant others and grown children, it’s a great event for fraternal bonding and family fun.  Also, it’s an opportunity to enjoy the festival!

Attached is a “signup’ sheet, please let me know if you would like me to pencil your name in a slot or even a portion of a slot, if we have enough volunteers we can split the time slots further.  If you have a preference for a position (cook, counter, cashier, runner) let me know that as well.

Please contact via e-mail, text, phone call or see me in person at Lodge this evening (Tuesday July 19)!


Thank you in advance for your support!


Brother Paul Johnson, SW

Special Stated Communication / EA Practice Tuesday July 12  on 07/11/2022


Reminder that tomorrow evening there will be a special Stated Communication called by WM Piper and will imclude a brief Masonic Education and "Step Up" EA Practice.

Dinner of cold cuts for sandwiches, potato salad and chips at 6:30 PM, meeting at 7:30 PM.

Casual dress.

Hoping to see many there!


Bro. Paul Johnson, SW

Update: July 4 Parade - Stonington Borough  on 06/14/2022

Greetings Brothers All!

The Annual Stonignton Borough July 4 Parade is on and Coastal #57 has been invited to March with the Sojourners to carry the Battle Flag of Stonington.

This is a very Patriotic event that provides opportunity to participate with our military brethren to support the community and our craft!  It is always a great time!

To ensure we have enough to partcipate to carry this very large flag, please respond as soon as practical to Senior Warden Bro. Paul Johnson via e-mail or text message (contact info below).

Date: July 4

Place: St. Mary's Parking Lot - Stonington Borough

Time: 9:30 AM  (parade step off 10 AM)

Update: Dress period garb for Sojourners, dark suits for regular Mason's


Bro. Paul

Paul Johnson


July 4 Parade - Stonington Buorough  on 06/14/2022
June/July Trestle Board  on 06/07/2022

Greetings Brethen,

Se inserted Trerstle Board.

We are now in casual dress for the summer (Hawaiian Shirts or similar).

Hope to see you toniight (June 7)!


WB John Piper

Coastal Lodge #57 May/June Trestle-Board  on 05/09/2022

Greetings Brethren!

See attached Trestle-Board for May/June.

Tomorrow evening is MM Degree practice and Fellowship, 6 PM.

FC Degree and Food Drive!  on 04/15/2022

Greetings Brothers,

Wishing all a peaceful Good Friday and Holy Weekend no matter your creed or theology!

A reminder that next Tuesday April 19 is an FC Degree, it will be a great one at Coastal as usual!  Hoping to see many brothers that evening!

Also, if you do plan on attending, as a continuation of the Food Drive that was held with Purity Lodge on Saturday April 9, if you could bring one item to donate to the proceeds that will make the evening both a great brotherly fellowship night and help us to spread our Masonic beneficient influence on mankind.  I will take all proceeds to the Pawcatuck Neighborhood  Center.


Bro. Paul Johnson, SW

Food Drive Saturday April 9 (correction in text to April 9)  on 04/06/2022

Brothers All,

There will be a Food Drive held this coming Saturday (April 9) 9 AM - 1 PM held with Purity Lodge at the Masonicare in Mystic.  Benefits to the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center.

Help is needed.  Please contact WM John Piper  (401-741-7927‬) / if you are able to assist.

Apologies for neglecting to place this on the Trestle-Board.


Bro. John Piper

April Trestle Board  on 04/04/2022


Please find the Trerstle Board for April insered.

Hope to see you at lodge on Tuesday 05 April!

Happy Spring!


WB John Piper

Coastal Lodge #57 February Trestle Board Update  on 02/12/2022


The EA Degree scheduled for Tuesday February 15 is being rescheduled to Tuesday March 15.

Tuesday February 15 will be a regular Stated Communication business meeting, dark suits.


Brother John Piper WM

Coastal Lodge #57 February Trestle Board  on 02/03/2022

Coastal Lodge Brothers,

Please find the Trestle-Board inserted with updates for February and March.

Of note:

EA Practice for Friday 4 Feb as discussed in lodge is now cancelled due to impending weather.

Full EA Practice scheduled for Tuesday 8 Feb at 7:00 PM.

Blue Lodge Council will be held at Coastal Lodge on 28 Feb, dinner 6:00 PM, Meeting 7:00 PM.


Bro. John Piper (Master)

January Trestle-board Update  on 01/09/2022

Coastal Lodge Brothers,

As hard as I know it might be to believe, there is an error on the January Trestle-board that was disseminated last week.

The EA Practice listed for Jan 10 should have been Jan 11 (Tuesday).  We will meet at 6:00 PM.  Lodge officers should attend and all otherrs are welcome to join in to assist, gain experiance or just be present for brotherly fellowship.


Brothers John Piper (WM) & Paul Johnson (SW)

Coastal Lodge #57 Trestle-Board  on 01/03/2022

Brothers All,

Please see inserted Trestle-Board for the new year!

Will be reviewed at the Stated Communication on Tuesday 04 January 2022.  Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM.

See many of you there!


WB John Piper

Worshipful Master

Coastal Lodge #57 January Trestle-Board  on 01/03/2022

Brothers All,

Please see inserted Trestle-Board for the new year!

Will be reviewed at the Stated Communication on Tuesday 04 January 2022.  Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM.

See many of you there!


WB John Piper

Worshipful Master

Upcoming Events