Brother Harold Langley Passes  on 03/03/2025
Brother Ed Craft Passes  on 02/28/2025
Lodge practice resumes January 28, 2025  on 01/25/2025
January 7th Officer Installation  on 01/06/2025
November/December 2024 Newsletter  on 12/13/2024

West Bend 434 News Nov-Dec 2024.pdf

December 3rd 2024 2nd degree  on 12/02/2024
2nd degree practice November 26th  on 11/25/2024
November 19 Stated Communication  on 11/18/2024
Sept/Oct Newsletter  on 10/24/2024
Sept-Oct Newsletter  on 10/24/2024
October 15 Stated Communication  on 10/14/2024
White Stone Oct 5  on 09/07/2024

SAVE THE DATE – OCTOBER 5, 2024 – Celebrating the Campaign for WhiteStone!.eml

Date correction  on 09/05/2024
Sept. 17 Past Masters Night  on 09/05/2024
September 17 Past Masters Night  on 09/04/2024

July/August Newsletter West Bend #434  on 08/27/2024
Gun Raffle tickets  on 08/20/2024
Grand Master's Challenge  on 08/13/2024
Correction Glen Pilcher  on 07/26/2024
Glenn Pilcher  on 07/26/2024
July 16 Stated Communication and blood drive  on 07/15/2024
April 23rd Emergent Communication  on 04/21/2024


The Worshipful Master has called for an Emergent Communication for work in the First Degree for Tuesday April 23rd at 7:00 PM. The last practice will be Monday April 22 at 7:00 PM.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

W. Bro. Murdock Funeral arrangements  on 04/19/2024


W. Bro. Murdock Benge's Funeral will be this Monday April 22 in Sparta NC.  A delegation will be leaving West Bend Lodge #434 at 10:45 AM to go to the Grandview Memorial Funeral Home(789 Grandview Dr, Sparta, NC.) to receive the body and proceed in a procession to the Cemetery at Laurel Glenn Regular Baptist Church ( Intersection of Laurel Glen Church Rd and Fox Ridge Rd, Sparta NC, for GPS directions, use 1401 Fox Ridge Rd, Sparta, NC).  The funeral will be at 1:00 PM.  Murdock 's previous request is for only Masonic Rites at the cemetery. 


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Shred Event; Practice; 1st degree  on 04/19/2024


The Shred Event is tomorrow April 20 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please spred the word and show up to help.

Practice is scheduled for Monday April 22 for work in the EA degree at 7:00 PM.  Monday will be a busy day with Murdock Benge's Funeral in Sparta at 1:00 PM.

Emergent Communication for work in the Entered Apprentice is scheduled for Tuesday April 23 at 7:00 PM. Please come and help our new brother get off to a good start.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

April happenings  on 04/08/2024


The Lodge is going to be busy this month.

Clemmons Lodge # 755, Second degree tonight April 8. Dinner at 6:00 PM, degree at 7:00 PM.

West Bend #434. April 16 Stated Communication; Official visit by DDGL and DDGM.

West Bend #434 Practice for 1st Degree on Tuesday April 9, 17, and Monday April 22 all at 7:00 PM.  Also need to practice flailing of arms to receive DDGL And DDGM.

West Bend #434 Shred Event April 20 from 9:00AM to 12:00 PM at Lewisville Elementary School. Need helpers and spread the word about the event. The last shred event only generated about $200 profit after expenses.  The 12 bikes costs over $1200.00.

May 11 Family Day at Whitestone from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

April happenings  on 04/01/2024

Brethren, April is going to be a busy month for West Bend Lodge.

Friday April 5th BBQ at the Masonic Center  11AM-5PM. Take out only $12.00 a plate. Positions available if you would like to volunteer to raise money for our charities.

Tuesday April 2nd, 9th, Monday April 22nd. Practice for work in the 1st Degree, and also practice for receiving the DDGM and DDGL at our stated Communication on Tuesday April 16th.

Tuesday April 16th Stated Communication and receiving the DDGM and DDGL.

Saturday April 20th Shred Event at Lewisville Elementary School.  9 AM-12 PM. Need helpers and spread the word around that we need paper to shred. This benefits the Bikes for Books program at Lewisville Elementary School and Morgan Elementary School.

Tuesday April 23rd Emergent Communication for work in the 1st Degree at 7:00 PM.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Kernersville Masonic Lodge #669  on 03/21/2024


Kernersville Lodge #669 is having a 1st degree on March 25 at 7:00 PM. We will be having a 1st degree in a few weeks.  This would be a good opportunity to see a 1st Degree from the sidelines and you can rehearse your parts as the degree progresses.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

W. Bro. Tom brown  on 03/17/2024


W. Bro, Tom Brown, PM passed away on March 14,2024. Funeral with Masonic Rites to be Wednesday March 20th at  Wait Chapel on campus at Wake Forest University. Be there at 10:15 AM properly attired (Dark suit or dark sport coat and dark pants). Enter at Reynolda Rd entrance and tell gate guard you are attending Dr. Browns funeral service. His obituary is available at Hayworth Miller web page


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

March/April West Bend Newsletter  on 03/14/2024


Please find attached the March/April Newsletter for West Bend Lodge.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

2nd degree 3-6-2024  on 03/03/2024


Don't forget the 2nd degree at 7:00 Pm on Wednesday March 6, 2024.  A final practice will be held at 7:00 PM on Tuesday March 5, 2024.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

W. Bro. Roger Gough  on 03/02/2024


W. Bro. Roger Gough passed away Friday Evening March 1.  Arrangements are incomplete at this time. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

update on W. Bro. Gough  on 02/25/2024

Brethren: I tried to download Joeys Email from earlier to day about Roger Gough. It downloaded to Grandview but I can't  get it to be readable on my computer so I am sending out this email.

Roger is not doing well.  he has had numerous issues post-heart attack and was at Salemtown but is now back in the hospital. He was put back in the hospital Saturday night with low blood pressure. He is losing blood internally and has been given blood transfusions. Also has a pressure sore on one of his heals that they get to heal.  Please keep Roger in your thoughts and prayers.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

update on Roger Gough  on 02/25/2024


Pleaase see the update on W. Bro. Roger Gough. I recieved this email from Joey Transou earlier today.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

March 6 and March 9 meetings  on 02/22/2024

Brethren: This email has a two-fold purpose. First the lodge will have an Emergent Communiation on Wednesday March 6 to pass Brother Livengood to Fellowcraft. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. The second purpose is to remind the Officers and Members of the lodge that we are hosting the Modified Ritual of Instruction on Saturday March 9th. Clemmons and Salem Lodge will be joining us.  Breakfast starting at 8:00 AM and the meeting strarting at 9:00 AM.  The lodge needs a minimum of 7 brothers to attend (5 officers and 2 members).


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Kernersville Masonic Lodge #669 Degrees  on 02/12/2024


Kerernsville Masonic Lodge #669 is having a 1st Degree on Monday February 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM and a 2nd Degree on Monday February 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM. West Bend Lodge will be putting on the 2nd Degree in a few weeks. A 1st degree may also be in the near future.  Please take the opportunity to attend this degree work.  Sometimes it is educational to watch someone else do your part, and you can rehearse your part at the same time.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

January/February 2024 West Bend Lodge #434 Newsletter  on 01/29/2024

Brothers, Please find attached the January/February Newsletter for West Bend Lodge #434.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Practice  on 01/22/2024


Don't forget practice Tuesday night at 7:00 pm.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

West Bend Stated Communication January 14, 2024  on 01/15/2024


Please don't forget your lodges stated communication for January 14, 2024.  Dinner at 6:30 PM; Stated Communication at 7:30 PM.

As of today ( I have not been to the mailbox) 42 Brothers have not paid their 2024 Dues of $116.00. 


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Officer Installation and Red Cross Blood Drive  on 01/08/2024


Don't froget the Red Cross Blood drive set for tomorrow January 9th from 2:PM -6:30 PM.

Also Officer Lodge Installation at 7:00PM.  No meal,


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Nov/Dec Newsletter West Bend #434  on 12/24/2023


Please see attached Nov/Dec Newsletter for West Bend Lodge #434.

Have a happy holiday from our Master Maurice Melton.

Update on Bob Blair: He is doing better and would like emails.

Update on Roger Gough: He is doing better, still weak and has no energy.  He woiuld like emails and telephone calls.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434


Red Cross Blood Drive 1-9-2024  on 12/10/2023


Per request of David Jaynes see attached flyer about the upcoming blood drive on January 9, 2024.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

2024 Dues Cards  on 12/07/2023


2024 Dues cards are not available at the present time. I will send out the cards to those that have paid their dues as soon as I get them.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

December 2 clean-up at lodge cancelled  on 12/01/2023

The worshipful master has cancelled the clean-up set for tomorrow.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Clemmons Lodge December 4  on 11/30/2023

update: meal at .6:00 PM, Stated Communication at 7:00 PM.  Ea's can come to the dinner at 6:00 PM.

Lodge clean-up day  on 11/30/2023


The worshipful Master has called for a Lodge Clean-up day for December 2, 2023 from 9:00 AM til ?.  The entire lodge and grounds need a deep cleaning.  Clemmons Lodge will be using our facilities on Monday December 4, 2023 for a meal and Stated Communication. Our lodge members and wives are invited to attend the dinner.  Our lodge members are also invited to attend the Stated Communication.  This would be a good time to see how another lodge operates.  The master is checking on the times of the dinner and the stated Communication.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Installation of officers for 2024  on 11/28/2023


The Master Elect has called for a closed Installation of Officers for Tuesday January 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM. No meal or refreshments.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Stated Communication November 21, 2023  on 11/20/2023


Don't forget the Stated Communication for November 21, 2023.  This is election night. If you don't come, you may get elected to a position, so come and vote for someone else(lol).  Dinner at 6:30 pm, meeting at 7:30 pm.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Emergent Communication November 14, 2023  on 11/10/2023


The Worshipful Master has called for an Emergent Communication for work in the Entered Apprentice Degree for November 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM. Practice will be on Monday, November 13 at 7:00 PM.

The lodge will hold elections for 2024 at the Stated Communication on November 21.  Dinner at 6:30 PM, Meeting at 7:30 PM.

Gun Raffle tickets are now available to pick up if you do not want to wait until November 21.  Contact Wes Caudill at: for more information.

Poinsettias will be delivered to the lodge widows at a date to be determined.  The master is requesting for volunteers to deliver the flowers.  The list will be available prior to and after the Stated Communication on November 21.  Please contact the master at: if you would like to volunteer.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

1st degree November 14th  on 10/30/2023


An update on the 1st degree. Practice Tuesdays November 1st and 8th. Final pracitce Monday November 13th. Grandview would not let me send the proposed line-up to you, so here is the line-up:

Master: Wes caudill

Senior Warden: Maurice Melton

Junior warden: Drew Epp *

Treasurer: Joey Transou

Secretary: Phil Wynne

Senior Deacon: Zack Rothrock

Junior Deacon: David Jaynes 

Senior Steward: Christopher Melton *

Junior Steward: Daviel Avlarez

Chaplin: Chris Kennedy *

Apron Lecture: John Craft

Working Tools: Aaron Pope

Candidate Prep:___________

Lecture: J. Michael Sloan

Charge: Aaron Pope 


1st degree November 14th  on 10/30/2023


Wes Caudill as requested for a 1st degree on November 14 at 7:00 PM to iniiate Thomas Livengood to Entered Apprentance. Practice on Tuesdays November 1,8,13 at 7:00 PM. Attached is a roster of particpants and their assignement.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

September/October Newsletter  on 10/29/2023


Please find attached the September/October Newsletter for west Bend Lodge #434.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Emergent Communication 10-24-2023  on 10/20/2023


The Worshipful Master has called for an Emergent Communication for Tuesday Octorber 24. 2023 for work in the 3rd Degree to raise 3 Fellowcraft to the Sublime degree of Master Mason.  Start time will be at 6:30 PM.  No meal provided. Please come if within the length of your cable tow.

Also the Master called for a practice on Monday October 23rd at 7:00 PM. If you are participating in the degree, please come and know your part.  It is hard to practice with missing parts.

Also don't forget the Shredd Event this Saturday October 21 at the parking lot, next to the Water tower at Lewisville Elementary School from 9:00 AM to noon.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

3rd degree practice & 3rd degree  on 10/18/2023


To all involved in the upcoming 3rd degree. Practice is Wednesday October 18 at 7:00 PM. and Monday Ocotber 23 at 7:00 Pm.

The 3rd degree will be Tuesday October 24 at 6:30 PM.  We will have 3 candidates, 1 of which will do his FC Catecysm at 6:30 and them the lodge will proceed with the degree.

Please come to practice if you have a part.  Please come to the 3rd degree if you do not have a part.  


Phillip Wynne,, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Stated Communication October 17, 2023  on 10/16/2023


Kevin Otis from the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford will be our guest speaker for our Stated Communication.  The meal is at 6:30 PM and the Stated Communication is at 7:30 PM.  We will dispense with labor so that our EA's and FC's can hear the presentation.

Please come one and all to hear Kevin's presentation.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Roger Gough  on 10/03/2023


I just got an email from the Master. The gist of the email is that Roger Gough had open heart surgery yesterday.  He is in room 114 phone # 336-754-3500 at Novant Health Rehabilitation Hospital an affiliate of Encompass Heath at 2475 Hillcrest Center Circle Winston Salem NC 27103. Visitation hours 12 noon to 8 pm. His sister said he woiuld be there for 12-15 days.  He can barely talk and will need speech rehabilitation.

Please keep Roger in your thoughts and prayers.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434


September 19 Past Master Night  on 09/11/2023


Tuesday September 19 is Past Master Night at our Stated Communiction.  The Master has requested that I send out this announcement.  The lodge pays for the catered meal estimated costs $20.00 a person. Please confirm if you are coming to dinner at 6:30 pm on that night by Thursday September 14.  I can be reached at 336-978-5354.  I will probably not answer the phone so leave a message.  Please only reply if you are coming to dinner.


Phillip Wynne. Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

September 19 Past Masters Night West Bend Lodge #434  on 09/11/2023


Tuesday September 19 is Past Masters Night for West Bend Lodge #434 at our Stated Communication. Catered dinner at 6:30 pm. Stated Communication at 7:30 pm. The Master has requested that those planning to attend the dinner reply to this email.  Since the meal is catered he needs to know how many will attend.  The lodge pays for the meal and the estimated cost is $20.00 a person.

Please reply to me at: to confirm a reservation.  The cut off date is Thursday September 14.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

wet Bend Lodge #434

Bro. Shelton Barefoot funeral  on 09/01/2023

Brothers: Shelton Barefoots funeral will be September 2 at Concord Methodist Church on Concord Church Road in Lewisville.  The funeral is at 11:00 am. Please plan on being there at 10:30 so that we can rehearse our part in the ceremony.  Shelton asked for Masonic Rites.  He was a 52+ year member of West Bend Lodge. Please attend if this is within the lenght of your cabletow.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Funeral arrangements for Bro. Shelton Barefoot  on 08/28/2023

Brothers of west Bend Lodge No. 434

It is sad news to share that our Bro. Shelton Barefoot has laid down his working tools and was called home by the Grand Artificer of the Univerise on August 25, 2023. Please keep his family in your prayers.  Bro. Shelton requested Masonic Rites at his funeral.  The funeral will be Saturday, September 2, 2023 at 11:00 Concord Methodist Church in Lewisville.. Bro. Shelton was a 52 year member of the lodge.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

Brother Tom(Doc) Brown cancer diagnosis  on 08/22/2023


Please see the attached email from Borther Tom.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434


August 15, 2023 Stated Communication  on 08/09/2023


Please don't forget the Stated Communication for August 15, 2023.  At this meeting the lodge will be honoring our Veterans. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm.  At this time we have 16 living veterans:Shelton Barefoot; Murdock Bnege; Thomas Brown; Ed Craft; Darrell Elder; Jerry Farmer; Darrell Hicks; Bruce Horton; Leon Monroe; Randy Perdue; Sidney Pruitt; Leonard Snyder; Archie Turner; David Uhl; William Wadkins; and Clarence White.

To all, please attend if you are able.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434



Emergent Communication for work in the Fellowcraft Degree  on 07/23/2023


The master has called for an Emergent Communication for work in the Fellowcraft Degree. Saturday July 29th at 10:00 AM. Lunch to follow the degree work.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

July/August Newsletter  on 07/19/2023
Funeral arrangements for W. Bro. Christopher Rothrock, PM  on 06/29/2023

Funeral arrangements:

Hayworth-Miller Lewisville (6685 Shallowford Rd) Chapel, Saturday, July1 at high noon with Msonic Rites to be conferred in the chapel, Burial will follow at God's Acre in Salem. Visitation will be 10:00 AM until noon, preceding the service at noon.

Masons are asked to assemble at the chapel at 11:30 AM so that we may prepare and line up to be seated together.  During Masonic Rites all Masons wishing to paticipate will rise and assemble in the front of the chapel.  Additional instruction will be shared at  11:30 Saturday.


Phillip Wynne, Secretary

West Bend Lodge #434

W. Bro. Christopher Rothrock, PM  on 06/27/2023

Brothers of West Bend Lodge No. 434,

It is sad news to share that our Worshipful Brother Chris Rothrock, PM has laid down his working tools and was called home by the Grand Artificer of the Universe this Tuesday evening. Please keep his sons, our brothers Jonathan and Aaron and his brother, our brother Zack in your prayers. Arrangements will be forthcoming.

Funeral for "La" Craft. Ed Crafts Wife  on 06/09/2023


This post is to inform you of the death of Nellie "La" Craft. She was the wife of Ed Craft. The Funeral will be held at Harmony Grove United Methodist Church on Saturday June10th at 11:00 AM.


Phillip Wynne, Sec'y

West Bend Lodge #434

David Jaynes: Blood Drive and Masonic shirts  on 05/15/2023

From David Jaynes: Don't forget the blood drive on May 17th.  Also those who ordered shirts from David, bring your money to the lodge tomorrow night.

Order Now Smoked Pork Ribs for June 9 - Masonic Charities  on 05/10/2023

West Bend Brothers,

We are to 30 racks ordered as of today. Last year we smoked and sold 86 racks of ribs. Let's push that number to 120. To do that, we need your help pitching this to your friends, family, and neighbors. 



It's time to order your smoked pork ribs for Friday, June 9, 2023 pick at the lodge from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. - West Bend Lodge No. 434, 6305 Shallowford Rd, Lewisville, NC 27023. Ordes must be placed by June 1, 2023. The cost is $30 per rack. You may pay when you pick them up. We will accept cash, check, or card (using a Square reader). All proceeds support Masonc Home for Children at Oxford, Inc, and Fraternal Friendship program for WhiteStone (MESH, LLC) 

Help us spread the word. 

Questions: Call or email Joey Transou,, 336-971-7804


Fellowcraft Degree May 6  on 04/24/2023

Brothers: The Worshipful Master has called for an Emergent Communication for Work in the 2nd Degree for Saturday May 6, 2023 at 10:00 AM.  Lunch  will be served after the meeting.

Modified Ritual of Instruction  on 04/24/2023

The Modified Ritual of Instruction will be held on Saturday April 29 at the Masonic Center on Country Club Rd. Breaakfast at 8, insrtuction will be from 9 Am to 2 PM. Jeff Bullington, DDGM will conduct the meeting.  He requests the 7 lodge officers to attend and any other interested brothers.

Fellowcraft practice April 26 and May 3  on 04/23/2023

Fellowcraft practice on April 26 and May 3 at 7:00 PM.  Degree to be confered on Saturday May 6th at 10:00 AM

David Jaynes  on 04/23/2023

Brethren: This email is to inform you that David Jaynes father passed away on April 20.  David has gone to Texas for the funeral.  Please keep David and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Fellowcraft practice Clemmons Lodge April 17  on 04/16/2023

For those practicing for our Fellowcraft degree, Clemmons Lodge is having a practice tomorrow night April 17 at their lodge at 6:00 PM.

To all, remember we have a Stated Communication on April 18.

Blood Drive - May 17 1:00 - 5:30  on 04/05/2023

Mark you calendars for our blood drive on Wednesday, May 17 from 1:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. This year we are partnering with the Town of Lewisville and holding the blood drive at Mary Alice Warren Community Center at 7632 Park Warren Drive. We need volunteers for check-in and canteen. You may sign up to donate at with sponsor code of Lewisville. For additional details, please contact David Jaynes at 336-926-5278.

Testing post-email attachements  on 03/15/2023

Testing ablity to attach PDF

Upcoming Events