Union Lodge #19 Hatchet Throw Fundraiser 11-21-2024  on 10/14/2024
Grand Master's Reception, Nov. 16 2024  on 10/14/2024
Union Lodge No.19 Minutes Oct. 7, 2024  on 10/09/2024

Union Lodge No 19 Minutes Oct. 7 2024.docx

Union Lodge #19 Hatchet Throw Fundraiser 11-21-2024  on 10/09/2024
Letter from the Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey Trustees, Re: Proposed Grand Lodge Legislation allowing the MCF to divest the Foundation of the Masonic Home/Masonic Villages and Burlington. See letter.  on 10/09/2024
Union Lodge #19 Regular Communication & FC Degree Monday 9/16/24  on 09/15/2024
Upcoming Union Lodge Blood Drive on September 14th  on 09/09/2024
Union Lodge #19 Emergent Communication 9/09/24  on 09/03/2024
Sad news passing of WB John Millas  on 09/02/2024
FC Rehearsal, Monday 8/26 7PM  on 08/24/2024
Union Lodge Trestle Board Sept.-Oct. 2024  on 08/23/2024

U19_TB_Sep_Oct_2024 (1).pdf

CJCN 2024 Flyer.pdf

2024 2025 GL Candidates (1).pdf

Upcoming Union Lodge Blood Drive on September 14th  on 08/13/2024
Union 19 Ritual Rehearsal FC Degree 8/05  on 08/02/2024
Union Lodge#19 this week 4/08-12/24  on 04/08/2024

   A quick reminder of what is going on at Union Lodge and in the 12th District (that Union #19 Officers should attend) this week.

Monday, April 8 TONIGHT, 7:00 PM, Ritual Rehearsal at Lodge. Rehearse for our Official Visit of the DDGM and the Fellow Craft Degree (exemplifying the FC will be part of the OV). All Officers should attend, all MM Brothers invited and encouraged to attend. We do need an Exemplar Candidate may need some non-speaking parts filled. We start at 7:00 PM. Dress casual

Tuesday, April 9 - Official Visit of the DDGM to Philo Lodge #243, 120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting/OV 7:30 PM. The WM and Wardens should accompany the DDGM on all Official Visits. Other Officers encouraged to attend. Here is your chance to see the Work and the corrections prior to our OV. Dress Suit & tie/Jacket & tie

Wednesday, April 10 - 12th Dist. District Lodge of Instruction. It is the Duty of all Lodge Officers to attend the DLI. From the DDGM:


The April District Lodge of Instruction will be held at Philo Lodge #243 (120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ 08882) on Wednesday, April 10th. The DLI will begin promptly at 7:00 PM

The Work for the evening will be Opening, Changeover to EA, Changeover to Fellowcraft, 1st section of the Fellowcraft Degree, closing on the Fellowcraft Degree and how to bring the candidate into the Lodge to perform his EA proficiency.

Dress for the meeting is Jacket and Tie.

R.W. William G. McClew
District Deputy Grand Master
12th Masonic District

Union Lodge #19 does not have anything scheduled or any District responsibilities the rest of the week.

Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No.19
Union Lodge #19 April 1st Communication  on 03/31/2024
   First, a very Blessed and Happy Easter to those celebrating the western church's celebration of Christ's Resurrection. Our "eastern" Orthodox brethren will be celebrating Easter on May 5th this year.
   On Monday, April 1, 2024, is the next Regular Communication of Union Lodge No.19. Dinner at 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. WE do have a Guest Speaker coming to our meeting. The Master has requested we keep the identity a secret, but it should be a very Fun and educational presentation by Brother masons. Rumor has these brothers are coming from the "hills and hollars."
   As a part of our Business on 04/01/24, we do need to accept or correct the Minutes from our March 4 (which we tabled on 3/18 due to the EA degree), and the Minutes of the March 18 Communications. Copies of both those meeting Minutes are attached to this email.
   Also attached is a copy of the March-April 2024 Trestle Board, which has a number of important dates. Union Lodge's next Communication, April 15, will be our Official Visit of the District Deputy Grand Master (DDGM). That will be a Tuxedo night for our Officers. 
   It is the responsibly of the WM, SW, JW to accompany the DDGM on all his Official Visits. All Master Masons, especially Lodge Officers, are encouraged to attend the DDGM's Official Visits. If you go to the ones that are before ours, you get to see the work and the corrections by the DDGM and DRI. Below is the DDGM OV Schedule.

The Official Visit schedule for this year will be as outlined below.  This has been reviewed with the Worshipful Master's and is set.  Remember the Official Visits will be on the Master Mason Degree for the whole evening and that all Lodge Officers of the Lodge being visited should dress formally (that means tux) per Masonic Protocol. The work for the Official Visit will be as follows:

1) The Fellowcraft Degree (include changeover from Master Mason to FC)
2) Long Form Closing
3) Ballot of the DRI's choosing.
4) We will go over some protocol time permitting.
Please plan your evenings accordingly and dispense with any business that wait until your next communication.
The schedule is as follows:
April 3rd - Raritan Valley #46
May 13 - Princeton #38
April 9th - Philo #243
April 15th - Union #19
April 19th - St. Stephens #63
May 7th - MilltownPalestine.#294
Officers are encouraged to visit other Lodges for their Official Visit to support your Brothers and Colleagues.
   Union Lodge will be Rehearsing Balloting and the Fellow Craft Degree at our Rehearsals. We have an Entered Apprentice Brother, who we hope to Pass to FC in May. We currently have Two (2) Petitions for membership that are in the hands of the Investigation Committees. We will need to Ballot on them once the Reports are turned in.
   WE look forward to seeing you in Lodge. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM
Union Lodge No.19 Minutes March 18, 2024  on 03/24/2024
   Please find attached a copy of the Minutes of the March 18, 2024, Regular Communication and Entered Apprentice Degree of Union Lodge No.19. Please advise the Secretary if you note any Errors or Omissions.
 On Monday, March 25, 2024, the Officers and Brethren will be getting together at the Lodge at 7:00 PM. This is an Information meeting and Rehearsal Night. There are several things on the Worshipful Master's agenda for Monday.
We will re-cap our Fundraiser on Thursday, March 21. Review attendance/participation and income.
We will discuss and set-up our line-up for the Fellow Craft Degree for Br. EA Greg Dohn, we are also exemplifying the FC for our Official Visit of the DDGM on April 15.
We will discuss our Lodge pin and car decal sales, and how we are doing with these fundraising efforts.
We will discuss the Lodge's calendar and upcoming events. Also, District Events. 
ALL Lodge Officers should attend. All Master Masons are welcome and encouraged to attend. Come out and get involved with Your Lodge. Be the Change you want to see.
   The Next Regular Communication of Union Lodge No.19 will be on Monday, April 1, 2024, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. We will have a surprise guest presentation at the April 1 meeting. I understand that it should be both entertaining and enlightening. You want to make a point of attending this meeting.
   Copy of the March-April 2024 Trestle Board is also attached. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
Raymond Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19
Union Lodge #19 Monday, March 25  on 03/23/2024
   On Monday, March 25, 2024, the Officers and Brethren will be getting together at the Lodge at 7:00 PM. This is an Information meeting and Rehearsal Night. There are several things on the Worshipful Master's agenda for Monday.
We will re-cap our Fundraiser on Thursday, March 21. Review attendance/participation and income.
We will discuss and set-up our line-up for the Fellow Craft Degree for Br. EA Greg Dohn, we are also exemplifying the FC for our Official Visit of the DDGM on April 15.
We will discuss our Lodge pin and car decal sales, and how we are doing with these fundraising efforts.
We will discuss the Lodge's calendar and upcoming events. Also, District Events. 
ALL Lodge Officers should attend. All Master Masons are welcome and encouraged to attend. Come out and get involved with Your Lodge. Be the Change you want to see.
Sincerely & fraternaaly,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No.19
Union Lodge No.19 Regular Communication March 18, 2024  on 03/17/2024
   The next Regular Communication of Union Lodge No. 19 is on Monday, March 18, 2024, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. At Union Lodge No.19, Masonic Hall, 60 Cedar Ave., North Brunswick, NJ 08902.
   During this Communication we will be conferring the Entered Apprentice Degree on Mr. Gregory Paul Dohn, who the lodge had Balloted to membership by Initiation at the March 4, 2024, Communication.
   We look forward to seeing you for this Communication. For members of other Lodges attending, please notify Worshipful Master Roy Kowalski about your attendance, so we can plan. 
Sincerely & Fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 Minutes of February 19, 2024  on 02/25/2024
   Please find attached a copy of the Minutes from the Monday, February 19, 2024, Regular Communication of Union Lodge No.19. 
   Also attached is the Flyer for the Lodge Fundraiser on March 21, 2024, at Stumpy's Hatchet House in Princeton, NJ. 
   Any noted errors or omissions, or any questions or comments please contact your Secretary at the contacts below.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19
Union Lodge No. 19 Trestle Board  on 02/23/2024
   Please find attached the Union Lodge No. 19 Trestle Board for March-April 2024 and a Flyer for the Union Lodge Fundraiser event at Stumpy's Hatchet House in Princeton, NJ.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge #19 F&AM
Union Lodge No.19 Regular Communication & Guest speaker 02-19-24  on 02/18/2024
   The next Regular Communication (Stated Meeting) of Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM will be on Monday, February 19, 2024, at the Masonic Hall, 60 Cedar Ave., North Brunswick, NJ 08920.
   Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. We do Invite our Petitioners and Candidate to join us for dinner, although they cannot yet attend the meeting.
   During the Meeting we will have Br. Craig Sicknick, Philo #243, speaking about the Police Unity Tour, a Charity to support the National Police Memorial and related charities.
   All Members of Union Lodge are encouraged to attend, all Lodge Officers should attend. If an Officer cannot attend, please notify Worshipful Master Roy Kowalski ASAP. Roy Kowalski email: roykowalski13@verizon.net  Cell: 609-610-2720.
   All Master Masons are invited to attend.
  Come out and enjoy the Masonic Fellowship, support your lodge and Officers. Attached are the Jan.-Feb 2024 Trestle Board and the Flyer for Union Lodge Hatchet Throw Fundraiser.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19
RW Tom Petro called to Lodge on High  on 02/09/2024
   Please see the below message from Princeton Lodge No.38 Re: Passing of RW Tom Petro. No Funeral arrangements have been made yet. I will share that information when I get it. 
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19

For the second time in my brief tenure as Worshipful Master, I have again been called to the solemn and difficult task of announcing to you all the passing of a brother, mentor, and friend. RW Tom Petro was called by the Grand Architect of the Universe to the Lodge on High. RW Petro was Initiated May 17, 2010, Passed June 14, 2010, and Raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on September 13, 2010. Throughout his almost 14 year Masonic career, he served in many capacities in Princeton Lodge, specifically as Worshipful Master for two terms and currently installed as our organist. He also took service roles in the other Blue Lodges he was a part of, Horizon Daylight 299 and Amwell 12, as well as the various appendant bodies he was a member of. RW Petro rose through the ranks of the fraternity and earned himself positions on Grand Staff; most recently serving as Aid to the Grand Master for MW David L. Tucker for 2023.


RW Petro exemplified pride in Masonry. Through his passion for the craft, his creative nature in all the masonic memorabilia he created and gave to his brothers, and his constant thoughtfulness with his annual Christmas card and masonic ornament, Tom showed what the tenant of brotherly love should truly be. I ask you all to keep RW Brother Petro, his family and loved ones, and all your brothers in your thoughts and prayers. 


While the pain of this loss will be felt by all of us, I can hear Tom now reassuring us that, “It’s all good… and it’s our charge to keep it that way”. Please take care of yourselves and each other.


Information regarding arrangements will be distributed as they become available.


Solemnly and Fraternally,

Rob Marrese

Worshipful Master 2024

It is with Sad regret that we report that WB & current JW Russ Shirley's Mother-in-Law Nora May Van Bree has passed  on 02/03/2024

It is with deep regret that we must report that WB Russell Shirley's mother-in-Law Nora May Van Bree has passed on January 30th 2024 in her own home in Edison, with her family around her. She was 85 years old. WB Russ and his wife Wanda will miss her very much. We wish brother Shirley and his family all sympathys in their time of grief. 

Union Lodge No.19 Regular Communication 01/15/24  on 01/11/2024
   The next Regular Communication (stated Meeting) of Union Lodge No.19 will be on Monday, January 15, 2024, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM, at Union lodge No.19, North Brunswick Freemason Hall, 60 Cedar Ave. North Brunswick, NJ 08902.
  This will be the first business meeting for 2024 and I'm sure our Master, RW Roy Kowalski, has much he wants to discuss and cover. Come out and participate in Your Lodge, enjoy the fellowship and "Be the Change, Be the Future" for our lodge and for Masonry.
   Attached to this email are the Minutes from the Union No. 19 Annual Communication on December 4, 2023, and the Emergent Communication/Open Installation on December 18, 2023. Please read and review these. I know Worshipful Master Kowalski wants to continue the practice of Accepting the Minutes as emailed to the brethren. After Minutes are Accepted and approved, I will post them on Grandview. All the 2023 Meetings, except 12/04/23 & 12/18/23 are posting on Grandview.
   WM Kowalski also requested I remind the brothers that this January has Five Mondays. January 29, 2024, is the 5th Monday. He would like to continue the tradition, started by WB Campbell, of going out to a restaurant for dinner on the fifth Monday. He is thinking we bring our Ladies as well. Please contact WM Kowalski and/or me if you are interested in joining us for dinner. Location TBD. Everyone pays. 
   Remember that in 2025 Union Lodge will be celebrating 175 years as a Masonic Lodge, since we were reinstated in 1850. The Lodge's history is even older, and the first Warrant for Washington Lodge No. 12 (which eventually became Union Lodge) was issued in 1794. We hope you will help us commemorate this great anniversary. 
   We hope to see as many of you as can attend at this or some future meetings and events.  
Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No.19 F&AM
Union Lodge No.19 this week Jan. 8-15  on 01/07/2024
   Union Lodge No.19 does have several things going on this week. We hope you will join us and participate in the life and activities of your lodge.
Monday, January 8 - Ritual Rehearsal and planning meeting. 7:30 PM. WM Kowalski wants us to review Opening and Closing the lodge, and possibly Balloting. We will also be discussing plans and events for 2024. - All Officers required to attend, all Master Mason invited and encouraged to attend. Dress - Informal.
Wednesday, January 10 - 12th Masonic District Association Meeting 6:00 PM Dinner and Meeting. Followed by the 12th District, District Lodge of Instruction (DLI). both are at MilltownPalestine Lodge No.294, 30 N. Main Street, Milltown, NJ. - All Officers required to attend, all Master Masons invited and encouraged to attend. Dress - Suit & tie/Jacket & tie.
Saturday, January 13 - Red Cross Blood Drive at Union Lodge No. 19. 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Members need to help set-up (early arrivals by 8:00AM), staff the building, and to help clean-up afterwards. Also please register if you are able to Give Blood. Give the Gift of Life! More details, including how to register, Below.
Monday, January 15 - Union Lodge No.19 Regular Communication (stated meeting). Dinner 6:30 PM ($10 donation requested), Meeting 7:30 PM. Dress - Suit & tie/Jacket & tie.
   A copy of the January-February 2024 Trestle Board is attached.
Sincerely & fraternally,
Raymond Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM
Blood Drive info.
Inline image
Happy New Year & 12th Dist. Beefsteak Fundraiser 01/06/24  on 12/31/2023
   I wish you all a Blessed, healthy and Happy New Year. 
   I would also like to remind everyone that the 12th Masonic District Association Annual Beefsteak Dinner and Tricky-Tray Fundraiser is on Saturday, January 6th, 2024, at Raritan Valley lodge No.46, 14 N. Doughty Ave. Somerset, NJ.
   Please see the attached flyer. If try to support this event. Purchase your tickets "on-line" by using the QR code or the link on the Flyer. This is the District Association's main fundraiser of the year. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM
Happy New Year! Words of wisdom!  on 12/30/2023
   Some thoughts from our Worshipful Master, Br. Roy Kowalski.

I saw this in the New York Times today and thought I would share it. 


Words of wisdom

There’s such fanfare about the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, but the difference is only a day. I find myself thinking about this a lot, how we invest the turning-over of a new year with such meaning, but it’s really just a Sunday into Monday, a transition we don’t dignify with ceremony the other 51 weeks. This week, it’s momentous. This week, we make a fuss.

What sort of fuss are you making? A party, a gathering, a favorite meal for dinner? Maybe in bed by 10 with a good book, which is to say no fuss at all, thank you very much?

You might, regardless of your plans, ask some people about the best advice they have received this year. People love giving advice, and when they’re sitting on something they think is especially effective, they’re excited to share it. Advice given on New Year’s takes on the air of a benediction, a strong first sentence with which to begin a new chapter.

I asked a friend for the best advice she’d received and she told me to “Buy the dip,” to which I densely asked if she was referring to condiments or smokeless tobacco. She rolled her eyes then offered something more my speed: “‘No’ is a complete sentence,” which I have heard before, but it’s a solid maxim I was glad to hear again.

The advice below comes from readers of The Morning. Hopefully there’s something in here you can use, a motto with which to start the new year.

The best advice you received

Keep a running list of the nicest things anyone has ever said to or about you. It’s a lifesaver on days when the world is getting the best of you. — Dave Clarke, Wauwatosa, Wis.

If everyone is driving you crazy, then the feeling is probably mutual. — Bill Chappell, Atlanta

Life is too short not to tell the people you love that you love them. — Abby Thomas, New Canaan, Conn.

We are all juggling so many balls. Differentiate between glass balls and rubber balls — and don’t be afraid to drop the rubber balls. — Kathryn Cunningham, Carrboro, N.C.

Wait as long as possible to get your kids a phone. — Laura LaGrone, Asheville, N.C.

Instead of calling someone out, call them in: Invite them into a judgment-free conversation with the intention of promoting understanding. — Rita Maniscalco, Huntington, N.Y.

Every time you receive a box containing something you bought online, fill it with items to donate. — Christina Poynter, Dimondale, Mich.

Before doing something, ask yourself, “Is this something that someone who loves themselves would do?” — Cathy de la Cruz, Brooklyn, N.Y.

You’re 73 years old — can you stop with the one-man shows? — Michael Kearns, Los Angeles

Nothing good is happening on your phone past 8 p.m. — Miriam Lichtenberg, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Feel what your body is saying and stop trying to think your way through your feelings. — Tobey Crockett, Paso Robles, Calif.

Drive slower: It’s safer, less stressful and gives you time to look around. — Rick Juliusson, Cowichan Station, British Columbia

Breathe in, thinking, “I listen for the silence.” Breathe out: “I am not the hero of every story.” Breathe in: “I will not get free alone.” Out: “I am worthy of belonging.” — Richard Ashford, Chevy Chase, Md.

Wear a watch. This way I pick up my phone half as often. How many times do you pick up yours to check the time and get sidetracked by 30 minutes of doomscrolling? — Jen MacNeil Danenberg, Newtown, Conn.

There are many things I can’t control, but I can control how I do or don’t respond. I can’t control others’ thoughts of me. — Chloe Stuck, Rolla, Mo.

Be proactive with your health by getting tests and establishing baselines. — Mary Anderson, Bend, Ore.

Be a fountain, not a drain. — Christine Clemens, Lowville, N.Y.

Just book the trip. — Emiley Shenk, Toledo, Ohio

A boundary is something you set that requires nothing of the other person. From Dr. Becky Kennedy on the “Armchair Expert” podcast. — Anna Politiski, New York, N.Y.

Walk at least a little way down into the Grand Canyon; don’t just stay up on the rim. — Stephen Edgerton, Chapel Hill, N.C.

Retire from your job, not from life. — Margaret Johnson, Dunedin, Fla.

Roy Kowalski
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19
Union Lodge #19 Trestleboard and comments on Dues  on 12/21/2023
   Attached to this email please find the Union Lodge No. 19 Trestle Board for January-February 2024. Please read it and note all the things going on in Your Lodge.
   Also attached to this email is a copy of the itemized listing of the Grand Lodge Assessments for 2024. The Total for the Grand Lodge Assessments is $73.50 for 2024.
   Most, if not all of you, should have received an emailed Dues Notice. There is an issue with those Dues Notices. Not in the amount owed, but in the letter portion explaining the Dues structure. I thought I had edited the 2023 letter for the 2024 information, then assessed the new Dues rates. Unfortunately, the changes to the letter did not save. I am working to see if I can edit that before mailing (USPS) the paper Dues Notices and Trestle Boards. 
Union Lodge Dues for 2024 are: $201.50 (pay only this amount if you are a dual member at Union)
Grand Lodge Assessment 2024:  $73.50
Total Dues for 2024 for U#19:     $275.00 (If Union is your home/mother Lodge pay this amount)
Please make checks or money orders payable to: Union Lodge No.19, F&AM
Please mail Dues payments to:
Union Lodge No. 19
C/O/ Raymond Helge
67 Texas Road
Monroe Twp., NJ 08831
We are not currently set up to accept electronic payments. Please mail checks or money orders. Or bring cash to a meeting. 
   For some of you making the $275.00 payment around the holidays may be a struggle. We will accept partial payments/installment payments. We will accept:
2 payments of $100.00 and 1 payment of $75.00
5 payments of $50.00 and one payment of $25.00
11 payments of $25.00
Or some other arrangement that fits your budget, as long as you are paid in full before December 31, 2024. Feel free to contact me to discuss this further.
   If you are suffering actual financial hardship and cannot make even those payments listed, please contact me or the Worshipful Master, Roy Kowalski to discuss possible Masonic Relief. Contact info in Trestle Board.
   On the other hand, if you have been blessed financially, your Lodge would gladly accept a Donation. You can earmark it for Masonic Relief/Distressed Brother Fund; Officers' Chair restoration project; Lodge Investment Fund; Community Giving; the General Fund; or other purposes. Contact your Officers to discuss this further. 
   As we move into 2024, we invite you and hope you will return to attending Lodge. We have much going on and are looking forward to a productive year of growth. Growth in members and participation. Growth in Community activity. Growth in fundraising. Growth in fellowship. Personal Growth. If you can make every meeting, attend when you can. If you can make meeting due to work, please attend and participate in some of our other activities, be it the picnic in the summer, a 5th Monday dinner, a Fundraiser event, a Community event, or some other event we have going on.
   On behalf of the 2024 Worshipful Master, Officers and brethren of Union lodge No. 19 we wish you a Safe, Healthy and Happy Holiday Season. A belated Happy Hannukka, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Happy New Year. Happy and Blessed whatever you are celebrating this time of year.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 Minutes 12/04/23 & 12/18/23  on 12/20/2023
   Please find Attached to this email:
1) The Minutes of the December 18, 2023, Emergent Communication and Open Installation of Officers for Union Lodge No. 19.
2) The Minutes of the Annual/Regular Communication and Election of Officers on December 4, 2023, for Union lodge No. 19.
   Please read these over and advise me if you note any errors or omissions. If you note any, or if you have any questions please contact me. 
   In speaking with Worshipful Master Roy Kowalski, he plans to continue the practice put in place by WB Arthur H. Campbell, III, of Approving the Minutes as emailed to the Brethren.
   Electronic Dues Notices have been emailed out. There is an error, the body of the letter explaining the Dues structure is last year's language. I thought I had edited it, but it did not save, and I did not realize this until I read my Dues Notice.
   Paper Dues Notices will be mailed (USPS) out soon. Hopefully with the corrected language/explanation of the dues.
   Union Lodge currently has one Petition pending Investigation. We received three (3) more Petitions on Monday night. They will soon be mailed to Grand Lodge. This is an exciting time in Union Lodge. We hope you will join us at our future meetings.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 Installation of Officers 12/18/23 NEW INFO!  on 12/17/2023
There is some NEW and Additional Information in this email. PLEASE READ!
Union Lodge No. 19 Free and Accepted Masons will hold an OPEN Installation of Officers for the 2024 Masonic Year.
Location: Union lodge No. 19, Freemasons' Hall, 60 Cedar Ave. North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Date: Monday, December 18, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM Social Hour; 6:30 Installation Ceremony; Dinner and Fellowship to follow.
Dress: Officers (and Proxies) - Tuxedo with white shirt and bowtie, or dark suit, white shirt, bowtie preferred or tie; Brothers - dark suit and tie; Guests - business attire or equivalent preferred. Ladies "holiday dress" would be acceptable.
All Officers should arrive at the Lodge between 5:00-5:30 PM. All Officers will proceed up to the Lodge Room at 6:10 PM to get in place (and be properly "Clothed") for the Installation. All others will be asked to proceed to the Lodge Room at 6:20. Both our Lodge leadership and the Grand Master want the Installation Ceremony to begin On Time.
If you are able to be at the Lodge building earlier, to assist with last minute preparations, please do so. Some of us will be there as early as 3:00 PM. Come and join us.  
With the Grand Master and some staff attending, and with the attendance we expect from members of Union Lodge and the 12th Masonic District, and their families and guests, we are expecting an extremely packed house. We will be placing extra folding chairs in the lodge room and possibly in the Collation room. We will be marking and Reserving at Parking Space for the Grand Master, near the Chestnut Street entrance to the building. We want to be there and be ready to receive and greet our guests.  
Please make every effort to arrive early, and certainly not late. We do want to keep to the schedule.
In addition to Brothers from Union Lodge and the 12th Masonic District, and our families and guests, Most Worshipful Leonard Vander Horn, Grand Master of Mason of the State of New Jersey and some of his Staff will be attending. 1st Lady Brenda is unable to attend. 
We will be reserving a Parking Space for the Grand Master, near the Chestnut St. entrance to the building, one of the spaces near the office and storage shed. 
Attached is a copy of the Installation Program for Monday. We will have printed copies available the night of the Installation.
We look forward to seeing you all on Monday, December 18, 2023, for the Installation of our 2024 Officer line.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 Installation of Officers 12/18/2023  on 12/12/2023
Union Lodge No. 19 Free and Accepted Masons will hold an OPEN Installation of Officers for the 2024 Masonic Year.
Location: Union lodge No. 19, Freemasons' Hall, 60 Cedar Ave. North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Date: Monday, December 18, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM Social Hour; 6:30 Installation Ceremony; Dinner and Fellowship to follow.
Dress: Officers (and Proxies) - Tuxedo with white shirt and bowtie, or dark suit, white shirt, bowtie preferred or tie; Brothers - dark suit and tie; Guests - business attire or equivalent preferred. Ladies "holiday dress" would be acceptable.
Please make every effort to arrive early, and certainly not late. We do want to keep to the schedule.
In addition to Brothers from Union Lodge and the 12th Masonic District, and our families and guests, Most Worshipful Leonard Vander Horn, Grand Master of Mason of the State of New Jersey and some of his Staff will be attending. 1st Lady Brenda is unable to attend. 
We will be reserving a Parking Space for the Grand Master, near the Chestnut St. entrance to the building, one of the spaces near the office and storage shed. 
Attached is a copy of the Installation Program for Monday. We will have printed copies available the night of the Installation.
We look forward to seeing you all on Monday, December 18, 2023, for the Installation of our 2024 Officer line.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Monday 12/11/23 Union #19, Princeton #38  on 12/10/2023
Worshipful Master Arthur H. Campbell, III, and Worshipful Master Elect Roy Kowalski are calling for a work party at Union Lodge No. 19, on Monday, December 11, 2023, starting at 7:30 PM.
The brethren will be doing some light cleaning, straightening, and preparation work for the Installation of Officers, which will be on Monday, December 18, 2023. Social Hour 6:00 PM, Installation Ceremony 6:30 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow.
The Union Lodge No. 19 Installation of Officers will be a little bit more of a "big deal" this year than usual. We have been informed that Most Worshipful Leonard Vander Horn, Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey and some of his Grand Staff will be attending our Installation.
We want our Lodge, our "home" to look good and be ready. Please come out and help if you are able. Every little bit helps.
An Additional Message: 
There was some talk of some Brothers from Union No. 19 going to the Princeton Lodge No. 38 Annual Communication and Election of Officers on Monday, December 11, 2023. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM.
We have learned that Princeton No. 38 is having this meal catered. They plan to charge all attendees a fee of $50 for the dinner, to cover their expense. 
If you plan to go to Princeton No. 38 on December 11, just be aware of this charge for the dinner.
I will be sending out more information about Union Lodge Installation of Officers soon. Watch for it. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Minutes of the Dec. 4, 2023, Annual Communication of Union #19  on 12/08/2023
   Please find Attached a copy of the Minutes of the December 4, 2023, Annual Communication of Union Lodge No. 19, Free and Accepted Masons.
   Please review and advise me of any errors or omissions. If you have any questions about the Minutes or the business of the Lodge please contact me.
   Union Lodge No. 19, will hold an OPEN INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS, 
Date: Monday, December 18, 2023
Time: Social 6:00 PM, Installation Ceremony 6:30 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow in Faulkner Hall (our lodge Collation room).
Location: Union Lodge No. 19, 60 Cedar Ave. (at the corner of Chestnut St.) North Brunswick, NJ 08902. Enter via the door facing Chestnut St. at ground level. 
We would love to see some of absent brethren. We have missed you. 
I have it on good authority that Most Worshipful Leonard Vander Horn, Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey will be there.  
Please RSVP if attending so we can plan food.  
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19
CORRECTION 12th District Lodge Installation Dates  on 12/03/2023
CORRECTION on Installation information (and of course I made the error in our own Installation)
Please check the 12th District Calendar for District dates, the Installation dates for the lodges in the 12th District and listed Grand Lodge events.
Below are the Dates of the Lodge Installation of Officers for 2024 for the Lodges in the 12th Masonic District:

(Saturday, December 9 - NJ Lodge of Research and Education [NJ LORE] #1786, Regular Communication. In Union Lodge Building. a 15th Dist. Lodge meeting in the 12th)

Saturday, Dec. 9 - Raritan Valley Lodge No. 46, Social 3:30-4 PM, Installation 4 PM, Dinner & Fellowship to follow.

Sunday, December 10 - MilltownPalestine No. 294, Social 12:30 PM. Installation 1:00 PM, Dinner & Fellowship to follow.

Tuesday, Dec. 12 - Philo No. 243, Dinner 6:30, Lodge Meeting 7:30 PM, Installation 8:00 PM, Fellowship to follow.

Friday, December 15 - St. Stephen Lodge No. 63, 7:00 PM, dinner & Fellowship to follow.

Saturday, Dec. 16 - Princeton No. 38, 4:00 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow.

Monday, Dec. 18 - Union #19, Social 6:00 PM, Installation 6:30 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow.



Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19 F&AM
12th District Lodge Installation Dates  on 12/02/2023
Please check the 12th District Calendar for District dates, the Installation dates for the lodges in the 12th District and listed Grand Lodge events.
Below are the Dates of the Lodge Installation of Officers for 2024 for the Lodges in the 12th Masonic District:

(Saturday, December 9 - NJ Lodge of Research and Education [NJ LORE] #1786, Regular Communication. In Union Lodge Building. a 15th Dist. Lodge meeting in the 12th)

Saturday, Dec. 9 - Raritan Valley Lodge No. 46, Social 3:30-4 PM, Installation 4 PM, Dinner & Fellowship to follow.

Sunday, December 10 - MilltownPalestine No. 294, Social 12:30 PM. Installation 1:00 PM, Dinner & Fellowship to follow.

Tuesday, Dec. 12 - Philo No. 243, Dinner 6:30, Lodge Meeting 7:30 PM, Installation 8:00 PM, Fellowship to follow.

Friday, December 15 - St. Stephen Lodge No. 63, 7:00 PM, dinner & Fellowship to follow.

Saturday, Dec. 16 - Princeton No. 38, 4:00 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow.

Monday, Dec. 18 - Union #19, Dinner 6:30 PM, Installation 7:30 PM, Fellowship to follow.



Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19 F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 Minutes 11/20/23  on 12/02/2023
   In preparation for the Union Lodge No. 19 Annual Communication on Monday, December 4, 2023, I have attached the Minutes from the November 20, 2023, Communication for your review.
   WM Arthur Campbell has been entertaining Motions to Accept the Minutes of the previously meeting as emailed to the membership. So, these minutes may not be read out loud on December 4. 
   Additionally, if you are registered on Grandview, all the 2023 Union Lodge Minutes from our January 2, 2023, Communication through our November 6, 2023, Communication are entered and viewable on Grandview. The November 20, 2023 Minutes will be entered after being approved on December 4, 2023.
   I look forward to seeing you at Lodge.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 Annual Communication 12/04/23  on 12/02/2023
   Happy December. Happy Holiday, Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy whatever other Holiday you may be celebrating this month. Like the song says, "the calendar is just one page." 
   We at Union Lodge No. 19 are winding up our calendar for 2023. Only two more official Union Lodge No. 19 events this year. 
Monday, December 4, 2023, Annual Communication:
including Memorial Service for Brothers who passed away in 2023, Closing of the lodge of Sorrow, Election of Officers for 2024, Balloting on Suspensions for Non-Payment of Dues (NPD), other business as may come before the lodge, and Opening of Lodge of Sorrow for the Ensuing Masonic Year. 
Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. The Dress for the meeting is business attire; Suit & tie/Jacket & tie for all Officers and brethren. 
Monday, December 18, 2023, Open Installation of Officers for the 2024 Masonic Year. Emergent Communication
Open to all Masons, their families and Invited guests. Social Hour 6:00 PM; Installation Ceremony 6:30 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow.
Dress for the evening: Officers Tuxedo or dark suit; All other Brethren suit & tie, jacket & tie. We request that guests dress accordingly in business or dressy attire.  
   We hope to see all our Brothers out at these two remaining Meetings/Events of Union Lodge. If you have not been out for a while please attend. Come say hello and wish your 2024 Lodges Officers a successful year. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union lodge No. 19, F&AM
Master Mason Degree Nov. 28, 2023  on 11/27/2023
   On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, there will be a joint Master Mason Degree being held at Philo Lodge No. 243, 120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ, performed by brother of Philo No. 243 and Union No. 19. 
   We will be raising four Brothers to Master Mason, 3 from Philo and 1 from Union. 
   Dinner is at 6:30 PM, the Meeting and Degree 7:30 PM. We have all the speaking parts filled and pretty much all the regular officer chairs. We will need some Walking Craftsmen. We plan on reviewing the floor work between the 1st and 2nd sections.
   We just had a very good degree rehearsal on Monday evening. This will be a good degree and one well worth attending and viewing. 
   This is Philo's Annual Communication date. They do have some necessary business they will have to do. They do plan on dealing with it as quickly as possible. So, the Degree will probably not begin right at 7:30 PM.  
   I hope we see you on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. Dress for the evening is: Officers - Tuxedo; all Brothers dark suit and tie/jacket & tie. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 this week events  on 11/26/2023
   I hope you all had a Blessed and enjoyable Thanksgiving. 
   Union Lodge does have a couple of important things going on this week. I hope you will come out and support your Lodge.
Monday, Nov. 27, 6:30 PM, Master Mason Degree Rehearsal for Joint MM Degree at Philo Lodge. The Rehearsal will be at Philo (as will the Degree). We will be Rehearsing both the First and Second Section of the Master Mason Degree. Most parts have been filled. We will need Walking Craftsmen for 2nd Section. Come out and review the Floor work.
Tuesday, Nov. 28, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting/Degree 7:30 PM - Master Mason Degree for Br. FC Kent W. "Kenny" Simpson (Union #19) and three FC Brothers from Philo Lodge. Please come out and support us in raising Four new Master Masons. Support your Lodge, your District and these new Brothers. Most parts in the Degree are assigned, but we will need Walking Craftsmen for the 2nd section. 
Beyond this week.
Monday, Dec. 4, 2023, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM - Union Lodge No. 19 Annual Communication and Election of Officers for the 2024 Masonic Year. 
Monday, Dec. 18, 2023, Union Lodge Installation of Officers for 2024. Social 6:00 PM, Installation Ceremony 6:30 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow. 
   Attached is a copy of the Union Lodge No. 19 Trestle Board for November-December 2023. If you are lodged into the Grandview system all our Meeting minutes for 2023 through the Nov. 6 meeting are saved in Grandview and you can view them. 
Union Lodge has a new Website up and running (still working out some bugs.) Union Lodges new Website! www.unionlodge19.com
   Come out and support your lodge. Enjoy your Masonic family. Happy Holidays to all.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 this week events  on 11/25/2023
   I hope you all had a Blessed and enjoyable Thanksgiving. 
   Union Lodge does have a couple of important things going on this week. I hope you will come out and support your Lodge.
Monday, Nov. 27, 6:30 PM, Master Mason Degree Rehearsal for Joint MM Degree at Philo Lodge. The Rehearsal will be at Philo (as will the Degree). We will be Rehearsing both the First and Second Section of the Master Mason Degree. Most parts have been filled. We will need Walking Craftsmen for 2nd Section. Come out and review the Floor work.
Tuesday, Nov. 28, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting/Degree 7:30 PM - Master Mason Degree for Br. FC Kent W. "Kenny" Simpson (Union #19) and three FC Brothers from Philo Lodge. Please come out and support us in raising Four new Master Masons. Support your Lodge, your District and these new Brothers. Most parts in the Degree are assigned, but we will need Walking Craftsmen for the 2nd section. 
Beyond this week.
Monday, Dec. 4, 2023, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM - Union Lodge No. 19 Annual Communication and Election of Officers for the 2024 Masonic Year. 
Monday, Dec. 18, 2023, Union Lodge Installation of Officers for 2024. Social 6:00 PM, Installation Ceremony 6:30 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow. 
   Attached is a copy of the Union Lodge No. 19 Trestle Board for November-December 2023. If you are lodged into the Grandview system all our Meeting minutes for 2023 through the Nov. 6 meeting are saved in Grandview and you can view them. 
Union Lodge has a new Website up and running (still working out some bugs.) Union Lodges new Website! www.unionlodge19.com
   Come out and support your lodge. Enjoy your Masonic family. Happy Holidays to all.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 Minutes of Nov. 20, 2023 Meeting  on 11/21/2023
   Attached is the Minutes of the Union Lodge No. 19 F&AM Regular Communication of Monday, November 20, 2023. Please review and advise me if you observe any error or omissions. General questions about the business of the Lodge can be directed to me, WM Campbell, or the Lodge Officers. All Union Lodge 2023 Minutes up to the November 6, 2023, meeting are also posted on Grandview. 
   There will be a joint Master Mason Degree on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting/Degree 7:30, at Philo Lodge No. 243, at 120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ. We will be raising Br. FC Kent W. "Kenny" Simpson of Union Lodge No. 19, along with three Fellow Crafts from Philo Lodge. 
   The next Regular Communication of Union lodge No. 19 will be our Annual Communication and Election of Officers, on Monday, December 4, 2023, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM.
   The Union Lodge No. 19 Installation of Officers will be an Open Installation on Monday, December 18, 2023, Social 6:00 PM, Installation 6:30 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow.  
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19 F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 Website  on 11/21/2023

Hello Brethren,

     Hope everyone is doing well. Wanted to let everyone know about Union Lodges new Website! www.unionlodge19.com
    Lots of pictures, event information, and Lodge happenings! We just posted all the pictures from our fundraiser at Stumpy's Hatchet House! Was a great time. Also a lot of pictures from our 2023 summer picnic, as well as lodge installations, dinners out, and more. Have a look! 
   We'd also like to ask all brothers that might have digitized pictures from prior events and years past to consider sending them to us to post on the website and share with all the brothers. Great things to share with each other. You can use the email address unionlodge19@gmail.com to communicate with us. 
   We're also considering setting up a twitter account so brothers who may not have seen each other in years can catch up and share life happenings. As well as lodge goings on. 
   Keep an eye out brothers! Union Lodge is on the move! 
                  Eric Wolff PM Union Lodge 19
Grand Lodge Assessments 2024  on 11/14/2023
   Union Lodge No. 19 will be voting on our Lodge 2024 Dues at our next Regular Communication, on Monday, November 20, 2023. For 2023 our Lodge Dues are $200.00 per member, plus the Grand Lodge Assessment of $73.00 (If Union is you home/mother Lodge. Assessment is paid only through your home NJ Lodge). The Budget Committee is currently working on our Lodge Budget. Once the Budget is set, we will discuss and vote of the Dues rate for 2024.
   The Grand Lodge Assessment for 2024 is $73.50, which on the surface appears to be a 50-cent increase. Believe it or not the GL Assessment has been reduced by $1.00. In past years, we have made a separate payment to Grand Lodge for the Grandview program (the Grand Lodge and Lodge membership data system) of $1.50 per member. Starting in 2024 the Grandview subscription fee is being included in the Assessment.
   Attached is a detailed breakdown of the Grand Lodge Assessments.
   The next Regular Communication (stated meeting) of Union Lodge No. 19 will be on Monday, November 20, 2023. Dinner 6:30 PM, meeting 7:30 PM. The Business for this meeting will include: 
Presentation and approval of the 2024 Budget; 
Setting the 2024 Lodge Dues rate; 
Nominations of Officers for the 2024 Masonic Year. (Officer Elections will take place at our Annual Communication on Monday, December 4, 2023). These two meetings are important, you should make every effort to attend.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge Fundraiser 11/16/23  on 11/09/2023


A Quick reminder that Union Lodge No. 19 is holding a Fundraiser Event on Thursday, November 16, 2023, 6:30-9:30 PM, at "Stumpy's Hatchet House" 745 Alexander Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540. 

This is an "OPEN" Event, Masons, Family, Friends and the public can attend. This is our only Fundraiser (besides Dues) to bring money into the Lodge. The Price is $50 per person. That includes 3 hours of Ax throwing. We are bringing in Pizza. It is a BYOB. We will also be selling 50/50 Tickets (to be drawn that night), and a Tricky-Tray Raffle (we currently have at least 6 different prizes). 

Please purchase tickets, attend, spread the word and invite your family and friends. See the attached flyer, use the QR code to purchase tickets or go to: https://tinyurl.com/Union19Fundraiser

Sincerely & fraternally,

RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM

Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM

Grand Lodge Communications and Elections Results  on 11/09/2023
   I have just returned home from the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, Free and Accepted Masons, Annual Communication, November 8-9, 2023, at the Tropicana Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City, NJ. At least five members of Union Lodge No. 19 attended all or part of the Communication (WB Arthur H. Campbell, III, WM; RW David B. Littman; WB Larry C. Hriczak; RW John M. Sardis, DRI [dual at Union #19, member of MilltownPalestine #294]; RW Raymond P. Helge.) 
   There was no legislation (changes to GL Bylaws) at this Communication. The business was largely the reports of the various Committees of Grand Lodge, reports of the Boards of the Boards of the four Corporations (Grand Lodge Trustees, Historic Trenton Masonic Temple Trustees, Masonic Charity Foundation Trustees, the Ashlar Fund Trustees) and the Election of Grand Lodge Officers and members of those Boards that we elect.
   I am sure that the Grand Secretary will be sending out information in the coming days, and hopefully the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge Communication 2023 will be published in the not-too-distant future. I will forward any such information to the brethren.
   Here is a quick run-down of the results of the Grand Lodge Elections: It was reported that 965 Ballots were cast.
Grand Master: RW Leonard Vander Horn, unopposed - Elected.
Deputy Grand Master: RW J. Eugen Margroff, unopposed - Elected.
Senior Grand Warden: RW Omar S, Morris, unopposed - Elected.
Junior Grand Warden: contested. First Ballot:
RW Bruce C. Golway - 478 votes: RW Moises I Gomez- 248 votes: RW Raymond Siecinski - 139 votes.
Second Ballot:
RW Buce C. Golway - 558 votes: RW Moises I. Gomez - 407 votes. 
RW Bruce C. Golway - Elected Junior Grand Warden. 
Grand Treasurer: MW Douglas R. Policastro, unopposed - Elected.
Grand Secretary: MW Roger B. Quintana, unopposed - Elected.
Grand Lodge Trustees - 3-year term (vote for 2)
Kenneth F. Carpenter, Jr. - 631 votes - Elected.
Ronald A. Murad - 693 votes - Elected.
Roy G. Simpadian - 606 votes.
Masonic Charity Foundation Trustees - 3-year term (vote for 3)
Samuel Carlisi - 785 votes- Elected.
William M. Krzewick, III - 768 votes - Elected.
Yoel Lee - 712 votes - Elected. 
Mark L. Mason - 630 votes.
Historic Trenton Masonic Temple Trustee - 3-year term:
Keith Graser, unopposed - Elected.
Thomas M. Petro, unopposed - Elected. 
  The Installation of MW Leonard Vander Horn, as the Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey took place at the Tropicana Hotel and Casino at 2:00 PM on November 9, 2023, for the 2023-2024 Masonic year. All other Elected and Appointed Grand Lodge Officers were installed at the same ceremony. (I did not stay for the Installation). 
   The next Regular Communication (stated Meeting) of Union Lodge No. 19, will be on Monday, November 20, 2023, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. We will be holding Nominations for our 2024 Union Lodge Officers and presenting the proposed 2024 Union Lodge Budget at this meeting.
Master Mason Degree for Br. FC Kent W. Simpson will take place as a joint MM Degree of Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at/with Philo Lodge No. 243, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting and Degree 7:30 PM. 
   The Annual Communication and Election of Officers for Union Lodge No. 19 will be on Monday, December 4, 2023, Dinner 6:30 PM, 7:30 in Lodge Memorial Service for Brothers called to the Lodge on High in 2023, Closing of the 2023 Lodge of Sorrow; Opening of Union Lodge No. 19 Annual Communication, business and elections of Officers, Closing of the Lodge; Opening of the Lodge of Sorrow for the ensuing Masonic year.    
   We hope that you can take time out of your busy schedule to join us at your Lodge and attend these important end of year meetings. Come and enjoy some fellowship, a nice dinner (our Stewards have been going a great job) and discuss the business of our lodge. 
   For those non-Officers and brothers who have not been out in a while, we do encourage and welcome you to attend Lodge. We do ask that you RSVP to WM Campbell and me (reply All to this email) so we can inform the Stewards how many we expect for dinner. We do not want to buy too little or too much food.  
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No 19 this week 10/9-16/23  on 10/09/2023
   This week at Union Lodge No. 19 there are several things going on. You should try to attend these if possible. 
Monday, October 9 - 7:30 PM, Union Lodge Planning Meeting. To be discussed: Schedule for remainder of 2023; 2024 Officer Line, Schedule of events, budget.
Wednesday, October 11 - 6:00 12th Masonic District Association Meeting, followed immediately by the 12th District, District lodge of Instruction (DLI). Business for Association meeting includes: Election of Officers, discussion of Grand Lodge Hospitality Room plan and cost, 12th Dist. Beefsteak Fundraiser, and other business.  
Friday, October 13 - 5:00 PM Social Hour, 6:00 PM dinner, MilltownPalestine No. 294/Union No. 19 Table Lodge, $50 per person, MM only. flyer attached. 
Sunday, October 15 - 8:00 AM - Purple for Pappas 5K, North Brunswick Community Park, Rt. 130, North Brunswick, NJ. We go, set up an information table, we hand out water to runners and medals to runners at end of the race. This is an important North Brunswick Community charity event. We should support it. 
Monday, October 16 - Union Lodge Regular Communication (stated Meeting), Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. 
   We all have cable tows. We all have busy lives (jobs, families, homes, obligations to other organizations), please make time in your life to come out and support your lodge. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union 19, Agenda/Draft Minutes for 10/02/23  on 09/30/2023
Officers of Union No. 19,
   Please find attached a draft Agenda/Draft Minutes for our next Regular Communication, Monday, October 2, 2023. Please read it over. Please advise WM Campbell and me if there is any business or topic that should be discussed, which is not included in the draft agenda. We can add such information. 
   I will be working on Monday (9AM-4PM) and I likely will be unable to go to the lodge earlier in the day to check the building, check the mail, adjust the temperature (heat or AC). If any of the other key holders are able to check the building and adjust temperature, it would be appreciated. Lisa and I have plans for Sunday. 
   I will be writing Vouchers upon my arrival at lodge, after checking the mailbox. As of last Monday, 09/25/23, we had no bills due. But I expect there may be some by Monday 10/02/23.  
   I look forward to seeing you all on Monday. 
Union Lodge No. 19 Meeting 10/02/23  on 09/30/2023
   The next Regular Communication (stated meeting) of Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM, will be on Monday, October 2, 2023. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM.
   Union Lodge No. 19, 60 Cedar Ave. North Brunswick, NJ 08902
   All Funds collected as dinner donations between now and the November 6, 2023, meeting will go toward Hawaii Relief through the Masonic Service Association. Donations from Brothers not attending are also welcome. 
   In addition to regular Business, RW Bernhard W. "Ben" Hoff, Past Grand Historian, will lead a conversation on Devinity, and in Masonry, what does it mean to believe a Devine/Supreme Being. Ben has led several entertaining and enlightening discussions in lodge in recent months. I'm sure this will be interesting.  
   A copy of the Minutes from the September 18, 2023, Regular Communication is attached. Please read it. WM Campbell may entertain a Motion to Accept the Minutes as emailed. 
   Please make an effort to attend and/or communicate with your Lodge. We miss those of you who used to attend but have not been out recently. We know the pandemic changed many people's habits and life. We know some of you moved further from the lodge (some out of state). We know some brothers' life situations have changed (I.E. marriages, children, jobs changed). Please try to come out, or if you can't please at least communicate with us. Let us know how you are doing. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge Fund Raiser 11/16/23  on 09/26/2023
   Union Lodge No. 19 will be holding a Fund-Raising Event soon: (Flyer attached)
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2023
Time: 6:30-9:30 PM
Location: Stumpy's Hatchet House, 745 Alexander Road, Princeton, NJ 08540
Price: $50 per person. price includes 3 hours of Hatchet throwing and pizza. BYOB for those who chose to. 
   This is an "Open" event, Masons, family and friends welcome. We lodge does plan on holding a 50/50 raffle and a Tricky-Tray Raffle. We are asking members of Union Lodge to donate prizes for the Tricky-Tray, if you are able. 
   We invite and encourage all members of Union lodge to purchase a ticket and attend, please invite your family and friends and please help spread the word. 
   This is our only Fund Raiser this year. Please give you Lodge your support. 
   Any question about this event please contact Br. Roy Kowalski or Br. Russ Shirley, who are chairing this event. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No.19 Regular Communication 09/18/2023   on 09/17/2023
   The next Regular Communication (Stated Meeting) of Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM will be on Monday, September 18, 2023. Dinner will be served at 6:30 PM, the Meeting will start at 7:30 PM.
   This meeting when we collect donations for the dinner, the plan is for Union Lodge to Donate the money collected to the Masonic Service Association Hawaii Relief Fund. The requested/suggested minimum donation is $10.
   This is our first meeting coming out of Summer Refreshment, therefore we are obligated to read all the Vouchers paid during Refreshment. During this meeting our Brother Fellow Craft, Kent W. "Kenny" Simpson will be performing his FC Proficiency exam in the Lodge. Br. Simpson is scheduled to receive the Master Masdon Degree in a joint MM Degree at Philo Lodge No. 243 on Tuesday, September 26, 2023.
   Attached to this email are:
1) the Union No. 19 Minutes from the June 19, 2023, Communications.
   We hope that you will join us at Lodge on September 18, and for many of our upcoming meetings and events. Union Lodge needs your physical contributions, we want to see you in lodge and at activities with us.
Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge Blood Drive 9/16 and Clean-up 9/11  on 09/05/2023
  Union Lodge #19 will be hosting a Blood Drive on Saturday, Sept. 16 at our building, 60 Cedar Ave. North Brunswick, NJ 08902.
   Please see the Attached Flyer. If you are able to give, please Register and donate. 
   We are having a brief Work-party to clean and prepare the Building for the Blood Drive on Monday, Sept. 11, 2023, at 7:30 PM.
   This would be a regular Ritual Rehearsal Night. We ask that all who can please come out and help us to get the building in good shape for the Blood-Drive. As some of you may know, the brother who normally cleans our building has been having some health issues lately. Therefore, it is up to the rest of us to pick-up the slack and make sure our building is in good shape for the Blood Drive. 
   Any question please contact WM Art Campbell or myself.
Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge Trestleboard Sept.-Oct. 2023  on 09/05/2023
   Please find attached the Union Lodge No. 19 Trestleboard for September-October 2023. We have a busy last third of the year coming up. Please READ your Trestleboard. The Master has some important information. There are many dates for Lodge, District and Grand Lodge Events on the calendar. 
   Some of the Events in addition to our Communications, on the calendar include:
Sept. 13- 12th District Grand Lodge of Instruction
Sept. 16 - Blood Drive at Union Lodge 
Sept. 26 - joint Master Mason Degree at Philo Lodge. Candidates include Br. Kent Simpson (Union#19)
Sept. 29 - Central Jersey Candidates Night 
Oct. 5 - Official Visit of GM to 10th & 12th Districts and Grand Lodge Reception 
Nov. 7-9 - Grand Lodge of NJ Annual Communication, Atlantic City, NJ
Nov 16 - Union Lodge Fundraiser at Stumpy's Hatchet House 
   Worshipful Master Arthur H. Campbell, III, and the officers and brethren of Union Lodge hope that you will join us in lodge and at the several other events going on in the coming months. 
   If you have questions about anything in the Trestleboard, or any other concerns please contact WM Campbell or myself. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
12th Dist. Grand lodge of Instruction 9/13/23  on 09/05/2023
   A quick Reminder that the Grand Lodge of Instruction for the 12th Masonic District will be held on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, at Raritan Valley Lodge No. 46, 14 North Doughty St. Somerville, NJ.
   It is the DUTY of ALL LODGE OFFICERS to attend and participate in the Grand Lodge of Instruction (GLI). Our District Deputy Grand Master, RW Bill McClew, and our District Ritual Instructor, RW John Sardis, do have almost every part filled for the Ritual we are assigned to perform. What we do need are some additional Walking Craftsmen for the 2nd Section of the Master Mason Degree.
   There will be a District Association Meeting, followed by a Final GLI Rehearsal, on Sunday, Sept. 10, at 9:00 AM at Raritan Valley Lodge. Please make every effort to attend this, and please volunteer to serve as a Walking Craftsmen.
   All Officers should attend the GLI. Dress is Tuxedo or dark suit. I will transport the Union Lodge #19 Officers' Aprons and Officers' Jewels to the GLI. If you are a Union #19 Officer wear an Officer Apron and your Jewel of Office. Please make sure those Aprons and Jewels are returned to the Union #19 traveling kit before you leave the GLI.
Grand Lodge of Instruction.
Social hour 5:00 PM, 
Dinner 5:30 PM, 
Gavel Drops/GLI Opened by Grand Instructor and Grand Staff at 6:45 PM Sharp! Assigned Ritual Work for the Evening will be First Section Master Mason Degree, Second Section Master Mason Degree, First Section Entered Apprentice Degree. Corrections and comments will be made along the way. Remarks by the DRI, DDGM, Grand Instructor, Grand Master's Representative, Introductions of Current and Past Grand Lodge Officers by the Marshal Corps, Closing of GLI by Grand Instructor and Grand Staff.
   Any questions please contact WM Art Campbell or myself. 
Ray Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union #19 Trestleboard July-Aug. 2023 and additional dates  on 07/19/2023
   Please find attached the July-August 2023 Trestleboard for Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM. This is the summer addition and has fewer dates/activities in it compared to most Trestleboards. It is still important to spread Masonic Light, and to try and keep everyone informed about what is going on in and around the Lodge and the District.
   Since we went "to press" with this Trestleboard, we have received additional information and dates regarding the 12th District Grand Lodge of Instruction (GLI) from our DDGM, RW Bill McClew, and DRI, RW John Sardis. That information is in this email below.
I have scheduled GLI rehearsals for every Wednesday beginning August 9th through August 30th.  I realize there are vacation schedules but please try to attend as many as possible.
To emphasize, the scheduled Rehearsal Dates are as follows:
Wednesday, August 9th - 7:00 PM. - Raritan Valley Lodge
Wednesday, August 16th - 7:00 PM - Raritan Valley Lodge
Wednesday, August 23rd, 7:00 PM - Raritan Valley Lodge
Wednesday August 30th - 7:00 PM Raritan Valley Lodge
Also, reminder, 
Sunday, September 10th, 9:00 AM - 12th District Association Meeting
Sunday, September 10th, 10:00 AM - FINAL GLI Rehearsal.
Both at Raritan Valley
Finally as a reminder, 
GLI is Wednesday, September 13th at Raritan Valley.
The format is a follows per the Grand Instructor:
Here is the updated format for our GLI’s based for


1.       Social time 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm, if someone is scheduled to do
work for a proficiency bar they may be listened to at this time
until 6:45 pm. Properly completed paperwork (Lecturer Pin
Temporary Record) must have been received by the Secretary of
the Ritual Committee a minimum of 10 days prior to the GLI.
2.       Dinner 5:30 pm. Ritual Committee members and the Grand
Master’s Representative will be asked to eat first.
3.       The Grand Lodge of Instruction will be opened at 6:45 pm by
the Grand Instructor and the current Grand Lodge Officers
(1 st  priority). Any missing Grand Lodge Officers should be filled in
by DDGMs or DRIs (2 nd  Priority). The Grand Chaplain assigned to
the GLI should have an opening and closing prayer prepared.
Either prayer may be read.
4.       Your selected Lodge will do a first section of the Master Mason
5.       Your selected Lodge will do a second section of the Master
Mason Degree. Craftsmen and ruffians may be supplied by other
lodges as needed.
6.       Your selected Lodge will do the Interrogatories (Masters of
Ceremonies Preparation of Candidate) inside the lodge room by
the inner door, preferably by an existing Senior or Junior Master
of Ceremonies.
7.       Your selected lodge will do the first section of the Entered
Apprentice Degree.
If you have been assigned a role and cannot make the GLI, let the DRI know.
Thank You,
RW William G. McClew
DDGM, 12th District
Here are the assignments. Please let me know if there are issues or step up to do some work. 
Master Mason Degree     
1st Section    2nd Section       
Position Name Position Name Craftsman   
Worshipful Master  Ed Walker Worshipful Master  David Umbra/Rob Marrese No. 1   Ed Walker
Senior Warden Tim Norek Senior Grand Warden Chris Howard No. 2   
Junior Warden Art Cambell Junior Grand Warden George Mellow No. 3   
Treasurer  Josiah Santamaria Treasurer  Josiah Santamaria No. 4   
Secretary  Ray Helge Secretary  Ray Helge No. 5   
Chaplain  Adam Santamaria Chaplain  Andrew Gaydosh/ Jeremy Governale No. 6  
Senior Deacon Rob Marrese Senior Deacon Rob Davis No. 7   
Junior Deacon George Mellow Junior Deacon Chris Carlsen No. 8   
Senior M of C Eric  Wolf Senior M of C Chris Nowak No. 9   
Junior M of C Willaim Krzwick IV Junior M of C Willaim Krzwick IV No. 10  David Wiess
Senior Steward Mike Dunleavy Senior Steward Mike Dunleavy No. 11  Tim Norek
Junior Steward Roy Kowalski Junior Steward Roy Kowalski No. 12 Don Skarr
Marshal David Wiess Marshal Barry Holsten Lecture  
Organist   Organist   Charge Adam Santamaria
Tyler Hugo Gini Tyler Hugo Gini    
Working Tools Kevin Jones Seafaring Man  Chris Carlsen/Hugo Gini    
    Jubia Ilan Baicher    
    Jubelo Jay Sgaramella    
    Jubelum Chris Howard    
Entered Apprentice Degree 
Stations & Places Name
WM Ilan Baicher
SW Kevin Jones
JW Dan Connell
Treasure Adam Santamaria
Secretary Bob Gaydosh
Chaplain Andrew Gaydosh
SD John Birritteri
JD George Mellow
SMC Chris Noack
JMC Hugo Gini
Sr. Steward Mike Dunleavy
Jr. Steward Roy Kowalski
Marshall David Wiess
Apron Ilan Baicher
Working Tools Rob Marrese
Interrogatories Kevin Jones
Charge Alen Chang
Reception Address Bob Gaydosh
Sumer Dinner and meetings 2023  on 07/17/2023
Good afternoon Brothers,
It was great seeing many of you at our picnic/BBQ last Saturday at Brother Kowalski's house. As usual Roy and Lisa did a great job with a little assistance from some of the Brethren setting up and breaking down. The weather didn't fully cooperate, but a great time was had by everyone that attended. 
Now, on to the reason for this email. I'm calling for an informal get together / dinner at the Omega Diner for the Brethren to break bread and do what Masons do best, eat and drink. As we have discussed in the past, we will meet for informal dinners on the 5th Mondays of those months that have 5 Mondays which will be July and October the remainder of this year. I have reserved the back room at Omega for 6:30 on the 31st. We have lots of catching up to do and some discussion on the balance of the year and next year. As most of you are aware, Omega is a BYOB so feel free to bring what you'd like to drink. 
We also plan on holding informal planning meetings/discussions at the Lodge on Monday, July 24 and Monday, August 14. Both will start at 7:30 PM. Officers should attend. All Brethren are invited and encouraged to attend.
Lastly, please let me know if you will be attending by REPLYING JUST TO ME, this way everyone doe not have their emails blowing up. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you on the 31st! 
Art Campbell
WM Union Lodge No.19 F&AM
Union Lodge #19 Summer & Sept. Dates  on 07/10/2023
  Our Worshipful Master, WB Arthur H. Campbell, III, is currently working on getting a Trestleboard for July-August, 2023, published and out to you. In the meantime, on his behalf, I will share with you WB Campbell's Summer Master's Message and some important dates. 
Master's Message:

My Brothers,

It is surreal to think about the fact that we are in the midst of the summer months, and more than half of the year has passed us by. While it has been a whirlwind, I think that we have made some incredible progress engaging our members with fellowship and brotherhood among those participating in our events and communications.

I am truly blessed and pleased to see the amount of camaraderie there is among the Brothers of our Lodge. We have had several outings with great enthusiasm, and we have several more planned for this fall. We have seen a Brother Initiated to Entered Apprentice, Passed to Fellow Craft and on the road to being Raised to Master Mason. We continue to receive inquiries and the possibility of additional petitions from newcomers who are greatly impressed with the welcoming and hospitable reception they receive when visiting Union Lodge. I am very appreciative to the Lodge officers for their service and dedication, and with your help we will continue to make Union Lodge stronger and more vibrant through the end of 2023 and into the future.

I encourage you to support and attend the events we have on the calendar for the remainder of the year, some of which include: Lodge Picnic hosted by RW Brother Kowalski on July 15th, possible dinner outing on July 31st (5th Monday of the month) TBD, Union Lodge/Red Cross Blood Drive on September 16th, Table Lodge scheduled for Friday October 13th honoring our very own Right Worshipful Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM, to be held at MilltownPalestine Lodge #294 and keep your eyes peeled and ears open for a hatchet throwing fundraiser in November, likely on the 16th.

Along with these “extra” opportunities for fellowship, remember we begin our regular communications again on September 18th. The communication will be preceded by dinner as has been customary, and lets give a big hand to our Stewarts for always serving memorable meals that frequently correspond to the food of the day!

Finally, I have a request of each of you, following RW Brother Ben Hoff’s great suggestion and in continuation of bringing a topic to discuss to our communication, I ask that you too put some thought into what you might like to present for discussion. I think the topics RW Hoff raised were great and inspired stimulating conversation.

I’ll leave you with a quote from a long-time Master Mason: “If it’s to be, it’s up to me” With this in mind I challenge each of you to try and come visit with your Brothers and enjoy some of the fraternal fellowship and Masonic Light that Union Lodge #19 has to offer. This is your lodge and only if we work together will it continue to grow and thrive! I look forward to seeing all of my Brothers this summer and into the fall!

Sincerely & Fraternally

Art Campbell,
Attest: RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM, Secretary
Important Dates:
Union Lodge No. 19:
Saturday, July 15 - Lodge Family Picnic at RW Kowalski's residence (contact Roy for information)
Monday, July 24 - Informal planning meeting/get together at Union Lodge #19, 7:30 PM 
Monday, July 31 - Lodge dinner outing. Location and other information TBD
Monday August 14 - Lodge informal planning meeting/get together at Union Lodge #19, 7:30 PM
Monday, September 11 - Union Lodge #19 Ritual Rehearsal 7:30 PM
Monday, September 18 - Union Lodge #19 Regular Communication. Dinner 6:30 PM, meeting 7:30 PM
12th Masonic District:
Sunday, September 10 - 12th Dist. Association Meeting 9:00 AM Raritan Valley Lodge #46
Sunday, September 10 - 12th Dist. Grand Lodge of Instruction (GLI) Rehearsal 9:00 AM until ?. Raritan Valley Lodge #46, 14 North Doughty St. Somerville, NJ
Wednesday, September 13 - 12th District Grand Lodge of Instruction, Raritan Valley Lodge No. 46, 14 North Doughty St. Somerville, NJ. Dinner 5:00 PM, Gavel Drops/GLI 6:45 PM. All Officers required to attend. Formal Tuxedo or dark suit.
Grand Lodge of New Jersey:
Saturday, August 26 - The John Skene Masonic Conference, Crescent Shrine, 500 Highland Ave. Westampton, NJ. "A unique Masonic Conference honoring the life and times of John Skene, the first known Freemason in North America. See the Grand Lodge electronic newsletter for more details. Or contact WB Mohamad Zubaidi (Philo Lodge #243) our District Education Officer.
October 27, 28, 29, 2023 - Masonic Leadership Conference, sponsored by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. Patten Campus, Elizabethtown, PA. 
   We will try to keep you updated as more information and/or other dates become available. We look forward to seeing you or hearing from you soon. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
2023 Lodge Picnic Attendees  on 06/25/2023
See below.
Union Lodge No. 19 Annual Family Picnic
Time: Start 2:00 PM, Dinner approximately 5:00 PM, until??
Date: Saturday, July 15, 2023
Location: RW Roy Kowalski's home, 14 Chandler Court, Plainsboro, NJ
Everyone is requested to bring a side dish or dessert. Please contact and coordinate with Roy on this. Cell: 609-610-2720
Bring your bathing suit and a towel, the pool will be open. 
Roy is also requesting assistance from the Brethren in arriving early for set-up and some help on Sunday with clean-up. This picnic is a big undertaking. The Kowalski family is happy to host but do ask for some help. 
The Picnic is Open to Union lodge members, invited guests of Union Lodge, their families and invited guests.
Please RSVP to Roy and coordinate with him on food and assistance.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Roy Kowalski <roykowalski13@verizon.net>
To: "ahciii@yahoo.com" <ahciii@yahoo.com>
Cc: Ray Helge <rp_helge1776@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 05:42:50 PM EDT
Subject: 2023 Lodge Picnic Attendees
Please let me know if I missed any.
2023 Lodge Picnic Attendees
Me —3
Art C -1
Russ S -2
Artie S -4
Barry- 4
Shawn -2
Todd -2
Allan H -2
Ben -2
David L -2
Bill Scizem -4
Jeff Kitchen?
Don S -2
Eric W-2
Al -2
Brian M -4
Karl -4
Roy Kowalski
Fw: 2023 Lodge Picnic Todo:  on 06/25/2023
Please See Below. 
Union Lodge No. 19 Annual Family Picnic
Time: Start 2:00 PM, Dinner approximately 5:00 PM, until??
Date: Saturday, July 15, 2023
Location: RW Roy Kowalski's home, 14 Chandler Court, Plainsboro, NJ
Everyone is requested to bring a side dish or dessert. Please contact and coordinate with Roy on this. Cell: 609-610-2720
Bring your bathing suit and a towel, the pool will be open. 
Roy is also requesting assistance from the Brethren in arriving early for set-up and some help on Sunday with clean-up. This picnic is a big undertaking. The Kowalski family is happy to host but do ask for some help. 
The Picnic is Open to Union lodge members, invited guests of Union Lodge, their families and invited guests.
Please RSVP to Roy and coordinate with him on food and assistance.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Roy Kowalski <roykowalski13@verizon.net>
To: "ahciii@yahoo.com" <ahciii@yahoo.com>
Cc: Ray Helge <rp_helge1776@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 05:43:57 PM EDT
Subject: 2023 Lodge Picnic Todo:
2023 Lodge Picnic Todo:
Art / Roy Pulled Pork, Chicken. -40 total 
Friday set up tables, Chairs, Ez UPS, Coolers
Sunday Clean Up
To buy:
BBQ Sauce
Slaw -1
Paper plates -Lodge
Forks/ Knife - Lodge
Soda, Coke, Dt Coke
Roy Kowalski

2023 Lodge Picnic Contributions

Leroy Banan Bread
Larry potatoes Salad
Ben - Pineapple Upside Cake
Art S. Dessert
Roy Kowalski
Union Lodge No. 19 Minutes June 19, 2023, and summer picnic 07/15/23  on 06/20/2023
   Please find attached the Minutes of the June 19, 2023, Regular Communication of Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM. Please review and report if you note any errors or omissions.
Union Lodge No. 19 Annual Family Picnic
Time: Start 2:00 PM, Dinner approximately 5:00 PM, until??
Date: Saturday, July 15, 2023
Location: RW Roy Kowalski's home, 14 Chandler Court, Plainsboro, NJ
Everyone is requested to bring a side dish or dessert. Please contact and coordinate with Roy on this. Cell: 609-610-2720
Bring your bathing suit and a towel, the pool will be open. 
Roy is also requesting assistance from the Brethren in arriving early for set-up and some help on Sunday with clean-up. This picnic is a big undertaking. The Kowalski family is happy to host but do ask for some help. 
The Picnic is Open to Union lodge members, invited guests of Union Lodge, their families and invited guests.
Please RSVP to Roy and coordinate with him on food and assistance.
   Have a great summer refreshment. But we are not "dark", Union Lodge will have some informal activity over the summer and will should always be spreading Masonic Light. We will send out information soon.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge #19
Union Lodge #19 Meeting June 19, 2023  on 06/15/2023
   The next Regular Communication (stated meeting) of Union Lodge No. 19, will be on Monday, June 19, 2023. Dinner at 6:30 PM, Meeting at 7:30 PM. This will be our last Regular Communication before the Summer Refreshment (Masons should never go "dark" We should always be spreading Light). Unless the Worshipful Master calls for an Emergent Communication the next Regular Communication will be on Monday, September 18, 2023.
   Worshipful Master Arthur H. Campbell, III, has declared the dress for the June 19 meeting will be "Masonic Casual" a collared shirt, trousers/slacks (no shorts) closed toe shoes. Hawaiian Shirts are encouraged, but not required. Come out and enjoy some fellowship with the Brothers of your Lodge. 
   While June 19 is the last Regular Communication until September, we will still be active and doing things. WM Campbell does plan on calling for a few informal meetings during the summer. These will be used for lodge planning, discussing Masonic topics, and maybe some informal rehearsals. We will send emails on these. All Members are invited and encouraged to attend. 
   We also have the Union Lodge Annual Picnic/BBQ, hosted at RW Roy Kowalski's house in Plainsboro, NJ, on Saturday July 17, 2023. Again, all Members and their families and guests are invited and welcome. We do ask that you RSVP to Roy, and also please coordinate with him as we request everyone bring a "dish". It could be an appetizer, a side dish or a dessert. Please coordinate with Roy so we don't end up with 20 potato salads and nothing else. Roy's email roykowalski13@verizon.net. We will be sending out more information on this soon.
   Union Lodge is also working on becoming more involved in the North Brunswick (the town where the Lodge is located) community. Watch for updates and emails about Community Events. There is also discussion of either a Union Lodge or a 12th District Booth at the Middlesex County Fair in August. If we do this, we will need volunteers to help man the booth on weekday evenings and Saturday and Sunday. The Middlesex County Fair will likely be the week of August 7-13, 2023, if they stay with their traditional dates. 
   As you can see, Masonry never goes "dark" and we are remaining active during the summer, even if not holding meetings regularly. 
   We hope to see you all soon. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
Ray Helge
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge #19 Minutes 06/05/23 and upcoming dates  on 06/06/2023
  Please see the Attached Minutes for the June 5, 2023, Regular Communication of Union Lodge No. 19. Please advise me of any errors or omissions noted.
   The next Regular Communication (stated Meeting) of Union Lodge No. 19 will be on Monday, June 19, 2023. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. This will be our last regular communication before the summer refreshment. WM Campbell has declared the dress for this meeting will be "Mason Casual" (collared shirt, slacks, closed toe shoes) Hawaiian Shirts are encouraged but not required.
   The Stewards have stated the dinner for the June 19 meeting will be pulled pork, pull chicken and Hawaiian themed sides and desserts. 
Worshipful Master Campbell has requested I remind the Brethren of the following Union Lodge and/or 12th District events coming up.
12th District/Union Lodge - 12th Dist. Gold Token Night, Wednesday, June 14, 2023, at Philo Lodge No. 243. Arrive 5:00 PM; Gold Token "Degree" 5:30 PM (MM only. There will be entertainment for the Guests), followed immediately by Presentation of the Gold token with Guests present. A Catered Dinner and Fellowship to follow. Union Lodge has three Brothers due for 60- or 65-Year Awards, at least one will be there. Please come out and support our Gold Token Honorees.
Union Lodge Regular Communication - Monday, June 19, 2023. See above.
Union Lodge - Lodge Picnic, Saturday, July 15, 2023. Host at RW Roy Kowalski's residence, 14 Chandler Court, Plainsboro, NJ. Picnic starts 2:00 PM, Dinner at about 5:00 PM. Roy is requesting everyone bring some food dish. Please coordinate with Roy, email: roykowalski13@verizon.net. Roy is also requesting assistance with Set-up on Saturday morning and with Clean-up on Sunday. 
Union Lodge - Blood Drive, Saturday, September 16, 2023, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Assistance and Donors needed. This will be the Saturday prior to our September meeting. 
Philo Lodge No. 243 - Spring Rib-Fest, Saturday, June 17, 2023, 1-4PM, 120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ. $35 per person All you can Eat Rbis, burgers, hotdogs and other foods and soft drinks. Extra $15 per person for Beer and Wine.
Raritan Valley Lodge #46 - Saturday, June 24, 2023, Master Mason Degree. WB Michael Dunleavy is filling parts and will likely need some walking Craftsmen.
  Many, but not all Masonic Lodges may go on Refreshment during July and August, Masonry never sleeps (and never goes "dark"). Freemasonry is essential. Come out and support and enjoy the many things Masonry has to offer.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
Union Lodge No. 19 Regular Communication June 5, 2023  on 06/04/2023
   A quick reminder that the next Regular Communication (stated Meeting) of Union Lodge No. 19 F&AM will be Monday, June 5, 2023, at the Freemason's Hall, 60 Cedar Ave. North Brunswick, NJ 08902.
   Dinner will be served at 6:30 PM, the meeting will start at 7:30 PM. Dress is Business attire, Suit & tie/jacket & tie. All Officers should attend. All Brethren invited to attend. It is Your Lodge, come out, participate and enjoy your brothers' company. 
   Join us in Congratulating Br. FC Kent W. "Kenny" Simpson, who was Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft at a joint FC Degree held at MilltownPalestine Lodge #294 on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. 
   Attached is the Minutes of the May 15, 2023, Regular Communication of Union Lodge #19. Please review these, WM Arthur Campbell has been entertaining motions to "accept the Minutes as emailed." I expect he will do the same on Monday, 06/05/2023. If you note any errors or omissions, please let me know ASAP.
   We look forward to seeing you on Monday, June 5, 2023. 
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge #19 F&AM
Union Lodge #19 Communication and DDGM OV Tonight 05/15/23  on 05/15/2023
   Tonight, Monday, May 15, 2023, is a Regular Communication (stated Meeting) of Union Lodge #19. It is also the Official Visit of the District Deputy Grand Master. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM.
   We will be performing and/or exemplifying the following Masonic work: Opening; Closing (long form); first Section Entered Apprentice Degree; and a Ballot of the DRI's choosing. 
   We respectfully request that all members of Union Lodge please attend and support your Lodge.
   Additionally, several regular Officers will be unable to attend tonight either due to work or health issues. These are Junior Warden, Treasurer, Senior Master of Ceremonies; and Marshal. If you are available and know the work for any of these chairs, please let WM Campbell know, show up and help us.
   The Dress code for tonight is Officers - Tuxedo or dark suit and tie, all members Suit and tie/jacket and tie.
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge #19, F&AM
Upcoming Events