Welcome to:   ARK Lodge 39
Meets; 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month
at 7:30pm,  337 Main St Danbury
Lodge Raffle  -  on-going
Contact any Officer if interested in purchasing
a $20 ticket, $1,000 first prize
Scotch & Cigar Nite
Sept. 27, 2024,  Fri, 7pm, in Redding, outside by firelight
Same as the last 10 yrs, 
Cost: Food $15,  Scotch $30 (includs Food),  Cigar $30 (inc Food), or All 3 - $50
At the Door:  $5 to $10 more
RSVP - SecretaryArk39@Hotmail.com
Table Lodge
Being planned for Oct 25th, 2024


Upcoming Events