Past Master Steve Kilian’s Wife Janet has passed away  on 10/08/2024
Lodge Dedication Ceremony  on 10/04/2024
October 01, Stated Communications  on 09/28/2024
Tomorrow's the Second Degree Cast Meeting  on 09/16/2024
The Passing of Justin Klinghagen  on 09/03/2024
Outdoor Lodge Tomorrow Night  on 09/02/2024
Outdoor Lodge Tomorrow Night  on 09/02/2024

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt elit elit, ut porttitor massa malesuada et. Fusce egestas vestibulum arcu, non sagittis urna pulvinar vel. Praesent congue dictum diam, nec scelerisque tellus finibus et. In feugiat, libero quis ullamcorper ornare, lectus lacus efficitur ligula, eget euismod lacus nisi sit amet turpis.

2024 Golden Fleece Table Lodge  on 08/16/2024
August 17th EA Degree in Monticello   on 08/05/2024

The Passing of Laurel L. Olson  on 07/31/2024
September 3rd 2024 Outdoor Lodge  on 07/10/2024
Special 1st Degree  on 05/07/2024


On Tuesday, May 28, we have a unique event taking place in our lodge when we will bring FIVE new Entered Apprentices to light. This will be the first time we have conducted degree work in our beautiful new Masonic Center (34 Main St N) and we would like you to share in the joy and excitement of this special milestone for our fraternity. Our degree team has been rehearsing diligently and will make it a meaningful experience for all who attend.

I will be sitting in the East for the degree work, and I extend my personal invitation for you to join us as we bring our new brothers to Light. Even if the complications of life prevent you from attending regular lodge meetings, showing up for degree work is an excellent opportunity to refresh your memories, renew your acquaintances with the brothers, and show your support for the candidates who have chosen to join us in our pursuit of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.


W.B. Gary Johnson

Lodge Education Officer

* The work will begin at 6:00; attire is jacket and tie.

Reminder -May regular meeting   on 05/04/2024


Our next regular stated communication is Tuesday with Dinner at 6:30.  Charlie Ulrich will serve the meal.  Meeting starts at 7:30. 

The meeting ought to be very short with practice for the 1st degree to follow.

Again, We will have a number of our new candidates and prospective candidates joining us for the dinner.

* Why not bring one of our normally shut-in brothers.  See you tomorrow night!!


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

September OUT DOOR Lodge needs some Volunteers  on 04/01/2024


Our next stated communication is the OUT DOOR Lodge, (Tuesday September 3rd ) with a steak Dinner after closing.   Meeting starts at 6:00. 

 Note :  The set-up and food preparation needs volunteers. Please contact WB Micka as he is taking the controls on where and when. 

We will be opening on the First Degree because we have a number of our new EA Brothers in attendance. Hopefully we will have special guests from neighboring andGrand Lodge Officers joining us for the dinner.

* Why not bring one of our normally shut-in brothers.  See you at the Micka Farm!!


Bill Yungk, Co - Secretary

Rocking chair  on 03/11/2024

This rocking chair has been rocking in our lodge for many years.  Does anyone know who or where it came from/

Howard J. Madsen  on 03/10/2024


It is with sadness that we are informed that Brother Howard J. Madsen has laid down the working tools of the Fraternity and that he has been summoned to the Sublime Lodge by the Grand Master of us all.

A Funeral Service was held on Friday, March 08, 2024, at Dobratz-Hantge Funeral Chapel in Hutchinson.

Military Honors by the Hutchinson Memorilal Rifle Squad.

More information may be found at:  Howard J. Madsen - Hantge McBride Hughes Funeral Chapels and Crematory - Dobratz, Dalin, Egesdal, Hauser, Paul


Jeffrey Micka, Master

Regular Meeting  on 03/04/2024


Our next regular stated communication is tomorrow, Tuesday with Dinner at 6:30.  We will be serving Jeff Micka's Sloppy Joes.  Meeting starts at 7:30. 

 Note   The Lodge Hall, Dining room, and BATH ROOMS are done.  We will be having our meal in the new dining room.

* Why not bring one of our normally shut-in brothers.  See you tomorrow night !!


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

P.S. If you have not done so already, why not pay your 2024 dues now.   You may bring a check to the meeting or mail it to PO Box 681, or pay your dues on line thru GrandView.  Thank You.

Passing of Ronald A. Sommerdorf  on 02/16/2024


It is with sadness that we are informed that Brother Ronald A. Sommerdort has laid down the working tools of the Fraternity and that he has been summoned to the Sublime Lodge by the Grand Master of us all.   No Masonic memorial service will be held.

Funeral Service will be held on Friday, February 23, 2024, at 11:00 A.M. at Oak Heights Covenant Church in Hutchinson, with interment in Sumter Cemetery in Sumter Township, Minnesota.

Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service at the church.

Military Honors by Edward Ewald American Legion Post #143.

Funeral Service will be livestreamed via or

Memorials preferred to McLeod County Historical Society.


Jeffrey Micka, Master

Meeting reminder  on 02/04/2024


Our next regular stated communication is Tuesday.   Dinner at 6:30   Jeff Micka's famous SWEEDISH MEAT BALLS.  Meeting starts at 7:30. 

* Why not bring one of our normally shut-in brothers.  See you Tuesday night.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

P.S. If you have not done so already, why not pay your 2024 dues now.   You may bring a check to the meeting or mail it to PO Box 681, or pay you dues on line thru GrandView.  Thank You.

Torgerson passing  on 02/03/2024

My Brothers, 

It is with sadness that I imform you of the passing of our brother Marlin D. Torgerson.  For more information, please check in at

Jack Bonniwell

Secretary, Temple Lodge #59


Meetings -Help  on 12/27/2023


December 27, 2023



We have some exciting events happening in Temple Lodge #59.

  1. The Lodge Hall is about 99% finished.  We will hold our January stated meeting at 7:30 January 2, 2024 at the Lodge.  NO MEAL WILL BE SERVED
  2. Installation of officers will take place at 6:00 before the meeting.
  3. We will meet at the APR storage unit (located north on HWY 15 on the north side of B&B Sports) on Saturday, December 30, at 9:00 am to vacate the storage unit and move the furniture to our new Lodge Room.  Many hands make for lite work.


I look forward to seeing you at as many of these events that you are able to attend.


Jeffrey Micka     

Senior Warden (Master Elect)

Our new location is official.  on 11/27/2023


The following is an email I received from the Grand Secretary this afternoon.  I thought you would like to know that our move is official.  Thank you all for your support.  Our mailing address remains: Temple Lodge #59, P.O. Box 681, Hutchinson, MN 55350-0681


Jack Bonniwell


"W. Brother Jack,

The Grand Master has approved your permanent move to 34 Main St N, Hutchinson for Temple Lodge No. 59.


KEITH W. REIERSON, Grand Secretary                    

Grand Lodge of Minnesota, AF & AM

P: +1 (952) 948-6700 | M: +1 (612) 440-5796
11501 Masonic Home Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437"

Buy tickets in person  on 11/16/2023


For Your Convenience, I will be at the Elks Lodge in Hutchinson (Tomorrow) from 2:30pm - 3:00 selling tickets for Sunday's breakfast brunch. If you are in the area and would like tickets, please stop in and see me.

Thank You, 

Ben Freese

320 -905- 5969

Order your tickets now! We desperately need some pre-sell now.  on 11/14/2023


November 11, 2023


     As we get closer to another breakfast partnership with the Elks Lodge on this Sunday November 19th, we have been asked to account for and turn in all non-sold tickets. In order to keep the contract with the Elks, I would like to do things differently this time around.

     Instead of mailing out tickets to all members, I would like for members to pre-pay for tickets. Upon payment you will then receive tickets either through mail or in person, whichever works best.

     As always you may also purchase at the door. Please call, text or email me for ticket purchases.

     Any questions or concerns please reach out.

     Thank you,

Ben Freese



All proceeds from this Breakfast go to the McLeod Alliance for Victims of Domestic Violence.





November communication tomorrow.  on 11/06/2023


Just a reminder that our November communication is tomorrow, Tuesday, with a meal at 6:30, LEO presentation following the meal and Lodge Opening at 7:30.   We have some real remodeling progress to report.

See you tomorrow night..  Why not bring a normally shut-in Brother with you?


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

1st Meeting  on 10/03/2023


Tonight we will celebrate a unique and exciting event in the history of Temple Lodge when we hold our first meeting in the new lodge room of the building we purchased last Fall. The fact that the building is in the process of being remodeled and looks like a construction zone will make it that much more special!

Even if you are not currently attending meetings on a regular basis, please consider joining us for this special occasion. As usual, we will gather for a light meal at 6:30, listen to a L.E.O. talk on how Masonry actually helps good men become better men, and then conduct our regular meeting.

We have at least one prospective candidate joining us for the meal and L.E.O. talk, and we hope to make a good impression on him. Your presence would certainly help accomplish that!

I hope to see you tonight,

WB Gary Johnson

Lodge Education Officer

Officially out   on 09/26/2023


Just a quick note to let you all know that, as of today, we are officially out of the old Lodge building.  All of the Lodge furnishings, costumes, records, pictures, etc. are either at the new Lodge or in storage.  Thank you Gary Johnson for leading the team effort on this momentous move.

We can be extremely grateful to James Haugen for being such a great landlord.  Without his generous rental conditions, I doubt that Temple Lodge would have survived.

However, I officially took my last clime up the concrete steps, from the Old Lodge, about 4:50 this afternoon.

I look forward to seeing you all at our first meeting on next Tuesday.  (we don't have to clime concrete steps anymore)

Fraternally, Jack Bonniwell.

Otto John Kietzman  on 04/20/2023

Good afternoon Brothers,

I recieved the following email from a Brother in WY.  Do any of you remember Otto John Kietzman?  Here is the text of the email.

"A member of Sheridan Lodge #8, Brother James Chilcutt, recently learned that his girlfriend’s great grandfather was a Mason that lived in Minnesota.  I don’t have much to go on other than his name, birth date, date of death, and where he lived when he died: 

Otto John Kietzman

Born -   June 24, 1879 (in Germany)

Died -   November 14, 1956 

He lived in Stewart, Minnesota (McLeod county). 

Thought I would start by sending this message to the three closest lodges to Stewart, Minnesota, and to the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.  Being the occasional recipient of these requests, I know how challenging they can be.  Any information you might be able to provide would be much appreciated.  We also understand if this information does not exist."

If any of you know some informaion about Brother Kietzman, please contact me.

Jack Bonniwell, Sec

320 583 7945

Buffet ticket sales money  on 04/13/2023



Today is the Day!   If you haven't already done so.

As requested when you recieved your Breakfast Buffet tickets, please send all ticket sales money, donations, and any unsold tickets to:

Temple Lodge #59

PO Box 681

Hutchinson, MN 55350-0681

Thank You and I hope to see you at the Buffet.

Jack Bonniwell, Secretary



Buffet update  on 04/12/2023

Good evening Brothers,

 Just a reminder this Sunday 4/16 is the Breakfast Buffet at the Elks Lodge. We are looking for volunteers to help make this a successful breakfast. The Elks Lodge has asked that we volunteer (2) dishwashers and (2-3) table clearers. Please email or call Ben Freese at 320-905-5969 to volunteer. If no answer please leave a voicemail or text is best.

Currently the lineup is: (Updated)

David Dobratz – Greeter/Money Collector

Ben Freese, Charles Ulrich, Gary Johnson - Table cleaning

Jeff Micka – Dishwasher

Also, as a reminder, sell as many tickets as you can :)


Thank you,

JW Ben Freese

We need help  on 04/11/2023
Good morning Brothers,
 Just a reminder this Sunday 4/16 is the Breakfast Buffet at the Elks Lodge. We are looking for volunteers to help make this a successful breakfast. The Elks Lodge has asked that we volunteer (2) dishwashers and (2-3) table clearers. Please email or call Ben Freese at 320-905-5969 to volunteer. If no answer please leave a voicemail or text is best.
Currently the line up is:
Ben Freese - Table cleaning
Jeff Micka - Dishwasher
Also, as a reminder, sell as many tickets as you can :)
Thank you,
JW Ben Freese
Stated Meeting Tuesday  on 04/03/2023


Tomorrow night is our next communication.

The meal will be prepared by our Worshipful Master.  It is going to be his famous "BILL'S BRATS AND KRAUT".   Yes, it going to be German night at lodge tomorrow night.

PLEASE RSVP TO:   for the meal.

Remember:     Dinner 6:30     Meeting 7:30


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

poster  on 03/21/2023


Help for E A Degree in Willmar  on 03/11/2023


Willmar Sharon Lodge #104 is presenting an Entered Apprentice Degree on April 29, 2023.  They could use some help.  At this time, they need a Senior Warden, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Senior Steward, and Junior Steward.

If you could help, please call Jed Bendix at 1 320 894 4398.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary  

Temple Lodge Meeting Tuesday  on 03/04/2023


Tuesday night is our next communication.

Among other business, we will be reviewing the current floor plan for our new Lodge, a by-law change to address our dues, and the Spring Pancake breakfast.

Meal Team Micka is scheduled  and   you know what that means... goooood eatin'

Remember:     Dinner 6:30     Meeting 7:30

See you there.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

Update - J Scott Plowman passing  on 02/17/2023


The latest information I have regarding the passing of Brother J. Scott Plowman is that he had requested a private family service.  No further details were available.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary


J. Scott Plowman Passing  on 02/13/2023
I am saddened to inform you that our brother, J. Scott Plowman has laid down his working tools to enter the celestial Lodge above on this day February 13, 2023. More details will follow. Please share this information with those without internet access.
Jack Bonniwell, Secretary
Stated Meeting Tuesday  on 02/04/2023


Tuesday night is our next communication.

Among other business, we will be installing the rest of the officers.

You might not want to miss the dinner...Dinner team: Ben Freese, Matt Butler, Jim Summerfield

Remember:     Dinner 6:30     Meeting 7:30

See you there.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

Cancel tonight's meeting  on 01/03/2023


Do to the weather, the meeting for tonight is CANCELLED.  It will not be rescheduled.  The next meeting will be our regular scheduled communication in February.

It is a tough night out there.  Thank you to all the brothers who committed to being there unless we cancelled.  We will see you next month.

Jack Bonniwell, Secretary


Regular Communication  on 01/01/2023


Tuesday night is our next communication.

Among other business, we will be installing the rest of the officers.

You might want to be at the dinner...I understand Chili is on the menu.

Remember:     Dinner 6:30     Meeting 7:30

See you there.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

Annual Installation of Officers  on 12/12/2022


This Saturday, December 17, will be the Installation of Officers at the Lodge.  If you were one of the officers elected or appointed, brother Yungk requests that you make every effort to attend.  This will be an open and public installation where everyone is welcome - including your spouse and families.  The installation team will be:  Master- James Currey from Golden Fleece in Litchfield and Marshall -Terry Miller -SW Area Deputy    We will take pictures following the installation.

Dress Attire:  Black/Dark suit or Tux and tie.

8 AM:   Don Pankake will be serving pancakes, sausages, coffee, and juice.

              Please RSVP to give an idea of how many to prepare for.

9 AM Sharp:  Installation of officers.  We will finish well before noon.

Officers to be installed for the ensuing year are: 

WM -William Yungk,

SW -Jeffery Micka,

JW -Ben Freese,

Treasurer -Donald Pankake,

Secretary -Jack Bonniwell.

SD -David Dobratz,

JD -Allen Tomenes,

SS -Ryan Liimatta,

JS -Harley Albers,

Marshall -James Hanson,

Chaplain- Francis Chapman,

LEO- Gary Johnson,

Tyler- Charles Ulrich.

Also, we will be putting in an order for name tags.  Please see the attached pics.  Brother Yungk is recommending the magnet version.  The pocket version is also available.  Perhaps you may want both.

I will see you Saturday!


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

Temple Lodge #59

Stated Communication  on 12/04/2022


Tuesday night is our next communication.

Brothers Dobratz, Chapman, and Hanson are preparing an exceptional dinner to be served at 6:30.   I suggest you don't miss it....don't even be late!

Brother Johnson tells me that we will be welcoming several prospective members as quests for the dinner.  

While we have several items on the agenda (election of officers, News about our new lodge, a very impresive Lodge of Sorrow closing, etc.), WM Ulrich assures me that he intends to expedite the evening.

Remember:     Dinner 6:30     Meeting 7:30

See you there.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary






December   on 12/04/2022
Happy Thanksgiving  on 11/24/2022


Just a quick note to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!


Charles H Ulrich, Master

Temple Lodge #59

Pancake Breakfast Tickets  on 11/08/2022


We have had very good pre event ticket sales and some have already returned the funds and unsold tickets (remember.. I have to account for all tickets).  If you have not already sent me the funds from your sales and or tickets,,,,please do so.  If you need more tickets, just give me a call.

Also, we could use some additional help Sunday morning.  Please call me to with the time that you could work.

Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

Temple Lodge #59


Shrine Dinner invitation  on 11/06/2022

Brethern,  please see the following attachment 

Friendly Reminder  on 10/31/2022


Tomorrow is our regular stated communication.  Meeting starts at 7:30. The meal will be served at 6:30.  I look for a very short meeting.

See you tomorrow night.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

Stated Communication  on 10/03/2022


Tomorrow is our regular stated communication.  Meeting starts at 7:30.  The meal will be served at 6:30.

New Building Tour.   If have not had an opportunity to view the new building, I will be at Marks barber shop from 6:00 to 6:30 to give tours.  The renters kindly prepared their areas for this tour.  

See you tomorrow night.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary


Volunteer to Serve the Meal  on 09/27/2022


The next regular communication of Temple Lodge #59 will be next Tuesday, Oct 4. with a meal served at 6:30.   We need 2 volunteers to serve the meal.  Please consider this and give me a call ASAP  320 583 7945.  Thank You.

Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

RSVP for steaks  on 08/29/2022

August 29, 2022


A reminder.  If you have not already given me your RSVP for a steak at the outdoor Lodge next Tuesday night, do it now.  Thank You


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary


Text or Call     320 583 7945


New Home for Temple Lodge #59  on 08/26/2022

August 26, 2022

Brothers of Temple Lodge #59,

I am proud to announce that, at a Special Communication of the Lodge this evening, the Lodge passed by a unanimous vote a motion to purchase the Mark Schmidt property located at 34 Main St N in Hutchinson.  We can look forward to this building becoming the future home for Temple Lodge #59.


Charles Ulrich, Master

Temple Lodge #59

Outdoor Lodge Notice  on 08/26/2022

August 26, 2022


The Outdoor Lodge is coming up soon….Tues Sept 6, at 6:30 sharp with a steak fry to follow.

The location of the lodge will be: 20163 Lace Ave. Hutchinson, MN – the Jeffery Micka farm.

We will have a Steak Dinner with all the fixins following the Mtg.

Because of the cost of steaks today, we will need an accurate count.  I am also suggesting a free will donation of perhaps $15.00.  

To reserve your steak,

Please RSVP to or call  320 583 7945 as soon as possible but not later than Tuesday, August 30. 

I look forward to seeing you at this Outdoor Lodge. 


Charles Ulrich


Temple Lodge #59

Hutchinson, MN

Busy Schedule  on 08/24/2022


Just a short note to detail our very busy schedule.

Thursday, 8/25/2022  @  5:30   Building walk through.

Friday, 8/26/2022  @  6:30  Special Communiication to consider the purchase of the building.

Tuesday, 9/06/2022  @  6:30  Outdoor Lodge at the Jeffery Micka farm.

Please call me if you have any questions.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

Temple Lodge #59

320 583 7945


Dues increase  on 08/15/2022

August 15, 2022

Brothers of Temple Lodge #59

We need to catch up. 

Our current annual dues are $40.00.  The Grand Secretary has informed me that this is below the minimum required by the Grand Lodge.  We need to increase our dues this year to stay within the regulations of the Grand Lodge.

The current average dues throughout the state are approximately $108.70.  The last time we addressed our dues was in 2004.  Dues are the life blood of the Lodge.

At our next meeting in September, we will be presenting a proposal to change our by-laws.

The original by-laws and the proposed amendment are listed below.

                                                Original By-Law

Article 5 Section 2:             

The dues of the Lodge shall be forty dollars ($40.00) per year for each member, payable in advance, and a proportional amount for the unexpired part of the Lodge year.


                                                Proposed Amendment to By-Law

Article 5 Section 2:             

The dues of the Lodge shall be 100 dollars ($100.00) per year for each member, payable in advance, and a proportional amount for the unexpired part of the Lodge year.



Jack Bonniwell


Check presentation McLeod Alliance  on 06/28/2022

Brothers of Temple Lodge #59

I want to take this opportunity to thank the Brothers of Temple Lodge #59 for your hard work and generosity in supporting the Pancake Breakfast fundraiser for the McLeod Alliance for Victims of Domestic Violence.

The McLeod Alliance mission is to support and promote the elimination of relationship violence through education, empowerment, protection, and advocacy.  They have had over 200 clients in this past year.  Our financial support is much appreciated.

Attached is a photo of Master Charles Ulrich presenting checks in the amount of $ 3,130.00 to Glynis Vacek, Advocacy Coordinator at the Alliance.  The amount presented represents the proceeds of the breakfast and matching funds from the Minnesota Masonic Charities.

Good Work My Brothers!


Charles Ulrich, Master

Temple Lodge #59

Your gift  on 04/19/2022

Brother Wilson,

Thank you for your cash contribution to our pancake benefit.  Because of matching funds, your contribution becomes a $40.00 gift that will aid in the work that The Mcleod County Alliance for Victims of Domestic Violence continues to do.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

Communication reminder  on 04/04/2022

April 4, 2022

We have a Regular Communication tomorrow night 4/5/2022.

6:30  Chicken Dinner with all the fix'ens.  You won't want to miss this.

7:30  Regular Communication

Worshipful Master Charlie Ulrich hopes to see you there.


Jack Bonniwell, Secretary

P.S. Don't forget to ask a friend, neighbor, coffee drinking buddy, or relative if they have ever thought about beginning the Masonic Journey.

Communication reminder  on 02/28/2022


Reminder.....Tomorrow night will be a Special Night.  Finally a meal at Lodge at 6:30  PIZZA 

Please RSVP so we know how much to order.  

Come join us at 7:30 for Officer installation and much more.

It is going to be great to re-connect with everyone tomorrow night.


Jack Bonniwell


Regular Communication  on 02/23/2022

February 23, 2022


Temple Lodge will hold an installation of officers at our next regular communication on this Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Meal                    6:30     so that we have some idea of how many…rsvp to Jack Bonniwell

Meeting              7:30

The following brothers have been elected for the ensuing year:

Master:                               Charles Ulrich

Sr. Warden:                        Wm. Yungk

Jr. Warden:                        Jeffery Micka

Treasurer:                          Matthew Butler

Secretary:                          Jack Bonniwell

Sr. Deacon:                       Benjamin Freese

Jr. Deacon:                        Allan Tomenes

Chaplin:                             Francis Chapman

Sr. Steward:                      James Benson

Jr. Steward:                       James Hanson

Marshall:                           Harley Albers

Tyler:                                 David Dobratz

LEO:                                  Gary Johnson    

I am well aware that not all of the elected brothers are able to be installed this Tuesday.  We will install you as you return to Minnesota. 

Besides the installation, we have several other pieces of business to discuss:  Pancake breakfast, West River Park updates, Brat fundraiser, Grand Lodge Annual Communication, possible Spring/Summer Fling, etc.  

This will be our first full meeting after several months of Covid restrictions which has choked our ability to function as normal.  Because of this and other conflicts, our attendance has suffered drastically.  Attendance at regular communications is critical to keep Temple Lodge #59 meaningful and viable.

The weather forecast is for reasonable spring weather and I am looking forward to a great turnout to get Worshipful Brother Charlie’s term off to a great start.

I hope to see you Tuesday Night,

Jack Bonniwell


320 583 7945


Special Meeting Tonight   on 02/22/2022


Just a reminder that Temple Lodge #59 will be electing new officers (the only piece of business) for the ensuing year at a very short meeting tonight and it will start promptly at 7:00 PM.

If you have any desire to hold any of the positions, please contact me as soom as possible.


Jack Bonniwell, Master

320 583 7945

Special election of officers  on 02/09/2022

February 9, 2022

Brothers of Temple Lodge #59

The Grand Master has granted dispensation for Temple Lodge #59 to hold an annual election of lodge officers on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 7PM,

Installation of offficers will take place at our regular communication on March 1, 2022.

We have the chairs of Master and Secretary as well as several others to fill.  Please let me know what office you might have an interest in.


Jack Bonniwell


Special election of officers  on 02/09/2022
Special election of officers  on 02/09/2022
Slate of Officers  on 01/31/2022

January 31, 2022


We have important work to do tomorrow night.  We need to establish a slate of Officers.  I hope as many as possible can attend


Jack Bonniwell, Master

Communication reminder  on 01/31/2022

Jan. 31, 2022


The next communication for Temple Lodge #59 will be tomorrow, Tuesday, February 1, 2022.  The meeting will open at 7:30No meal at this meeting.


Jack Bonniwell


Passing of Brother Robert Bowen  on 01/24/2022

It is with saddness that I report the passing of Brother Robert "Bob" Bowen.  The link to his obituary follows:

We will be presenting a Masonic Memorial Service at 7:00 Friday..  Please be at the Chapel no later than 6:45.  Dress code: Suits and ties.  I will need several members to assist in the service.  Please contact me as soon as possible if you can help.

Jack Bonniwell, Master

Upcoming Events
  • OCT
    Lodge Dedication
    6:00 PM
    34 Main St N, Hutchinson, MN
  • NOV
    Temple 59 Event
    6:00 PM
    34 Main St N, Hutchinson, MN
  • NOV
    FellowCraft Degree
    6:00 PM
    34 Main St N, Hutchinson, MN