![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brethren, Union Lodge will be holding a Ritual Rehearsal on Monday, March 10, 2025, starting at 7:00 PM at the Lodge. We will be going over the Work for our Official Visit of the District Deputy Grand Master (on April 21), which is the same work for the Grand Lodge of Instruction (GLI on May 12). All Officers should attend Ritual Rehearsals and DLI. All Mason Masters are invited and encouraged to attend. Having a few extra bodies, even if only to play the Candidates, is very helpful for the Rehearsals. Even "Rusty Masons" are invited. Don't worry, we will tell you what to do. We also have our District Lodge of Instruction (DLI) on Wednesday March 12. There will be a 12th Dist. Association Meeting at 6:00 PM (dinner served during meeting), the DLI at 7:00 PM. Both are at Raritan Valley Lodge No.46, 14 N. Doughty Ave. Somerville, NJ. See the below email from RW Robert N. "Bob" Gaydosh, District Ritual Instructor, for more details on the DLI and GLI. The Schedule for the DDGM's OVs is: March 11 - Philo Lodge No.243, 120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ March 21 - St. Stephens No.63, 124 No. Broadway St. South Amboy, NJ March 24 - Princeton No.38, 345 River Rd. Princeton, NJ April 2 - Raritan Valley No.46, 14 No. Doughty Ave. Somerville, NJ April 15 - MilltownPalestine No.294, 30 No. Main St. Milltown, NJ April 21 - Union No.19, 60 Cedar Ave. North Brunswick, NJ A copy of the Union No.19 March-April Trestle Board is attached to this email. We hope to see you soon. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: rgaydosh@verizon.net <rgaydosh@verizon.net> To: Ray Helge <rp_helge1776@yahoo.com>; Sent: Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 01:33:18 PM EST Subject: DLI next week Good afternoon Brothers. For DLI next Wednesday the 12th the work will be as follows: 1. EA degree first section (with officers who will be in chairs at GLI) 2. Opening on the MM degree (with officers randomly selected like at GLI) 3. Closing on the EA degree (with officers randomly selected like at GLI) We will also discuss and finalize parts for the 2nd Section MM degree at GLI. For the EA Degree the assigned parts are:
Please make sure your officers attend DLI, especially those slated to sit in chairs. Our GLI is Monday, May 12 at Raritan Valley Lodge. I am also going to propose two additional practice sessions for GLI, on Thursday, May 1 and Thursday, May 8. We can discuss this at DLI. Thank you, if you have any questions or thoughts please let me know. |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Please find attached: 1) Union Lodge No.19 Trestle Board for March-April 2025. 2) Raritan Valley Lodge No.46 Kentucky Derby event Flyer 3) Children's Dyslexia Learning Center "Teddy Bear Classic" Gold Tournament Flyer. 4) 10th & 12th Districts Grand Lodge Reception Flyer Union Lodge No.19 holds Regular Communications on the 1st and 3rd Monday in January, February, March, April, May, June, October, November, on 3rd Monday in September and 1st Monday in December. We often hold Ritual Rehearsals and/or Planning meetings on the off Mondays. All Master Masons are always welcome, lower degrees are invited to most meetings. Our lodge building is located at: 60 Cedar Ave. North Brunswick, NJ 08902. We hope to see you in lodge soon. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601U19_TB_Mar_Apr_2025.docxKentucky Derby Party 2025 flier (1).jpgTeddy Bear flyer 2025.pdf10th & 12th District Reception 2025 Flier (1).pdf |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren of Union Lodge No.19, Below is an emailed sent out by our DDGM, RW John M. Sardis, and DRI, RW Robert N. Gaydosh. We hope you will consider attending the Official Visit of the Grand Master to the 10th and 12th Districts and Grand Lodge Reception Honoring the Appointed Officers from our Districts. Brethren of the 12th District, What promises to be one of the most enjoyable events of the Masonic year is two months away. Attached is the flier for the 10th and 12th District Reception on April 28, 2025 at the Pines Manor. Tickets are on sale now ($75 by check / $80 online). Honorees are: R.W. Jose M. Aleman, Grand Chaplain R.W. Robert N. Gaydosh, District Ritual Instructor R.W. Eugene Grace, Grand Chaplain R.W. William M. Krzewick III, Grand Tyler R.W. C. John Lashley, Grand Instructor R.W. F. Michael Loiacono, Grand Chaplain R.W. George H. Mellow, Grand Chaplain R.W. John M. Sardis, District Deputy Grand Master R.W. Donald V. Skaar, Aide to the Grand Master We look forward to seeing you at the Reception. Don't delay in securing your ticket. Sincerely & fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM10th & 12th District Reception 2025 Flier (1).pdf |
Union Lodge No 19 Minutes Feb. 17, 2025 .docx
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Please find attached the Minutes of the Union Lodge No.19 Regular Communication on Monday, February 17, 2025. Please advise me if you note an errors or omissions. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19 rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Union Lodge No.19 will be holding a Ritual Rehearsal on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 7:00 PM. All Lodge Officers should attend. All Master Masons welcome and encouraged to attend. We will be Rehearsing: Opening, standard (long) Closing, both with WB Eric Wolff in the East. Entered Apprentice Degree (1st section all, 2nd section thru putting candidate in NE corner) with WB Art Campbell in the East. The more the merrier. All our Officers are needed. Any others welcome, we can always use someone to play the Candidate. We hope to see you on Monday. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
. Brethren, Please find attached the Minutes of the Union Lodge No.19, F&AM, Regular Communication of Monday, February 3, 2025. Please read these minutes and notify me if you note any errors or omissions. Also, the Worshipful Master has been entertaining Motions to accept the Minutes as distributed by email. Note the next Regular Communication (stated meeting) of Union Lodge No.19 will be on Monday, February 17, 2025. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. This this meeting, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM, will be giving a brief presentation about President (and MW) Harry S. Truman (PGM-MO). One of the Masonic US Presidents. We hope you will be able to join us for the meeting. Sincerely & fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM Secretary, Union lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601Union Lodge No 19 Minutes February 3, 2025.docx |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Hello Brothers, So we are looking at doing a fund raiser for the Lodge. The idea is to come up with something interesting that brothers can buy raffle tickets for. And that we can also sell around the District, and at appendant bodies. Suggestions are welcome. Another lodge is selling a set of engraved Masonic pocket knives. Think we can come up with something even better. The money raised will be used toward our new North Brunswick HS scholarship(s). Also we need to consider and come up with a charity event to run at the Lodge for this year. North Brunswick will publish any legitimate charity event run by a business or organization in town in their electronic bulletin that goes out to all subscribers. Good advertising for Lodge that we're here, and part of the community, and a force for good within the community. And some real charity work we can do together. Yours In The Bond Gentleman, Eric Wolff SW Union Lodge |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, The next regular Communication (stated Meeting) of Union Lodge No.19, is Monday, February 3. 2025. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. All Members of Union Lodge are welcome and encouraged to attend. As per Grand By-laws we will Open on the Master Mason Degree. Once all business that must be conducted on the MM Degree is concluded, the Worshipful Master will (at his discretion) Close Labe on the MM Degree and put the Lodge at Labor on the Degree of the lowest Brother present. Br. Thiago Carvalho and Br. Yu-Chuan "Archuan" Hu were both passed to the Fellow Craft Degree on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at a joint FC Degree held at MilltownPalestine Lodge No.294. Attached to this email is a copy of the Minutes on the January 20, 2025, Regular Communication of Union Lodge No.19 for your review. The Worshipful Master has been entertaining Motions to accept the Minutes as emailed to the Membership. If you are Registered on Grandview many of our previously Minutes are posted there for your review, if you want to read about what we have been doing at our meetings. Also Attached to this email is a Flyer/Poster for the First Annual 12th Masonic District Super Bowl Party, Sunday, February 9, 2025, at Raritan Valley Lodge. Come out and watch the game with your Brothers and our families. $25/person. Food and drink. Sincerely & fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Please find attached the Minutes of the Union Lodge No.19 Regular Communication on January 20, 2025, also an attached report from Br., Greg Dohn, Re: painting downstairs of the building. A quick reminder that Union Lodge No.19 will not be holding a Ritual Rehearsal or Planning Meeting on Monday, January 27, 2025. Several of our members are attending the Princeton Lodge No.38 Robbie Burns Night Dinner that evening. Flyer attached. The next Regular Communication of Union Lodge no.19 will be on Monday, February 3, 2025. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601Union Lodge No 19 Minutes Janaury 20 2025.docxUnion No_19 G_ Dohn Paint downstairs report 01-20-2025.pdfRobbie Burns January 2025.pdf |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Hello all, Union Lodge #19 F&AM and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive. Please join our lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment today! sponsor code: Union Lodge 19 Address: Union Lodge 60 Cedar Avenue North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Note: Come give Jan. 1 thru 26 for chance at a trip for 2 to Super Bowl LIX in NOLA! rcblood.org/SuperBowl Drive Details: Site: Union Lodge #19 F&AM Address: 60 Cedar Avenue, North Brunswick, NJ, 08902 Room Name: Meeting Room Date: Sat Jan 11, 2025 Time: 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM 1-11-25 Union Lodge #19 F&M Blood Drive Flyer.pdf |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, It has been brought to my attention that not everyone appreciates the multiple electronic Dues notices that I have been sending out recently. I do understand that not everyone is in a position to pay their 2025 dues around the holiday season and that some brothers do wait until after this period to pay. Technically Dues for a upcoming masonic year are due January 1st of that year, they can be considered late (with no penalty as of April 1st. Usually around the beginning on September the lodge (me) will send out a Delinquent Dues Notice, with the Grand Lodge language from "Form H" (pay by 12/31 or be suspended). Usually after that letter is sent, we collect from most of those who have not yet paid. The way Grandview is set-up it is much easier to send a group email/dues notice to all who owe dues, than to try to send individual dues notices. While everyone who owes dues has been receiving an electronic dues notice, my main target audience at this time is those few brothers who still owe their 2024 dues and are now subject for Suspension for Non-Payment of Dues (NPD). I hope that our last few delinquent brothers will pay their dues by December 31, 2024, so we do not have to suspend anyone. I do state in the electronic and hard copy dues notices that if anyone is having an actual hardship and needs masonic relief to please contact myself or the Worshipful Master, inform us of the same and we can work something out. I also offer that those brothers who need or want to can make partial or installment payments towards their dues obligation. An example of making partial payments would be: Partial payments over time throughout the year are accepted. $321.50 divided by 12 months equals $26.79 per month. If you pay $30.00 per month for 10 months and an eleventh payment of $21.50 that would equal the 2025 dues of $321.50. Going forward, if we have not yet received your 2025 dues, expect to receive an electronic dues notice about the first of every month and a hard copy/paper dues notice with every Trestle Board (published bi-monthly) until your payment is received. In the last quarter of the year (October-December) you may receive dues notices more often if you haven't paid yet. This is an effort to collect everyone's dues who owe so that we do not have to suspend anyone and your membership as a Nj Mason and member of Union Lodge No.19 remains in good standing. I hope this clarifies this issue. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact me. Sincerely & fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, On behalf of the Worshipful Master, Officers and Brothers of union Lodge No.19, we wish a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Happy Boxing Day, happy whatever you are celebrating to you and your families. Have a blessed, safe, healthy and Happy Holiday season. Happy New Year to you all. In the New Year may we all be refreshed by our faith and renewed in our efforts to live our faith and the principals of our craft to the betterment of our families, lodge, neighborhoods and the world. Remember, your lodge is you family, and we are here for you if you are in need. The Union Lodge No.19 Trestle Board for January-February 2025 is attached. It includes contact information for all your Officers. Fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601U19_TB_Jan_Feb_2025.pdf |
10th & 12th District Reception 2025 Flier.pdf
12th District Beefsteak 2025 flier.pdf
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Please find attached: 1) Union Lodge No.19 Trestle Board for January-February 2025 2) Flyer/info for the Junior Grand Warden's Reception (02/08/25) 3) Flyer/info for the 10th and 12th Masonic Districts Grand Lodge Reception (04/28/25) 4) Flyer/info for the 12th District Beefsteak Fundraiser (01/04/25) 5) Flyer/info for the Princeton Lodge Robbie Burns Dinner (01/27/25) All the list "Events" are also listed in the Trestle Board, here we can give you more details by attaching the Flyer/posters. 2025 marks the 175th year since Union Lodge was re-Warranted as No.19 in 1850. (Previously Union Lodge No.12 but went "dark" in the 1840s. We can trace our history back to Washington Lodge No.12 Warranted in 1793) We are planning on holding a couple of Events to commemorate this milestone. The first will be our Table Lodge on Monday, March 31st, where we plan on celebrating the History of our lodge. Union lodge No.19 first Regular Communication (stated meeting) will be on Monday, January 6, 2025. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. We also have scheduled (not listed in the TB, my fault) a joint Fellow Craft Degree with and at MilltownPalestine Lodge No.294 on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting/degree 7:30 PM. We will have one, maybe two brothers being passed in this Degree. Hopefully this will be followed by a Master Mason Degree in March or April. We could use the help of the Brothers for that degree. As you can see, Union Lodge and the 12th Masonic District have a busy schedule and are actively "Doing Masonry." We hope you will come out to Lodge and other events and join us in these endeavors. Sincerely & fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Attached is the Flyer for the 12th Masonic District Association Annual Beefsteak Dinner & Tricky-Tray Fundraiser. Date: Saturday, January 4, 2025; 6PM Social; 7PM Dinner Location: Philo Lodge No.243. 120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ Tickets: $55.00 per person (includes all you can eat Filet mingon, beer, wine, soft drinks) Follow the link or QR code on the Flyer. This is an OPEN Event. Open to Masons, their family and friends and the general public. Feel Free to share this with anyone who might enjoy a great meal and some fun and fellowship. Any questions can be directed to The District Association President, RW George Mellow, GC. (on the CC line.) Sincerely & Fraternally, Ray Helge, PDDGM Past President, 12th Masonic Dist. Assoc.12th District Beefsteak 2025 flier.pdf |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, On behalf of WM Roy Kowalski and the Officers of Union Lodge No.19, we wish a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. The Annual Communication of Union Lodge No.19 will be on Monday, December 2, 2024, dinner 6:30 PM, meeting 7:30 PM, at Freemasons Hall, 60 Cedar Ave. North Brunswick, NJ 08902. Among the items of business for the evening are: Memorial Service for Brothers who died in 2024; Closing of the 2024 Lodge of Sorrow; Balloting on Brothers subject to Suspension for Non-Payment of Dues (NPD); Election of Officers for the 2025 Masonic Year; and other business. Immediately following the Closing of the Annual Communication, we will be Opening a Lodge of Sorrows for 2025. Attached is the Minutes of the November 18, 2024, Communication for your review. Also attached is a copy of the November-December 2024 Union Lodge Trestle Board. Union Lodge No.19 will be holding an Open Installation of Officers on Saturday, December 7, 2024, Social 12:30 PM, Installation Ceremony 1:00 PM (MW Glenn R. Trautmann, PGM-2012 is Installing Master), Dinner and Fellowship to Follow in Sydney Faulkner Hall. We hope to see many of you at the Annual Communication and/or the Installation. If you do plan on attending, PLEASE RSVP and Let us know, so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone. Sincerely & fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, At the Grand Lodge Annual Communication last week (which included the Annual Business meeting of the Grand Lodge, the Annual Meeting of the Masonic Charity Foundation [MCF] of NJ, and the Annual Meeting of the Historic Trenton Masonic Temple) there was voting on "Legislation" (changes to the Grand Lodge Bylaws) and a Resolution to authorize the MCF Trustees to negotiate and execute the sale of the Masonic Villages at Burlington, formerly known as the Masonic Home at Burlington. Attachment 1 is the results of the votes on the Legislation and the result of the vote on the Resolution. Attachment 2 contains the Legislation and the Resolution. So, you can see what was proposed, what was passed, defeated, or withdrawn. Attachment 3 is a letter from the MCF Trustees explaining the situation of the Masonic Villages and why the MCF believes it is in the best interest of the MCF and the Grand Lodge to sell this property (both an asset and a liability). Any questions, contact me. If I can't answer your questions, hopefully I can send you to someone who can. Sincerely & Fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19 rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601Legislation Report 2024.doc237th Annual Communication Legislation Final Order 10 21 2024.pdfLetter to Members for distribution.docx |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Please find attached a Flyer for the Union Lodge No.19 Fundraising Event at Stumpy's Hatchet House, Alexander Rd. Princeton. Union Lodge No. 19 Fundraiser Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024 Time: 6:30 to 9:30 PM Location: Stumpy's Hatchet House, 745 Alexander Rd. Princeton, NJ 08540 Price: $50 per person (includes 3 hours of hatchet throwing, pizza and soft drinks) 50/50 and Tricky Tray tickets available for sale. Brethren of Union Lodge, This is one of our main Fundraising Events this Year. We are attempting to hold Fundraising Events, to reduce our budgetary shortfall and try to keep dues increases to a minimum. No one wants to pay higher dues, but just like you, all our costs are increasing. As members of Union Lodge we request that, if you are able, please do one or more of the following: 1) Purchase Tickets and attend this event. It is fun. 2) Get friends and family to purchase tickets and come. Make it a group night out. 3) Donate Prizes for our Tricky-Tray Basket drawings. 4) If you can please make a cash donation to the Lodge. Union Lodge has been working on becoming more involved in the community. This includes both appearing at and/or working at community events and making donations to community groups and/or charities. One of the Charities we are trying to support more is the Masonic Service Association of North America, in their outreach program at the New Jersey State Veterans Home at Menlo Park, NJ. Since 2018 we have donated a significant amount, but this has slowed as the building repairs took precedence. This requires more money. Additionally, we do have a building to maintain. Our average annual building expenses run in excess of $30,000. In 2020 the Lodge spent almost $120,000 in capital improvements to our building. These included: residing the building, all new windows, remodel the bathrooms and the office wing of the building, new sloped roof on the office wing. Some of these improvement/repairs were structurally required. We had started doing building improvements in 2018, including a new Fire Alarm system, repaired the Kitchen fire suppression system, widened the stairway to the second floor, installed (Fire Code Required) Fire resistant doors at the base of the stairway, and the doors to the Bathrooms and the Office from the hallway near the Chestnut St. entrance to the building. We had begun a program to repair and restore all the Officers Chairs in the Lodge room, all these Chairs are well over 100 years old, beautiful antiques, which desperately need some serious TLC. We have since suspended this program dues to a lack of funds. We got about half the chairs completed. Union Lodge currently has 2 Fellow Craft Masons preparing for the Master Mason Degree, 2 Entered Apprentices awaiting the Fellow Craft Degree. There are several Prospects who have been sent to our lodge through the "BeaFreemason.org" website. This program was started by the Conference of Grand Master of North America in conjunction with the Scottish Rite, both Northern and Southern Jurisdictions, and Shriners International, to help increase the visibility of the Fraternity and increase membership. The Grand Lodge of New Jersey is an active participant. This is a very exciting time to be a Freemason and a Brother of Union Lodge. We hope that you will come to Lodge, come to our Fundraisers and other events, and/or do whatever you can to support our Lodge. Your Lodge. Question or information on the Hatchet Throw Event please contact: WB Russ Shirley, JW - Cell: 732-816-8265 Email: russj38@aol.com WB Arthur H. Campbell, III - Cell: 848-459-8498 Email: ahciii@yahoo,com RW Roy Kowalski, PJGD, Worshipful Master 2024 - Cell: 609-610-2027 Email: roykowalski13@verizon.net Any other Lodge related question, you can ask the above Brothers or contact me directly. Contact info below. Sincerely & Fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601Union No19 Hatchet Fundraiser Nov 21 2024.png |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, The next Regular Communication (stated meeting) of Union Lodge No.19, F&AM, will be on Monday, November 4, 2024. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. Per the Union Lodge Bylaws, we will be presenting the proposed 2025 Lodge Budget and setting our Lodge 2025 Dues rate (based upon the budget) at this meeting. If you want your voice heard on these topics you should be at the meeting. Attached to this email are: 1) the Minutes of the October 21, 2024, Regular Communication of Union Lodge, at which we conferred the Entered Apprentice Degree on Br. EA YuChuan (Archuan) Hu and three brothers from MilltownPalestine No.294. The Worshipful Master has been entertaining a Motion to accept the Minutes as emailed. 2) The November-December 2024, Trestle Board for Union Lodge No. 19, which listed our schedule of meetings and events for the remainder of 2024. We hope to see you at lodge, at a lodge event like our Fundraiser or a dinner out, at least to hear from you soon. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, On Monday, November 28, 2024, starting at 7:00 PM, Union Lodge No.19 will be holding a Strategic Planning meeting at the Lodge Building. ALL MEMBERS are Invited and Welcome. Officers should attend. Among the items to be discussed are: Union Lodge No.19 Fundraiser at Stumpy's Hatchet House in Princeton, Nov. 21. Union Lodge No.19 2025 Budget (and Lodge membership dues rate) Union Lodge No. 19 2025 Officer Line, Trustees and Committees (If you are interested in serving on any of these please contact WM Roy Kowalski or myself) Finalize Plans for the remainder of 2024, including our Annual Communication (12/02), and Open Installation of Officers on Saturday, 12/07 Possible Future Degree Dates, including the Master Mason Degree for Br. FC Greg Dohn and Br. FC Dylan Moynihan. Plans and schedule for 2025 Lodge meetings (set by Bylaws) and special events, including: 1) Fund raisers (Hatchet Event in fall, need a 2nd event for the spring) 2) Lodge Picnic 3) Social Dinners 4) Community outreach events (National Night Out, North Brunswick Heritage Day, Middlesex County Fair) 5) Charity giving and/or volunteering (Menlo Park Veterans Home Caple Escort Services, ARC, or similar events) 6) Lodge Trips or outings (Somerset Patriots Baseball games, Rutgers sports games, NJ, NY or PA Grand Lodge building visit, George Washington National Masonic Memorial, Scottish Rite HQ Visit - AASRNJ in Lexington MA or AASRSJ House of the Temple in Washington DC) 7) Any other suggestions, thoughts, etc. Any of the above are possible, but we will need the help of more of our brothers. Union Lodge No.19 currently has 74 Master Masons, 2 Fellow Crafts, 2 Entered Apprentices, 3 Honorary members and few "Prospects". I know some of our members are older, a few live out of state. But many of you do live close enough to attend, at least periodically, if not a meeting, maybe some other events/activities. Please consider scheduling some time to become more involved in YOUR Lodge. We would love to see you out at something, even if only once a year, but hopefully more often. We hope to see you soon, maybe Monday. Sincerely & fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Please find attached a Flyer for the Union Lodge No.19 Fundraising Event at Stumpy's Hatchet House, Alexander Rd. Princeton. Union Lodge No. 19 Fundraiser Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024 Time: 6:30 to 9:30 PM Location: Stumpy's Hatchet House, 745 Alexander Rd. Princeton, NJ 08540 Price: $50 per person (includes 3 hours of hatchet throwing, pizza and soft drinks) 50/50 and Tricky Tray tickets available for sale. Brethren of Union Lodge, This is one of our main Fundraising Events this Year. We are attempting to hold Fundraising Events, to reduce our budgetary shortfall and try to keep dues increases to a minimum. No one wants to pay higher dues, but just like you, all our costs are increasing. As members of Union Lodge we request that, if you are able, please do one or more of the following: 1) Purchase Tickets and attend this event. It is fun. 2) Get friends and family to purchase tickets and come. Make it a group night out. 3) Donate Prizes for our Tricky-Tray Basket drawings. 4) If you can please make a cash donation to the Lodge. Union Lodge has been working on becoming more involved in the community. This includes both appearing at and/or working at community events and making donations to community groups and/or charities. One of the Charities we are trying to support more is the Masonic Service Association of North America, in their outreach program at the New Jersey State Veterans Home at Menlo Park, NJ. Since 2018 we have donated a significant amount, but this has slowed as the building repairs took precedence. This requires more money. Additionally, we do have a building to maintain. Our average annual building expenses run in excess of $30,000. In 2020 the Lodge spent almost $120,000 in capital improvements to our building. These included: residing the building, all new windows, remodel the bathrooms and the office wing of the building, new sloped roof on the office wing. Some of these improvement/repairs were structurally required. We had started doing building improvements in 2018, including a new Fire Alarm system, repaired the Kitchen fire suppression system, widened the stairway to the second floor, installed (Fire Code Required) Fire resistant doors at the base of the stairway, and the doors to the Bathrooms and the Office from the hallway near the Chestnut St. entrance to the building. We had begun a program to repair and restore all the Officers Chairs in the Lodge room, all these Chairs are well over 100 years old, beautiful antiques, which desperately need some serious TLC. We have since suspended this program dues to a lack of funds. We got about half the chairs completed. Union Lodge currently has 2 Fellow Craft Masons preparing for the Master Mason Degree, 1 Entered Apprentice awaiting the Fellow Craft Degree, 1 new petitioner awaiting balloting. There are several Prospects who have been sent to our lodge through the "BeaFreemason.org" website. This program was started by the Conference of Grand Master of North America in conjunction with the Scottish Rite, both Northern and Southern Jurisdictions, and Shriners International, to help increase the visibility of the Fraternity and increase membership. The Grand Lodge of New Jersey is an active participant. This is a very exciting time to be a Freemason and a Brother of Union Lodge. We hope that you will come to Lodge, come to our Fundraisers and other events, and/or do whatever you can to support our Lodge. Your Lodge. Question or information on the Hatchet Throw Event please contact: WB Russ Shirley, JW - Cell: 732-816-8265 Email: russj38@aol.com WB Arthur H. Campbell, III - Cell: 848-459-8498 Email: ahciii@yahoo,com RW Roy Kowalski, PJGD, Worshipful Master 2024 - Cell: 609-610-2027 Email: roykowalski13@verizon.net Any other Lodge related question, you can ask the above Brothers or contact me directly. Contact info below. Sincerely & Fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM | ||
Brethren, Below is a copy of the Flyer and certain other information Re: The Grand Master's Reception. Our next Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey, J. Eugene Margroff, will be elected (running unopposed, which is the tradition once elected Junior Grand Warden) and will be Installed as such at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication in Atlantic City, NJ, November 6-7, 2024. There will be a Grand Master's Reception (sort of a testimonial dinner) Honoring the new MWGM on Saturday, November 16, 2024. This is an Open Reception, Open to all Masons, their spouses and invited guests. The Grand Lodge Officers will be in Tuxedo, all men attending should be in suit & tie/Jacket & tie. Ladies should dress comparatively, I.E. cocktail dresses, nice clothes. Please RSVP soon if you want to attend. If you have any general protocol questions about this, contact me. Sincerely & fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM Secretary, Union lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Grand Lodge of New Jersey <no_reply@grandview.systems> To: "rp_helge1776@yahoo.com" <rp_helge1776@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, October 14, 2024 at 04:56:39 AM EDT Subject: Upcoming 2025 Grand Master's Reception - Nov. 16, 2024
Union Lodge No 19 Minutes Oct. 7 2024.docx
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Please find attached the Minutes of the Union Lodge No.19 Regular Communication of Monday, October 7, 2024. Note - Union Lodge did Ballot on a Petition for membership by Initiation. He had been previously published in the Trestle Board. He was Elected. We will be conferring the EA Degree on Monday, October 21, 2024. This will be a joint Degree, MilltownPalestine is bringing a few Candidates and will be helping with the Degree. We also have two (2) Fellow Craft Brothers, and one (1) Entered Apprentice in the pipeline. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Please find attached a Flyer for the Union Lodge No.19 Fundraising Event at Stumpy's Hatchet House, Alexander Rd. Princeton. Union Lodge No. 19 Fundraiser Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024 Time: 6:30 to 9:30 PM Location: Stumpy's Hatchet House, 745 Alexander Rd. Princeton, NJ 08540 Price: $50 per person (includes 3 hours of hatchet throwing, pizza and soft drinks) 50/50 and Tricky Tray tickets available for sale. Brethren of Union Lodge, This is one of our main Fundraising Events this Year. We are attempting to hold Fundraising Events, to reduce our budgetary shortfall and try to keep dues increases to a minimum. No one wants to pay higher dues, but just like you, all our costs are increasing. As members of Union Lodge we request that, if you are able, please do one or more of the following: 1) Purchase Tickets and attend this event. It is fun. 2) Get friends and family to purchase tickets and come. Make it a group night out. 3) Donate Prizes for our Tricky-Tray Basket drawings. 4) If you can please make a cash donation to the Lodge. Union Lodge has been working on becoming more involved in the community. This includes both appearing at and/or working at community events and making donations to community groups and/or charities. One of the Charities we are trying to support more is the Masonic Service Association of North America, in their outreach program at the New Jersey State Veterans Home at Menlo Park, NJ. Since 2018 we have donated a significant amount, but this has slowed as the building repairs took precedence. This requires more money. Additionally, we do have a building to maintain. Our average annual building expenses run in excess of $30,000. In 2020 the Lodge spent almost $120,000 in capital improvements to our building. These included: residing the building, all new windows, remodel the bathrooms and the office wing of the building, new sloped roof on the office wing. Some of these improvement/repairs were structurally required. We had started doing building improvements in 2018, including a new Fire Alarm system, repaired the Kitchen fire suppression system, widened the stairway to the second floor, installed (Fire Code Required) Fire resistant doors at the base of the stairway, and the doors to the Bathrooms and the Office from the hallway near the Chestnut St. entrance to the building. We had begun a program to repair and restore all the Officers Chairs in the Lodge room, all these Chairs are well over 100 years old, beautiful antiques, which desperately need some serious TLC. We have since suspended this program dues to a lack of funds. We got about half the chairs completed. Union Lodge currently has 2 Fellow Craft Masons preparing for the Master Mason Degree, 1 Entered Apprentice awaiting the Fellow Craft Degree, 1 new petitioner awaiting balloting. There are several Prospects who have been sent to our lodge through the "BeaFreemason.org" website. This program was started by the Conference of Grand Master of North America in conjunction with the Scottish Rite, both Northern and Southern Jurisdictions, and Shriners International, to help increase the visibility of the Fraternity and increase membership. The Grand Lodge of New Jersey is an active participant. This is a very exciting time to be a Freemason and a Brother of Union Lodge. We hope that you will come to Lodge, come to our Fundraisers and other events, and/or do whatever you can to support our Lodge. Your Lodge. Question or information on the Hatchet Throw Event please contact: WB Russ Shirley, JW - Cell: 732-816-8265 Email: russj38@aol.com WB Arthur H. Campbell, III - Cell: 848-459-8498 Email: ahciii@yahoo,com RW Roy Kowalski, PJGD, Worshipful Master 2024 - Cell: 609-610-2027 Email: roykowalski13@verizon.net Any other Lodge related question, you can ask the above Brothers or contact me directly. Contact info below. Sincerely & Fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Please find attached the Minutes of the Union Lodge No.19 Regular Communication of Monday, October 7, 2024. Note - Union Lodge did Ballot on a Petition for membership by Initiation. He had been previously published in the Trestle Board. He was Elected. We will be conferring the EA Degree on Monday, October 21, 2024. This will be a joint Degree, MilltownPalestine is bringing a few Candidates and will be helping with the Degree. We also have two (2) Fellow Craft Brothers, and one (1) Entered Apprentice in the pipeline. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601Union Lodge No 19 Minutes Oct. 7 2024.docx |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, The next Regular Communication (stated meeting) of Union Lodge No.19 will be on Monday, September 16, 2024, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. We will be conferring the Fellow Craft Degree for Br. EA Dylan James Moynihan that evening. Officers dress - Tuxedo or dark suit & tie. Brethren - suit &tie/Jacket & tie. We will have a brief business meeting before we conduct the FC Degree. There are always bills to pay and minutes to approve. Attached are the Minutes of the September 9, 2024, Emergent Communication of Union Lodge #19, as well as the September-October 2024 Trestle Board of Union #19. We look forward to seeing all of you in Lodge as we confer degrees and grow our lodge and fraternity. Sincerely & Fraternally, Raymond P. Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Hello Brothers, New Brothers, and Candidate Archuan, Hope everyone had a great summer! Wanted to reach out to mention that we are having another blood drive on Saturday September 14th at the Lodge. So far in our last two drives we raised 50 pints. Let's keep it going. Could really use the brothers to come out and support us. Those who can donate great. Those who can't, your presence is always welcome, and makes the time flow faster. Some social discourse while they collect from the donors. Many are their regulars. We will open lodge building for them at 7:30am, and the drive will run until about 2pm. Any help even just for company is very appreciated. They do all their own setup. For anyone interested in donating you can sign up for our drive using either of these methods: can call 1800-red-cross - mention you want to sign up for the drive at Union Lodge 19, 60 Cedar Ave, North Brunswick, NJ, 08902 on September 14th or go to URL: enter Zip code 08902 Click Find a Drive Click Refine Search Click choose my dates choose September 14th scroll down and click Refine Results Believe ours is first one on list Eric Wolff PM Union Lodge 732-245-9042 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM | ||||||||
Brethren, A quick reminder that Union Lodge No.19 will be holding an Emergent Communication on Monday, September 9, 2024, Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. Business attire (Suit & Tie/Jacket & tie) required. The stated purposes and business for this Emergent Communication are: Read and Receive all Vouchers paid during Summer Refreshment; Accept the Minutes of the June 17, 2024, Regular Communication (Copy attached) as emailed and/or as read; Entered Apprentice Examination proficiency for Br. EA Thiago C. Carvalho and Br. EA Dylan J. Moynihan (which will allow us to confer their FC Degree on Monday, September 16). Union Lodge No.19 is hosting a Red Cross Blood drive, at our building on Saturday, Sept. 14. See this message from WB Eric Wolff: Hope everyone is having a good summer! Wanted to reach out to mention that we are having another blood drive on Saturday September 14th at the Lodge. So far in our last two drives we raised 50 pints. Let's keep it going. Could really use the brothers to come out and support us. Those who can donate great. Those who can't, your presence is always welcome, and makes the time flow faster. Some social discourse while they collect from the donors. Many are their regulars. We will open lodge building for them at 7:30am, and the drive will run until about 2pm. Any help even just for company is very appreciated. They do all their own setup. For anyone interested in donating you can sign up for our drive using either of these methods: can call 1800-red-cross - mention you want to sign up for the drive at Union Lodge 19, 60 Cedar Ave, North Brunswick, NJ, 08902 on September 14th or go to URL:
enter Zip code 08902 Click Find a Drive Click Refine Search Click choose my dates choose September 14th scroll down and click Refine Results Believe ours is first one on list On Monday, Sept. 16 Union Lodge #19 Regular Communication and conferring the Fellow Craft Degree on Br. EA Carvalho and Br. EA Moynihan. Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. A copy of the Union Lodge No.19 Trestle Board for September-October 2024 is attached. Please read it. Please come out and support your lodge. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM | ||||||||
Brethren, It is with a heavy heart that I relay the news that Worshipful Brother John Millas, Past Master of Union Lodge No.19, 2005, has been called to the Lodge on High by the Grand Architect of the Universe. WB John was also very active in several of the York Rite bodies. WB John was Raised in a One Day Class on April 24, 1999. He was a dedicated and stalwart active member of Union Lodge No.19 for many years. The last few years his health declined, he moved to Georgia to live with one of his daughters and passed away while residing there. WB John Millas' Obituary reads: John Millas ObituaryJohn Millas passed away on August 28, 2024. He was 89 years old. Born in Jersey City, NJ, John was a longtime resident of New Brunswick where he co-owned the Hungry Peddler restaurant for over three decades. He was an active member of the St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Piscataway where he served as President of the Ahepa as well as a past Master with the Masonic lodge. Predeceased by his daughter Kelly Millas, John leaves behind three children Debbie Lavay and her husband George of Georgia, Nicole Protopapas of New Jersey, and Christina Millas and her husband Pancho of New Jersey. He was a proud grandfather of three grandchildren: Olivia, Isabella and Thanasi. John is also survived by his siblings Mary, George and Tony as well as many nieces and nephews. Family and friends will be received Tuesday 4:00pm - 8:00pm at the Bronson and McNamara Memorial Home of Milltown, NJ. The funeral liturgy will be celebrated Wednesday 11:00am at St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Piscataway, NJ followed by burial in Washington Monumental Cemetery, South River, NJ. The Link to his Obituary is: John Millas Obituary | August 28, 2024 | Bronson & McNamara Memorial Home - Milltown, NJ (bronsonandmcnamaramemorial.com)
Neither WB Millas's family nor the Funeral Home contacted the Lodge to request a Masonic Funeral Service. I thank RW John M. Sardis, DRI, who forwarded the Obituary information/link to me. I would have otherwise been unaware of WB Millas' passing. As noted in the Obituary, the Viewing/Visitation is on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 4:00-8:00 PM, at Bronson and McNamara Funeral Home, 152 North Main Street, Milltown, NJ. Religious Funeral Services will be on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 11:00 AM, at Saint George's Greek Orthodox Church, 1101 River Road, Piscataway, NJ. Please keep WB John's family and loved ones in your prayers at this time of grief. May his memory be eternal. Sincerely & fraternally, RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Union Lodge No.19 will be holding a Ritual Rehearsal for the upcoming (9/16) Fellow Craft Degree [Br. EA Thiago Carvalho, Br. EA Dylan Moynihan] on Monday, August 26, 2024, starting at 7:00PM. We invite and encourage all Master Mason Brothers of Union Lodge to attend and participate in the Rehearsal. We need a few Brothers to help with non-speaking parts in the Degree. It is always also helpful to have someone to portray the Candidates in a Rehearsal. It helps with timing and spacing. FC Degree Team 1st section: WM - WB Eric Wolff SW - WB Art Campbell or RW Dave Littman JW - WB Russ Shirley Trsr. - RW Dave Littman Sec. - vacant (your name here?) Chap. - WB Larry Hriczak SD -RW Ray Helge JD - DB Frank Moschella SMC - RW Roy Kowalski JMC - Br. Ken Simpson S. Stew. - vacant (your name here?) J. Stew. - vacant (your name here?) Mar. - DB Art Schneier Asst. Mar. - vacant (your name here?) Tyler - DB John Dougherty FC Degree Team 2nd Section: Most of the above team will remain. SD/Lecture - Br. Allan Chang -Philo#243 On Monday, 8/26 following Rehearsal, we could also use some help folding Trestle Boards and stuffing envelopes. With a handful of Brothers, it shouldn't take long. Many Brothers receive the TB electronically and do not need a paper copy. A copy of the Sept.-Oct. Trestle Board is attached. We hope to see you all at lodge soon. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601U19_TB_Sep_Oct_2024 (1).pdf |
2024 2025 GL Candidates (1).pdf
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Please find attached to this email: 1) Union Lodge No.19 Trestle Board for September-October 2024 2) CJCM 2024 - Central Jersey Candidates' Night flyer and information 3) 2024-2025 GL Candidates, a listing of the Candidates for all the Elected Grand Lodge (GM, DGM, SGW, JGW) and Board positions, including Grtand Lodge Trustees, Masonic Charity Foundation Trustees, Historic Trenton Masonic Temple Trustees. I hope to mail out printed copies of the Trestle Board within the next few days. If you are satisfied receiving the TB electronically only, please let me know. This saves the lodge money in printing and postage if we mail fewer hard copies. We have and busy few months in the remainder of 2024, including a number of Degrees to confer, a Fund Raiser (I hope to send out more on that soon) in November, and other exciting things. We hope that many of our Union Lodge Brothers will come out and join us for these events, and we invite our Brothers from other lodges to visit with us for them. We hope to see you soon. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge, Secretary Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Hello Brothers, Hope everyone is having a good summer! Wanted to reach out to mention that we are having another blood drive on Saturday September 14th at the Lodge. So far in our last two drives we raised 50 pints. Let's keep it going. Could really use the brothers to come out and support us. Those who can donate great. Those who can't, your presence is always welcome, and makes the time flow faster. Some social discourse while they collect from the donors. Many are their regulars. We will open lodge building for them at 7:30am, and the drive will run until about 2pm. Any help even just for company is very appreciated. They do all their own setup. For anyone interested in donating you can sign up for our drive using either of these methods: can call 1800-red-cross - mention you want to sign up for the drive at Union Lodge 19, 60 Cedar Ave, North Brunswick, NJ, 08902 on September 14th or go to URL: enter Zip code 08902 Click Find a Drive Click Refine Search Click choose my dates choose September 14th scroll down and click Refine Results Believe ours is first one on list Eric Wolff PM Union Lodge 732-245-9042 |
![]() Union No. 19 Grand Lodge Of New Jersey, F & AM |
Brethren, Union Lodge No.19 will be holding a Ritual Rehearsal on Monday, August 5, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the Lodge building, 60 Cedar Ave., North Brunswick, NJ. We will be Rehearsing the Fellow Craft Degree in preparation for the anticipated FC Degree on Monday, September 16, 2024, for Br. EA Dylan Moynihan and Br. EA Thiago Carvalho. Union Lodge will be holding an Emergent Communication on Monday, September 9. One of the stated purposes of the E.C. is so these Brothers can perform their EA Exam. While we have most of the speaking parts for the Degree filled, we do need Stewards (for the Degree, our regular Stewards have a plan for dinner) and an Assistant Marshal for the Degree. Additionally, RW Bernhard W. "Ben" Hoff has recently had some health issues and will likely not be available for the Degree. Ben was scheduled to do SW for the 1st Section, and SD (Middle Chamber Lecture) for the 2nd section. We are reaching out to other lodges in the District for the Lecture, but it would be nice if we can fill the SW for the 1st section with a Union Lodge Brother. We have another Rehearsal Scheduled for Monday, August 12, 2024, and may schedule others as needed. We are working on our Schedule/Calendar for the remainder of 2024 and do plan to have dates in the September-October and the November-December Trestle Boards. As a Preview, below are some of the dates and events we are discussing. August 2024: August 5 -7PM Ritual Rehearsal FC Degree August 6 - 5-9 PM - North Brunswick National Night Out Event, Herrman Rd. No. Brunswick, NJ August 12 - 7PM - Ritual Rehearsal -FC Degree Aug. 19 or 26 (?) Rehearsal?? planning meetings? Smoke cigars and pull fingers? September 2024: September 9 - EMERGENT COMMUNICATION: Diner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM; Entered Apprentice Exam for Br. EA Thiago C. Carvalho and Br. EA Dylan J. Moynihan: Read all Vouchers paid during summer Refreshment; Read and Approve Vouchers not previously paid but due at that time; Read/present Minutes of the June 17, 2024, Communication and approve. September 14 - UNION LODGE NO.19 BLOOD DRIVE. 9AM - 2PM at the lodge building. We need workers and donors Sept. 16 - Regular Communication: Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM; regular business and Confer the Fellow Craft Degree on Br. EA Thiago C. Carvalho and Br. EA Dylan J. Moynihan. September 23 - Ritual Rehearsal 7PM (Rehearse either the EA for the current Petitioner Yu-Chuan Hu: or begin MM Rehearsal for Dohn, Carvalho and Moynihan) or planning meeting(?) September 30 - Fifth (5th) Monday - Dinner? Rehearsal? October 2024: October 7 - Regular Communication (this is Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day) - Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM [Ballot on Petition of Yu-Chuan Hu? we need to publish him in Sept.-Oct. TB] Guest Speaker? October 14 - 7PM Ritual Rehearsal (EA? MM? Table lodge Rehearsal? Start 2025 Officer Line Rehearsals?) [ Ray away on vacation] October 21 - Union Lodge Regular Communication/TABLE LODGE. We need to work out the program/plan for this, the menu, get flyers, start advertising and selling tickets. October 28 - 7PM - Ritual Rehearsal (EA? MM?) October 31 - Halloween (?) November 2024: November 4 - Regular Communication [per Bylaws present and adopt 2025 Lodge Budget and 2025 Dues rates] Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM (MM or EA Degree?) Guest Speaker? (If we go solo, with help, I suggest MM Degree this night) November 11 - Ritual Rehearsal (?) [Veterans Day Holiday] November 18 - Regular Communication [per GL Bylaws, Nominations of Officers for 2025] Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM (If we want EA this night, degree is shorter than MM. We still have other work before degree) November 21 - UNION LODGE NO.19 FUNDRAISER. Stumpy's Hatchet House, 745 Alexander Rd. Princeton, NJ 6PM-10PM We need Flyers, we need to start advertising, selling tickets. Reach out to (absentee) members to buys tickets & attend, donate Tricky-Tray Prizes and/or make donations. November 25 - 7PM Ritual Rehearsal (2025 line?) and/or planning meeting. November 28 - Happy Thanksgiving. December 2024: December 2 - Annual/Regular Communication Dinner 6:30 PM, Meeting 7:30 PM. Election of Officers for 2025 Masonic Year, Closing of 2024 Lodge of Sorrow, Open 2025 Lodge of Sorrow. Memorial service for Brothers Called to Lodge on High in 2024. Installation of Officers per Union No.19 Bylaws: Section 4. The installment of Officers shall take place at an emergent communication called for that purpose on or before the Feast of St. John the Evangelist. (Dec.27) We have been holding them on the 3rd Monday, this year that would be Dec. 16. We did discuss holding Installation on a weekend. RVL#46 is on Saturday, Dec.14. Princeton #38 is either Dec.15 (incoming WM gave me this date) or Dec.21 (DDGM has this on Dist. Calendar). St. Stephens#63 is likely 12/20, Philo#243 12/10. Milltown usually does a Sunday. Union Lodge Holiday Party and/or Dinner out?? The Lodge and lodge Officers would love to see more of our Brothers/members come out to lodge meetings, Degrees, Table Lodge, Fund Raisers, etc. We have our Cable Tow; we all have busy schedules and other obligations in our lives. Please try to schedule some time to come to lodge, support your officers and renew your Masonic connections. Sincerely & fraternally, Ray Helge Secretary, Union Lodge No.19, F&AM rp_helge1776@yahoo.com 732-513-2601 |
The April District Lodge of Instruction will be held at Philo Lodge #243 (120 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River, NJ 08882) on Wednesday, April 10th. The DLI will begin promptly at 7:00 PM
The Work for the evening will be Opening, Changeover to EA, Changeover to Fellowcraft, 1st section of the Fellowcraft Degree, closing on the Fellowcraft Degree and how to bring the candidate into the Lodge to perform his EA proficiency.
Dress for the meeting is Jacket and Tie.
R.W. William G. McClew
District Deputy Grand Master
12th Masonic District
The Official Visit schedule for this year will be as outlined below. This has been reviewed with the Worshipful Master's and is set. Remember the Official Visits will be on the Master Mason Degree for the whole evening and that all Lodge Officers of the Lodge being visited should dress formally (that means tux) per Masonic Protocol. The work for the Official Visit will be as follows:
For the second time in my brief tenure as Worshipful Master, I have again been called to the solemn and difficult task of announcing to you all the passing of a brother, mentor, and friend. RW Tom Petro was called by the Grand Architect of the Universe to the Lodge on High. RW Petro was Initiated May 17, 2010, Passed June 14, 2010, and Raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on September 13, 2010. Throughout his almost 14 year Masonic career, he served in many capacities in Princeton Lodge, specifically as Worshipful Master for two terms and currently installed as our organist. He also took service roles in the other Blue Lodges he was a part of, Horizon Daylight 299 and Amwell 12, as well as the various appendant bodies he was a member of. RW Petro rose through the ranks of the fraternity and earned himself positions on Grand Staff; most recently serving as Aid to the Grand Master for MW David L. Tucker for 2023.
RW Petro exemplified pride in Masonry. Through his passion for the craft, his creative nature in all the masonic memorabilia he created and gave to his brothers, and his constant thoughtfulness with his annual Christmas card and masonic ornament, Tom showed what the tenant of brotherly love should truly be. I ask you all to keep RW Brother Petro, his family and loved ones, and all your brothers in your thoughts and prayers.
While the pain of this loss will be felt by all of us, I can hear Tom now reassuring us that, “It’s all good… and it’s our charge to keep it that way”. Please take care of yourselves and each other.
Information regarding arrangements will be distributed as they become available.
Solemnly and Fraternally,
Rob Marrese
Worshipful Master 2024
It is with deep regret that we must report that WB Russell Shirley's mother-in-Law Nora May Van Bree has passed on January 30th 2024 in her own home in Edison, with her family around her. She was 85 years old. WB Russ and his wife Wanda will miss her very much. We wish brother Shirley and his family all sympathys in their time of grief.
I saw this in the New York Times today and thought I would share it.
Words of wisdom
There’s such fanfare about the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, but the difference is only a day. I find myself thinking about this a lot, how we invest the turning-over of a new year with such meaning, but it’s really just a Sunday into Monday, a transition we don’t dignify with ceremony the other 51 weeks. This week, it’s momentous. This week, we make a fuss.
What sort of fuss are you making? A party, a gathering, a favorite meal for dinner? Maybe in bed by 10 with a good book, which is to say no fuss at all, thank you very much?
You might, regardless of your plans, ask some people about the best advice they have received this year. People love giving advice, and when they’re sitting on something they think is especially effective, they’re excited to share it. Advice given on New Year’s takes on the air of a benediction, a strong first sentence with which to begin a new chapter.
I asked a friend for the best advice she’d received and she told me to “Buy the dip,” to which I densely asked if she was referring to condiments or smokeless tobacco. She rolled her eyes then offered something more my speed: “‘No’ is a complete sentence,” which I have heard before, but it’s a solid maxim I was glad to hear again.
The advice below comes from readers of The Morning. Hopefully there’s something in here you can use, a motto with which to start the new year.
The best advice you received
Keep a running list of the nicest things anyone has ever said to or about you. It’s a lifesaver on days when the world is getting the best of you. — Dave Clarke, Wauwatosa, Wis.
If everyone is driving you crazy, then the feeling is probably mutual. — Bill Chappell, Atlanta
Life is too short not to tell the people you love that you love them. — Abby Thomas, New Canaan, Conn.
We are all juggling so many balls. Differentiate between glass balls and rubber balls — and don’t be afraid to drop the rubber balls. — Kathryn Cunningham, Carrboro, N.C.
Wait as long as possible to get your kids a phone. — Laura LaGrone, Asheville, N.C.
Instead of calling someone out, call them in: Invite them into a judgment-free conversation with the intention of promoting understanding. — Rita Maniscalco, Huntington, N.Y.
Every time you receive a box containing something you bought online, fill it with items to donate. — Christina Poynter, Dimondale, Mich.
Before doing something, ask yourself, “Is this something that someone who loves themselves would do?” — Cathy de la Cruz, Brooklyn, N.Y.
You’re 73 years old — can you stop with the one-man shows? — Michael Kearns, Los Angeles
Nothing good is happening on your phone past 8 p.m. — Miriam Lichtenberg, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Feel what your body is saying and stop trying to think your way through your feelings. — Tobey Crockett, Paso Robles, Calif.
Drive slower: It’s safer, less stressful and gives you time to look around. — Rick Juliusson, Cowichan Station, British Columbia
Breathe in, thinking, “I listen for the silence.” Breathe out: “I am not the hero of every story.” Breathe in: “I will not get free alone.” Out: “I am worthy of belonging.” — Richard Ashford, Chevy Chase, Md.
Wear a watch. This way I pick up my phone half as often. How many times do you pick up yours to check the time and get sidetracked by 30 minutes of doomscrolling? — Jen MacNeil Danenberg, Newtown, Conn.
There are many things I can’t control, but I can control how I do or don’t respond. I can’t control others’ thoughts of me. — Chloe Stuck, Rolla, Mo.
Be proactive with your health by getting tests and establishing baselines. — Mary Anderson, Bend, Ore.
Be a fountain, not a drain. — Christine Clemens, Lowville, N.Y.
Just book the trip. — Emiley Shenk, Toledo, Ohio
A boundary is something you set that requires nothing of the other person. From Dr. Becky Kennedy on the “Armchair Expert” podcast. — Anna Politiski, New York, N.Y.
Walk at least a little way down into the Grand Canyon; don’t just stay up on the rim. — Stephen Edgerton, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Retire from your job, not from life. — Margaret Johnson, Dunedin, Fla.
(Saturday, December 9 - NJ Lodge of Research and Education [NJ LORE] #1786, Regular Communication. In Union Lodge Building. a 15th Dist. Lodge meeting in the 12th)
Saturday, Dec. 9 - Raritan Valley Lodge No. 46, Social 3:30-4 PM, Installation 4 PM, Dinner & Fellowship to follow.
Sunday, December 10 - MilltownPalestine No. 294, Social 12:30 PM. Installation 1:00 PM, Dinner & Fellowship to follow.
Tuesday, Dec. 12 - Philo No. 243, Dinner 6:30, Lodge Meeting 7:30 PM, Installation 8:00 PM, Fellowship to follow.
Friday, December 15 - St. Stephen Lodge No. 63, 7:00 PM, dinner & Fellowship to follow.
Saturday, Dec. 16 - Princeton No. 38, 4:00 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow.
(Saturday, December 9 - NJ Lodge of Research and Education [NJ LORE] #1786, Regular Communication. In Union Lodge Building. a 15th Dist. Lodge meeting in the 12th)
Saturday, Dec. 9 - Raritan Valley Lodge No. 46, Social 3:30-4 PM, Installation 4 PM, Dinner & Fellowship to follow.
Sunday, December 10 - MilltownPalestine No. 294, Social 12:30 PM. Installation 1:00 PM, Dinner & Fellowship to follow.
Tuesday, Dec. 12 - Philo No. 243, Dinner 6:30, Lodge Meeting 7:30 PM, Installation 8:00 PM, Fellowship to follow.
Friday, December 15 - St. Stephen Lodge No. 63, 7:00 PM, dinner & Fellowship to follow.
Saturday, Dec. 16 - Princeton No. 38, 4:00 PM, Dinner and Fellowship to follow.
Monday, Dec. 18 - Union #19, Dinner 6:30 PM, Installation 7:30 PM, Fellowship to follow.
Hello Brethren,
A Quick reminder that Union Lodge No. 19 is holding a Fundraiser Event on Thursday, November 16, 2023, 6:30-9:30 PM, at "Stumpy's Hatchet House" 745 Alexander Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540.
This is an "OPEN" Event, Masons, Family, Friends and the public can attend. This is our only Fundraiser (besides Dues) to bring money into the Lodge. The Price is $50 per person. That includes 3 hours of Ax throwing. We are bringing in Pizza. It is a BYOB. We will also be selling 50/50 Tickets (to be drawn that night), and a Tricky-Tray Raffle (we currently have at least 6 different prizes).
Please purchase tickets, attend, spread the word and invite your family and friends. See the attached flyer, use the QR code to purchase tickets or go to: https://tinyurl.com/Union19Fundraiser
Sincerely & fraternally,
RW Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM
Secretary, Union Lodge No. 19, F&AM
1. Social time 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm, if someone is scheduled to do
work for a proficiency bar they may be listened to at this time
until 6:45 pm. Properly completed paperwork (Lecturer Pin
Temporary Record) must have been received by the Secretary of
the Ritual Committee a minimum of 10 days prior to the GLI.
2. Dinner 5:30 pm. Ritual Committee members and the Grand
Master’s Representative will be asked to eat first.
3. The Grand Lodge of Instruction will be opened at 6:45 pm by
the Grand Instructor and the current Grand Lodge Officers
(1 st priority). Any missing Grand Lodge Officers should be filled in
by DDGMs or DRIs (2 nd Priority). The Grand Chaplain assigned to
the GLI should have an opening and closing prayer prepared.
Either prayer may be read.
4. Your selected Lodge will do a first section of the Master Mason
5. Your selected Lodge will do a second section of the Master
Mason Degree. Craftsmen and ruffians may be supplied by other
lodges as needed.
6. Your selected Lodge will do the Interrogatories (Masters of
Ceremonies Preparation of Candidate) inside the lodge room by
the inner door, preferably by an existing Senior or Junior Master
of Ceremonies.
7. Your selected lodge will do the first section of the Entered
Apprentice Degree.
Master Mason Degree | |||||
1st Section | 2nd Section | ||||
Position | Name | Position | Name | Craftsman | |
Worshipful Master | Ed Walker | Worshipful Master | David Umbra/Rob Marrese | No. 1 | Ed Walker |
Senior Warden | Tim Norek | Senior Grand Warden | Chris Howard | No. 2 | |
Junior Warden | Art Cambell | Junior Grand Warden | George Mellow | No. 3 | |
Treasurer | Josiah Santamaria | Treasurer | Josiah Santamaria | No. 4 | |
Secretary | Ray Helge | Secretary | Ray Helge | No. 5 | |
Chaplain | Adam Santamaria | Chaplain | Andrew Gaydosh/ Jeremy Governale | No. 6 | |
Senior Deacon | Rob Marrese | Senior Deacon | Rob Davis | No. 7 | |
Junior Deacon | George Mellow | Junior Deacon | Chris Carlsen | No. 8 | |
Senior M of C | Eric Wolf | Senior M of C | Chris Nowak | No. 9 | |
Junior M of C | Willaim Krzwick IV | Junior M of C | Willaim Krzwick IV | No. 10 | David Wiess |
Senior Steward | Mike Dunleavy | Senior Steward | Mike Dunleavy | No. 11 | Tim Norek |
Junior Steward | Roy Kowalski | Junior Steward | Roy Kowalski | No. 12 | Don Skarr |
Marshal | David Wiess | Marshal | Barry Holsten | Lecture | |
Organist | Organist | Charge | Adam Santamaria | ||
Tyler | Hugo Gini | Tyler | Hugo Gini | ||
Working Tools | Kevin Jones | Seafaring Man | Chris Carlsen/Hugo Gini | ||
Jubia | Ilan Baicher | ||||
Jubelo | Jay Sgaramella | ||||
Jubelum | Chris Howard |
Entered Apprentice Degree |
Stations & Places | Name |
WM | Ilan Baicher |
SW | Kevin Jones |
JW | Dan Connell |
Treasure | Adam Santamaria |
Secretary | Bob Gaydosh |
Chaplain | Andrew Gaydosh |
SD | John Birritteri |
JD | George Mellow |
SMC | Chris Noack |
JMC | Hugo Gini |
Tyler | |
Sr. Steward | Mike Dunleavy |
Jr. Steward | Roy Kowalski |
Organist | |
Marshall | David Wiess |
Apron | Ilan Baicher |
Working Tools | Rob Marrese |
Interrogatories | Kevin Jones |
Lecture | |
Charge | Alen Chang |
Reception Address | Bob Gaydosh |
My Brothers,
It is surreal to think about the fact that we are in the midst of the summer months, and more than half of the year has passed us by. While it has been a whirlwind, I think that we have made some incredible progress engaging our members with fellowship and brotherhood among those participating in our events and communications.
I am truly blessed and pleased to see the amount of camaraderie there is among the Brothers of our Lodge. We have had several outings with great enthusiasm, and we have several more planned for this fall. We have seen a Brother Initiated to Entered Apprentice, Passed to Fellow Craft and on the road to being Raised to Master Mason. We continue to receive inquiries and the possibility of additional petitions from newcomers who are greatly impressed with the welcoming and hospitable reception they receive when visiting Union Lodge. I am very appreciative to the Lodge officers for their service and dedication, and with your help we will continue to make Union Lodge stronger and more vibrant through the end of 2023 and into the future.
I encourage you to support and attend the events we have on the calendar for the remainder of the year, some of which include: Lodge Picnic hosted by RW Brother Kowalski on July 15th, possible dinner outing on July 31st (5th Monday of the month) TBD, Union Lodge/Red Cross Blood Drive on September 16th, Table Lodge scheduled for Friday October 13th honoring our very own Right Worshipful Raymond P. Helge, PDDGM, to be held at MilltownPalestine Lodge #294 and keep your eyes peeled and ears open for a hatchet throwing fundraiser in November, likely on the 16th.
Along with these “extra” opportunities for fellowship, remember we begin our regular communications again on September 18th. The communication will be preceded by dinner as has been customary, and lets give a big hand to our Stewarts for always serving memorable meals that frequently correspond to the food of the day!
Finally, I have a request of each of you, following RW Brother Ben Hoff’s great suggestion and in continuation of bringing a topic to discuss to our communication, I ask that you too put some thought into what you might like to present for discussion. I think the topics RW Hoff raised were great and inspired stimulating conversation.
I’ll leave you with a quote from a long-time Master Mason: “If it’s to be, it’s up to me” With this in mind I challenge each of you to try and come visit with your Brothers and enjoy some of the fraternal fellowship and Masonic Light that Union Lodge #19 has to offer. This is your lodge and only if we work together will it continue to grow and thrive! I look forward to seeing all of my Brothers this summer and into the fall!
Sincerely & Fraternally