Important Information  on 03/23/2024


      For those who have paid their dues, THANK YOU!  For those who haven't, we have 27 members who have not paid their 2024 dues.  This amounts to $3,780 due the lodge for 2024 operations. We are not hurting but that is money the lodge can use for operating expenses.  We just paid almost $3,000 for flood insurance.  We are down about $4,000 from last year. Part of that is we haven't had a fundraiser in several years.  We hope to have one later in the year.  If you are saying, we can't use fundraiser for lodge funds, you are correct.  We don't but we have still been supporting our charities (which is usually done with fundraisers) and that has come out of our operating funds.

     We have two things ongoing.  First is Pavers.  We are selling pavers to go around the flagpole.  They are $100 each.  You can have it engraved with your name or just about anything you want.  I thought we would have sold a lot of them but so far, we've only sold about 15.  We started this to help fund the 200th Anniversary celebration.  Part of that was the challenge coin and lapel pin at about $600. Also, renting the Civic Center was $650. I would think all Past Masters would love to get one and put their name and year served on it. Members could put their name and the year they joined the lodge.  Some have purchased a paver in memory of a former member like my Dad, who was a member of our lodge. If you'd like to get a paver, contact the Master, Secretary, or Treasurer.

     Next, we are doing a cookbook.  The Print Shop is in the process of printing them now.  We hope to have them in the next week or two.  We are only selling them to the lodge members.  Again, to help fund our 200th Anniversary.  They are $10 each and will make great gifts to your friends.

     Last, come out and support your lodge.  We have a great time at the meetings and always have some interesting masonic education. Our next meeting will be the beginning of baseball season and our speaker will talk about the similaries between Masonry and baseball. Remember, you must come to the lodge to receive your challenge coin. 

Jonathan Hawkins, Master                                               Bobby Meadows, Secretary                                         Austin Harriett, Treasurer



Very Important Read  on 01/09/2024


My Brothers,

        This year marks the 200th Anniversary of Zion Lodge #81.  Our charter is dated February 24, 1824.  On February 24, 2024, we will be celebrating with a dinner at the Jones County Civic Center. It will be open to the public and you are encouraged to attend and bring your wives/friends. The Grand Master of North Carolina will be here as our guest speaker. The dinner will begin at 6:00 and will be $10 per person.  We will have steak, baked potato, and a salad. Reservations are REQUIRED. Please contact one of the following Brothers for your reservation:

                    Johnny Surles               252-671-3640

                   Tyler Jones                   252-639-0134

                   Austin Harriett             252-670-6186

                   Bobby Meadows         252-626-2170

        As a part of our 200th Anniversary, we purchased a 200th anniversary coin to be given to each of our members.  You must attend the lodge to receive your coin.  We will not be sending them out.  To get one, you must attend a lodge meeting unless health issues prevent it.  We will hold your coin for this year.  If you have not gotten it by January 1st of 2025, it will not be held for you. As long as they are available, you may come to the lodge and get it.

This is your lodge, and you are a part of the heritage that goes along with it.  So, make plans to attend the lodge sometime this year.  Don’t be afraid to come out because you can’t remember the pass.  I promise we will not embarrass you.  You will be welcomed with open arms.

Jonathan Hawkins                               Bobby Meadows

Master                                               Secretary

You and a guest are cordially invited to the Celebration of the 200th Anniversary Of Zion Lodge #81

At the Jones County Civic Center, 832 NC Hwy 58S, Trenton, NC

February 24, 2024 Steak Dinner served at 6:00 PM $10 per person RSVP required


200th Anniversary  on 12/28/2023


      We lost 3 members to death this year (Dwain Johnson, Jimmy Proctor, and Honorary Member PGM Dalton Mayo) and we lost 2 to NPD. We currently have 125 Master Masons, 1 Fellowcraft, and 1 Entered Apprentice.

      Overall, it was a good year.  We took $2,105 to MHCO for Christmas plus we have 9 members who do recurring donations to MHCO.  Thank you for your support. We also earned the Platinum Award for the Lion & Pillar.  Thanks to everyone for supporting this.

     We are about to start the new year with 55 members who still owe dues for 2024. It is a great start with over have already paid. Many of you paid in advance plus about 20 or so paid online via credit card. Very easy to do once you establish your portal. Several emails have going out on how to set that up. If you need assistance, call Bobby and he will help.  Again, Thank You!

     As most of you know, we are celebrating 200 years as a lodge.  Our charter is dated February 24, 1824.  On February 24, 2024, we will be celebrating an event at the Civic Center in Trenton.  It is open to the public and you may bring your wives, families and friends.  We will be having a steak dinner.  We haven't finalized the details yet but there will be a minimal cost of $10 to cover expenses.  The Grand Master will be here as our guest. It should be a great event as we move forward toward the next 200 years. We have purchased a special 200th Anniversary coin to present to all the members but you have to come to the dinner or to the lodge sometime this year to receive it. PLEASE come to the dinner or to the lodge to get your coin.  We will not send it to you unless you are far off or unable to attend due to health reasons. I would love to see each of you at the lodge sometime this year. If you can't remember the PW, get with one of our members and we will help.  We are NOT going to embarrass you.

     Last, thank you for you support.  Without you, we wouldn't have a lodge.  We are all standing on the shoulders of many fine men from Jones County.


Jonathan Hawkins, Master                                                                 Bobby Meadows, Secretary

Passing of Brother and Dues Payments  on 10/11/2023


    I was informed this morning that Bro. Dwain "Dee" Johnson has passed away.  We presented him his 60-year pin and certificate earlier this year.  Please put his family in your prayers.

    I received a call from a brother today that he was having some problems with paying his dues online.  When you go inot your Portal, you will have a bunch of blue boxes, one of which will be your Profile.  Don't click on that box.  If you go down below the blue boxes, you will see all the lodges you are a member of.  to the right is a grey box marked "Actions".  Click on that and it will direct you to the screen to input your payment information.  Call me if you have a problem.



Passing of Brother and Dues Payments  on 10/11/2023
Pavers  on 04/07/2023


      Zion Lodge 81 has decided to clean up the area where our Flag Pole sits and put down Pavers.  This will prevent weeds from taking over and at the same time, bring in some revenue for the lodge.  We will be selling these Pavers for you to recognize a loved one or to honor someone living.  They come in two sizes; 4"x8" at $50 and 8"x8" at $100.  

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