Minutes: August Stated Communication  on 08/28/2024
Stated Communication for June 2024  on 07/03/2024
Stated Communication for April  on 04/19/2024

University Lodge #408 AF & AM

Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 15, 2024 – 7:30 pm

Officers Present:    WB Evan Watson (Master); WB Barry Deutsch (SW); WB Tyler Singleton (JW); David Collins (Treasurer); WB Charles Fiore (Secretary); Gavin Bergen (JD); Nathan Harms (SD); WB Alex Bass (Tyler); WB Jeff Troccoli (Chaplain).

Lodge opened at 7:34 pm.

1.    Secretary’s Desk

The Secretary reported the minutes of March’s Stated Communication.


2.    Treasurer

The Treasurer gave the financial report for March 2024. We have over 30 people on our parking waiting list for the fall.

3.    Committee on Charity

The Master directed that $100 be donated to the Whitestone Family Day on Saturday, May 11.

4.    Petitions

The lodge read an Application for Affiliation from Bro. James Ernest Jones.  The Master appointed the chair of the Committee on Investigation.  


5.    Trustees

WB Tyler Singleton met with a second trim carpenter for a second quote on the rails. Bid forthcoming.

6.    Installation of Outstanding Officers

The Master installed WB Tyler Singleton (JW) and Bro. David Collins (Treasurer). Bro. Dillon Kopec served as Marshall.

7.    Ad Hoc Committee on Proposed Changes to Bylaws

The lodge voted on two amendments to the by-laws.

1.    Waiving all dues for 50-year members in perpetuity. Motion carried over to next Stated. The amendment passed.

2.    Adding the “Whiteheart Amendment,” which would allow the lodge, by majority vote, to override a single negative vote against a petitioner or application for affiliation. The amendment passed.

Please see below for full by-law language. 

8.    Education

Dr. Stacey Sangtian spoke to the lodge about an ongoing research study from the Center for Aphasia and Related Disorders (CARD). They are seeking people (especially men) aged 40 and up who have NOT had a stroke to participate in the study’s control group. The study is “low risk.” It will evaluate speech, hearing, reading / repeating, memory, face and mouth strength, etc. There is nothing invasive. The study is rolling; no deadline. See attached flyer for pay, time commitment, contacts, etc. 

(If you’ve had a stroke or TIA (mini-stroke), you are NOT eligible for the control group. If you have had a stroke or TIA, you may still be eligible to participate in the stroke-survivor group. Contact CARD for more information.)

The informational flyer is attached to this email. If you are interested in signing up for this study, please email University408afam@gmail.com with your name, preferred phone number, and email address. Someone from CARD will then contact you about participating in the study.

9.    New Business

WB Singleton informed the lodge that the NC Masonic Fund has an option for lodges to open a 501 (c)(3) account, into which we will place the money received from the estate of WB Will Towne, set aside to seed a future scholarship fund. WB Singleton motioned, WB Jeff Troccoli seconded. The motion carried. 

Dale Bailey will cook dinner for June’s Stated Communication. The Master will not be here for June’s Stated Communication; details of that Stated TBD.

WB Al Jones’ wife is leaving town for two weeks. Drop him a line, as he’d love to hear from you.

10.    Old Business

WB Ivey will cook dinner for May’s Stated Communication.

11.    Calendar

Upcoming events include:

    Saturday, April 27, 8:00 am (breakfast) / 9:00 am (degree). Third Degree, Oak Grove Lodge, Durham, hosted by Fellowship Lodge #687. BROTHERS NEEDED.

    Saturday, April 27, GLNC and Tranquility Lodge 2000 Communication and special event, 8:00 am breakfast / 10:00 am tiled lodge (registration required), University Lodge #408 AF & AM

    Wednesday, May 8, 32nd Annual Golf Tournament, Occoneechee Golf Club, Fellowship Lodge #687

    Saturday, May 11, 10:00 am – 1:30 pm, Whitestone Family Day, Whitestone, 700 S. Holden Rd., Greensboro

    Saturday, May 18, 7:00-10:00 am, First Responders B’fst, University Lodge #408 AF & AM

    Monday, May 20, 6:15 pm (dinner) / 7:30 pm, Stated Communication for University Lodge #408 AF & AM

The minutes were correctly recorded. The lodge closed at 9:06 pm, peace and harmony prevailing.

Humbly submitted,

WB Charles Fiore


Proposed amendments to by-laws:

Proposal 1


SECTION l: The annual membership dues in this lodge shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00) plus Grand Lodge per become capita tax as specified in Regulation 20-1.1 of THE CODE which each member shall pay in advance on or before the first day of January [77-2; 77-3].

Proposed Amendment: ADD

“SECTION 2: 50-Year Members Exemption

For members attaining 50-year member status specifically with University Lodge 408, all dues shall be waived in perpetuity beginning the calendar year immediately following the year of attainment of said member status."

Proposal 2

ADD NEW Article 25

Pursuant to The Code of The Grand Lodge of North Carolina, A.F. & A.M., (As amended through January 1, 2023), CHAPTER 44, REG. 44-7 UNIFORM BY-LAWS, Article 19, Third Alternative Form; University Lodge 408, A.F. & A. M. adopts the following:

When voting upon issues requiring the use of the ballot box (Petitions for the Degrees, Applications for Affiliation, Honorary or Life Memberships), if one black cube is found on the examination of the ballot, the Master shall destroy the ballot and require the members to ballot again, cautioning them that white balls elect, and black cubes reject and reminding them to vote for the good of Masonry. If a single black cube is found after the second ballot, the Master shall not immediately announce the result, but shall require the person casting the black cube to communicate his reason for the negative vote to the Master, who shall keep the identity of the person making the objection in strictest confidence. At the next stated meeting, the Master shall reveal the reason given for the negative vote, but not the identity of the member casting the black cube. The Master will then ask the lodge to vote, by a show of hands, on the validity of the reason for the black cube. The majority vote shall govern whether the candidate is elected. If the brother casting the black cube does not present his reasons to the Master within one week, the Master shall, at the next stated communication, declare the candidate elected and the lodge shall proceed as if there had been no black cube cast.

NOTE: This is an optional way a lodge can deal with malicious or injudicious use of the black cube during voting. It is mandatory to follow this procedure when a lodge puts this provision in its by-laws until such time as the provision is removed from that lodge’s by-laws.

NOTE 2: If adopted, Current Article 25 will become Article 26

ARTICLE 25Stroke_Registry_Postcard[88]_1.pdf

SECTION 1: When these by-laws become effective, all previous by-laws are hereby repealed. All previous resolutions and enactments which are inconsistent or in conflict with THE CODE or these by-laws are hereby repealed and are void.

Grand Master's Regional District Meeting Schedule and Registration  on 03/09/2024


The Grand Lodge has requested that we forwrad this to all members. We satisfied our MRIP on Saturday, March 8. That said, if you desire more education, the events below are open to you.


Cherished Brethren,

Excellence never happens by accident. We have to make it happen. I found this quote years ago and it seems perfect for what we are trying to do with our Masonic work here in North Carolina:

"They must learn it by memory. By more than memory, they must learn it by heart. Not so that they can simply recite the words but so that they feel them, the shape of the story as it changes and lifts and falls and rushes or meanders toward its climax. So that they can recall and relate the story as intimately as if they have lived it themselves and as objectively as if they have played every role within."

With this in mind I, and in conjunction with the Board of Custodians, invite you to participate in an event called "The Ritual Restoration Symposium" to help solidify our Official Standard of Work in this Grand Jurisdiction. Seating will be limited in each location so please sign up early. Reservations will be cut off in advance of the sessions and walk-ins will not be accepted. The registration fee covers your breakfast and lunch. These lodges will be tiled.

7:30am - 8:30am Registration
8:00am - 8:45am Breakfast
9am - 2:30pm Meeting
12pm-12:45pm Lunch

Session 3 (Triad NC): March 16, 2024, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Winston-Salem Masonic Center
4537 Country Club Road
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 27104
Please use this link to register for the event: https://nc.grandview.systems/events/3496

Session 4 (Triangle NC): March 23, 2024, Oxford, North Carolina
Masonic Home for Children at Oxford
600 College Street
Oxford, North Carolina, 27565
Please use this link to register for the event: https://nc.grandview.systems/events/3497

Session 5 (Charlotte): April 6, 2024, Charlotte, North Carolina
Registration will open soon.

Session 6 (Fayetteville): April 13, 2024, Fayetteville, North Carolina
Registration will open soon.

Session 7 (Mountains): April 20, 2024, TBD
Registration will open soon.

I look forward to seeing each of you and working with you as we grow together in Masonry.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Donald E. Kehler
Grand Master

Two Initiated on Monday, 10/23  on 10/24/2023
University Lodge #408 AF & AM
Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 23, 2023 – 7:00 pm
Officers Present: Evan Watson (Master); WB Barry Deutsch (SW); WB Al Jones (JW); David Collins (Treasurer); WB Charles Fiore (Secretary); WB Tyler Singleton (SD); Dillon Kopec (JD); WB Jim Cone (Tyler); Dale Bailey (Chaplain); Thomas Volk (SS); Nathan Harms (JS). 
Lodge opened at 7:10 pm.
1. Entered Apprentice Degree
An emergent communication was opened for the purpose of initiating Messrs. Nathan Boucher and Ethan San Pedro. 
The JD found the candidate in waiting. WB Jeff Troccoli, Past Master of Mosaic Lodge #762 and University Lodge #408 and District Deputy Grand Lecturer for District 20, examined the candidate. The answers were found satisfactory. The JD, with stewards assisting, prepared the candidate.
The SD reported an alarm at the door. The SD attended the alarm and reported the cause. The JD presented Messrs. Boucher and San Pedro for initiation. 
Messrs. Boucher and San Pedro were initiated as Entered Apprentices.
WB Troccoli gave the First-Degree lecture. WB Alex Bass gave the First-Degree Charge.
Brothers from various lodges, including Columbus #102, Eagle #19, Forest City #381, Mosaic #762, and Putnam #23 (West Virginia) were in attendance.
Brother Nathan Boucher and Brother Ethan San Pedro were initiated into the First Degree of Freemasonry. WB Al Jones will serve as their coach.
The lodge was closed at 9:15 pm, peace and harmony prevailing. 
Humbly submitted,
WB Charles Fiore
University Lodge #408 AF & AM
Masonic Homecoming Festival 10/13-15!  on 10/09/2023


Make plans now to join the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford for the 2023 Masonic Homecoming Festival  on October 13 – 15, in Oxford!

Parade is at 11 am; barbecue contest and bands abound. 

More info: https://mhc-oxford.org/masonic-homecoming-festival.


Charles Fiore, Secretary

University Lodge #408 AF & AM

Double Second Degree at August's Stated Communication  on 08/27/2023
The Stated Communication for University Lodge #408 AF & AM was held Monday, August 21. As follows:
Officers Present: WB Alex Bass (Master); Evan Watson (SW); WB Dace Bergen (JW); David Collins (Treasurer); WB Charles Fiore (Secretary); WB Jeff Troccoli (JD); WB Tyler Singleton (SD); WB Elliott Warnock (Tyler); Dale Bailey (Chaplain); Nathan Harms (SS); Gavin Bergen (JS).
Lodge opened: 7:35 pm on a night where dinner was graciously provided by the good brothers of Fellowship Lodge #687. Also, it was Hawaiian Shirt Night, as per August tradition of the lodge.
1. Secretary’s Desk
The Secretary reported the minutes from the Emergent Communication on Monday, July 31 and the Stated Communication of Monday, July 17.
The Secretary read the names of members who have been issued Official Notices of Delinquency (9 outstanding).
A get-well card was passed for Bro. Eric Juda. 
2. Treasurer
The Treasurer submitted the financial report for August (attached). 
3. Trustees
The work on the back fire escape has been completed.
4. Petitions for the Degrees
Ethan E. San Pedro was elected to receive the degrees of Freemasonry. 
5. New Business
Bro. Watson motioned, Bro. Collins seconded that University Lodge #408 AF & AM donate $200 to the Grand Master of Hawaii Relief Fund in relief of those affected by the wildfires in Maui this month. As per our by-laws, the Master directed the lodge to donate this amount, no vote required.
6. The Second Degree
The Master dispensed with labor and the opened the lodge on the Second Degree for the  purposes of passing Brothers David Slezak and Thomas Volk. 
The JD found the candidates in waiting. The JD, with stewards assisting, prepared the candidates.
The SD reported an alarm at the door. The SD attended the alarm and reported the cause. The JD presented Brothers Slezak and Volk for the degree. 
WB Jeff Troccoli, Past Master of University Lodge #408 and Mosaic Lodge #762 and current District Deputy Grand Lecturer for District #20, gave the lecture and second degree charge.
WB Alex Bass gave the “G” lecture.
Brothers David Slezak and Thomas Volk were passed into the Degree of Fellowcraft. Coaches were assigned (WB Bass for Bro. Volk; WB Al Jones for Bro. Slezak).
There were 20 brothers in attendance, including brothers from Eagle Lodge #19; Andrew Jackson Lodge #576; and Fellowship Lodge #687. 
7. Calendar
Upcoming events include:
• York Rite Picnic: Thursday, August 24, 5:30 pm, at University Lodge #408 AF & AM
• NO REHEARSAL: (First Monday of the Month) Monday, September 4, 7:00 pm, at University Lodge #408 AF & AM
• Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation’s 2023 Merrill Lynch / Rite Care Golf Tournament, Sunday, September 17, South Granville Country Club, Creedmoor (see secretary for more information)
• Stated Communication for September: Monday, September 18, 7:30 pm, at University Lodge #408 AF & AM
• Master Mason's Degree: Monday, September 25, 7:30 pm, at University Lodge #408 AF & AM
• Raleigh Valley of Scottish Rite, September 29-30 (see WB Deutsch for more information)
• GLNC Annual Communication, September 28-30, Winston-Salem
The minutes were correctly recorded. The lodge closed 9:52 pm, peace and harmony prevailing.
Humbly submitted,
WB Charles Fiore
Current Master Initiates Son at University Lodge #408   on 08/01/2023


On Monday, July 31, WM Alex Bass presided over the initiation of his son, Brandon Bass, into the First Degree of Freemasonry. 

WB Jeff Troccoli, past master of Mosaic Lodge #762 and University Lodge #408 and current DDGL for District #20, gave the lecture and closing charge.

This degree would never have happened without the indispensable assistance of brothers from Eagle Lodge #19, including WB Jim Cone and Bro. Austin Collins. Thank you, brothers.

Keep an eye out for a Fellow Craft degree happening soon!



RIP, WB Clyde "Dick" Dickson  on 06/09/2023

Brethren, it is with a heavy heart that I share this news: WB Clyde "Dick" Dickson passed away last week in Charlotte. He was 62.

WB Dickson was Master of University Lodge #408 AF & AM in 1992 and 1993. 

There will not be a Masonic funeral, although he will be buried with his apron. Visitation will be held:

Saturday, June 15, 1:00-2:00 pm, at Myers Park Baptist Church in Charlotte

WB Dickson's full obituary is here.


Taxes Finished, We Held Our Stated  on 04/24/2023
University Lodge #408 AF & AM held our Stated Communication for April on Monday, April 17--the last night to file taxes. As all present had presumably already filed, or filed for an extension, we opened the lodge at 7:43 pm.
WB Alex Bass directed reallocation of our NC Masonic Foundation Fund to 60% stock, 40% income. 
Twelve parking reservations are already booked for the fall—all by word of mouth. A conversation ensued about parking liability, etc. WB Bass requested the Treasurer follow up with Mt. Herman Lodge #118 to see if they have any paperwork etc. that they require parkers to fill out. In general, how do they approach rentals? Might be informative for our best practices moving forward. 
WB Dace Bergen gave an update on restoring the fire escape. The trustees will remove the ivy from the fire escape and then get a welder out to the lodge (TBD). The trustees do not think the rust is an issue, although one of the restoration companies (OC Mitchell) thinks the rust is so bad it will need two coats of acrylic, raising the estimated price. We are still in search of a painter. The welding is not part of our current budget. WB Bergen feels good about getting this job finished before the fall. 
Bro. David Collins will meet Bud Matthews to repair hot water heater this week. Bro. Collins discovered two leaks under the sink and cleared it out. He also defrosted the freezer. 
WB Bergen moved, and Bro. Collins seconded, to donate $100 to the annual golf tournament for Fellowship Lodge. The motion was approved.
WB Bass asked Bro. Collins to coach Bro. Garrett Barnes, with assistance from WB Tyler Singleton.
WB Bass presented WB Charles Fiore with his Past Master’s apron. WB Fiore served as Master in 2022. 
WB Bass requested Bro. Collins shop for Masonic bibles and other holy books; we want to resurrect the practice of giving a Masonic Bible to candidates, either when they’re raised or when they return their Third Degree Catechism. We will consider Bible options at next Stated. WB Barry Deutsch will donate a Torah to the lodge.
For our education, we held our breath and opened the altar. We did not find the Ark of the Covenant, or anything other than black funereal cloth.
Upcoming events include:
• Fellowship Lodge #687 Third Degree: Saturday, April 29, 7:00 am breakfast, 8:00 am degree, at University Lodge #408 AF & AM. Help needed! 
• Fellowship Lodge #687 Golf Tournament: Saturday, May 10, 1:00 pm, Occoneechee Golf Club, 1500 Lawrence Rd., Hillsborough, NC
• First Responders Breakfast: Saturday, May 20, 6:00 am – 10:00 am, at University Lodge #408 AF & AM
• Stated Communication for May: Monday, May 22, 7:30 pm, at University Lodge #408 AF & AM (dinner beforehand, 6:15 pm)  ** Please note: the DDGM and DDGL will pay an official visit **
• Blood Drive: Durham Lodge #352, Friday, August 4, 1:00-6:00 pm, 1644 Cole Mill Rd., Durham, NC. Register at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=Durham%20Lodge.
The minutes were correctly recorded. The lodge was closed 8:55 pm, peace and harmony prevailing.
Humbly submitted,
WB Charles Fiore
University Lodge #408 AF & AM
Upcoming Events