On August 4, 2023, Ashlar Lodge #765 & Atkinson Lodge #612 were authorized to merge. Ashlar Lodge #765 brought several new members into Atkinson #612. Also with these new members several were voted into the line & several were appointed to chairs.
This allowed some of the members of Atkinson Lodge #612 that have repeatedly served year after year as an officer a chance to take a little break!!! It also gave these newer members a chance to learn the process & gain experience of being a "New Officer"
Plus it nearly doubled the number of members with the two lodges being combined!!! We've been growing in the last year too!!!! We now have 5 Entered Apprentices, 1 Fellow-Craft & 2 Petitions to read on October 28, 2024.
We've Raised 1 new member to the Degree of Master Mason, & hopefully with these 8 men that are in the "pipeline" so to speak, they will all be Raised sometime after the first of the year of 2025.
We are a small lodge in ways, but we have a "Huge Heart" in other ways!!!! We've been told that as a smaller lodge, percentage wise we donate a rather large percent per each member to charity!!! And we also do projects around our community to help our neighbors also!!!
We look forward to seeing you!!! If you are interested in joining us, Please come & eat with us!!! We meet the forth Monday of each month, (except December when we don't meet at all) We eat dinner at 6:00 P.M., starting on November 23, 2024. Our Business Meeting (Stated Communication) begins promptly at 7:00 P.M., on November 23, 2024.
Let the Secretary know that you are planning to stop by, so that he along with the others can "Welcome" you & introduce you to the Brethren!!