Brethren of Trinity Lodge No. 282
When: Monday January 8th Where: Trinity Lodge (all events to be held in the dining room) Times: Social begins at 5:00 pm Dinner 6:00 pm Installation Ceremony 7:00 pm Questions? Call 218-722-5444
For every name on the roster, we pay for the per capita no matter what. Some brothers have been stricken due to non-payment of dues (NPD). As before, if financial assistance is needed, please contact the Lodge.
Also, Grand Lodge is no longer printing our dues cards which are available virtually on Grand View. We are discussing options to print these off in-house.
Dues can be paid online through Grand View (instructions included). You can also set up a monthly payment plan through Grand View allowing you to spread the cost for 2025 dues over the course of several months.
Trinity Lodge has also been hit with some significant increases such as Taxes and Insurance forcing us to discuss the raising of the Trinity Lodge dues. Taxes were increased by 340% in 2020. Our investment account has helped absorb many of these increases.
Trinity Lodge has worked out some revenue streams, mainly in the form of parking. Lincoln Park has transformed to where parking is now at a premium. In some cases, we have bartered some services such as snow removal and lawn maintenance.
We are ramping up our efforts on fundraising as well. We currently have a pancake breakfast in conjunction with the Order of the Eastern Star. We held a rummage sale and plan to do that again. Other fundraising ideas are in the works.
If you wish to join a meeting, they are still on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Dinner is served at 6:00pm with the meeting starting at 7:00pm. If needed, we can set the Lodge up downstairs.
You can update your contact information, read meeting minutes, and see our calendar through Grand View. If you can not register for Grand view please send updated contact information with your payment.
Grandview is the new database system being used by the Grand Lodge to keep in contact with its members. This system uses a security system like what banks use.
This system is currently being used among 30 Grand Lodges in the USA. Your benefit is that you can see the Lodge roster, update your contact information, and see the events of our Lodge as well as any lodge in the Grandview system (outside of MN as well). You will be able to pay your dues with a process fee and also set up automatic withdrawals which can be done monthly for your 2025 dues.
To register log into:
You will need your member number which you can get from your old dues card or contact the Lodge Secretary at:
Mike Anderson
WM WB Dillon Lee
SW Br. Shane Verber
JW Br. Jon Carlson
Sec. WB Mike Anderson
Tres. WB Chris Steinhaus
Appointed positions are TBD
Happy Sunday Brothers,
I hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving on Thursday. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year as it allows us to be with family and friends, while celebrating and sharing the parts of life that we are grateful for. I know I am truly grateful to call each of you Brother.
Looking ahead, next Sunday, December 3rd, is Pancakes with Santa at lodge. However, upon further talks with OES, we are still searching for someone to play Santa and hand out toys to the kids ( Jean Bergum has graciosly shopped for these). If you are willing to play Santa ( Jean also has a Santa Suit so all you have to do is show up and be merry), please reach out ASAP ( my contact will be at the end of this email for those that do not have it.
On Saturday December 10th, we will be hosting a Lefsa ( Norweigan potatoe flatbred) cooking party. This is for family and friends to attend, there will be holiday movies, games, and crafts for kids set up. All supplies and dough will be there ( of course the coffee will be on), along with the help of some lovely spouses to teach those who would like to learn. Start time will be 2pm till approx. 5pm. This is a great time for fellowship
Also, voting for positions and elections will take place December 12th, with Installation being in January.
I hope you are all well and please reach out for any help you may need, or any concerns you have,
WB Greg Gowan
Phone: 651-503-8388
Meeting Minutes for 9/26/22 are posted on Grandview.
Upcoming events are
If you have any questions please contact,
Alas my Brother:
Brother Wilbur Najjar has handed in his working tools. Brother Najjar was 91 years old and had been raised 62 Years ago. He funeral will be at First Luthern Church in Bemidji, MN on May 13th at 12pm and he has requested a Masonic Ceremony. If there are any brothers that can help with that please contact myself or Greg Gowan.
Only 3 more meetings until wee go dark.Over the past year the building taxes have gone up 340% and during COVID a lot of activities and fund raising have stalled. We have created 2 committees, one to improve the Lodge and another for fund raising. So far we have painting the dining area and had a "Lodge Cleanup" where quite a few of us got together and worked on cleaning the downstairs. We have also been working with OES for the pancake breakfast once a month for fund raising but we need more and are looking at more possibilities for fund rasing.
We will be holding a 1st Degree soon and this Fall we will hold an awards ceremony for 50 year pins including ones from last year.
Meeting minutes for the last meeting are posted on Grandview for any brother to look at. If you need help registrering, please let me know.
Mike Anderson
Trinity Lodge No. 282
Brethren, please see the attacked announcement of the repealing of the COVID edicts. All edicts have been repealed and there are currently no COVID restrictions for the Lodges. However, we still ask that if you are sick, you stay home as to not spread any kind of illnesses through to others.
I would also like to remind any members that if you are interested in reading any meeting minutes, they are located on Grandview. Feel free to call me for assistance in registering if you ned help.
Trinity Lodge has seen a number of significant increases to the operations of the building (utilities and taxes). We are looking for help and suggestions on fund raising ideas to help keep things moving. there will be a 3rd degree this Saturday March 26th starting at 10am. Other events coming up in the area:
March 26th 3rd Degree Trinity Lodge
March 27th AAD Shrine Ham Bingo 4-6pm
April 8th/9th Grand Lodge Annual Communication
April 9th/10th AAD Shrine Circus
April 16th AAD Shrine Easter Breakfast
A Trinity BBQ is being planned in May for awards and brothership.
Mike Anderson