From the East - October Update  on 10/13/2024

Emergent Communication: Entered Apprentice Degree  on 09/13/2024
From the East - September Update  on 09/02/2024
From the East - August Update  on 08/09/2024
From the East - July Update  on 07/07/2024
From the East - April Update  on 04/02/2024

Wardens and Brethren,

On March 19th we once again crossed that path of transition from one season to another. The vernal equinox is that middle point of the year when we move from the darkness of winter to the light of summer. It is a transition period when change is happening, but we know not what the future brings. March also marks our third month - a quarter of the way through this Masonic year. At last months stated, we received a gift of an aerial photo of the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford from R.W. Alvin Billings - in appreciation of our long term financial and other commitments to MHCO. Brother Billings also updated us on the children's home.

I hope you can join us at our April 8th Stated Meeting. We will celebrate the vernal equinox and the beginning of the baseball season - please wear your favorite team's jersey. I will provide an education regarding the connections of baseball and freemasonry. Please also bring a contribution to be equally divided between MHCO and Morehead Planetarium/NC Science Festival. 

At our May 13th Stated Meeting, we will receive Deputy Grand Master Lloyd Johnson for his official visit.

Here are a few other upcoming activities.  
April 12th & 13th - Halifax Day celebration. We will assist with tours of Royal Whiteheart Lodge. This is a fun event celebrating North Carolina's contribution to the beginning of our nation and the first "declaration of independence."  This year will be even bigger given that this is the kickoff to the 200th Anniversary of Lafeyette's farewell tour. I will have more details at our April stated meeting. Halifax Event Information | NC Historic Sites

April 18 - 7:00 PM: 3rd Thursday Ritual Practice - we will be working on the 3rd Degree ritual as well as receiving of dignitaries into the lodge.

April 26 - Masons on the Town - Siena Hotel - Chapel Hill.  Even if you cannot make it to the lodge meeting or gala on Saturday, come out Friday evening to meet Masons from other parts of this state and from Texas. See the JW for more information.

April 27 - Tranquility Lodge #2000 Meeting and Gala - Tickets are still available but registration will soon close.  Please register for the event in grandview if you plan to attend the Gala or contact me directly if you can only make the tiled meeting at University Lodge in Chapel Hill ( This is a once in a lifetime event to sit in a tiled meeting with two Grand Jurisdictions and sit in a lodge that will one day meet on the moon!  

For more details about this weekend and to register, please see:

For more information about Tranquility Lodge, please see:

You do not have to be a member of Tranquility Lodge #2000 to attend any of these activities.

 May 18 - Carolina Pig Jig - we will begin selling tickets soon.  And as always, we will have another Masons on the Town on Friday evening. This is always a fun event. More details to come. THE SEVENTENTH ANNUAL MASONIC CAROLINA PIG JIG™ – Saturday May 18th 2024 11am till the BBQ is gone!

May brotherly love prevail,

Mike Cline

Master, William G. Hill #218

"160 Years of Brotherhood"


From the East - March Update  on 03/05/2024

Wardens and Brethren,

It is hard to believe that we are reaching the end of the first quarter of our 160th Masonic Year. In January, W. Bro Eric Greene showed us the new online lodge communication and management system (Grandview) and in February, W. Bro. Matthew Robbins provided an excellent history of the many cornerstones layed by our craft in many public buildings across the state of North Carolina. I hope you can join us for our March stated communication when we will hear about one of our charities - the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford (by R.W. Alvin Billings).
As you can see from the items listed at the end of this letter - W.G. Hill #218 will be very busy over the next few months. One item I want to highlight is the visitation of Tranquility Lodge #2000 on April 26-27. I know that many of you have heard me speak about Tranquility Lodge on several occassions. For those of you who have not, Tranquility Lodge #2000 is a special lodge chartered by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas. Its origins began when Bro. Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon and, under special dispensation from Past Grand Master J. Guy Smith, claimed the moon as part of the Grand Lodge of Texas' jurisdiction. In 1999, this lodge was chartered as a special lodge that would meet quarterly until such time as it could be established on the moon. It holds a special place in my heart as it brought me back into active participation in freemasonry after a long hiatus and its meetings were the few times I could sit in lodge with my father who lived on the opposite end of Texas.
The Grand Master will open the tiled meeting at 10:00 A.M. on April 27 at University Lodge #408. Tranquility Lodge #2000 will then open their lodge and thus you will get to see the work of a different jurisdiction without travelling out-of-state.   University Lodge was chosen as the host lodge because of its proximity to Morehead Planetarium and because Bro. James Webb was initiated, passed, and raised there. In the evening, we will attend a black tie "Galaxy Gala" dinner at Morehead Planetarium to celebrate this momentous occasion, confer the Community Builder Award upon a non-Mason, and watch a special planetarium show. The cost of the all-inclusive event will be $200 for Masons and $175 for their guests.
I hope that you are able to attend the weekend event.  However, if the cost is prohibitive and/or you are not able to attend the evening festivities, I have set aside a few seats for the tiled meeting in the morning for brothers who are willing to assist in the preparation of the facilities at University Lodge and other tasks. Please contact me at for more information (this option is only available to our lodge and University lodge).  If Saturday is just out of the question entirely, I hope you can attend our "Masons on the Town" at 6:00 PM on Friday, April 26 at the Sienna Hotel in Chapel Hill.  We will share a few cigars and a few stories with our brothers from Texas.
For more details about this weekend and to register, please see:
For more information about Tranquility Lodge, please see:
You do not have to be a member of Tranquility Lodge #2000 to attend any of these activities.
Other â€‹Upcoming events:
  • March 11 - 7:30 PM - Stated Communication (meal at 6:30).  Education program - Masonic Home for Children at Oxford (MHCO) - Alvin Billings 
  • March 21 - 7:00 PM 3rd Thursday: Ritual Degree Practice
  • March 23 - 7:30 AM-1:00 PM: Grand Lodge Ritual Restoration in Oxford. We need at least 7 brothers (will take place of our originally planned district lecture service)                  Register at:
  • April 8 - 7:30 PM - Stated Communication - (meal at 6:30) Education program: Freemasonry and Baseball 
    •         Wear Your Favorite Baseball Team Jersey/Shirt
  • April 12-13: Halifax Days (we will travel to Halifax - details forthcoming)
  • April 18 - 7:00 PM: 3rd Thursday Ritual Practice or Emergent Communication for Degree
  • April 26-27: Tranquility Lodge #2000 visit to NC - University Lodge & Morehead Planetarium in Chapel Hill

In the midst of all of this, please keep in your prayers our brethren who are faced with challenges in their lives - tough medical diagnosies, deaths of family and friends, and difficult professional prospects.

May brotherly love prevail,
Mike Cline,
Master, W.G. Hill #218
"160 Years of Brotherhood"


Upcoming Events
  • NOV
    William G. Hill 218 Stated Meeting and Elections
    7:30 PM
    512 Lynn Road, Raleigh, NC
  • NOV
    William G. Hill 218 Stated Meeting
    7:30 PM
  • DEC
    William G. Hill 218 Stated Meeting
    7:30 PM